There is no way to seek immortals

Chapter 21 Practice begins with mining

Chapter 21 Practice begins with mining

The world wants to ask immortals to ask, the first step to go through is to refine the qi and transform the essence of the whole body into the body. Li Hua is now sitting on the bamboo bed in the cave, with his legs crossed, closing his eyes, and starting the first step of cultivation - Guanqi according to the cultivation method described in the "Refinement of Qi".

Most of the mental energy in the human body is stored in Dantian, and a small amount is distributed in the blood everywhere in the body. And Guanqi is that people who want to practice sink their divine consciousness into the Dantian, and then they can see how much their real spirit and spirit are. Li Hua now closed his eyes and sank into Dantian. Through the perspective of divine consciousness, he saw two small groups of gas. A ball of turquoise and a ball of golden yellow.

According to the description in Refining the Essence, the green one is the essence of the human body, and the golden one is the spirit of the human body. When he saw these two groups of gas, especially that group of essence, Li Hua's mood fell to the bottom in an instant. Because his spirit is particularly small, the amount of essence determines the length of a person's tempering period, and also determines the person's future cultivation achievements.

If the essence of ordinary qualified people is as big as a bowl, then the essence Li Hua sees now is only the size of a table tennis ball. Although too little essence can make Li Hua quickly refine these essences to achieve great cultivation, in this way, the level that Li Hua can reach in the future is limited, and it is estimated that even the golden elixir period cannot be reached.

"I don't care, let's practice first! The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and then we will find a way. Li Hua gritted his teeth and began to run the skill of refining the formula of refining qi, absorbing aura from the outside world and introducing it into Dantian, driving the essence in Dantian to flow in the meridians of the body according to the route of the method and slowly opening up the meridians.

The first layer of qi refining is Guanqi, the second layer of qi refining is to open up the meridians, and the third layer of qi refining is the beginning of refining into the body. When all the essence is mixed with aura into the body, there is no essence in Dantian, that is, the qi refining is greatly completed.

Li Hua carefully controlled the aura introduced from outside the body with his divine consciousness and slowly moved forward in his meridians with his essence. This meridians are fragile. Once it is slightly damaged, it will be difficult to repair, and it will also affect the follow-up effect of cultivation. Li Hua should not be careless.

"Strange?" After running the skills for a while, Li Hua slowly felt that something was wrong and said to himself, "reasonably, this aura should encounter obstacles in the meridians when carrying essence in the meridians, but why are the essence and aura under his control been smooth all the way without encountering any obstacles?"

Two hours have passed, and Li Hua just dispersed part of the essence into the body according to the operation route of Refining and Refining Qi. Refining into the body can only be done by the three layers of refining gas. After wiping the sweat on his face, Li Hua couldn't laugh or cry. Because he found that his body was actually the legendary, born with all the meridians. But his own essence is so scarce.

The natural meridians are full of meridians. For those who practice martial arts, it is an unspensable constitution, because martial arts practitioners want to run the essence in the meridians, and the essence here is also the true qi called by martial arts practitioners. However, martial arts practitioners do not have the guidance of immortal skills and can't use the aura of heaven and earth. Therefore, without the help of aura, it is difficult for the essence to open up the meridians alone. This is why some martial arts practitioners are easy to damage the meridians and go crazy. It is also because of this that those who are born with all the meridians can be said to be thousands of miles a day, because their meridians are fully connected and do not need to take risks to open up the meridians.

However, for immortals, the aura of heaven and earth has the effect of opening up and warming the meridians. Therefore, as long as you carefully follow the guidance of the cultivation of immortality, the aura of heaven and earth is introduced into the body, mixed with essence, which can always open up the meridians of the whole body in a month or two, and a year and a half.

So, Li Hua found that his body was full of meridians, so he couldn't laugh or cry. He would rather use this meridians to exchange for more essence. Looking at Dantian's essence that had been one-tenth less after a round of transportation, Li Hua thought that no matter what, it would be better to refine these spirits as soon as possible.

However, when he wanted to draw aura from the outside world and begin to refine the essence into the body according to the method of refining qi, he found that no matter how much he concentrated on communicating the outside world, there was no aura. It turned out that the aura around the cave had been consumed when he first refined the qi. If he wanted to continue to practice, he had to use the spiritual stone containing aura

"Little brother, little brother!" Just as Li Hua was doubting, Li Hao's voice came from outside the cave. Li Hua hurriedly dispersed his skills, patted the dust on his body, got off the bamboo bed, and felt that his body was much lighter.

"What's wrong? Brother Hao, who are these three? Out of the cave, Li Hua found that Li Hao was not the only one outside the cave, but also two men and a woman, both 15 or 16 years old. The costumes of the three are relatively simple, unlike the children of rich families. The two men are similar in appearance and height. They should be two brothers. The woman looks like a small jasper, that is, there is a scar the size of a copper coin on her right face near her chin.

"Little brother, these three are all assigned to our Li family to practice among the 2,000 disciples recruited by the Cangyun School this time. The two brothers are Wang Yidi and Wang Erdi. This girl's name is Sun Lianhua. They are also poor people. They are lucky to be selected by the elders of our Cangyun School from the secular world to practice the Cangyun School. The cave is not far from us. Today, we are invited to go out to dig spiritual stones. Li Hao introduced the three men and women to Li Hua one by one with the magic iron ore hoe in his hand. This iron ore hoe is also supported in the storage bag given by the sect, which is provided to the disciples of the sect to dig spiritual stones in the spiritual stone mine.

Li Hua looked at the four of them holding iron ore hoes in their hands and carrying a bamboo basket on their backs. There were four miners alive. Moreover, all four of them are 15 or 16 years old and are similar in height. However, Li Hua is younger and a dwarf.

"Li Hao, is he also from your Li family? Why is it so small?" When Wang Yidi saw Li Hua and saw that he was less than ten years old, he immediately curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Do you still want to dig a spiritual stone with his bones?"

"That's right, Li Hao, don't drag us down at that time. We don't dig enough by ourselves, and we have to give it to your little brother." Wang Erdi nodded, played with the iron ore hoe in his hand, and attached to his brother, afraid that Li Hua would not be able to dig the spiritual stone by himself and share his spiritual stone.

"This..." After listening to the words of the two brothers, Li Hao also looked embarrassed. Originally, he planned to form a group to dig spiritual stones and take care of Li Hua. Now, the two brothers obviously don't want to bring Li Hua's oil bottle.

"Forget it! Brother Hao, follow them to dig the spiritual stone. Don't worry about me!" Li Hua also saw Li Hao's embarrassment, pretended to be indifferent, shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Then we will dig the spiritual stone first, little brother. If you come to the spiritual stone mine, come to us!" Li Hao was relieved when he heard Li Hua's words, but he said it with a little guilty. After saying that, Li Hao took the three of them to the spiritual stone mine.

"Just leave your brother alone, okay?" After leaving Li Hua, the girl named Sun Lianhua asked timidly.

"My little brother is still young, and I need to avenge the big hatred in the village! I want to do everything I can to make myself stronger. Now I can only wrong my little brother first. When I achieve my cultivation, I will use countless spiritual stones and elixirs to help my younger brother improve his cultivation. After listening to Sun Lianhua's words, Li Hao was silent for a moment, holding the iron ore hoe tightly in his hand, and his eyes were faintly moist.

"Oh, I said Li Hao, what's wrong with your family? Aren't you from our Cangyun Li family? Aren't there ten elders in your family? Just let them avenge you!" When Wang Yidi heard Li Hao's words, he shook the basket on his shoulder and patted Li Hao on the shoulder and said. In his opinion, Li Hao's family hatred is nothing more than that his family was killed by corrupt officials or robbed by horse robbers. Cangyun sent the Li family to be powerful, and it is not as easy to deal with a secular power than to kill an ant.

"You won't understand." With that, Li Hao remembered the body in the village that had been sucked dry with blood, the concave skin, frightened protruding eyes, growing mouth, and bursts of pain in his heart. The hateful Li Hao hoeed down a tree beside the road, "One day, I will avenge this by any means!"

Li Hua, who looked at the four people leaving, was also slightly frustrated. Although he said that it had nothing to do with Li Hao and asked him not to take him, when Li Hao really left, Li Hua still had a feeling of being disliked and abandoned.

"Forget it, the great leader said, 'Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing.' I don't believe that as a traveler, I can't fool these locals." After reorganization, Li Hua decided to dig the spiritual stone alone. Without spiritual stones, the thin aura in the cave every day is not enough to support your cultivation.

From the jade slips given by the sect, Li Hua knows that the Cangyun sect will randomly bring back 2,000 disciples from the secular world by the elders of the Yuanying period every ten years. These two thousand disciples will be assigned to the families of the major elders in the sect. The sect and families will let these disciples earn spiritual stones for cultivation by releasing various tasks and opening spiritual stone mines.

As for the foundation dan used to build the foundation, it must be obtained by participating in the three-year comparison and the five-year comparison. If the foundation period is not reached within ten years, they will be expelled, and the competition is fierce. Therefore, most of the disciples who come in will form a gang under the children of the family, so that it is easier to obtain all kinds of resources needed for cultivation. Although Li Hao has no status in the Li family at all, after all, there is the blood of the Li family, and there are also records in the Li family's ancestral home, so the two brothers Wang and Sun Lianhua are willing to dig spiritual stones led by Li Hao.

Li Hua also found the iron ore hoe and bamboo basket from the storage bag. Since Li Hao and the others did not take him with him, he had to go alone. After slightly identifying the next direction, Li Hua also walked towards a spiritual mine.