There is no way to seek immortals

Chapter 88 Distress

Chapter 88 in distress

The collection function of the mysterious jade pendant has also been used by Li Hua several times before.

The latest time he received people with jade pendants was the last time when Li Hua went down the mountain to practice, he pretended to be the deputy head and elder of the Meteor Sword School. Moreover, the last time he received people, Li Hua could only handle four or five people at one time, and he would feel the lack of consciousness.

This time, after Li Hua advanced to the foundation period, his consciousness was obviously much stronger, and more than a dozen monsters were still energetic.

The monster's body is very strong, with strong muscles, hard scales, sharp teeth and claws, but their spirit and consciousness are very poor.

Ordinary monsters have the same strength as some kittens and puppies. Those who are stronger are similar to ordinary people, and those who are stronger can be comparable to ordinary cultivation practitioners in the foundation period.

This is also the reason why Li Hua can accept so many monsters with jade pendants in one go. Almost all these dozen monsters brought in by Li Hua are almost as strong as ordinary human beings, so Li Hua can receive so much effortlessly.

After solving the monsters around him, Li Hua looked proud, and at the same time, he also felt incredible. Just now, I was still surrounded by these monsters, and my vitality was exhausted, and I was in a desperate situation that should not be shouted every day. Unexpectedly, because of this mysterious jade pendant, the situation turned upside down, and Li Hua was suddenly in an absolutely dominant position.

With the magical collection function of jade pendant, Li Hua can collect some inanimate objects or those creatures whose consciousness is weaker than him. Coincidentally, although these monsters are strong, their divine consciousness is weak, which really makes Li Hua a veritable monster nemesis.

Infiltrating the space of the jade pendant, Li Hua found that those monsters were bumping around in the white space in the jade pendant, but they could not escape from the world. Many monsters roared wildly with red eyes.

Li Hua looked at these monsters with great interest. At this time, in the space in the jade pendant, everything is under Li Hua's control. Naturally, he doesn't have to be afraid of these monsters anymore.

After trying all kinds of ways to escape from this vast world, these monsters went crazy and began to attack each other.

"This... is very funny!" Looking at these monsters fighting with each other, Li Hua was also very relieved. He had just forced these monsters to be desperate, and now it was time for them to be punished.

These dozens of monsters began to fight with each other. The scene was extremely chaotic, collision, tearing, and blood splashing. Even Li Hua, who was looking at it with divine consciousness, felt very bloody.

Such a scene reminds Li Hua of the worms raised by people in Miaojiang on earth, that is, they put more than a dozen different poisonous insects in a jar, let these poisonous insects fight and devour each other, and the last one that is alive is the worm. There is also the origin of the mastiff dogs, which also locks several newborn dogs together and let them fight with each other. The last one is the mastiff.

Li Hua thought, if he followed this model and put many monsters in the space in this jade pendant, like raising a mastiff dog alive, would it give birth to extremely powerful monsters?

This idea flashed through Li Hua's head, and Li Hua shook his head and felt how he could have such a cruel idea.

For the first time, so many creatures came into the world of Li Hua's jade pendant, and they were still fighting and biting each other, and blood splashed everywhere. Unable to see these monsters bit each other so cruelly, Li Hua's mind moved, and the space in the jade pendant generated great pressure.

As soon as the pressure in the jade pendant is generated, the space seems to be distorted. In an instant, these monsters are swallowed up by this distorted space and turn into the purest energy to moisten the jade pendant.

Li Hua didn't expect that he could set off such a large reaction in the space of the jade pendant with just a little thought.

This jade pendant digested these dozens of monsters so quickly and turned them into the purest energy. Those monsters were digested by the jade pendant, and Li Hua withdrew his divine consciousness from the space in the jade pendant.

As soon as the divine consciousness exited the space in the jade pendant, Li Hua hid the jade pendant in his hand back into his body. As soon as the jade pendant touched Li Hua's body, it melted into it.

Then, Yupei actually emitted a continuous aura. These auras penetrated into Li Hua's Dantian through the meridians, and then ran a little in the Dantian, and all turned into purple vitality.

In less than a single incense, the aura that kept emanating from the jade pendant filled Li Hua's already empty Dantian. Now, Li Hua took a deep breath and felt that the soreness and fatigue on his body had disappeared. Dantian is full of purple vitality, and his whole body seems to have endless strength.

"It turns out that this jade pendant can replenish my aura and vitality by digesting powerful monsters!" Li Hua once again lamented the powerful function of the jade pendant, and was also happy that he had discovered a magical use of the jade pendant.

Dantian is full of purple vitality, and there is also the mysterious jade pendant. Li Hua is no longer afraid of monsters in the Cangyun forbidden area. Now, it's the turn of those monsters to be afraid of Li Hua, because in Li Hua's eyes, these monsters are not monsters with teeth and claws, but all of them are great tonics that can quickly nourish Li Hua's vitality. Li Hua is now a veritable monster nemesis. It's not polite to accept one when he sees one.

After a little rectification, Li Hua decided that he could boldly drive the flying sword back to find Xiao Mubing. Now Li Hua has enough ability to protect Xiao Mubing.

Thinking like this, Li Hua no longer hesitated to fly to the sky with a thunder sword, looking for the place where Xiao Mubing rose to the bonfire. But strangely, Li Hua walked around the sky with a flying sword and couldn't see any more places with fire. On the way, some monsters that wanted to attack Li Hua were accepted into the jade pendant by Li Huatong and became a tonic for Li Hua.

With these monsters in the jade pendant, Li Huazu can have no need to worry about the exhaustion of his vitality for a long time.

After wandering in the sky for a while, Li Hua still didn't find any trace related to Xiao Mubing. He wondered if Xiao Mubing would have been given by monsters...

When Li Hua was thinking about whether to give up and return to the Cangyun School alone, a cold light flashed in the sky not far away, and Li Hua faintly saw a small white dot flying in his direction.

Li Hua rubbed his eyes to see more clearly, and the white dot was also closer to him.

"Sister Xiao! Is that you?" Li Hua shouted to Bai Dot. He felt that there should be no other immortals around here except Xiao Mubing.

"Brother Li! Run..." The white dot was indeed Xiao Mubing, who was coming quickly in the direction of Li Hua with a flying sword. When he saw Li Hua in front of him, he shouted anxiously and urged Li Hua to escape quickly.

Li Hua fixed his eyes again. Xiao Mubing drove her ice sword closer and closer to him, and behind Xiao Mubing, it seemed that something was chasing her again.

"Oh! Why don't you run..." Soon Xiao Mubing was not far from Li Hua's front. Seeing that Li Hua was still waiting for her in place with a flying sword, she said a word in a hurry, she pulled Li Hua on her own flying sword and took Li Hua to fly forward quickly.

So close, Li Hua found that the one chasing Xiao Mubing was actually a flying monster, which looked like the pterosaur in Li Hua's impression. After the two meat wings were unfolded, they were nearly ten meters long, with sharp teeth, chasing Xiao Mubing and babbling excitedly.

She was pulled up by Xiao Mubing's flying sword. Li Hua was also stunned, quickly put away his cutting thunder sword, and then turned his head to look at the monster chasing the two behind him.

"Sister Xiao, what kind of monster is that?" Although he was chased by the monster, Li Hua was not afraid of the monster.

"That's a high-level monster flying dragon beast..." Xiao Mubing's face was very anxious. Originally, the speed of her flying sword could only be a little faster than that of the flying dragon beast. This time, with more than one person, the speed slowed down. Seeing that the flying dragon beast behind him was getting closer and closer, how could she not care? Urgent.

"Don't worry! Sister Xiao, leave it to me to solve it!" Li Hua felt Xiao Mubing's anxious appearance and did not hide it. He took out the jade pendant and locked the flying dragon beast chasing behind him and shouted, "Shut!"

Li Hua's word "receive" went down, and the flying dragon beast was stunned, and its figure seemed to have paused in the air. However, only for a short time, the flying dragon beast actually asked for this state and continued to chase the two as before.

"How could it be? The role of the jade pendant has failed!" Seeing this, Li Hua was shocked.