There is no way to seek immortals

Chapter 121 The army enters the city

Chapter 121 The Army Enters the City

"Then, dare you ask the elders, who is the highest meritorious ranking at present? Can the golden elixir be exchanged for? There are only ten golden elixirs in total, and Li Hua needs at least five. This golden elixir is not as can sometimes be bought at auctions as it can be bought at auctions. As a middle class of a sect, the golden elixir is a very important force, so the control of the golden elixir is very strict. At the auction outside, there is almost no trace of the golden elixir.

Therefore, Li Hua is very nervous about whether the ten golden elixirs used to reward outstanding disciples have been exchanged.

"On the back of the jade tablet, it is the meritorious ranking of each disciple! The top 100 disciples are recorded on the tablet, and the disciples in the back need to see your mind into the tablet by yourself. Elder Jindan pointed to the back of the jade pendant and said lightly to Li Hua.

"Is there still a public ranking?"

Li Hua curiously turned to the back of the jade tablet and saw the names of the 100 disciples on the list.

The first place Xiao Mubing's total merit 2630 has been exchanged for merit 0

The second place Lei Ling's total merit 1562 has been exchanged for merit 0

The third place Ouyang Hui's total merit 1245 has been exchanged for merit 0

The fourth Rao Qianqian's total merit 1005 has been exchanged for merit 0


Li Hua was stunned as soon as he saw the list of 100 Cangyun disciples, because he knew all the top few. Especially Xiao Mubing, who ranked first, Li Hua was looking at her name with a very complicated look.

"This jade tablet is a piece of the head separated from the jade tablet in the sect. As long as you input your blood and vitality into this jade tablet, this jade tablet will record your information and track your battle. As long as you fight outside and kill the enemy, return to the scope of this jade tablet. Within ten miles, this jade tablet will automatically add your achievements in killing the enemy.

Elder Jindan touched the jade tablet with a height of more than one person and said to Li Hua, who was stunned beside him.

"Then, elder, brother Li Hua and I also need to input blood and vitality into this jade tablet before we can start recording meritorious deeds?" Sun Lianhua now sees many exchangeable items recorded on the jade tablet, and feels that she has a desire to go out immediately to get meritorious deeds. However, at the same time, she is also afraid and afraid of those killings outside. She only hopes to gain more merits with Li Hua.

"Yes, yes! Li Hua, and you little girl, hurry up and input your blood and vitality into the jade tablet!" Quan Feng nodded to Sun Lianhua, saying that what she said was right.

It's only a few days late. Xiao Mubing, the first place on this list, has more than 2,000 meritorious deeds. Even the last place and the 100th place have hundreds of meritorious deeds. Li Hua regretted that he has been delayed for so long on the road.

Gently bit his finger, smeared a touch of blood on the jade tablet, and then pressed the jade tablet with the palm of his hand and entered a trace of his vitality. The jade pendant flashed, and Li Hua completed the record.

Similarly, when Sun Lianhua saw that Li Hua had completed the record, she also bit her finger, touched the jade pendant, and then mobilized the vitality of Dantian. She entered a trace into the jade tablet. It also flashed a burst of glory, and Sun Lianhua's mark was also recorded in the jade tablet.

After recording his mark in the jade tablet, Li Hua penetrated his divine consciousness into the jade tablet and found that a total of 1,350 disciples of the Cangyun School were recorded in it, including 230 disciples in the foundation period, and the rest were disciples in the practice period. Li Hua found that his meritorious deeds are still zero, and his ranking is ranked in more than 800 positions like many disciples who have zero meritorious deeds.

"It seems that I have to seize the time to build my own merits!" When Li Hua saw this ranking, he was simply the last. Other disciples in the foundation-building period have gained a lot of meritorious deeds. The merits of him and Sun Lianhua, the two disciples in the foundation-building period, are indeed a little unbearable.

"Brother Li Hua! We... How can we line up at the end like a bunch of disciples in the training period?" Sun Lianhua obviously went deep into the jade tablet and found the ranking of herself and Li Hua. She said awkwardly and said a little pretentiously.

"Little girl, you and Li Hua have just recorded it! No merit has been recorded. Of course, it ranks last.

Quanfeng smiled and pointed to the names of the 100 disciples on the jade tablet and said, "These disciples on the list are all from all the armies of Wu Wang and Wu Jin to attack the city and plunder the land and kill the enemy."

"All elders, the younger generation has one more thing to ask for advice!" Li Hua is now in a hurry to follow the army of the King of Wu and win more merits so as to catch up with the people in front of him.

"I know what you want to ask? Do you want to ask about the calculation of those merits? Quan Feng seemed to have expected Li Hua's question for a long time. Without waiting for Li Hua to speak, he went on directly, "1 point of meritorious service for killing an ordinary general of the enemy, 5 points for killing an enemy general, and 10 points for meritorious service for killing an enemy commander. 10 points for killing a immortal practitioner in the training period of the enemy, and 100 points for killing a practitioner in the foundation period of the enemy army. 10 points of merit to help the army capture a village. 100 points of meritorious service for helping the army capture a township. Help the army capture a small town with 500 points of merit. Help the army attack a medium-sized city with 1,000 points of merit. Help the army attack a large city with 5,000 points of merit. Help the army capture the capital of the county, with 10,000 points of merit. It's probably like this. The rest of the calculations are confirmed and calculated by this jade tablet.

"What about the items exchanged? Where did they all come from? Why so far, I have seen those disciples with meritorious deeds, and it is written that the merits that have been exchanged are all zero? Haven't all the exchanged items been shipped to Fucheng yet? Knowing the calculation of these merits, Li Hua knew a little about how he should get merit quickly.

"Yes! All the elders, the first few have thousands of meritorious deeds. Why haven't they exchanged their goods yet? Sun Lianhua was also curious and thought that if it was herself, she was afraid that hundreds of meritorious deeds would immediately replace these meritorious deeds with spiritual stones or elixirs.

"The elixirs, spiritual weapons and spiritual stones used for exchange are all installed in the space in this jade tablet." Quanfeng patted the body of the jade tablet and injected one of his own vitality. He immediately showed a virtual shadow over the jade tablet. In this virtual shadow, the treasure light flashed, flashing with various elixirs, spiritual stones and spiritual weapons.

"As for why those disciples don't exchange items, I can't know the reason. Some disciples are trying to save meritorious deeds to exchange for better items. For example, the top ones are all for the golden elixirs that need 30,000 meritorious deeds. Some disciples have killed and become benevolent before they have time to exchange, and these achievements will naturally be invalidated. However, only a few days after the war began, most of the disciples actually wanted to get more merits and then exchange them.

Quanfeng's words have some feelings. These days, he has heard the news that many potential disciples in the foundation-building period have fallen to the battlefield, especially today, when he heard that his disciple Li Hao unfortunately fell in the tide of beasts when he just went out, which made him even more uncomfortable.

"So that's it!"

In fact, Li Hua had just guessed that the disciples in the foundation period were mainly for the golden elixir, and those disciples in the Qi practice period also came for the foundation elixir.

"Those disciples really don't know how to plan. If I have hundreds of meritorious deeds, I will definitely exchange them for something meaningful for the improvement of cultivation, at least I have to exchange some spiritual weapons to defend myself!" Sun Lianhua muttered that she didn't understand.

Of course, those disciples who can get hundreds of meritorious deeds have a certain strength, and naturally they will not want to exchange hundreds of meritorious rewards.

"It depends on everyone's choice!"

Quan Feng did not refute Sun Lianhua's muttering, sighed and said faintly.

"Li Hua, if you want to take on the task and get meritorious deeds, you have to follow the army of the king of Wu! Especially the main army of the King of Wu, so that you can get more achievements. You can go to the military and political office of the King of Wu to see if there is any army that needs to go out in recent days.

Li Hao is the most valued disciple of Quanfeng. The reason why Quanfeng forced Li Hao to kill his favorite woman when he went down the mountain was to kill his own expectations for Li Hao. He hoped that Li Hao could throw out some distracting thoughts and practice wholeheartedly.

In Quanfeng's eyes, Li Hao is not only talented, but also more stable in Taoism, and hard-working. It can be said that as long as there is no big accident and luck is better, it is likely to reach the golden elixir period if he continues to practice so hard.

However, it all ended with the loss of Li Hao's life. Therefore, for Li Hao's younger brother Li Hua, Quan Feng also transferred part of his goodwill towards Li Hao to Li Hua, which told Li Hua so much and gave some guidance to Li Hua to complete the task.

"Thank you for your advice. If there is nothing else, Sister Sun and I will retire first!" Li Hua was eager to ask when there would be an army to go on an expedition, so he was eager to say goodbye to Quanfeng.

"Ye, okay! Hurry up and get the merits! I look forward to seeing your Li Hua's name hanging on the list on this jade tablet in the near future!" Quan Feng nodded and said to Li Hua with a smile.


At this moment, there were bursts of horns not far away from the gate of Fucheng, and then there was a neat roar: "Wu Wang is powerful! The army is powerful! Wind...wind...wind..."

"All Elders! Is this?"

Li Hua felt a very strong blood and murderous spirit coming towards his face. His face changed and he hurriedly asked Quan Feng what had happened.

"Brother Li Hua, this momentum is terrible!" Sun Lianhua also felt the invisible pressure in the air, and her body trembled a little.

"Two nephews, don't panic. This is the triumphant army of the King of Wu." Quan Feng comforted Li Hua and Sun Lianhua, and then pointed to the back of the jade tablet and said that with this triumphant return, the ranking list should change a lot.

Li Hua looked in the direction of Quanfeng's finger, and as expected, the ranking list has changed a lot.

First of all, Xiao Mubing, the first place, soared to 5823 points in an instant from 2630 points. And the next Lei Ling's merits also soared from 1562 points to 3895 points. The following Ouyang Hui and Rao Qianqian have not changed, and some other disciples in the foundation and practice period have also increased their merits.

"Senior Xiao has more than 5,000 merits! Then Lei Ling is also nearly 4,000 points. I should hurry up!" This change made Li Hua's heart more urgent.

However, seeing Xiao Mubing's meritorious deeds have changed, it also shows that Xiao Mubing must be in this triumphant army of the King Wu. Li Hua is a little excited at this moment and hopes to see Xiao Mubing again later.

After all, there was a ** night with Xiao Mubing, but Li Hua has never seen Xiao Mubing since that night. At first, I was still worried about the consequences of Xiao Mubing's forced impact on the Jindan period. Now when I see that Xiao Mubing can firmly suppress Lei Ling and become the first place in the merit list, I let go of my worries.

"Go! Sister Sun, let's go and see this triumphant army of King Wu!"

Fee that the air was full of murder and blood due to the arrival of the army, Li Hua called Sun Lianhua and flew out of the city to see this army that had experienced the baptism of life-and-death struggle on the battlefield.

Three or four miles away from Fucheng, an iron army of up to 100,000 people is on standby, waiting for the order to enter the city.

Li Hua and Sun Lianhua's imperial sword rose into the air. Looking at the iron army outside the city from the air, they found that there was a strong black and red intertwined aura over the iron army.

Seeing the aura over the army, Li Hua frowned and transported his vitality to his eyes. His eyes were burning, but he saw that the black and red aura condensed on this iron army was composed of countless grievances and murderous spirits. This aura is so strong that it can even gather into a monster with a big mouth and devour the consciousness of its own immortals.

Li Hua only used his divine consciousness to detect for a while. When he just approached the aura, he had lost a lot of his divine consciousness. He quickly withdrew his divine consciousness and dared not use his divine consciousness to detect this powerful aura.

"That's... Sister Xiao!"

Li Hua looked from the sky. In front of this army, there was a team composed of immortals. At the front of the team, dressed in white and stood in front of the whole army, it was Xiao Mubing who followed the army on an expedition.

It seemed that Li Hua was looking at himself. Xiao Mubing, who was in front of the army, also raised his head and looked at the two black dots in the sky. He sighed thoughtfully, and there was some dodging in his eyes.

"Retake the order of King Wu! On the left, the army went on the expedition. Ten days after the expedition, there were three cities in Liankeguang County, with outstanding achievements! The special army entered the city to receive the inspection and commendation of the king of Wu. All soldiers in the army will be rewarded with 10 taels of silver and 10 taels of honor for officers! In addition, the immortal masters who accompanied the army have made great contributions. King Wu has prepared a feast in the royal palace. Please enter the city!"

The army waited for a long time, and the gate of Fucheng City opened, and a horse flew out of the middle of Fucheng. He held the blood-red flag of King Wu and announced the order of King Wu to the army.

"Wu Wang is powerful! The army is powerful! Wind...wind...wind..."

As soon as the king of Wu's order was conveyed, the army of tough men with iron bones stepped on a neat and majestic pace and drove into Fucheng.

"Wow! You see, this army is said to be one of the most elite iron-blooded armies of King Wu. This time, in ten days, the three cities of Liankeguang County defeated the 200,000 troops of the imperial court with 120,000 troops, and only paid the price of 20,000 soldiers!"

Seeing this powerful iron army, some onlookers began to emerge, and one of them exclaimed loudly.

"Isn't it? I heard that in addition to this left army, the iron-blooded army of the king of Wu also had a large army on the right and a large army in the middle. The original formation was 150,000 troops. All the army are strong-boned tough men, strong-willed, never afraid of death, and only loyal to the king of Wu. They are the iron-blooded team that the king of Wu has been cultivating since he ascended to the throne.

The king of Wu controlled the two counties of Wu and Yue, so he was called the king of Fujian and Yue. It has been 21 years since the king of Wu ascended to the throne. During these 21 years, he has been secretly accumulating strength and constantly developing his military power to fight against the court one day.

"I heard that these three armies have gone out, and now the left army has won a series of victories and came back first. The other two armies don't know what the results are? King Wu must achieve the success of the uprising and overthrow the Qin Emperor*, so that the people of the world can live a good life! A few hours ago, I followed the caravan to other counties to do business. I saw that there were people everywhere, desertion, military service, and no one cultivated the good fields everywhere! Those corrupt officials know that they enjoy it!"

The two counties of Fujian and Vietnam still live and work in peace and happily under the governance of Wu Jin, the king of Minyue, but some people have been to other counties and know the people's livelihood there, and they also sighed one after another. They are full of indignation and hope that King Wu can sweep the world and unify the world, so that the people all over the world can live a stable life.

"I will definitely do it! Didn't even all kinds of immortals come to help us, King Wu this time? Originally, although the king of Wu's army was elite, it was difficult to resist the huge army of the imperial court. However, a few days ago, a large number of imperial sword immortals came to our Fucheng, accepted the king of Wu's assignment and went to various armies to kill the enemy in a row, which made the king of Wu's army like a broken bamboo and continued victory!"

The man said, pointing to the immortals who are now coming together with swords. Among them, there are more than 30 immortals in the foundation period, all of whom are flying swords, and the others are disciples who ride all kinds of fairy horses.