There is no way to seek immortals

Chapter 145 Promotion to Jindan

Chapter 145 Promotion to Jindan

Returning to the small courtyard where he practiced, Li Hua resisted his excitement and slowly entered the state of meditation and practice.

"This is the spirit of these four emperors!"

Li Hua's consciousness tightly locked the hard-won four emperors in Dantian and felt the powerful breath and power contained in it. Li Hua felt his heart surging, and the five golden elixir of different attributes in Dantian also had a slight abnormality.

"Let's put these emperors into a ball first!"

Li Hua looked at the emperor's spirit that was divided into four parts and felt something was wrong. He used his divine consciousness to forcibly push the four emperor's spirit that had been scattered around.

As soon as these four emperors came into contact with each other, they immediately melted and became a complete mass.

Li Hua looked at the golden emperor's spirit and didn't know how to do it. When the golden group suddenly changed, he began to slowly shape his body and became a golden dragon exactly the same as that Li Hua saw in Hu Wang and Feng Wang Dantian.

However, this golden dragon is much smaller, but it is only smaller. Its shape is still completely like a dragon, and it will not become a half snake and half a dragon like King Hu and King Feng.

"Shouldn't I have this golden dragon formed by the emperor's spirit and be qualified to dominate the world?" Li Hua was shocked to see the golden dragon slowly forming in Dantian.


The golden dragon finally took shape, but it seemed to be restless. After forming, it roared, which shocked Li Hua's Dantian with great pain.

"What's wrong? Does this golden dragon still want to turn upside down in my Dantian? Li Hua hurriedly extracted his vitality from his five golden elixir and formed two purple dragons again, suppressing the golden dragon to death.

Two purple dragons were summoned out again, very cheerfully. Seeing the powerful golden dragon, they immediately looked unhappy and rushed up head-on.

The golden dragon was not afraid of the two besieged purple dragons and grinned and fought with the two purple dragons.

Although the golden dragon is fierce, it can't withstand the two purple dragons. This time, it was besieged by two purple dragons. A purple dragon coiled its body on the golden dragon and locked it tightly, while the other purple dragon kept hitting and biting it.

"It won't go on like this..."

Li Hua's divine consciousness controls two purple dragons to suppress the golden dragon, but his face is sad, because although the two purple dragons can suppress the golden dragon and prevent the golden dragon from messing in his Dantian, Li Hua's fundamental purpose is to use the emperor's spirit that makes up the golden dragon. Combine your five golden elixir.

Now even Li Hua, the emperor who makes up the golden dragon, can't control it, let alone talk about using it to fuse Jindan.

"What should I do? What should I do?

Li Hua is now anxious. Although the golden dragon is small, his skills are not small. If Li Hua is not focused on controlling the two purple dragons to suppress it, he will have to let it poke a big hole in his Dantian.

Li Hua wants to suppress the golden dragon while thinking about countermeasures. If he hasn't thought of a way, won't he have been suppressing the golden dragon in Dantian?

"How to control this little dragon? How to control it?"

At the thought of control, Li Hua suddenly flashed and thought of his biggest killer and card, which was the mysterious jade pendant.

"I can use the breath in the jade pendant to make the person who takes the elixir become part of the jade pendant and be controlled by me. Can I also find a way to make the emperor's spirit of the golden dragon become part of the jade pendant, and then be completely under my control?

Li Hua thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that only way could solve the immediate problem.

A moment!

The golden dragon turned into the emperor's gas disappeared in an instant and disappeared from Li Hua's Dantian. It turned out that Li Hua received it from the magical space in his jade pendant.

"What else are you arrogant about?"

As soon as the golden dragon arrived at the space in the jade pendant, it immediately trembled and contracted into a ball. It did not have the spirit of a dragon at all, but like a water snake.

The reason why the golden dragon is so scared is that as soon as Li Hua entered the golden dragon, he immediately used the power of the jade pendant to put pressure on the golden dragon.

In the world of the jade pendant, Li Hua is the supreme creator. The whole jade pendant is dominated by Li Hua. Li Hua's consciousness is only slightly moved, so that part of the space pressure in the jade pendant is applied to the golden dragon. The golden dragon can't stand it and curls up directly.

"How can this golden dragon become part of the jade pendant?" After Li Hua suppressed the golden dragon, he began to worry about new problems. If it is an immortal or other creatures, Li Hua can directly force them to feed them a elixir with the smell of jade pendant. After they are refined, they will assimilate into part of the jade pendant.

But the key now Li Hua is not facing immortals, and they can't even be called creatures. It's just a group of emperors with a certain spiritual spirit.

"Try if it doesn't eat the elixir!"

Li Hua made some white fog into a panacea, threw it next to the golden dragon, and removed the pressure on the golden dragon.

As soon as the pressure on his body was removed, the golden dragon recovered, and his lively probe probed his head, as if he were looking at such a new environment.

When he saw an elixir in front of him, the golden dragon actually leaned over and seemed to smell it with his nose, but in the end, it was beyond Li Hua's expectation. It just smelled the elixir and did not eat it.

Why don't you eat it? Is this elixir unappetizing? You cheap dragon, do you want other flavors? Apple flavor? Or is it chocolate?

The golden dragon refused to swallow the elixir, and Li Hua could only stare there.

Just when Li Hua felt that there was nothing he could do, he was planning to temporarily withdraw from the jade space, put the golden dragon in it like this, and then ask what to do when he found the sloppy Taoist. The golden dragon actually swam in the space in the jade pendant.

"Where does it want to go?"

Li Hua's consciousness was locked on the golden dragon, paying attention to the golden dragon swimming step by step into the white fog all over the space of the jade pendant.

There are two kinds of white fog in the jade pendant, one is the original white fog in the jade pendant, which is thick everywhere. The other is a relatively light white fog, which is the pure energy formed by Li Hua's use of jade pendant to devour the bodies of monsters, which can supplement vitality consumption and make Yuandan. The first kind of white fog is native, scattered everywhere, almost endless. However, the second white fog is the acquired white fog, and the number is also limited. The stronger and number of monsters devoured by Li Hua, the more white fog there will be.

And the elixir that Li Hua just threw to the golden dragon was made of a second white fog. Unexpectedly, the golden dragon didn't taste it. But now, the golden dragon slowly swam towards the white fog, and then began to eat the original white fog in the jade pendant.

"It's really a unique taste!"

As soon as the golden dragon nibbled on the native white fog, Li Hua was happy. He was not afraid that you would eat much, but he was afraid that you would not eat it. As soon as the golden dragon ate the original fog, Li Hua felt that he could gradually control the golden dragon.

Li Hua has never found any use for the original fog in the jade pendant, but now, Li Hua can see from the performance of the golden dragon that the original fog is definitely a good thing.

Moreover, what surprised Li Hua more was that the golden dragon began to become bigger when it swallowed some of the original fog.

"Wow! Is it possible that this original fog can also be used to raise the emperor's spirit?

Seeing such a change, Li Hua was not in a hurry to transfer the golden dragon back to Dantian. He quietly watched the golden dragon keep devouring the original fog, and then his body slowly became bigger and bigger.

After about a day or two, Li Hua quietly observed the change of the golden dragon. Now the golden dragon can no longer be called the golden dragon. By constantly devouring the original fog, the golden dragon has grown from the original palm to the age of one person.

This is simply bigger than the three golden dragons in the body of the emperors of Wu, Hu and Feng. What makes Li Hua more excited is that when the golden dragon grows to be one year old, although it is no longer growing up, it is still constantly devouring the original fog, and then his stomach begins to slowly bulge.

"Oh, my God! This golden dragon can even give birth to a baby!" Li Hua was completely shocked. Unexpectedly, after the golden dragon's belly bulged, it gave birth to more than a dozen small golden emperors, and then these golden emperors began to melt by themselves, forming more than a dozen small palm-sized golden dragons.

At this time, Li Hua suppressed his surprise and put the matter aside first. A palm-sized golden dragon was transferred from the jade pendant and entered the Dantian.

"If you want to integrate the five golden elixirs, let the emperor's spirit devour all five golden elixirs!" Carefully controlling the golden dragon in Dantian, Li Hua made the golden dragon grow its mouth, made a powerful dragon roar, and then suddenly rushed to the five golden elixir.






The golden dragon swallowed five golden elixirs with different attributes in a row, and its stomach suddenly expanded. Then Li Hua heard a loud noise in his Dantian, and the golden dragon turned into the emperor's gas actually burst.

The golden emperor's spirit wrapped five golden elixirs and began to squeeze them, about to integrate five golden elixirs.

At this time, I don't know where Li Hua Dantian suddenly floated a pink vitality and integrated into the golden emperor's spirit.

Everything came naturally. As soon as this pink vitality was added, the five golden elixir began to melt, and finally turned into a purple golden elixir with the emperor's qi.

The surface of the purple golden elixir shines with a little golden light and a trace of pink lines, and Li Hua's golden elixir was finally cast.

(ps: The third is a little late! In addition, warmly celebrate the 100th book review of this book... Thank you for your attention!)