There is no way to seek immortals

Chapter 164 Cloud City Secret Room

Chapter 164 Yuncheng Secret Room

Unexpectedly, Li Hua did not expect that after the Demon Blood Sect attacked the mountain gate and retreated, the head Zhao Zixu and a group of elders would actually aim at themselves. The "Mengyu" in his hand was like a hot potato. Ouyang of the Blood Demon Sect wanted it, and Zhao Zixu of Cangyun also wanted it.

After finally escaping from the hands of several Yuanying elders, Li Hua opened his eyes with difficulty and found that he had come to a secret room.

"Where is this?"

Li Hua looked around and wondered that there was no complete darkness in the secret room. There were several night pearls shining in the corner, so that he could barely see the whole picture of the secret room.

There is no luxurious decoration in this secret room. It is surrounded by only cold walls. Li Hua rubbed his eyes and carefully looked at the other corners of the secret room.

"This is..."

Li Hua saw a table on one side of the secret room with a card on it.

"Ancestor Donglian's ancestor..."

Closer, Li Hua saw clearly that the person worshipped on the plaque was the ancestor of Donglian.

"Donglian Laozu! Isn't that... the legend also a half-step foundation-building peerless practice? Finally, after the cultivation reached the Mahayana period, it soared..."

Seeing this name, Li Hua remembered that when he entered the perfect period of practice, he found that only two people in the history of China's hundreds of thousands of years of immortal cultivation had the same half-step foundation as himself. One was Yuan Kongzi, the head of the Kunwu School, and the other was Donglian, the peerless scattered immortal elder of the Sanxian League. Ancestor.

These two people built a foundation in half a step, and went all the way to the Mahayana period, and finally all the strongmen who flew to the fairyland. Now, Li Hua actually saw the throne dedicated to Donglian ancestor here. Presumably the owner of this secret room must be the descendant of Donglian ancestor!

Thinking of what Xiao Yun told himself, the transmission array in the backyard of the Xiao family in the Cangyun School was to contact a mysterious Sanxiu in Yuncheng. Li Hua instantly understood that the mysterious Sanxiu in Xiao Yun's mouth must be the ancestor of Donglian.

Who is it? Dare to break into the secret room of my flower family..."

Before Li Hua could fully explore the secret room, he was stopped by a loud shout. The door of the secret room was opened, and a middle-aged man glared at Li Hua inside and shouted.

"Do you dare to ask if this Donglian ancestor is Mr.'s ancestor?"

When Li Hua saw that the person who came was just an ordinary mortal, not an immortal, he didn't worry much. He pointed to the ranking of the worship and asked the middle-aged man.

"Hmm! The ancestor of Donglian is the ancestor and has turned into a flying fairy! Who are you? How dare you break into the secret room of my flower family? When I ask someone to take you down, thousands of knives..."

Middle-aged men are not so talkative. It seems that this secret room is their forbidden place. If outsiders break in, they will definitely die.

"Thousands of knives? Many people have said this to me, but no one has been able to do it yet..."

Li Hua originally wanted to politely talk to the descendants of Donglian's ancestor, but the other party was about to kill him thousands of times as soon as he exited. Suddenly, he was furious, mixed with the anger that had just been hunted down in the Cangyun faction, and hit the middle-aged man in the chest with angrity. The middle-aged man Zi groaned and fell down.

"Come on! There are assassins... there are assassins..."

Li Hua did not expect that after the middle-aged man fell, there were still people outside the secret room and began to shout assassins. Li Hua, who was in the secret room, could hear the dense footsteps outside and rush inside.

"Go out first!"

Anyway, according to Li Hua's estimate, these people outside are just mortals. He only took more effort to deal with it. He dodged and stepped over the middle-aged man and came to the outside of the secret room.

"It's so dazzling!"

At this moment, it was a broad daylight outside the secret room, and the sun shone directly down, which made Li Hua's eyes almost unable to open. Li Hua came out of the secret room and found that the secret room was hidden in a rockery, which was located in the big garden of a mansion.

"Assassin! Assassin! Kill..."

A large team of bodyguards immediately surrounded Li Hua, who had just come out of the secret room. On the three floors outside, some whole teams still held crossbows and aimed at Li Hua, ready to let go at any time.

"Father! Father..."

The young man in his early 20s came out of the bodyguard group, holding a sword in his hand. When he saw the middle-aged man lying in the hole of the secret room, he immediately shouted and shouted, "The guard, severely punish the murderer! I will cut him with thousands of knives..."

The playboy gave the order, and the surrounding guards gathered around him, and the one with the crossbow in his hand also aimed at Li Hua to release the arrow.

Wo! Oh! Oh!

A crossbow arrow shot, and Li Hua's eyes were fast, and he actually dodged all of them. In his eyes, these people's weapons were like children's toys, which were like virtual. Even if Li Hua did not hide, with Li Hua's physical strength in the Jindan period, the sharp crossbow arrow was at most on Li Hua's body. Scratch a little skin.


It was easily dodged by Li Hua, but the row of long gunmen stabbed Li Hua with long guns.

"Cut the thunder sword! Out..."

Li Hua did not have much entanglement. He directly recruited the thunder sword and killed the enemy with the sword. A round of flying swords came down, and all the long spearmen had no gun heads, and those long gunmen were stunned with wooden guns one by one.

"Flying Sword...Immortal Master...Stop...Stop..."

After years of wars, secular people have also been used to immortals. As soon as the playboy saw that Li Hua could kill the enemy with a sword, he immediately knew that the other party was an immortal. How could his own guard get hurt the other party, so he ordered the guard to stop attacking.

"This fairy master... I don't know why he broke into the secret room of my flower house and... harmed my father..."

Although the prince in flower clothes was angry, he still lowered his face in the face of the fairy master and asked Li Hua.

"Hmm! I didn't break into your secret room, but I was accidentally transmitted! Your father dared to threaten to cut me with thousands of knives. I just taught him a small lesson! And you... dare to say that, and I must teach you a small lesson!"

With that, Li Hua flicked his finger in his hand and flew out of his breath again. He hit the chest of the boy in the playboy, and the boy in play also fainted.

For these mortals, Li Hua actually doesn't need to do this, but the father and son of the Hua family are not ordinary mortals. They are the descendants of the peerless Sanxiu Donglian ancestors who have soared.

Li Hua put those two spirits into the body of the father and son of the Hua family, mainly to obtain the memory of the father and son. Among those two spirits, there is a breath of jade. Once it enters their bodies, Li Hua can instantly get the memory of the two.

From the memory of the father and son of the Hua family, Li Hua learned that this Hua family is indeed the descendant of the peerless Sanxiu Donglian ancestor, but I don't know how many generations it has been. Because no one in the clan has been able to cultivate immortality and has gradually declined so far, he can only be a rich man in Yuncheng.

Now Yuncheng is under the jurisdiction of Feng Wang Fengqun. This Hua family was also the first to defect to Feng Wang Feng Qun, so now the owner of the Hua family, Hua Jia, the middle-aged man who was stunned by Li Hua for the first time, is the prime minister of Feng.

After carefully searching the memories of the two, Li Hua found that there was really nothing valuable, so he jumped, cut the thunder sword and flew out, turning into a streamer and flew away.

In the flower house, after seeing Li Hua's sword skills, the guards were also stunned and dared not take action against Li Hua. It was not until Li Hua left that the guards hurriedly woke up the father and son of the Hua family.