There is no way to seek immortals

Chapter 168 Qingyan School

Chapter 168 Qingyan School

Fortunately, he escaped from the hands of the three Yuanying ancestors of Jiuyanmen, and also obtained six high-level Fu urns. Li Hua was full of ambition, but he was thinking about his next way to go.

Now the whole fairyland of China is chasing Li Hua, so as long as Li Hua shows up, he will attract countless pursuers.

In order to avoid many unnecessary troubles, Li Hua has now covered his face with black cloth, showing only two eyes, and is very cautiously driving a flying sword in the air.

"Qingyan School! This trip is to the Qingyan School..."

The pursuit of Li Hua is in full bloom. Li Hua decided to find a place to devote himself to practice for a period of time. As for finding a place, in accordance with the principle that the most dangerous place is the safest place, Li Hua wants to find a sect base camp and hide in other sects. As long as it is well hidden, there is no need to worry about being discovered. The problem is that others will no longer search among the sects.

As for which school to go to, Li Hua has already thought about it, so he went to the largest school of alchemy, the Qingyan school. Why did you go to the Qingyan School?

It turned out that Li Hua sold more Yuan Dan to Liu Yinqi, the king of Qingyan faction, at that auction, and one of them was swallowed by Liu Yinqi on the spot. At that time, Li Hua was only in the foundation-building period, and could not directly control Liu Yinqi, the king of Dan who swallowed Yuandan. Now that Li Hua has been promoted to the Jindan period, he can naturally control Liu Yinqi, the king of Dan, through jade pendants.

It is also because of this that Li Hua dares to venture to the Qingyan faction, with the full help of Liu Yinqi, the king of Dan, who can find Li Hua's identity?

What's more, in the Qingyan School of the first alchemy, relying on Liu Yinqi, the king of Dan, what elixirs do you want?

The most important point is that Li Hua wants to learn alchemy by himself and wants to see if the space in his jade pendant can grow some spiritual herbs. If possible, then Li Hua will have a mobile medicine garden.

The Qingyan faction is in the west-central part of China, relying on 100,000 mountains, and is one of the most spiritual blessed places in China. Among the 100,000 mountains, there is a paradise for goblins. Countless demons who have become demons have settled in it, and there are even ten-thousand-year-old demons who have survived the disaster period.

The Qingyan School is adjacent to 100,000 mountains. On the one hand, it does not violate the river with those goblins' wells. On the other hand, it has opened countless medicinal gardens and planted many precious elixirs using such good and many spiritual veins as 100,000 mountains.

Li Hua hid his name all the way. He kept a low profile and crossed several counties from Yuncheng. After half a month, he finally approached the residence of the Qingyan faction.

In the Qingyan School, in the Qingyan Peak of the alchemy holy land, Liu Yinqi, the elixir king who was refining a high-level elixir, suddenly opened his closed eyes, put down the elixir that had only half refined, waved the dust in his hand, and recruited the alchemy boy in the foundation period who accompanied the alchemy, and said, "Honger, come here!"

"There! What's wrong? Uncle Zu!"

The refining of relatively high-level elixir in the Qingyan School must be in this Qingyan Peak, and the unique ground fire under Qingyan Peak can have a higher chance of refining. Therefore, ordinary Qingyan school immortals in the Jindan period or Yuanying period will find one or two disciples of the foundation period as their alchemy boys and let them follow them to help take care of the fire and fan.

Sui Hong was one of the two alchemy boys used by Liu Yinqi, the king of Dan. Hearing the call of the king of Dan, he quickly stopped the spiritual fan in his hand and came to Liu Yinqi, the king of Dan, waiting for orders.

"Honger! I have a special nephew of Jindan period. He will come to discuss the elixir with me later. You take my token outside the mountain gate and bring it here!"

Liu Yinqi's expression, the king of Dan, spoke peacefully without any abnormality. He untied a token with the word "Danwang" from his waist and handed it to Sui Hong, the alchemy boy, and then continued to look at the elixir in the furnace without changing his face and continued to alchemy.

"Disciples are ignorant! Dare to ask his uncle, what does Jin Danqi look like? What are the features of appearance?"

Sui Hong, the alchemy boy, saw that Liu Yinqi, the king of Dan, gave him a token and asked himself to pick up people outside the mountain gate. He did not say how he looked and what physical characteristics he had. It was a little difficult to ask.

"When you go to the gate of the mountain, you will see the cultivation of Jin Dan period. It's him who is covered with a black face!"

Liu Yinqi, the king of Dan, opened his eyes again and said lightly. After saying that, he continued to immerse himself in alchemy.

Another alchemy boy, because of Sui Hong's departure, the firepower in the elixir furnace was obviously much weaker, and began to shake the spiritual fan desperately to restore the firepower to the previous level.

"With a black face, the cultivation of the Jindan period..."

Sui Hong, the alchemy boy, came out of Qingyan Peak with the jade card given by the king of Dan and wandered to the gate of the mountain with the flying spiritual weapon.

The alchemy boy Sui Hong's flying spirit weapon is not a flying sword, but a snow-white futon. This snow-white futon is spotless. People drive on it, as if stepping on a white cloud, and it looks particularly like a master of the world.

Because the Qingyan faction has many medicine gardens everywhere, it is particularly strict in the inspection of entering and leaving the mountain gate. For disciples below the Jindan period of the sect, they are only allowed to travel with the identity of the sect. Only deacons or elders with cultivation above the Jindan period and the Jindan period can bring in outsiders.

Of course, disciples below Jindan period can also bring outsiders in with the identity of Jindan period or the elder of Yuanying period. Now, this alchemy boy is holding the identity of Liu Yinqi, the king of Dan, and going to the mountain gate to wait for Li Hua to come in.

"Yoh! Isn't this Sui Hong, the boy who is alchemy around the King of Dan, Sui's brother? Why did you have time to come to the mountain gate today?

Sui Hong drove a white cloud-shaped futon and was found by the foundation-building disciples guarding the mountain gate from afar, and greeted him from afar.

"It's Brother Zhu! Why is it your turn to guard the mountain today?

Sui Hong slowly dropped the white cloud-shaped spiritual weapon futon, and then talked to Zhu *, a disciple of the foundation period guarding the mountain.

"Oh... Our job of guarding the mountain is not as good as your alchemy around the King of Dan! At the gate of this secluded mountain, they are about to get sick! I want to follow a few uncles of the Jindan period, but no one wants me at all..."

Zhu*, a foundation-building disciple who guarded the mountain, complained that there was indeed no oil, water and work on this empty mountain. Following the ancestors of the golden elixir and Yuanying period, they could at least mix some alchemy experience, steal teachers to learn alchemy skills, and make their alchemy more exquisite.

"Brother Sui, how can you have time to run to this lonely mountain gate today? Is it possible to go down the mountain? Or did you come to visit me specially?"

Idle and bored, Na Zhu* smiled and teased Sui Hong.

"Although the foot of the mountain is prosperous and happy, it is not a place where we cultivate immortals. If we stay for a long time, our hearts will be unstable and difficult to achieve positive results! Of course, I didn't come to see you either. It was Uncle Dan who asked me to take a person to the mountain and participate in the alchemy with my uncle..."

Sui Hong took out his arms, took out the identity jade card given by Liu Yinqi, the king of Dan, shook his eyes in front of Zhu *, and then put it away, and then asked, "Has Brother Zhu ever seen a senior with a golden elixir cultivation waiting near here with a black cloth on his face?"

"This..." Zhu * scratched his head and tried to recall the person he saw when he inspected the mountain gate today. He found that there was no senior with black cloth on his face, so he said, "Jin Dan's cultivation, with black cloth on his face, I didn't see such a senior. The predecessor of Jindan from which school can actually study Dandao with the uncle of the king of our school. This alchemy must be high enough..."

(ps: two times a day! After this, it will be gone! I will try my best to save the manuscript this week, and then announce an accurate update time next week! Two updates a day, stable updates!)