Seven-star mysterious demon

Chapter 15 Tomb

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Seven-star Xuanmo Volume 2 Alien Fairy Road

Chapter 15 Tomb

"Ghost! You are looking for death!" Jin Meng shouted angrily, and raised his hand with a golden light, and a black gas not far from the sky rolled up at the same time, and there were waves of ghosts roaring, which was gloomy and horrible!

Jin Meng can be said to be angry now. Seeing that he was going to completely oppress the boy with momentum, he finally defeated him psychologically, making Zhang Xiaoyan submit to herself. This is my original plan!

It's not that he doesn't want to be strong! It can't be easier to restrain two ordinary people in an instant with his current arrogant and vulgar cultivation. The reason why I didn't do that is that in order to use the body of the yin to remove fire poison, the people of the yin must be happy and wholeheartedly! Otherwise, it will also end with fire and poison and smoke!

How can't Zhang Xiaoyan's affection for that young man be seen from his more than 200 years of experience? If you are strong, it will definitely cause very bad consequences!

So from the beginning, he suppressed people with momentum, creating an irresistible image, thus planting the seeds of failure in the young man's heart! At that time, it will be easy to get the beauty's heart!

As the saying goes, there are unexpected disasters and blessings. Seeing that the boy is about to completely collapse, the ghost who was trapped by himself suddenly broke out and directly launched a transmission array to teleport the two people away! How can this make Jin Meng's superiors not angry?

This transmission array is not completely portrayed, but a semi-finished product, so the transmission is launched! Then the person who is teleported must be destroyed in the endless void storm, and there is absolutely no chance to survive!

The originally calculated seamless plan was disturbed by the Venerable Ghost and directly buried his last hope of removing fire poison. How can Jin Meng not be annoyed! How not to be angry!

In an instant, he took action with all his strength without any reservation. He just wants to do one thing now! That is to kill this ugly dwarf! Cruel killing!

"Hahahahaha! Mr. Jin Meng, you think you can trap the venerable in this area. You really underestimate me! You underestimate me! Hahahaha........" Seeing the golden light coming, the black clouds in the air did not mean to dodge at all. Instead, they let the golden light go deep into its black clouds and cut them into two. At the same time, the dark laughter of the ghost venerable came from the black clouds that had been divided into two halves, as if there were two ghosts.

"What a ghostland trick is! Look at me and destroy you!" Jin Meng's face was cold and he stretched out his hand. The golden light that had been shot out came back and turned into a few inches of golden sword and fell into his palm. Unexpectedly, this thing broke through the protective black cloud of the ghost at the beginning!

Jin Meng said this as soon as he pinched the secret. The golden sword suddenly rose and instantly turned into several feet in size.

"Sprayal Shadow! Kill me!" Jin Meng's superior suddenly shouted and stretched out his hand to point at the golden sword in the air. In an instant, the giant sword turned around and shot out, roaring and cutting into the black clouds. At the same time, the huge sword was divided into two like splitting, followed by two points and four points and eight points, but for a moment, the sky was densely covered with golden sword shadows. , I don't know how many! Extremely powerful!

As soon as he saw this scene, the ghost in the dark clouds seemed to be cautious. With a cry of ghosts and howling, the two-divided black clouds gathered again, and at the same time, a huge black flag slowly rose from the black clouds! The rolling black gas permeated from the flag, but the black clouds grew stronger, and the faint shadow floated from time to time. Some people had beasts, which quietly merged into the clouds and disappeared. For a moment, the wind roared and the ghost was full of ghosts.

"Hey, old man Jin Meng! Let me learn the peerless swordsmanship of the Kunlun School! Quack!"

At this time, a blue beam of light suddenly burst out of dozens of feet in the castle below, rushing straight to the sky, as if to connect with the blue sky, and there is no end at a glance! Under this impact, the whole castle directly disintegrated and disappeared into smoke and dust. The endless sword shadow above the sky was also broken by the pillar of light in an instant, making Jin Meng's superior almost fall into the clouds with a muffled sound!

"This is..." Jin Meng's superiors already can't care about the injury in his body. At this time, his eyes looking at the pillar of light are extremely wonderful! It seems to be surprised, like resentment, and more like jealousy and envy!

Such an amazing scene was naturally seen by many members of the dragon group, and this mirageous scene made them completely distracted in an instant! The green pillar is open to the sky and proud of the world. Oh my God! What kind of scene is this?

Just as the cyan beam of light rushed straight up and connected Tianyu, the communication equipment of the whole earth was instantly paralyzed, and many days later, the prediction of the end of the world began to spread crazily!

For a long time, the cyan beam of light slowly dissipated, leaving only a stunned dragon group member in place!

At this time, in the void of the universe many light years away from the earth, a silver channel like a long river runs through the front and back, and I don't know where to start and where to end!

You can faintly see two vague figures hugging each other tightly in the channel, unaware of life and death. At the top of their heads, a jade pendant emitting a cyan halo floated quietly, and two bright red jade pendants on both sides of the jade pendant floated slowly, sprinkled with a little fluorescence.

I don't know how long it took, the Milky Way disappeared and the figure collapsed. The ancient void is still as bright as that, as if nothing had happened................

"Hmm!" With a muffled hum, Jiyang slowly opened his eyes, and the blurred scene made him unable to tell where it was. He only felt pain everywhere, as if all the skeletons had cracked! Pain! Heartbreaking pain! In an instant, a strong tiredness hit his brain, and then his neck was crooked and he was unconscious again.

I don't know how long it took. When Jiyang woke up again, he saw Zhang Xiaoyan weakly snuggled in his arms and looked at himself.

"Well..." Although there were still bursts of acid and numbness on his body, Jiyang still subconsciously smiled at the love in his arms.

Seeing Jiyang open his eyes, Zhang Xiaoyan's beautiful face suddenly flushed, her eyes flashed, and she was a little embarrassed.

"Are you awake?" The sweet voice sounded in Jiyang's ear, full of strong concern.

Jiyang couldn't help but feel warm when he heard it. How happy it would be if he could hold the girl and hear the girl's words of concern every day! At this moment, Jiyang secretly made up his mind that he would not let Yaner out! Even if he is the strongest man in the world, he can't give in!

"Ha ha, I've woken up once, but now my body is sore and numb that I can't work at all, as if I've been traveling by car for a long time! I feel very tired. What about you, Yaner?

"Well, me too. I don't have any strength." Zhang Xiaoyan looked shyly at the man in front of her and nodded slightly. At this time, she felt how happy it was to lie in his arms. How happy it would be if time could really stay at this moment!

Jiyang couldn't guess the girl's thoughts, but a moment later, the slight heavy breathing sound came slowly. Looking down, Jiyang couldn't help laughing. Yan Er didn't know when she closed her eyes again and fell asleep. She was really tired after so much!

Looking at the girl's quiet pretty face, her long eyelashes trembled slightly from time to time, and her sexy lips twitched from time to time, as if she were enjoying some delicious food, which was extremely cute.

Looking at the beautiful appearance of the man in his arms, Jiyang also smiled in a low voice.

At this time, he had time to look up and look at the situation of the two people!

Although it's very dark here, you can still see something.

This is a closed room, with a rectangular front and back, and the dark brown walls are flat. You can't see how many years there are. Not far from them, a khaki futon lies quietly on the ground, covered with dust. Obviously, it has been many years, but in front of the futon is a few feet in front of it. Round stone table, several stone benches circle around it. The stone table and stone bench are also covered with dust, and obviously no one has been here for a long time.

When looking forward again, Jiyang suddenly contracted his pupils, because behind the stone table, a cube-shaped sarcophagus lay quietly there!

The two of them are actually in a tomb!