Seven-star mysterious demon

Chapter 48 Giant Power and the Dragon Family

Seven-star Xuanmo Volume 2 Alien Fairy Road

Chapter 48 Giant Power and the Dragon Family

"What! There is no way to break the turtle shell? Is Miss Long playing with Ji? Do you want to find the happiness of love?" As soon as she saw Long Xueyan's slightly frowned surprised appearance, she couldn't help asking in a dark and cold voice.

Long Xueyan looked at Jiyang's increasingly hostile appearance, and her heart trembled involuntarily. She immediately waved her hand and explained, "Taoist friends are really too anxious. Although the slave family can't help you break this layer of diamond mask, they didn't say that they can't kill him. It's really chilling for you to distrust such a little woman. After saying that, the woman showed a sad look, as if Jiyang had done something terrible wrong.

Jiyang looked at Long Xueyan's weak appearance in front of her and couldn't help touching her nose. This young lady was not a fuel-efficient lamp. She simply fought with Yan'er. Looking back on the days when she lived with Yan'er in the past few months, whenever she did something wrong, she always showed such a person. The poor appearance of the law's reproach is really a headache and completely irresponsible.

Now Long Xueyan also showed this expression, which made Jiyang stunned. Then she shook her head and smiled bitterly. Originally, she had already buried the girl's figure in the deepest part of her heart, but now it seems that she still hasn't done it. Thinking of Yan's voice and appearance, Jiyang's heart gradually softened. When he got up, the last bloodthirsty madness also completely dissipated, and his mind became clear.

Just when Long Xueyan was a little doubtful, Jiyang's voice came faintly: "What can I do? Miss Long'd better listen to it. This place is too strange. We still have to leave soon. Once there is any unexpected change, it is not something you and I can afford.

Jiyang gave her a very strange feeling at this time. The previous moment was still a tyrannical and crazy beast, but at this time she became an elegant and quiet scholar. Such a change made the woman stunned for a long time.

Then he squeezed his mouth and smiled: "Ha ha, the Taoist friend is really anxious, but what the Taoist friend said is true that this place is really not a place to stay for a long time. The slave family will tell you how to kill this bureaucrat."

Jiyang nodded when he heard the words and motioned him to continue talking.

"In fact, the diamond mask transformed by this diamond charm can still be broken with our strength, but it takes a lot of time and is not in line with our current situation at all. The little woman's method is for the slave family to add a great power to the Taoist friend and double the strength of the Taoist friend again. I want to show it as the Taoist friend just showed. If the force is doubled, it should be able to shock this bureaucrat alive in this King Kong mask. The woman smiled and suddenly said a very vicious idea, which made Jiyang also show surprise and couldn't help looking sideways.

"It is said that the snake and scorpion beauty, Miss Long's vicious strategy is really unexpected. The old saying of the most poisonous woman's heart seems to be good." Jiyang narrowed his eyes and looked at Long Xueyan again, as if it was the first time he knew her. When he saw the woman's heart, he turned around and said, "But what Miss Long said is really a good way. As long as the Taoist friend can really double his strength in thin air, then absolutely I am confident that I will completely destroy this dog bastard here, but before that, please ask Miss Long to swallow this pill, otherwise I will not dare to accept your spell blessing at will. With that, Jiyang turned over a dark green pill the size of a thumb in his right hand and threw it to Long Xueyan not far away.

"What does Taoist friend mean? Don't you believe in Xue Yan's sincerity? Long Xueyan, who took the elixir, suddenly stiffened, and then asked with a strong smile, but her beautiful eyes kept flashing and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Hey, Miss Long really guessed right this time. I'm really worried about you. You should know that you have been trapped more than once, and there are still some small pimples on this. Taoist friends still swallowed this medicine, otherwise don't talk about the matter of joint hands. I won't give up your own life. Life is completely safe and handed over to a person who has calculated himself twice, and she is also a scheming woman. Jiyang looked at Long Xueyan with a deep smile on her changeable face, and then said again, "Similarly, Miss Long can also plant some Taoist prohibitions on her body, so that we will not be subject to others at the same time, don't you think? Miss Long?"

After saying this, Jiyang became silent, looking like an old god was there, but his eyes looking down at the witch became more and more fierce.

Although the earth witch is now controlled here, she is still smart and clear. The conversation between Jiyang and Long Xueyan was naturally heard word by him, but the earth witch who heard this content was already pale and terrible, and became extremely distorted. For the first time, he felt that death was so close to him.

After changing her face for a long time, Long Xueyan suddenly gritted her teeth and swallowed Danwan without any hesitation. At the same time, she said coldly, "Taoist friends, get ready, don't resist. The slave family will give you a great power now."

After saying that, the woman said something with her eyes closed. Jiyang was a little stunned when he looked at her so simply, but then he stood still as he said.

Suddenly, the woman's eyes suddenly opened, and immediately shouted delicately. Then a bright earthy yellow light burst out from between her hands and accurately fell on Jiyang's body, printing a magnificent and strange scene, which made Jiyang amazing.

After casting the spell, Long Xueyan's face was also a strange flush. Obviously, this method also consumed this woman quite a lot.

Looking at Jiyang with complicated eyes, Long Xueyan said lightly, "Since Taoist friends have supported the great power skills, Xueyan will take them out first, and then the Taoist friends will come to the Long family in Qiusha City to find me."

Jiyang was stunned when he heard the words, and then nodded faintly. The transmission array hidden behind the skeleton was revealed when the skeleton was swept out by Jiyang, so Jiyang was too lazy to pester with this woman.

"Thank you very much." Long Xueyan smiled reluctantly when she heard the words, and then gathered the people who had gathered nearby together and were about to send them away.

Looking at Long Xueyan, who was already standing on the transmission array, Jiyang's heart suddenly moved, and the tip of the gun swept the ribs between the waist of the giant skeleton fiercely. Suddenly, it broke with a "c click". At the same time, the huge storage bag also quickly picked up and fell into Long Xueyan's arms under this force, which made the woman's suspicion. Come here.

"Please take care of this thing, Miss Long. After going out, she will naturally go to the Long family to find Taoist friends."

Long Xueyan just looked at Jiyang with a complicated look and hesitated and said, "The spirit beast of Taoist friends is too amazing. It's better to put it in a spirit beast bag after killing the pervert." Then he launched the teleport array without hesitation, and with a flash of green light, it lost the trace of everyone.

Looking at the disappeared people, Jiyang also bent a meaningful arc and muttered, "It's really an interesting little girl."

Then he lowered his head and looked at the struggling witch on the ground, and his face became extremely cold.


Half an hour later, Jiyang only felt dazzled, and then he fixed his eyes and saw that the yellow sand slowly came into his eyes, and he was still in the desert.

"Hey, it seems that it will take some time to get to the so-called Qiusha City." Jiyang suddenly shook his head and smiled bitterly for no reason.

"But, Long family! I'm coming!"

Not long after Jiyang was transmitted out of the strange place, the empty eyes of the giant skeleton lying on the ground suddenly flashed with two black ghost fires, and then the skeleton slowly climbed up and fell back into the blood pool not far away, and the blood python was like a head at this time. Like a pet, it keeps wandering around the huge skeleton in the blood pool, which looks extremely strange.