Seven-star mysterious demon

Chapter 170 Bamboo slip

The third volume of the seven-star mysterious demon suddenly rises

Chapter 170 Bamboo slip

Gu Yu emitted a faint green light, slowly went up, went straight through the flame shield formed by the flaming light bracelet, and stopped directly to the place above Jiyang's head to slowly stop and slowly rotate in mid-air. Reaching out and waved two sword lights to stop the two forks that attacked halfway, Jiyang looked at the man in black with absolute murderous intent.

"Hahaha, boy, are you dizzy? A piece of broken jade also wants to stop thousands of my ghosts?" Seeing that Jiyang actually took out such a seemingly useless ancient jade, the man in black suddenly laughed.

"Well, in this case, then you can die at ease," Jiyang's mouth curved a little cold curvature: "Don't worry, smash ten thousand pieces of corpses, and do what you say." Before the words fell, the ancient jade that originally floated above Jiyang's head suddenly burst into a large amount of golden light, like countless dragons roaring towards the turbulent ghosts.

Suddenly, in the shocking eyes of the black-robed man, countless ghosts crashed into the gold wire like moths. In an instant, they were tied into thumb-sized balls, and were pulled directly into the ancient jade and disappeared.

Such a scene shocked the black-robed man. Seeing that more and more ghosts were suddenly pulled into the ordinary ancient jade, the black-robed man's face finally changed.

A few tricks were played in a hurry, making countless ghosts roar away from here. At the same time, thicker and thicker black clouds filled out, filling the small courtyard in an instant, dark.

At this time, the man in black robe held the pole in his hand, which looked like a dim black flag, and his face was full of physical pain. It was not easy for him to refine this thousand soul flags. Today, nearly half of his ghosts were taken away by this person at once. It was really a matter of his fire, but he was angry in his heart, but he did not dared not If the fight continues, although this person is also the cultivation in the later stage of gas refining, his magic weapons are unfathomable and can't be matched by his overstretility.

"Hum, if you can get the pity of your ancestors and sit down, you will become the soul of my flag today!" The man in black drank angrily, and then immediately raised his hand and immediately recalled the two flying forks that were fighting with the flying swords released by Jiyang. The man in black suddenly rose into the air and wanted to shoot outside Yan's house.

But at this moment, an extremely cold voice suddenly sounded over him: "Do you want to run away? I said that I would smash your body into ten thousand pieces. If I let you go like this, won't it be faceless?"

When the man in black robe heard the words, his face suddenly changed greatly. He reached out and waved several runes and smashed them upwards, but he shot away into the distance without raising his head.

Countless ghost roars suddenly sounded in mid-air, and a slightly ferocious smile surged on the faces of these miserable roars. This ghost charm was bought by himself at a high price. Although the lethality is limited, once the charm is used, it will turn into a simple cage to trap the other party for a short time.

Hearing the sound of the ghost roar, the man in black knew that the man had been trapped, so his face showed great joy and he was about to break through the air without thinking about it.

"Hey, do you think you can really escape?" The extremely cold voice came from behind, and the man in black suddenly changed his face.

"Aren't you trapped?" The man in black had splitting eyes and stared at the gloomy young man in front of him in disbelief.

"I said, ten thousand pieces of corpses!" Jiyang smiled coldly, and the six-edged disk in his hand suddenly rose to the air. The man in black only felt a sudden burst of light in front of him, and then he suddenly felt severe pain all over his body, and suddenly the sad screams echoed back and forth over the Yan house.

"You can't kill me! You can't kill me. My body has been banned by the Lord. If you kill me, the Lord of the Soul Sect will feel that he will never let you go... Ah..." Before the words fell, the sad screams came one after another.

This tragic cry lasted for nearly half an hour, and then gradually extinguished and finally became inaudible.

Just when the man in black really suffered thousands of knives and couldn't help dying in severe pain, a two or three-foot-high figure in a black robe suddenly opened his eyes, and the thin red light of his thumb burst down from these terrible eyes in an instant. The ground burned a small hole in its eyes, emitting light smoke.

"Exexpectedly, another foreign teacher has fallen. Well, this is already the seventh one." The extremely hoarse and harsh voice echoed faintly in the secret room: "It seems that the old people in Donglan should soon notice my existence. Hey, I haven't seen them for a long time. I just don't know how many guys were left who participated in the siege of my ancestors at that time? A faint hoarse laugh sounded in the secret room, and the two blood-red eyes slowly closed again.

Jiyang looked at thetan of meat slices on the ground that could hardly be seen in human shape and sneered: "Well, it's not cut too much. There must be 10,000 pieces of such a thin iron."

Jiyang stretched out his hand to recall the six-edged disk magic weapon, and then took a look at the dark thousand soul flag still suspended in the air and smiled coldly: "Hey, the fallen soul religion, and a master, hey hey, very good, I think the righteous monks who come to Donglan will be very interested in this matter. The Falling Soul Religion, listening to the name, knows that it is a true demon sect. It actually exists under the eyes of these righteous sects in Donglan. I don't know what kind of expression those old undeads who call themselves to be righteous will hear this matter.

As the territory of the righteous sect, Donglan is naturally not allowed to have a demon sect to appear here. Once it appears, it will definitely suffer an unprecedented blow. Therefore, although there are many sects practicing evil Taoism in Donglan, they have been integrated into the righteous sect after thousands of years, forming a sect with the coexistence of good and evil. The existence of this sect can still be acquiesced by the righteous people. Jiyang is very clear about this. He is now considering whether to exchange this news for a place to enter a sect in Donglan.

Jiyang maliciously speculated in his heart, laughed and took the thousand soul flag and the black-robed man's storage bag into his hand, and stuffed it into his arms with the two flying forks.

His face looked at the ancient well with a little gloomy. Jiyang's eyes flashed with a moving look, and then smiled softly: "I'd like to see what kind of thing has attracted dozens of ghosts of miles here." With that, there was a jump directly from the mouth of the well.

By the way, the whole body was protected by a layer of water-blue membrane, like a balloon gradually sinking into the bottom of the water in a burst of water.

Jiyang looked around curiously in the water, and this kind of experience into the well was unprecedented.

The ancient well doesn't seem to be big outside, but Jiyang doesn't feel crowded at all when he arrives in the well. It's very spacious. Although the ancient well is extremely dark, it is natural to see the scene clearly with the eyes of Jiyang immortals. The four walls of the ancient well are completely made of ancient bluestone. Now it seems that these blue stones are covered with countless moss, and the original sharp edges and corners are also smooth and round polished by the water, showing a A simple scene.

The ancient well seemed to be extremely deep. After falling for nearly a meal, Jiyang fell to the bottom of the well. The air breathed in his mouth turned through the film protecting his body and turned around and looked around. Jiyang was completely attracted by a seemingly simple bamboo slip in front of him. The bamboo is yellow and floating quietly two or three feet from the bottom of the well. Due to its age, it is even more soaked in water, so that there are silky ink-black rotten markings on the bamboo slips.

"I'm afraid this thing has been there for many years." Jiyang's eyes sparkled with a little light, touched his nose and muttered to himself.