Seven-star mysterious demon

Chapter 273 Pursuit and Transmission

The Fourth Volume of Seven Star Xuanmo

Chapter273 Pursuit and Transmission

Both the young man and Jiyang are extremely fast. They disappeared in the mountains one after and one. The next moment, when the disciples guarding the sons of the elders were still stunned, there were several extremely sharp roars in the mountain gate of the altar of the corpse Demon Sect, and then three figures rose up in a row. He broke through the air in the direction of the two disappearing.

"Let's go. I can't deal with this matter." A monk in the later stage of Huaqi, who seemed to be the highest among the guards, looked at the escape lights that almost instantly disappeared from sight and seemed to think of something, and his face changed and sighed gently.

The rest of the people looked at each other for a while, and their eyes were full of happiness for the rest of their lives after the disaster. The only one who could make the four strong men in the realm of the elixir master in the door pursue was the recent killer who did not know it. These people felt very happy to think that they had escaped from the disaster in the hands of these gods.

The deep mountain forest is full of the foul smell of rotten leaves and branches. The escape light melted by Jiyang passed through these stinky dense forests and turned directly towards a slightly raised hill bag. Thousands of meters behind him, the young man with a high crown chased after him with a ferocious face. There was a sneer in the heart of the man who seemed to be running away in panic.

In order to deal with this guy who assassinated a low-level disciple of the corpse demon sect, the patriarch had already promised a lot of benefits. At present, it seems that this benefit can be obtained by himself.

A pair of small eyes showed a cold light. The young man looked at the figure in front of him with a trace of comfort. At this moment, the figure in front of him unexpectedly bumped into the small mound in front of him, which made him laugh for a while. Originally, he thought he had to catch up for a moment, but now it seems There is no need for that at all!

At that time, the young man suddenly accelerated a little and galloped towards the mound fiercely.

But when he approached the mound, he found his prey. At this time, the ordinary-faced young man actually stood on the mound and looked at his narrow face.

"It's not good!" As a Danshi, he found something wrong at the first time. His face changed and immediately shot out to the rear, but as soon as he moved, the void behind him was twisted. The next moment, his figure appeared again in his original position, and the young man's originally smiling face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"Hey, in this six-inverted array, you can play slowly, and the young master won't accompany you!" Jiyang found out his consciousness and swept around slightly, and his face immediately changed. At this time, there were still three words in the direction he came from and then sneered: "Your corpse demon sect is really bold. You actually sent four elixir masters to chase and kill the young master. The young master is really flattered!"

With a strange laugh, Jiyang's body immediately disappeared in place, leaving only a burst of joking laughter still echoing in the woods, full of ridicule.

A moment later, three escapes appeared in the sky above the six-in-one upside-down array. Listening to the roar of the young man below, the three escapes did not mean to stop at all, but left a series of ridicule and chased quickly in the direction of Jiyang's disappearance.

As a qualified sniper, it is the most basic thing to find your safest retreat before performing a sniper. Jiyang, as one of the best, will naturally not forget this most basic principle, as early as the first assassination of the low-level disciples of the corpse demon sect He had set himself the most thorough escape route before. Even if he was chased by four strong men in the realm of Danshi at the same time, he was not afraid or nervous at all, because everything was still under his control.

After a meal, Jiyang looked at the entrance of the big "17" mine above the dark mine, which was located at the altar of the corpse demon sect, which was the outer edge of Haobai Gate. Jiyang looked at the big "17" above the dark mine and changed for a long time. After all, he still sighed. When the Haobai Gate changed greatly, he ran away in a hurry. I didn't have time to come and take a look at the brothers who worked together in the mine and lived together, as well as Mr. Xu, stewman Han, Wu Kuanghu, and many other people's simple faces slowly floated by like a shadow play in his heart, and Jiyang's heart couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness.

In those years, I never saw each other again. I don't know where those brothers who were born and died today are? Is it dead or alive? Jiyang shook his head slightly sadly, as if he wanted to throw all this out of his head.

A long way to immortality, I am destined to live longer than them. After all, everything in the past can only become memories, and all I can do is to cherish these hard-won memories. That's all I can do.

He sighed and took a deep look at the vast mountains behind him again. Jiyang turned his head and fell into the dark mine without hesitation.

The mine is dark and full of horrible charm, but Jiyang is no longer the former Wuxia Amon. In his eyes, there is no difference between light and darkness. Although more than 20 years have passed, this place is almost the same as 20 years ago except for some thick dust. Jiyang is familiar with it. The road went up and downhill at various dangerous corners without any sense of stagnation. After a few minutes of travel, a stalactite cave was finally displayed in front of Jiyang. He didn't look at the crystal clear stalactites. Jiyang flashed straight to the quaint altar.

At this moment, the altar is crystal clear and transparent, exuding a strange and simple color. The gloomy atmosphere emanates from several strange lines painted on the altar, which is indescribably gloomy.

Jiyang came to the altar and checked it and found that his face finally showed a happy look when he came to the altar before the same month. Although he laid the trapped spirit array around here and was unlikely to be destroyed, Jiyang was still happy that there was no loss under the inspection at this time.

When I came here a month ago, I tested the transmission array of this altar and found that although the transmission array is ancient, its effectiveness is not degraded at all, and according to the reaction of the transmission array, the transmission on the other side should really be as intact. At that time, Jiyang finally chose his retreat. Here, although it is equally dangerous to leave here through the transmission array, it is much less dangerous than other methods.

Gently exhaled a turbid breath. When Jiyang was about to test again to confirm whether the transmission array on the other side was intact, there was a violent cracking sound when the cave came in. Large rocks burst in an instant, and three figures in black robes burst from the mouth of the cave. The place suddenly rushed in.

Jiyang looked at the three people who broke in and suddenly changed their faces and scolded, "What a fast speed!" Then he quickly took out nine medium-grade spiritual stone sleeves of different colors and put them into the nine grooves on the outside of the altar. At the same time, he stood in the center of the altar. At the same time, he reached out and a simple green jade floated off from his arms to the top of his head and dripped under the jade. A large amount of golden light shrouded Jiyang in it. At the same time, countless golden runes flashed out of the green jade and turned into a simple golden text to die on this thin layer of golden light, and then a red gold dragon shadow emerged from the ancient jade under the gentle trembling of the green jade. Up, a swinging tail also landed on the top of Jiyang's head and circled uncertainly.

"Two brothers, kill this bureaucrat together quickly! He is going to escape!" As soon as I saw Jiyang's strange behavior and the simple and profound altar, why didn't the three people who came after him know what was going on? Immediately, one of the three extremely ugly old women screamed and threw a golden crutch at Jiyang on the altar. The other two monks did not move slowly. One threw out a huge white bone, and the other released a huge square brick shining at the same time. It roared towards Jiyang.

However, when these three magical treasures flew halfway, they were all together, and then a golden mask suddenly appeared out of thin air to firmly protect Jiyang and the altar.

"The formation!" As soon as the three saw it, their faces suddenly turned dark, and they immediately used twelve points of strength to bombard the golden hood. The unusually strong hood instantly became uncertain and shaky under the full attack of the three Danshi, and immediately showed a state of failure.

When the three tan masters who followed him were immediately happy and were about to use some magic power to completely break the light mask, they saw Jiyang on the altar suddenly grinning at them, and then pinched a strange decision in his hand.

With a muffled sound, as Jiyang's method fell, the whole cave suddenly trembled for a moment, and then a dark space crack above Jiyang's head suddenly cracked, slowly wrapping the figure of Jiyang on the altar, but in a flash, this strange space cracked Under the fierce roll, Jiyang's whole figure disappeared on the altar, and the next moment, in the shocked eyes of the three masters, the extreme space crack also slowly disappeared. At the same time, the nine middle-grade spiritual stones in the grooves outside the altar burst and turned into powder. The end dissipated with the wind.

For a moment, the three looked at the strange scene in front of them and couldn't help but fall into silence, allowing the three treasures to smash the golden light mask.

For a long time, the old woman among the three recalled her dragon crutch and stamped fiercely on the ground: "In ancient times, the transmission altar was actually a transmission altar! Under our eyelids, we didn't even find such a transmission altar. It's really, really..."

Looking at the old man's almost crazy appearance, the other two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

At this moment, in a magma lake deep underground directly below this ancient altar, dozens of figures are forming a strange array and two-headed monsters fighting non-stop. The bursting magma exploded dozens of feet in their fight. If it is two demons If you are here, you will find that their Tianyang ancestors and nine old demons are on the list!

And in the middle of the magma lake where the two-headed strange dragonfly stay is a quaint altar more than ten times larger than the altar just stayed in Jiyang.