Seven-star mysterious demon

Chapter 283 True Fire Hall

The Fourth Volume of Seven Star Xuanmo

Chapter 283 True Fire Hall

A few days later, Jiyang used a new batch of mature elixirs to refine a lot of Qiyang elixir and Tianli elixir again. However, at this time, he had no intention of immediately taking the elixir to refine the mana to enhance his cultivation. At this time, he was sitting in the futon in the meditation room and frowned while playing with a blood-red jade Jane in his hands. It flickered slightly and didn't know what I was thinking.

Two blood jade ice pythons wrapped around the earlobe of his two ears, shaking his little head and spitting snake letters from time to time, and the blue was very dazzling.

After almost unconsciously being stunned for most of the day, Jiyang's face was calm and he could not see any fluctuations. After about half a column of incense, Jiyang, who had been doing nothing, suddenly stood up.

"It seems that it's really a waste of time to practice." Jiyang frowned and muttered to himself, gently rubbed his hands and smiled, "If you can really succeed, it's worth it." After collecting the jade Jian at will, Jiyang strode out of the stone room, and then left the two blood jade ice armor pythons in the spirit beast room to practice quietly. After Jiyang left the cave and released the flying sword all the way to the direction of Ling City. Standing on the flying sword, Jiyang patted the storage bag on his waist and took out the tortoise shell bought from the stall and put it in front of him. Look carefully and seem to look forward to finding something.

The tortoise shell is dark and does not look eye-catching. There are seven or eight strange lines born above the shell that does not look too thick. These lines are intertwined to form a very strange pattern. This pattern is dotted and looks like an unknown starry sky. I don't know what it means. . On the abdomen of the tortoise shell is a deeply sunken part. If you are proficient in ancient inscriptions, you will find that the sunken part is a big "nine" character.

"Nine?" Jiyang looked at the number under the tortoise shell, and his face showed a little confusion. The main reason why he suddenly took a fancy tortoise shell a few months ago was not what the tortoise shell itself was, but that he had seen the same thing on earth once. He still remembers that he saw exactly the same thing as the tortoise shell in the most precious cultural relics in the Palace Museum. The tortoise shell is exactly the same as the color, texture and various patterns on the tortoise shell in his hand, but only the numbers below are different.

There is a "13" engraved under that piece of the earth!

After watching for a long time, Jiyang finally sighed and then directly put it away again. I really can't see anything about this thing. Although I'm sure there should be some unknown secrets on it, he doesn't know it, at least now.

After a while, Jiyang came to Lingshi and spent thousands of spiritual stones in a whole day to buy several unusual strange magic weapons, and a large number of various refinery materials that were biased towards the dark, and then returned to his cave without any movement.

A few days later, Jiyang once again came to the spiritual city to buy a large number of dark refinery materials. In the past nearly a month, he has purchased a large number of materials several times. After spending all the spiritual stones on his body, Jiyang had to take action secretly. After four or five thousand-year-old elixirs were exchanged for a spiritual stone, they bought another batch of materials and finally calmed down.

And he stayed in the stone room dedicated to his alchemy and never came out again. During this period, there were bursts of rumbling and violent explosions in the stone room from time to time, mixed with bursts of angry roars and curses.

After such a scene lasted for half a month, the stone room finally calmed down. Two days later, Jiyang came out of the stone room with a black face. After observing the two blood jade ice armor pythons in the spirit beast room, he went out of the cave again. This time, he did not go to the spiritual city. Instead, it flew up along the foot of the mountain and flew directly to somewhere halfway up the mountain.

Half an hour later, Jiyang took down his flying sword in front of a stone hall half inlaid in the mountain. After looking up at the three words "True Fire Hall" carved on the rock to make sure that he had not gone the wrong place, Jiyang strode in.

As soon as he stepped into the stone hall, Jiyang felt a hot wind coming. Subconsciously, behind a layer of water-attributed shield in front of him, a thin man in red shorts and a bronze color came to Jiyang.

He glanced at Jiyang arrogantly: "Is it an alchemy or a refiner when you come to the Real Fire Hall? If we ask the masters of the Real Fire Hall to alchemy or refiners, we need to prepare double materials. The thin man's voice is sharp and has an unspeakable hoarseness, which is really extremely unpleasant.

"Ha ha, this Taoist friend invited me. Although the masters of the True Fire Hall are famous all over the world, they are not invited here. They just want to rent a fire cave for special refiners. Please make it convenient for your friends." Jiyang smiled and handed over a small bag of spiritual stones without a trace.

The thin man subconsciously took the cloth bag full of spiritual stones and gently weighed it. Finally, there was a little smile on his face. His eyes looking at Jiyang were not as rebellious as he had been thousands of miles away, and he became very kind for a moment.

"It's easy to say that Taoist friends are here to rent fire caves, right? Then come down." The thin man put away the bag of spiritual stone without a trace, and then took the Jiyang to the depths of the stone hall with a smile on his face.

"What do you call a Taoist friend? In Sun Huo, he added the little leader of the disciples outside the real fire hall. Walking on the road, the thin man turned around and began to get familiar with Jiyang and smiled very kindly. It was almost different from Jiyang when he just came in. Obviously, that bag of spiritual stones is still very useful.

"Ha ha, I'm a martial arts mad tiger, just a scattered practice." Jiyang also smiled politely. At this time, he was worried about whether this action could succeed, but he had no intention of making friends with this person, so he kept silent after saying this.

"It turned out to be a martial arts friend. It's really disrespectful and disrespectful. The Taoist friend actually rented the fire cave of our Yuehai Palace to refine his own. It seems that the Taoist friend should have studied a lot about the refinery. Sun is really ashamed compared with the Taoist friend." However, the thin man didn't care at all. Instead, he looked familiar and began to pick up Jiyang in three or two sentences.

Hearing this, Jiyang twitched slightly and said a few times, "I dare", but he secretly said in his heart that this person is really a market philist. If it hadn't been for the things he wanted to refine, why would he have to pay such a big price to do it himself? You should know, in order to refine Almost tens of thousands of spiritual stones have been smashed before and after making that thing. If the refining fails in the end, it will be really bloodless.

Seeing that the person in front of him has been worried and unwilling to talk more, the thin man also said more. Take the way in front of you with peace of mind.

Walking along the corridor in the hall, Jiyang finally came to a fork road under the leadership of the thin man, saying that the fork was still a little uncertain. This place has come to the depths of the whole real fire hall. At this time, there are two people in front of Jiyang and the skinny man. There are dozens of feet tall black holes, and circles of hot air waves that are almost visible to the naked eye spewed out from these two big dark holes. Even if there is a water-based shield wrapped around his body, Jiyang is still a little dry by this burst of air waves, and even no sweat has appeared for many years. At this time, his body actually had an impulse to sweat.

"Martial friends, Sun's responsibilities can only send you here. Since Taoist friends want a fire cave of refiners, just go straight down the road on the left, and someone will receive you inside."

Jiyang squeezed his mouth when he heard the words. He looked up at the two big holes in front of him. The two big holes were engraved with the ancient characters "Dan" and "qi", shining under the heat wave.

"It's a good job." Jiyang smiled and nodded to the thin man, and then walked into the cave marked the word "qi" on the left in the heat wave. The monk named Sun Huo left here as soon as he saw Jiyang walking into the cave.

The True Fire Hall belongs to the existence of Yuehai Palace. It is a place for external monks to alchemy or refiners carved by Yuehai Palace with the help of the rich earth fire resources at the bottom of Shengwang Mountain. In this place, there are many complete fire caves and alchemy rooms that have been built to provide to foreign monks. Alchemy, and Yuehai Palace itself can also get a lot of rented spiritual stones from these monks who come to the alchemy.

Jiyang is still very clear about the origin of the True Fire Hall, otherwise he would not have come here to refine that thing.

After walking along the cave for a moment, there was suddenly a little light in front of him. Countless huge dark cylindrical copper cylinders stood on both sides of the cave, and large areas of fires in these copper cylinders swayed with bright fire, illuminating the whole channel.

Next to these flame pillars, there was a bald old man sitting on a fiery red futon quietly meditating. The old man wore a knee-length brown shorts and meditated quietly on the futon with obvious upper body. Jiyang narrowed his eyes, and the breath from the old man's body gave him an extremely dangerous feeling. Judging from the fluctuation of spiritual power, although this person should not be a Jiedan monk, his cultivation should not be much different from the ordinary virtual elixir masters on the Tianling continent.

The arrival of Jiyang naturally shocked the old man who guarded here. The man slowly opened his eyes and stood up and took a cold look: "Did the cultivation in the early stage of foundation come here to refine the machine alone? I really don't know."

Jiyang heard the words slightly. He didn't expect that the old man would say such a sentence as soon as he opened his eyes, which made him open his mouth several times and couldn't say a word. The words he had originally thought of were directly swallowed into his stomach.

However, the old man didn't seem to mean to target Jiyang. Instead, he casually patted his trouser legs and asked carelessly and asked, "There are three levels of fire grottoes in this room. The lower-grade fire grottoes are one spiritual stone a day, five yuan a day for the middle grade, and ten yuan a day for the top grade. Which one do you want to choose?"

"top quality!"

"Yo, the best fire cave?! I didn't expect that Taoist friends were still such rich people. I was so blind. When the old man heard the words, he squinted at Jiyang, and then resumed his previous indifference: "First hand in the spiritual stone for a month, settle the accounts according to the time, and return the overpayment to you, and the more days will be made up."

Jiyang handed over a spiritual stone bag without saying a word.

After taking it, the old man scanned it slightly: "A total of 300 yuan, not more than one piece or less. Let me do it. Now the top-grade fire grottoes and No. 47 caves are better."