Seven-star mysterious demon

Chapter 322 Nine Swords Light Mirror and Xuanting Thunder Fan

The Fourth Volume of Seven Star Xuanmo

Chapter 322 Nine Swords Light Mirror and Xuanting Thunder Fan

In the quiet room, the pool that originally occupied more than half of the area has disappeared. Jiyang sat on the futon and meditated quietly. At this time, it had been more than a month since he formed Jindan. In a month, Jiyang finally completely stabilized the realm of the Dan period. Jindan in Dantian was His gentle consolidation is incomparable. Jindan is a monk in the Jiedan period. If he doesn't completely consolidate a bad Jindan, he will collapse and fall into the foundation-building period.

Open his mouth and exhaled a turbid breath, and Jiyang opened his eyes.

"It seems that it's time to refine this treasure." He reached out and took out a jade box full of various runes. Jiyang smiled gently, with a trace of joy on his face. He gently tore off several runes and opened the jade box. A bloody little flag lay quietly in the jade box. This flag was the blood flag that was seized by the blood yin religion that day!

In the past, it was difficult to control this magic weapon because of not enough cultivation, so it has been put on hold. Now that I have successfully advanced to the elixir period, and now is the time to refine this treasure. Although this kind of magic weapon obtained from outside will not be refined to the point of being sent at will, and can only give full play to the appearance of 7 or 8 layers of the magic weapon at most, this is undoubtedly a solution to the urgent need for Jiyang, who does not have a natural magic weapon. Is it difficult for him to take out a magic weapon to fight with people?

Take out a suspended seal of the blood flag and control it to float in front of him. Jiyang opened his mouth and sprayed a pure samadhi fire to completely cover the blood flag. Then the pure spiritual power began to shoot from his fingertips and slowly injected it into the blood flag. The huge divine consciousness of Jiyang's Dan period carefully controlled this Pure spiritual power purifies back and forth in the blood flag, infiltrating every inch of space in the blood flag. This blood flag is originally someone else's thing. If you want to sacrifice it, you must first remove all the spiritual imprints previously used in the magic weapon and put your own spiritual imprints. Otherwise, such a magic weapon will not exert much power even if it is successfully sacrificed.

In the quiet room on the other side, the Venerable also sat on the futon, staring at a black sword that kept floating in front of him, and a golden bowl beside him was shining brightly protecting the chest of the Venerable Power. Benjiyang wanted to sacrifice this black magic sword, but this magic sword is really more than he imagined. If he really sacrifices himself, I'm afraid that the whole soul will be stained by this magic sword. At that time, he will become a monster that only knows how to kill.

However, although this magic sword has a lot of magic spirit, it is the best thing to sacrifice to the powerful venerable for self-defense. The number of demonic spirits on the powerful venerable is still a little better than this sword. Naturally, the soul of the soul protected by Yin Luomu is not afraid of the invasion of the magic spirit in this sword.

Three days have passed in the sacrifice of the magic weapon between Jiyang and the Venerable. In the past three days, it has been quiet in the quiet room of the Venerable Power, but from time to time there were bursts of fierce explosions in the quiet room where Jiyang was located, and there were faint roars such as pythons, which was really strange. Than.

It was not until the evening of the third day that the explosion in the quiet room completely silenced and became silent. Eight days later, at noon on the eighth day, Jiyang suddenly burst into laughter from the quiet room.

At this moment, with a happy face, a blood flag flying back and forth in front of him, and a bloody snake with ordinary fingers drilled around in the smallfan, which was amazing.

"I didn't expect that it was still a magic weapon with an artifact, which surprised me well." Jiyang looked at the blood flag flying back and forth with a strong smile in his eyes.

On the second day of the sacrifice of this flag, the snake-shaped spirit hidden in the blood flag suddenly burst out and almost interrupted his sacrifice of the blood flag. After Jiyang spent nine efforts, he was able to subdue it eight days ago. It was not until half a day ago that he completely refined the spirit in this blood flag. At this time, although However, you can't manipulate this treasure at will, but it is enough to fight against the enemy.

With a thought, Xiaofan gently touched the skin on Jiyang's arm and slowly introduced it into the body. One of the main reasons why this magic weapon is higher than the magic weapon is that it can be included in the body and use the spiritual power of Dantian to warm up to achieve more and more powerful effects, which is unmatched by magic weapons.

Some fresh touched the place where the blood flag had just disappeared, and Jiyang couldn't help thinking about the magic weapon.

No matter how good other magic weapons are, they can't be manipulated at will. Of course, they are not as reliable as their own magic weapons. A while ago, Jiyang took the risk of stealing the tail of the three green winged beasts or collecting some materials for thunder attributes to prepare for refining his own magic weapons.

Several powerful thunder magic weapons have been recorded in the magic skills. None of these magic weapons are the best of the magic weapons, but after carefully studying which magic weapons in Jiyang, he had no choice but to find that those magic weapons are not difficult to find, and it is almost invisible that the method of refining is really cumbersome. As long as one is careless, a little mistake will end up with the destruction of materials. For example, the green bamboo bee cloud sword, which is respected by the people who built this magic skill, has a set of 72 flying swords, and is refined by ten thousand golden thunder bamboo. After refining, the golden thunder avoids evil and its divine power is unpredictable.

Jiyang has heard of the name of Jinleizhu. This ancient god has almost disappeared as early as the barbaric period, and where can he go to find it?

After careful consideration, Jiyang chose one of the magic weapons called Xuanting Thunder Fan among several magic weapons. Although this magic weapon is difficult to refine and the materials are rare, at least Jiyang has heard of some of the thunder spirits listed above, illusion thunder wood and so on. Although it is also extremely rare, It is definitely not something that can't be found. Jiyang believes that as long as he sprinkles a lot of spiritual stones, he can naturally buy these rare materials.

At this moment, Jiyang has been thinking about when to collect everything and sacrifice his own magic weapon Xuanting. According to the above, this Xuanting thunder fan is also a small thing. If the sacrifice is successful, it is also a great treasure. Moreover, almost all of the magic weapons listed are the sacrificial methods of thunder magic weapons, among which it is inevitable to suppress some evil charms that may be produced by the power of thunder magic weapons thunder righteous energy, so none of the treasures listed above are ordinary goods.

"It seems that it's time to go back to Linhai City. It's not easy to collect these things in this vast sea." Jiyang smiled and muttered, and then he reached out a dark stone plate from the storage bag and looked at it quietly.

This stone card is part of the magic skill obtained from the strange altar while still working hard on the falling star peak of Qiuming Mountain. Turning the stone card to the back and looking at the extremely strange rune Jiyang's face, he remembered the feeling of death when he explored the first stone card at the beginning of his consciousness.

With a sigh of relief, Jiyang hesitated for a long time and quietly explored the back of the stone card.

In an hour, Jiyang only felt that his head was empty, and then a black and white ancient mirror flew out of the stone card and shot straight into his mind. At the same time, bean-sized golden runes poured out of the stone card, squirming up his arm like a group of caterpillars, and the golden runes followed Ji Yang's arms squirmed all the way. Before Jiyang could react, these golden runes should have been thoroughly drilled into his mind.

At this moment, his mind is blank, and only the image of a black-and-white ancient mirror is floating back and forth. Next to the ancient mirror, a group of beautiful children go back and forth with the ancient mirror. Looking closely, it is the five words 'nine sword diffraction mirror'.