
Chapter 5: Each Break 1

Yang Tai stood a little higher in the small port fork and observed the terrain. Then he wandered around the neighborhood. After a long time, he shouted in a low voice, "Fat Dragon."

Fat Long was nearby. Hearing Yang Taiyi shouting, he immediately ran over and asked, "Military division, what's the matter?" Mrs. Yang looked at the sky and asked, "Have the brothers sent out come back?"

"Not yet. Why don't I send someone else to have a look?" Yang Tai thought for a moment and said, "Well, you take 100 people with you, only with steel knives. After arriving, you will find a place to hide. If you find the situation, just send someone back. After waiting for you to go there, cut the reeds on the spot on the way to them. After seeing the fire on my side, you also light the fire. After the fire starts, immediately lead From childhood to the side, the brothers detoured to the place where the boxes were hidden, hiding well, waiting for us to be made up. Then take the next step."

After coming, Yang Tai1 told him again: "Be careful not to expose your whereabouts."

Fat dragon promised to take someone with him. Mrs. Yang gathered all the people together again and looked at about five or six hundred people. Mrs. Yang ordered, "Those under the age of 30 stand on my right hand, and the rest are on my left, putting the weapons in their hands in place."

After standing, I saw that there were about 300 people under the age of 30. Mrs. Yang called a few people to click the weapon and came out in a moment. There are 350 long guns, 120 steel knives, 11 bows, seven pots of feathers and arrows, about 300. There are still two crossbows, but only twelve arrows.

After listening to this, Mrs. Yang knew more and asked, "Is there anyone among you who can shoot arrows? No one squeaked. After asking several times, five people answered, "I used it when hunting at home before, but the bow used is different." Mrs. Yang asked each of them to shoot an arrow, and the farthest step was only 70 or 80 steps, not to mention accurate, but there was nothing she could do. Mrs. Yang looked at the young and strong five of them and called them to a small ramp pointing to the terrain she had just observed: "Ten of you, where are you going to take ten bows and five pots of arrows? I went to ambush. After arriving, I seized the time to practice. After a while, I saw a fire. When someone rushed up the slope, I looked at the distance. I didn't need to aim. I just shot at the crowded place. After shooting, I stayed in place. If there is still going up, I will light the fire. After that, someone will send the fire to the fire. After that, I will wait with the people who ambushed there. Order."

Ten people went to ambush with bows and arrows after hearing this. Mrs. Yang also ordered the people at hand to pick out 50 people who were in good health, go to the place where the boxes were hidden, and put them in a depression about 70 or 80 meters below the hillside. The rest of the people cut the dead reeds with a knife, cut them and piled them more than 30 meters away from the box opposite the hillside, and put the remaining oil. There is also meat, especially some chili noodles, sprinkled on it. After taking part of it and piling it up on the hillside, I will meet the person just now and resolutely refuse to put a person uphill. The rest of the people each have a long gun and hide across the hillside with me. Finally, Mrs. Yang saw that there were still dozens of guns, so she asked some people to take one more. She took the remaining bows and arrows and two crossbows, and waved her hand to ambush.

At the beginning of the dawn, Feilong sent a letter saying that Zhou Cheng'an and Wang Yuancheng had come ashore with about 200 people. Yang Taigang thought about why Xiao Yan said that Wei Dayong didn't come. Feilong wrote again that Wei Dayong had brought more than 500 people behind him. Yang Tai thought to himself and couldn't help laughing and said, "There is a good show."

Then he whispered to the people around him, "Give it in a low voice. No one is allowed to move without my instructions. You must hide it. After a while, a fire came from the distance with a noise. It was getting closer and closer. Yang Tai faintly heard the voice of speaking: "The place is quite hidden. If you guys lie to me, you will look good."

"Master Zhou Zhai, how dare I lie to you!" Mrs. Yang recognized that it was Hou Ying's voice beside Xiao Yan and looked at it with firelight, but it was too dark to see clearly. Why didn't you see the village owner? Wang Yuancheng asked. Hou Ying pointed to the depression and replied, "There is guarding the box." Where is the box? Zhou Zhai asked in a hurry.

Hou Ying's finger. When the owner of Zhouzhai was about to go, Wang Yuancheng pulled him and whispered, "Be careful." Zhou Cheng'an glanced at Wang Yuancheng with contempt, which means that you are scared, aren't there only a few children? However, I still called a few people to have a look, and after a while, I heard them shouting, "The village owner, you are rich. There are so many gold, silver and jewelry."

Zhou Cheng'an and Wang Yuancheng couldn't be careful when they heard it. They led the group of people and ran over. They looked at the five big boxes, which were slowly full of gold, silver and jewelry. They couldn't help laughing. The people around them also hurriedly squeezed forward for fear that they would be gone. Zhou Cheng'an was anxious and couldn't help shouting angrily, "Don't squeeze it. Everyone has a share. As soon as he finished speaking, where are Hou Ying's group of kids?"

What about him, let's move the things back quickly, and then keep talking. At this time, Zhou Cheng'an heard a chaotic noise outside, who the fuck hit me. Hey, Lord Wei Zhai, I know that I'm blind. Zhou Cheng'an and Wang Yuancheng couldn't help sinking when they heard that Wei Dayong was coming. Looking at each other, he went out and saw that his group of people were surrounded in it. Wei Dayong was standing in front with a gloomy smile.

Seeing the king of Zhou come out and saying, "What are the two brothers busy with in the middle of the night?" Zhou Cheng'an saw that the cooked duck was going to be unable to eat, he couldn't help but be angry: "What are our brothers doing? When is it your turn to order!" At this time, Wei Dayong passed by and muttered in his ear. Wei Dayong's two colors changed several times, and then looked at the two kings of Zhou and said, "The Ming people don't say secret words. I, Wei Dayong, want these boxes. The two brothers should go back early if they have nothing to do. There will be no trouble here."

Zhou Cheng'an was furious and said, "Don't think about it, unless you kill me." He said that he would rush up with a wave of his hand.

Wang Yuancheng next to him stopped him and said, "They are all brothers. Why use knives and guns!" Is everything negotiable?" Don't talk about it. I want to swallow it alone with the old boy. Zhou Cheng'an roared. Wang Yuancheng pulled Zhou Cheng'an and said to Wei Dayong, "They are all my brothers. Brother Wei can't eat them all. You have to give my brother a mouthful of soup, otherwise it will spread out, which is not good for the reputation of the eldest brother."

Wang Yuancheng's words are both soft and hard, which means that if you don't share us, you can't afford to provoke you today. There are still two village owners in the village. I don't believe you can destroy us all.

Wei Dayong tried his best not to fight. Although he had many people and finished the singles, both of them were injured. In case the news leaked out, it would not be good. So he said, "Okay, brother, I want four boxes, and I'll give you the rest."

Zhou Cheng'an was about to get angry again. Wang Yuancheng said, "My brothers don't want much. Take half a box." Wei Dayong thought to himself, "Today, I will slowly deal with you after you go back."

"Okay, then I'll take a step back and give you half a box." At this time, Zhou Chengxin was so angry that he took away more than half of the meat in his mouth. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Wang Yuancheng wink at himself and knew that he had many ideas, so he gave a word to take advantage of this old son of a bitch. Wei Dayong saw that he was about to get so much gold, silver and jewelry, and he didn't want anything else. After a while, he asked someone to carry the box.