
005, if you can't afford it, plant it yourself

When she got home, the food was ready, and Tang's mother even made a comfortable nest for the rabbit with the bamboo basket she used to buy vegetables.

"It looks just right," Tang's mother gently picked up the rabbit and put it in the nest. "Go to buy a plate with cat litter and go there when you eat, so that the mat won't get wet."

Tang Xiaotang's brain made up for the teacher's human appearance and wet the bed. He blushed. The rabbit seemed to see through what she was thinking and threw a look of "If you dare to laugh, I will eat you."

Tang Xiaotang quickly stopped laughing and waved his hand and said, "It's very good. It's definitely not going to wet the bed. Well, I mean, is there any cabbage or something to cook dinner for it?"

Tang's father took out a green vegetable from the plastic bag, broke two leaves, and came to the rabbit's mouth: "Do you eat green vegetables too?"

The rabbit put his nose up and sniffed and took a bite reluctantly. Tang's father laughed: "It's good to eat. Tomorrow, the garden behind the company is going to be repaired. I'll ask the gardener to see if I can bring the cut grass back."

A family of three sat at the table for dinner, and the rabbit squatted in the basket and chewed vegetables boringly.

... Well, if I hadn't been too hungry to walk, I wouldn't have eaten this kind of weed.

"This glass of wine celebrates Xiaotang's successful passing of the college entrance examination, celebrates the recovery of the child's mother, and celebrates my final salary increase. Come on, do it!" Tang's father raised the red wine, and Tang's mother and Tang Xiaotang also raised their glasses.

...Human beings are really a group of creatures that have not been pursued.

After chewing the tender vegetable leaves, the rabbit put the green vegetable gang aside, squinted and dozed off.

...If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have achieved this pursuit.

Tang's mother has to go to the hospital for a physical examination once a month today. Just yesterday, she planned to get out, so she asked Tang Xiaotang to scrape a small pinch of powder from the crystal cluster, and secretly put it into the water cup of Tang's mother taking medicine before going to bed.

A monster that has been cultivated for thousands of years, even if the demon power solidified into crystal clusters is only a little, the power should not be underestimated. Tang's mother is just an ordinary person. If she drinks those powders, she will naturally get rid of all diseases.

He did this just for his own sake. Since he wants to use his daughter's body to cure his mother's illness in the future, he will save more trouble in the future.

However, this nest is really comfortable, soft and warm. It is really the right choice to cure her.

After dinner, Tang Xiaotang took the basket back to her room. The rabbit was full of sleep and energetic, and began to jump up and down as soon as the door closed.

"Teacher! Don't run around!" Tang Xiaotang chased after him angrily.

"I exercise after meals and don't burp." The rabbit jumped on her bed and stepped on it.

Tang Xiaotang was tired of chasing, sat in the chair and asked weakly, "Oh, teacher, you said on the bus that fairy grass can be planted by yourself. How to plant it and where to plant it?"

The rabbit arched around her quilt and stretched out his head: "Of course, it is planted in the sealed space. Although most of my demonic power has been collected, 20% or 30% have been absorbed by the space. The soil inside has quite strong vitality, and it is not a problem to plant a few fairy grass. Is the coat of arms on the back of your hand still there?

"It's still," Tang Xiaotang turned over the back of his hand and showed it to him, "Can you live if you plant it in the seal?"

The rabbit's little head twisted: "Of course, don't you believe me?"

Tang Xiaotang nodded: "Xin."

...Idiot, I said you believe it, and I'm just guessing, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, the demon power in the seal has to be recovered. It's better to have a try.

"But if you want to plant fairy grass, you have to have seeds first. Where can you get seeds?" Tang Xiaotang raised questions again.

"Slowly, although most of the fairy grass grows in the fantasy world, as long as someone travels between the two worlds, it is possible to bring the grass seeds to the present world and walk around and always find them."

The rabbit got out of the quilt and lay on the quilt, humming comfortably.

Tang Xiaotang saw the opportunity, rushed over and grabbed it with his ears.

"Let go! Girl, how dare you hold my ear? Let go, or I will eat you!" As soon as the rabbit was caught by her, she immediately struggled wildly.

Tang Xiaotang quickly put it back in the basket: "What's wrong with carrying ears? Rabbits are all ears, and it won't hurt."

The rabbit was ashamed and angry: "It won't hurt or carry it!" If you dare to treat your noble teacher like this, I don't want your body!"

Tang Xiaotang squatted by the basket, looked at it, and suddenly squinted and smiled.

The rabbit was so laughed that his hair stood up all over: "Why are you laughing? Don't laugh? It's disgusting!"

"The teacher won't do that," Tang Xiaotang stretched out a finger and gently touched the small hair between the rabbit's ears. He touched the rabbit gently, put his ears on his back and hummed comfortably. "Although the teacher looks fierce, he is actually a very gentle person. He shouted because of shyness. "Is it the reason?"

As soon as the rabbit heard it, he immediately retorted loudly: "Nonsense! Who is shy? If you talk nonsense, I will eat you now!" With that, he was about to jump on it.

At this time, as soon as the door opened, Tang's mother came in with a small rice basin: "I heard that the rabbit is going to eat night food. I cut a few vegetable leaves. It doesn't seem to eat vegetable poles. It's really a delicate rabbit." By the way, he reached out and touched the rabbit's little head.

Tang Xiaotang smiled and said, "Yes, yes, it's very delicate. If you are hungry at night, you may eat me together."

The rabbit stared fiercely again.

"I'll go for a walk with your father, and you can have a good rest at home!" Tang's mother said and closed the door and went out.

The rabbit casually commented, "Your mother is not bad."

Tang Xiaotang echoed with a smile: "Yes, it's the teacher's blessing." The rabbit hummed and stopped talking.

The next morning, Tang Xiaotang was still asleep when she was awakened by a ball falling from the sky. As soon as she opened her eyes, she enlarged several times the rabbit face and looked down at her condescendingly: "Hey, girl."

"Wow!" Tang Xiaotang shouted out of control and pulled up the quilt to cover his eyes. "Teacher, what are you doing? It's early in the morning."

The rabbit shook a few transparent beards on his face, yawned and said, "Get up. I'm hungry. Come out with me to find the fairy grass."

Tang Xiaotang easily survived the college entrance examination and planned to sleep well for a week. Unexpectedly, on the third day, she was soaked in her sleep and howled. She got up dejectedly to brush her teeth, wash her face and change her clothes.

Two conditions are indispensable for immortal grass in this world. One is a person who goes back and forth between the world and the fantasy world, and the other is an environment suitable for plant growth. At the same time, these two are generally flower beds and parks near fairy herbal stores.

Tang Xiaotang took the rabbit to turn over the grass near several fairy herbal shops and found nothing but mud and grass crumbs. Seeing that the day was about to pass, he couldn't help feeling regretted: "Will grass seeds really fall nearby? I haven't looked for it all." She couldn't distinguish between fairy grass and ordinary grass, so she could only follow the rabbit and felt more tired.

"In theory, there will be, but it's really strange that there is no one, not to mention the orange grass, not even the morning grass," the rabbit jumped in the grass and smelled everywhere, "Didn't these fairy grass merchants go to the fantasy world to pick?"

He really couldn't walk. Tang Xiaotang sat under the tree, took out the mineral water in his backpack and poured it a few mouthfuls, and then asked, "Teacher, do you want to drink water?"


"Huh? Don't rabbits need to drink water?

"Who told you I was a rabbit! It's all your fault that I will become a rabbit!"

"Oh, a talking rabbit?" A pair of long legs stopped behind the rabbit, then stretched out his hands and lifted the rabbit's ears.

The rabbit suddenly blew its hair, kicked its four paws, and shouted: "Let go of my ears! Rude human, I'm going to eat you!" Tang Xiaotang got up excitedly and greeted him: "Brother Qiu Zhe!"

The person who came was Tang Qiuzhe, a young talent who met Tang Xiaotang in his family five years ago. On the day of separation, he gave Tang Xiaotang a business card. Since then, they have been in touch. Last year, the head of the family died and Tang Qiuzhe succeeded him. Tang Xiaotang also ordered a bouquet online to celebrate him.

"Is it your rabbit?" Tang Qiuzhe put the rabbit into her arms with a smile. The rabbit opened his mouth unrelentlessly to bite off a few fingers, but was quickly pressed by Tang Xiaotang's eyes and hands: "Yes, it's a little naughty. Why did Brother Qiu Zhe come here?

After succeeding as the head of the family, you should stay in your own family to take care of the affairs of the whole family, right? How can you come to such a small town so far away?

Tang Qiuzhe answered her question with a smile: "Ah, well, my father has been doing fairy grass business. The five-year contract has expired, so I came to discuss the renewal of the contract with my Taoist friends here. I wanted to come by to see you, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

The rabbit looked up at the little white face in front of him with hostility and asked, "Woman, who is this boy?"

Before Tang Xiaotang could answer, the female demon quietly appeared behind Tang Qiuzhe and said coldly, "Little rabbit demon, how dare you disrespect the Lord!"

The rabbit blew up again: "Who is the rabbit? You are bald, and your whole family is bald!" Tang Xiaotang had to hold him desperately to prevent him from jumping up and competing with the female ghost.

The female father's hand raising the tambourine paused in the air, stared at him for a while, and said thoughtfully, "Oh, who do I think I am? It turned out to be Zhujin. I haven't seen you for a long time."

The rabbit was still angry and struggled desperately in Tang Xiaotang's arms: "Let go, girl, let me eat this unsightly ugly monster!" Tang Xiaotang's hand slipped and was really freed by it. The loaded bullets rushed to the female.

"I'm sorry, if you eat my Shikigami, I will be very troubled." Tang Qiuzhe raised his hand and patted a fixed charm on the rabbit's forehead. The rabbit fell down stiffly. Fortunately, Tang Xiaotang flew to catch it, otherwise he had to fall.

The woman recited her grievances with virtue and kindly explained, "Zhujin, the person in front of you is the current head of the Tang family. Please think of countermeasures before you take action."

"What! "The head of the Tang family?" As soon as Tang Xiaotang took off the rune paper, the rabbit roared again to jump on it, "Let go, girl. I'm going to eat this little white face so that there is no bone residue left!"