
007, elements of plant growth

"Is there really one around here?" Tang Xiaotang bent down to look for it on the lawn. The newly trimmed straw was as short as the hair of a person who had shaved an inch.

The rabbit sniffed and replied confidently, "I smell it. Hurry up and look for it."

Today's breakfast was fresh tender grass from Tang's father from the gardener. The rabbit found a small piece of snowflake grass buried in it - fairy grass almost everywhere in the fantasy world. It really broke the iron shoes and had nowhere to find. It took no time to get it. It immediately chased Tang Xiaotang out.

Tang Xiaotang was so tired that he couldn't understand why there are fairy grasses in such a place, there are no shops nearby, and it is not a necessary place for supply."

The rabbit cheered: "Here it is!" Tang Xiaotang hurried over and saw a short grass growing near the root of a big tree, six leaves and one flower, which was snowflake grass.

"There are two ways to go back and forth between the fantasy world and the present world," the rabbit jumped to sit on the root of the tree and explained while watching Tang Xiaotang plan the earth. "Generally, fairy grass merchants and alchemists will choose to record the locations they have been with scrolls. Next time if they still want to go, they will use scrolls to transmit, but some people don't have scrolls. They have to find the entrance to the fantasy world, which is everywhere, and it seems that there are exits nearby.

Tang Xiaotang carefully dug out the snowflake grass, wrapped the roots connected to the soil with plastic wrap and put them in the bag.

She asked, "Is there an entrance nearby? Then I can go in too?"

The rabbit snorted contemptuously: "You? If you go in, you will die. Instead of going to death in the hands of other monsters, let me eat you.

After searching nearby for a while, I finally dug up six snow plants. Although it was a low-level fairy grass, it was better than nothing. Anyway, the teacher didn't say which one he wanted, so even if it is made of this kind of snowflake grass that is easy to survive and reproduce into a Gu Sheshan, right? Tang Xiaotang thought to himself.

Of course, the sealed space can enter and exit anytime and anywhere, but it is not good for a big living person to disappear and appear in broad daylight, so Tang Xiaotang returned home with a bag containing fairy grass before entering the sealing space.

To her great surprise, Sifangcao has sprouted!

"Teacher, come and have a look! It really grows!" Tang Xiaotang cheered as if she saw some strange baby.

Zhujin looked short of interest: "I told you a long time ago that the president will come out. What's there is something to be excited about?"

Tang Xiaotang plucked those young seedlings with her fingers: "No, it was planted yesterday and sprouted today. Isn't it surprising that it is so fast? If it goes on like this, maybe it will be familiar in three days. Well, although it is not a valuable grass, someone should ask for it when it is sold to the fairy herbal store. If you change the money, can't you buy fairy grass for the teacher to eat?

Zhujin's originally shrugging ears stood up, as if she had seen this group of grasses that had matured and turned into money.

"I haven't transplanted it yet, and I don't know if I can live." Tang Xiaotang didn't care about his stupid appearance of drooling. He dug two rows of small pits with a spade and transplanted the snowflake plants brought back today.

Two rows of seedlings, two rows of grass. Tang Xiaotang squatted aside and looked happily. In his mind, he began to fantasize that it would be full of fairy grass. According to his meager understanding of fairy grass, some of them are still quite beautiful. If they can be planted, the sealed space will definitely become beautiful, so if the teacher If you don't want to be a rabbit, you have to stay in it. You can also watch flowers and eat grass. Isn't it much better than doing nothing before?

"Hey, girl, don't be daze. I'm hungry. Go and cut green vegetables for me!"

"Ah, okay."

He thought that the cultivation of fairy grass would be smooth sailing. Unexpectedly, he entered the space after another day. Tang Xiaotang found that whether it was grass or seedlings, there were some signs of tingling. He thought it was because of the lack of water, so he urgently poured a large ladle of water and went to see it every other day. Instead of it, it didn't get better, but there was a worse trend. .

Zhu Jin squatted in front of the nursery and roared: "Hey! It's so long. It's not a precious fairy grass. It's so pretentious. Isn't it all over the mountains? Doesn't it grow well when it hasn't rained for three years? Hello!" There is simply an impulse to help with seedlings.

Tang Xiaotang tried to stop him: "Teacher, don't be so irritable. There must be something wrong. If it can germinate, it proves that the soil is fine. If it can grow without rain for three years, it should have nothing to do with water. Then the rest may only be..."

Question, what are the three elements of plant growth?

Answer, soil, water, sunlight.

"There is no sunshine here," Tang Xiaotang pounded his palm and suddenly realized, "Teacher, is there any way to let the sunshine shine in?"

Zhujin squatted on the ground, looking like a large dog, and a pair of rabbit ears on her head twisted up: "Nonsense, of course it can't be! The sealed space is artificially created. You and I can come in because of consciousness. Have you ever seen the sunshine conscious?

As soon as Tang Xiaotang heard it, he asked again, "So bring in something that will shine?" Although the emergency light can be fully charged for lighting, there is no place to hang around..."

Her words flashed Zhu Jin, narrowed her golden eyes and said, "I have a way!"

"What can I do?"

"Since the sun outside can't come in, let's hang a sun inside."

Artificial sun!

Tang Xiaotang opened her mouth and blinked her eyes, and said for a long time, "But teacher, artificial sun is only available in science fiction."

Zhujin raised his eyebrows and scolded, "Idiot! What kind of artificial sun? There is no need for artificial sun. There are ready-made suns. Just grab one!"

"...ha?" Catch one? Catch one, what? Tang Xiaotang's head is full of question marks.

Zhujin copied his arm and raised his head arrogantly: "Woman, you haven't even heard of the story of Hou Yi shooting the sun, have you?"

Tang Xiaotang suddenly cried and laughed: "Of course I've heard of it, but that's just a legend. The sun is a star, and it hurts in the universe tens of millions of light years out!" Before he finished speaking, he was knocked on the head.

"Listen to the girl, the sunbird is real. At the beginning, Xihe opened the way between the present world and the fantasy world. Nine daylight birds took the opportunity to fly out, making the world drought for ten years without grass." Zhu Jin repaid the old revenge she was beaten in the cafe that day. Looking at Tang Xiaotang's tearful appearance, she was extremely happy. "Later, Houyi got the divine bow and shot down all the sunbirds and scattered them everywhere in the land of China."

"Although these sunbirds were seriously injured and sealed by the divine arrow, they are still alive. As long as one of them is found and imprisoned in space, the problem of sunlight can be easily solved!"

Tang Xiaotang was fascinated: "Huh? So that's it? So where are we going to find the sunbird? They must be very powerful in this world. Can they really be imprisoned in the sealed space?

Zhujin leaned confidently on the pile of rocks at the spring: "With me, this level of things is a trivial matter."

"So...does the teacher know where the sunbird is?" Tang Xiaotang asked again.

This time, Zhujin was silent for a moment and shook his head: "No one will know after Hou Yi's death, but it is not impossible to find them. Girl, I want you to go on a long trip.

Afar away! If Tang Xiaotang also has a pair of rabbit ears on his head, it must have formed into a peach heart: "Okay, okay, where are you going?"

You should know that in order to get into a good university, she hasn't left the city for three years. Now that the college entrance examination is over, how can she not go out and have a good time!

Zhu Jin narrowed her eyes and said, "Go to Hangzhou."

As the old saying goes, there is heaven and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. Hangzhou, as one of the most suitable cities for human habitation in ancient times, is really unique in the world. The ten scenes by the West Lake alone are beautiful enough to be intoxicating, not to mention famous delicacies such as West Lake Vinegar Fish and world-renowned Longjing Tea. Tang Xiaotang has yearned for Hangzhou a lot. It's been a year, and I agreed without saying a word.

Although she also went to her home every year when she was a child, her parents were still worried about Tang Xiaotang to go alone on such a long trip, so they signed up for a tour group for her and told her to pay attention to her mobile phone power at any time and keep her home safe every morning and evening. After many instructions, she was sent to the plane.

Ten-day trip to Suzhou and Hangzhou, including food and accommodation, and the price is not expensive. Tang Xiaotang looked at the price and felt pain, but on second thought that if the teacher hadn't cured his mother's illness, it would have cost more than a few thousand yuan, then he should have spent some money to run an errand for him? I'm relieved.

"Are you really not going with the group?" The tour guide looked at her alone and wanted to leave the group, which was very uneasy.

"Well... In fact, I have something to do here, but it's not convenient to tell my parents, so..." Tang Xiaotang embarrassedly touched the back of her head.

The tour guide didn't know what she understood and laughed on her face: "Oh, isn't it? Then have a good time. This is the team's schedule, and my mobile phone number is also written on it. If you want to go back to the group, please feel free to contact me~"

Tang Xiaotang thanked her, put away the schedule, and went outside the hotel to stop a taxi.

According to Zhujin's words, there is only one real destination for her trip, which is Longjing Mountain. Zhujin did not say the details, but asked Tang Xiaotang to inform him when he arrived. After all, pets are not allowed on the plane.

The taxi sent Tang Xiaotang to the mountain, collected high tolls and left. Tang Xiaotang wanted to put away his swell wallet without tears, found an empty corner to fold his right hand on the back of his left hand, and called out, "Teacher, I have arrived at Longjing Mountain."

"It's too slow!" The rabbit fell from the sky and almost smashed Tang Xiaotang.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I have to explain it clearly to the people of the tour group before I can go on the road, and I don't know if the driver killed me..." Tang Xiaotang touched the big bag on his head and said with a sad face.