
011, don't forget the virtue of kindness

"It's okay, it's almost... cough," Tang Xiaotang touched his nose and stood up in shock. "Teacher, why did you..." become so huge? Halfway through the words, he suddenly noticed that the opposite side's eyes were very different. He immediately became angry and slapped him, "What are you looking at!"

The red fox was slapped and turned into a rabbit. He squatted between a pile of rubble and retorted: "Who saw it! Who wants to see you! 360-degree cliff!"

Tang Xiaotang protected his chest with both hands and laughed when he heard the words. The rabbit was even more unhappy to see her smile. He waved his front paws and roared: "Don't laugh. It's not funny. Don't laugh!"

The teacher's mathematics must have been taught by the physical education teacher. Tang Xiaotang decided not to have the general knowledge of it. Looking at the shrine that will not collapse, he decided to go out first.

Of course, you can't go back directly if you are untidy, and the rabbit came back with a good T-shirt for her.

"If so, it should also be this group of snake demons who attacked Miss Yan Ru that year," Tang Xiaotang hid in the grass and changed her clothes while talking to the rabbit outside the grass. "Why on earth won't Mr. Cat Demon show up and meet Miss Yan Ru? Obviously, they still love each other."

The rabbit hummed contemptuously: "How old are you, do you know what love is? Which eye can see that the cat demon likes Yan Ru.

Tang Xiaotang changed his clothes and came out, picked it up and walked back: "If you don't like it, you won't stay in the hotel, will you? Only if you like someone will you be reluctant to leave her.

The rabbit was held by her, and her expression was a little uncomfortable. She pretended to mention it casually: "I heard those little monsters say in the hot spring that it was not that the cat demon refused to see her, but that Yanru has never seen the monster since what happened that day."

"Huh? Will there be such a thing?" Tang Xiaotang was shocked, "But can't Miss Yanru see the teacher?"

"Idiot! That's because my body is a jade sculpture now! It's an entity!"

Do you need an entity to see it? Tang Xiaotang was thoughtful.

After dinner that day, Tang Xiaotang stayed in the kitchen to help wash the dishes. When Yan Ru was cleaning the table, she said, "I saw Mr. Cat Demon."

Yan Ru's hand holding the rag stopped: "Ah...isn't it? Where is it?"

"In the corridor, he also greeted me," Tang Xiaotang was about to turn around and spread the problem with her after washing the last bowl, but he found that Yan Ru was full of black fog and her eyes were red, as if she had gone crazy. "Miss Yan Ru?"

The throat was suddenly choked, and Tang Xiaotang almost kicked her legs directly to see the king of hell. Yan Ru was so strong that she directly pressed her on the flow platform and pinched her throat with both hands.

"Really, isn't it... He has always been here, but he doesn't want to see me. He dislikes me and dislikes me for being defiled!" Yan Ru looked crazy and completely lost his mind. "Now he has found a better one. Has he found you?"

Tang Xiaotang opened her mouth in pain. Not to mention answering, it was even difficult to breathe. She could only wave her two hands to try to push her away from her body.

Yan Ru gritted her teeth and showed no mercy in her hand: "I have looked for him for more than a thousand years, more than a thousand years..."

"Yan Ru, let her go!" The rabbit rushed in through the door, "Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Without him, I will have no love. If you like to kill, just kill me." Yan Ru was unmoved and insisted on strang Xiaotang to death. Under her, Tang Xiaotang had gradually felt confused and would faint at any time.

At this time, there was a "meow" sound outside the door, as if a mallet had knocked on the back of Yan Ru's head. Her hands loosened, and Tang Xiaotang inhaled the air and rolled aside painfully covering her neck.

The gray Persian cat poked its head in from outside the door, and Yan Ru's pupils suddenly shrank, covering her mouth and looking at it incredulously: "Qiye, you really didn't leave?"

The Persian cat meowed, rushed up the chair and to the table, came to her and looked up at her.

"He has always been by your side. It's because you don't want to see him that he has been hiding from you." The rabbit also jumped to the Liuli platform and stretched out his tongue to lick the tip of Tang Xiaotang's nose.

Yanru shook her head unbelievably: "No, it's impossible! I've been looking for him and I've always wanted to see him!"

Tang Xiaotang's voice was changed by her: "Don't lie to yourself... You don't want to see him at all, because you don't know what kind of mood and expression to face him. From that night, when he saw you humiliated by the snake demon, you don't want to see him again.

The beloved is right in front of her, but Yan Ru keeps retreating: "It's impossible, I don't think so..."

The Persian cat squatted on the dining table and looked at her quietly and sadly.

"Because you were afraid that he would look down on you and dislike you because of that incident, you didn't want to see him. Driven by this mood, you became unable to see the monster, so you thought that Mr. Cat Demon had left you. Originally, it was just a guess and worry in your heart, but it became like it was true. You couldn't get out of the shadow of that year, so Si Nan Sir can't answer your question.

Before Tang Xiaotang finished his words, Yan Ru sat on the ground with her back against the flow platform and looked at the patterns on the floor with lost eyes.

The Persian cat meowed, jumped off the table, climbed into her arms, and struggled to stand up and lick the tears that slipped across her cheeks.

"Qiye...Qiye, I'm sorry!" Yan Ru held the Persian cat tightly in her arms and burst into tears, while the Persian cat just meowed and gently patted her on the cheek with a meat pad.

Well... At this time, it will become a light bulb. Tang Xiaotang rubbed her neck and slipped away.

It was another sunny morning. Tang Xiaotang yawned and walked into the bathroom. As soon as he picked up his toothbrush, he saw the pinch mark on his neck. Yan Ru really wanted to strangle her, so that ten fingerprints clearly remained on her neck.

It's still the wrong way to deal with things, she thought a little frustrated.

"Bang, it's obvious that you have to be nosy, but now you're depressed to see who." The rabbit group said sarcastic words at the door of the bathroom.

Tang Xiaotang spit out his mouthwash and turned his head and asked, "Has the teacher ever wanted to help others, but he was misunderstood?"

The rabbit yawned boredly: "I won't do such a boring thing. Hurry up. We have to go down the mountain to catch the bus."

When she packed up her luggage and went on the road, Yan Ru came to see them off with a Persian cat Qiye in her arms. It was really different from before. Tang Xiaotang looked at her happiness as if she had got the whole world, and suddenly felt that it was not a big deal if her neck was pinched. .

"Thanks to your help this time," Yan Ru bowed to Tang Xiaotang and thanked sincerely. "Although I still can't see monsters now, I may never see them again, but fortunately, with you, I can recognize my heart and relieve my past resentment with Qiye. Thank you very much, Xiaotang, Zhu Lord jin.

A jing on the rabbit's head: "What! Why did you put me behind this girl? Obviously, I contributed the most to this matter and drove away the snake demon for you. Do you know how much demon power it cost me?

Yan Ru smiled and handed over a cloth bag on her shoulder: "Of course, I know that it's my honor to get Lord Zhu Jin's help. A little heart, I hope you can accept it."

Looking at the flat cloth, Tang Xiaotang thought it was a pancake. He opened it happily, but he was shocked--


A bare board and a spoon, not what is Si Nan who points to everything in his heart.

[Human girls will always be rewarded with good intentions.]

Tang Xiaotang didn't dare to accept such a big gift and quickly pushed it back: "I can't accept this thing. It's too expensive. We just did something within our ability."

Yan Ru waved her hand with a smile: "Take it, I don't have anything valuable for you. At the beginning, I hid in the deep mountains just to stop being entrusted. Later, when Qiye disappeared, I began to help the people who came to the house again. I just hope that Duoduode has accumulated virtue. Now that Qiye has returned, I have no other wishes. Just take it.

"But..." Si Nan is too expensive. How can she afford it!

"Xiaotang, you still retain the beautiful virtue of helping others in your heart. This is also the ancestral motto of Long Jue's family for generations. You can take it as not a thank-you gift, but a responsibility. Try your best to help all the people you meet in the process of your practice. With the assistance of Si Nan, I believe you will gain more happiness and Satisfaction." Yan Ru gently put her hand on her shoulder and said gently.

The Persian cat also narrowed its eyes and said yes to her.

Tang Xiaotang nodded gratefully and embarrassedly: "Then I will accept it. I will definitely continue to help everyone find what they really want instead of Miss Yan Ru!"

"Well, see you later, welcome to visit often~" Yan Ru waved her hand and said goodbye to her.

"See you later!" Tang Xiaotang held Si Nan in his arms and waved his hand to run down the mountain.

It's like a dream. The magical Sinan actually became his own property. Tang Xiaotang played with it all the way. The rabbit couldn't stand it and poked her face with his paws: "Hey, girl, don't drool. It's so ugly. Look for fairy grass nearby and dig more and take it back."

"Uh-huh." Now that he has become the master of Sinan, he can ask infinite questions. Tang Xiaotang held Si Nan's heart and meditated. Please tell me where there are fairy grass nearby!

Si Nan's pointer turned on the tray and pointed in one direction, and one rabbit immediately ran there happily.

I don't know how to run to the destination. There is no fairy grass in front of me, but a well surrounded by tourists.

"The water in this dragon well can bless you with all your wishes, soaring, and the title of the golden list! You can only have one bucket. No matter how many people you come, you can only have one bucket in your life. This is called unifying the country. Come and queue up!" I don't know which group's tour guide is pulling the loudspeaker and shouting.

Tang Xiaotang remembered the bath water on the mountain and twitched at the corners of his mouth.

The rabbit squinted and asked, "Don't you want to unify the country?" Whether it is a family or three or five partners in the team, each group of people can only share one bucket, which is not only a unified country, but also a lifelong fate to share with you.

Tang Xiaotang said with a smile, "Unify the country? What's the use of winning the world and losing her, it's better to live an ordinary life. With this, he still went forward to ask for a bucket of water, filled the empty bottle, and then scooped a ladle and handed it to the rabbit: "Drink a little?"

The rabbit roared, "That's you idiot who washes your hands!" With that, he put his two front paws in and soaked them. If he didn't drink it, he wouldn't let others drink it.

Tang Xiaotang laughed and washed his hands and face with the water it had stirred, and the rest washed the mud of the soles. The rabbit teased, "Look, they are not enough. You actually use it to wash shoes and rape the stupid girl."

"I share the world with a rabbit, of course it's more than enough."

"What! You rude girl, I repeat, I'm not a rabbit! No!"