
014, the spirit of wood

After returning to the dormitory and sitting down, Situ Yan, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, changed the toilet paper stuffed in her nostrils and said, "This is a misunderstanding."

Tang Xiaotang nodded sympathetically. She was also hit by the rabbit's mallet. She knew that the pain would definitely last for more than a day, and Situ Yan was so beautiful that she couldn't stop her nosebleeds at this moment, and her embarrassed appearance was really unbearable to watch - this misunderstanding was terrible.

"What's the misunderstanding! My cultivation is not even a fraction, and you dare to show the props for collecting demons. Didn't your ancestors pass on your brain to you?" While eating wildly while holding the lunch box, the rabbit shouted softly without knowing how to eat people.

Situ Yan stuffed paper in her two nostrils and struggled to explain: "Actually, I went to Hangzhou last month."

Tang Xiaotang and Rabbit both understand.

"Miss Yanru asked you to come to me?" Tang Xiaotang asked.

Situ Yan shook her head: "She only told me that Si Nan was given to a girl named Tang Xiaotang by her, and that you would go to Gulangyu recently, so I went straight back to school without saying anything and ran to the island every day, thinking that one day I could meet you."

The rabbit licked his mouth: "It turned out that you haven't been there for a month, but you found a person with the same name in the freshman list, so you sneaked into the girl's dormitory?" Situ Yan nodded shyly: "I want to try my luck. It's better than doing nothing."

Tang Xiaotang was about to go back to the space to take Si Nan, but was stopped by the rabbit. It asked, "You haven't answered my question yet. Who is Situ Changqin?"

"I am the 61st generation descendant of Lord Changqin. Because I looked very similar to Lord Changqin when I was a child, I studied with her for a while." Situ Yan answered honestly.

Tang Xiaotang imagined herself learning from her sixty-generation great-grandmother, and she shuddered. What an old lady she must be!

The rabbit ate a box of spicy hot pot and covered the lunch box, which was considered to forgive Situ Yan: "Although Situ Changqin once had a little disagreement with me, Si Nan was passed from Yanru to the girl after all. If she is willing to help you, I won't interfere."

"That's really thank you," Situ Yan is still hungry, but she has to respect it. "But... won't rabbits have diarrhea after eating spicy hot pot?"

Huh? Do you still want to suffer again?"

The roommate's voice sounded in the corridor. Tang Xiaotang quickly grabbed the rabbit and threw it back into the space. By the way, he took Si Nan out and handed it to Situ Yan: "Well, but you have to think clearly, Mr. Si Nan will only answer one question. After asking this question, you can't ask again."

Situ Yan didn't seem to know that there was such a rule. Her expression was a little surprised. After taking it over, she suddenly pointed to the computer on Tang Xiaotang's desk: "Ah, someone shakes the window for you."

Tang Xiaotang turned around and shouted behind him. Situ Yan actually ran away with Si Nan in his arms!

"Hey, where are you going!" Tang Xiaotang hurriedly caught up, but at noon, it was the time when the students used the elevator very frequently. When Tang Xiaotang rushed over, the elevator just closed. She was so angry that she stamped her feet fiercely and turned around and rushed into the stairwell.

The distance suddenly increased. Tang Xiaotang was also a long-distance runner when he was in middle school, but Situ Yan could climb over the three-meter-high guardrail and flew even more when she ran, so that she couldn't catch up. Many freshmen who came to report along the road were pushed by her and complained loudly. .

What the hell is this? Tang Xiaotang was very afraid of the heat, and the greening of the new campus was poor. It was simply running against the scorching sun. When Situ Yan finally slowed down and got into a row of small banyan trees, she felt that she was sweating.

You can't think much about it. Si Nan given by Yan Ru can't be robbed as soon as she turns her head. Tang Xiaotang pushed away the bushes and drilled in. The scene in front of her surprised her.

Less than four years after the construction of the new campus, many facilities are not perfect, but the scene in front of her is completely barren mountains. How dare you believe that the dense row of banyan trees are used to cover the ugly? Almost one person tall of the grass in front of him, even Situ Yan can only show above her shoulders. It is a sea of grass. In the distance, there is a banyan with developed roots. The air roots are covered with vines. It is conservatively estimated that it will take 20 people to surround it.

Situ Yan walked around with Si Nan in her arms, as if she was still shouting, but the sound of the welcoming radio outside was so loud that she couldn't hear what she was shouting in the school song. Tang Xiaotang didn't dare to chase after him, so he caught the rabbit again.

The rabbit turned green when he saw the "high" grass face in front of him: " girl, you don't want me to eat this, do you?"

"What? Situ Yan snatched Si Nan away. It's not far ahead. I'll hug you." Tang Xiaotang bent down and raised the rabbit so that it could see what Situ Yan was doing.

The rabbit's tone was solemn: "No, there is a powerful monster nearby. Although you can't see the body, the power should not be underestimated. Girl, stay here and don't move." As he spoke, he rushed out, crossed the water all the way, and swept over the tip of the grass.

Tang Xiaotang almost fell down by the force of its kicking legs. Looking at the picture in front of her, she felt even more frightened: "Is this okay?"

The rabbit rushed behind Situ Yan and directly pressed her to the ground. Almost at the same time, Tang Xiaotang saw a green smoke sticking out from the crown of the banyan tree and swept from the position where Situ Yan had just stood. If the rabbit had not knocked her down, it was estimated that she had been hit by the smoke.

"Teacher!" Tang Xiaotang could no longer move in place, and the smoke hovered above them. No matter how you look at it, it was by no means goodwill.

She struggled to push through the grass and swam over and found that it was more difficult than expected, but her sound seemed to attract the attention of the smoke. The green clouds turned into a long snake and rushed towards Tang Xiaotang.

" girl, get out of the way!"

How can you dodge in this grassy sea that is difficult to walk! Tang Xiaotang was pushed forward by the smoke without retreating. He quickly protected his head and face with his hands. Hearing a roar in front of him, Zhu Jin, who had changed back to his original shape, rushed into the crown of the banyan tree tree and bit something. The green fog immediately withdrew and merged with the things in his mouth.

The red fox shook its head, threw the ball in its mouth on the ground, shrank it back into a rabbit, and sat on it.


"Presor Huaqiong!"

Tang Xiaotang and Situ Yan ran from both directions and came closer.

Under the rabbit is a person, or a humanoid creature. It is a common costume for college boys in their twenties, but their hair is thick emerald green, which is not like dyed, so it should be a monster.

"Speer Huaqiong, your hair..." Situ Yan seemed to want to reach out to help, but after seeing the strange hair color, she withdrew her hand back. "You...are a monster?"

The male demon called Huaqiong coughed and sat up and dared not look at her: "I'm sorry, Xiaoyan, if I say I'm a monster, will you still help me?"

Situ Yan had a wounded expression on her face, Si Nansha in her arms, slipped into the grass, and then turned her head and ran away.

The rabbit jumped on Tang Xiaotang's shoulder and lay down, and a front paw patted her face hard: "Human beings are really arrogant and self-righteous creatures. So are Situ Changqin's granddaughter, and so are you!"

"Why am I arrogant and self-righteous?" Tang Xiaotang called it wrong.

"Why are you not arrogant and self-righteous? I told you to stay where you are and you don't listen. What can you do for me?"

Tang Xiaotang couldn't stand being slapped by it. He grabbed his ear and pulled it aside: "Teacher, wait a minute. I haven't figured out what's going on. Is this person a monster? Did he lie to Situ Yan that he was a human?

The rabbit struggled wildly, but Huaqiong, the male demon sitting on the ground, said, "I have my own grievances. I didn't mean to lie to her. If I hadn't found out that she was a descendant of Situ Changqin, I would have revealed my identity to her."

"How to say? What happened between you?" Tang Xiaotang loosened the rabbit's ears and went to pick up Si Nan.

Huaqiong made a self-deprecating laugh and closed his eyes: "Do you want to hear it? This is a long story."

Tang Xiaotang squatted down opposite him: "If I can help. - But please make a long story short, I don't want to get heatstroke here. I don't even have anyone to carry me back."

Huaqiong sat down with his long legs, looked up at the cloudless clear sky, and slowly told his story.

"I was originally the son of a wooden spirit living in the fantasy world, in charge of the flowers and trees of Kongsang Mountain. I have never left Kongsang Mountain for thousands of years, but I have a well-informed good friend who often tells me what she has seen outside, sometimes it is the female bed mountain, sometimes Qingqiu Mountain, and there is also a place she mentioned. It's called the turbid world.

"Meili said that one day she would go to the turbid world to see it. She heard that there were joys and sorrows that the fantasy world did not have. She really wanted to see it, so we agreed that if she could go to the turbid world, she would come back and tell me what she had seen and heard."

Tang Xiaotang whispered to the rabbit, "Where is the turbid world?" The rabbit replied contemptuously, "That's where you are now, fool."

"Later, one day, a god opened the road to the present world. Many people scrambled to see the bustle. Mei Li was also among them. Before she left, she made a special trip to say goodbye to me and said that she would definitely come back, but..." Huaqiong's eyes dimmed, "She never came back this time. I was on Kongsang Mountain. After waiting for her year after year, she never came back, so I guessed if she would be in trouble and couldn't come back, so she ventured to follow a human who went hunting to Kongsang and came to the turbid world.

"But I guessed wrong. Mei Li is not that she can't go back, but she doesn't want to go back. After she and several of her brothers came to the turbid world, they found that their power was so strong, so they took pleasure in causing trouble and destruction everywhere and watching human suffering. My life was born by trees. In an environment that could almost make the air burn, my spiritual power was greatly reduced. I couldn't even go back. I cling to a tree and fell into a deep sleep.