
021, non-sustainable

Tang Xiaotang muttered to himself: "No wonder she said that human beings went back on their word..."

Tang Qiuzhe said "um" and continued: "The daylight birds thought that there was someone who deceived the public and incited human disgust with them, so they killed the leader of human beings at that time. Unexpectedly, this attitude towards them turned from boredom to hatred. After that... Ten days in the sky, Hou Yi shot the sun. It's almost like what is said in mythology.

"Human beings will always only think about themselves, so they keep making similar mistakes." The rabbit licked the sticky syrup on his hair and said.

Tang Qiuzhe laughed and said, "Yes, selfishness is always the root of evil. It's easy to help others, but it's really difficult to do it, not to mention sacrificing yourself for others."

The rabbit silently lay down [vertical and horizontally] and licked its claws, as if it had thought of something.

The night when he got the tears of the mermaid, Tang Xiaotang waved the shovel and planted it. The little sunlight bird was a little tired after flying for a day, so it fell down. It jumped like a sparrow and rubbed at Tang Xiaotang's feet to ask for smooth hair.

"The lessons of our ancestors tell us that it is a good habit to go to bed early and get up early, you know?" Tang Xiaotang seriously educated the little sunshine bird. The little sunshine bird cooed and tilted its little head to look at her, as if it didn't understand.

Zhujin lazily pinched a soft orange grass and chewed it to relieve her appetite and said, "You don't have to tell it. There were nine sunbirds at the beginning, so they can fly without rest. Do you really think they don't have to eat and sleep?"

Tang Xiaotang jumped angrily and pushed him away: "How many times have you said don't be cheap! Now you start to eat only a few trees, and they will be gone when you eat them! Do you understand sustainable development? Take a step back and have lush vegetation, and endure three points of abundance of food and clothing!"

Zhu Qin groaned and rolled her ears.

... This girl is getting bolder and bolder to teach me a lesson. She really has to be disciplined.

"Ah! Teacher, come on!"

Tang Xiaotang stood by the spring with a ladle in her hand and shouted. Zhujin pulled her ear dissatisfiedly: "Why are you shouting?"

Tang Xiaotang pointed to the water in the spring's eye: "The water is much less. I was here yesterday. Why did it go down a lot today? Can't the water in the spring recover by itself?"

Zhujin held the pile of rocks with her hands, thought for a moment, and said, "It will, but it's relatively slow, and the recovery of the spring also needs energy. Recently... Ah, I understand that it's the relationship between mermaid tears."

"What do you say?"

"The tears of mermaids usually grow on wet beaches and can absorb water spontaneously. The recovery speed of springs must not keep up with the speed of their absorption, so they are so much less."

Tang Xiaotang was stunned and asked with a sad face, "What should I do?" I have planted it all. If it goes on like this, won't the water in the spring dry again?

Zhujin took it for granted, "What else can I do? Dig it out and throw it away before I find it." Turn around and go to the shovel.

"No! Brother Qiu Zhe specially brought me back the seeds. How can he be worthy of his heart? Tang Xiaotang quickly grabbed him.

Zhu Jin's blue veins jumped on his head: "You figure out the situation! You grow fairy grass here for me, not for him!"

Tang Xiaotang just grabbed him and let him go: "But..." "Nothing! This is my territory, and the land here can grow grass because of my demonic power! You want to waste my demonic power to please that little white face. I clearly tell you that I don't agree!!"

He had a loud voice, and Tang Xiaotang couldn't stand it. He fell to the ground with a dizzy sound, but Zhujin ignored it and waved the mermaid's tears and stepped on it.

Tang Xiaotang sat on the ground and watched his behavior. After Zhujin vented her anger on the mermaid's tears, she was slightly relieved. She turned her head and saw her sad expression. Suddenly, she was a little guilty and said carelessly, "What's the matter? Go and do your homework."

Tang Xiaotang stood up silently, didn't even say goodbye, and disappeared directly.

"Oh, what's good about that little white face?" Zhujin bent down the corners of her mouth and said to herself.

[When others help you, at least you should be grateful.]

A very strange voice suddenly broke into her mind. Zhujin suddenly pricked up her ears and was alert: "Who is it!"

Si Nan, who was placed by the spring, emitted a copper-green light: "It's me."

Zhujin suddenly relaxed: "It scared me. Hey, what did you mean by what you just said? Are you accusing me?

Si Nan said slowly, "Yanru gave me to Xiaotang because she has a heart to help others and never forget to be grateful. What others give her may not be good, but she is still willing to cherish it. After all, her heart is more important than the object itself."

Zhujin was not happy to hear this, and her face became ugly: "Do you think I should dig out the tears of those mermaids?"

"No, digging should be done, but you can tell her well," Si Nan is more than a thousand years younger than him, but he is very old and looks like an elder. "The people who give you mermaid tears are always out of good intentions. You can not accept them, but you should not trample on the hearts of others."

Zhujin held her cheek in one hand and twisted her ears together, showing her inner irritability: "I just want to see the boy of the Tang family unhappy!"

Si Nan laughed a few times and asked, "Do you think he is unhappy, because you have a grudge against the Tang family, or because Xiaotang always defends him?"

Zhujin's eyes suddenly stared and said fiercely: "Of course, it's because I have a grudge against the Tang family!" Tang Youxin's old bastard is self-righteous. When my demonic power recovers, the first thing to do is to raze the old house of the Tang family to the ground!"

Si Nan said with a three-point sneer, "A strong rat, I have nothing to eat, a three-year-old girl, don't take care of me." It means that you conscienceless field rat, don't want to eat my food anymore. You won't take care of me even if you have raised you for three years. What's the use of keeping you! It is clearly satirizing his ungratefulness.

"You never thought about what Xiaotang felt like every time he heard you say that?"

Zhujin was silent.

Si Nan sighed, "What's more, it was also because of your extreme behavior that Tang Youxin sealed you. You should be punished for your sins. At the beginning, it was the Tang family that sealed you, and now it is also the Tang family who rescued you. Xiaotang doesn't owe you anything. You might as well think about why she is willing to do it for you. Horse."

"...noy, you care too much," Zhujin held one of her ears unplealy. "If you have the leisure to say the truth here, you might as well answer me a question."

"What's the problem?"

"Is there any way to keep the spring from drying up?"

In the ladder classroom, the teacher was loudly explaining the differences between several major language systems in the world. Tang Xiaotang took notes in his hand, but his heart did not know where he had gone.

The picture of Zhujin digging out the tears of the mermaid and stepping on them seemed to be still in front of her. Tang Xiaotang knew that what he did was actually right. The tears of the mermaid consumed too much and could not improve her cultivation. It was indeed unwise to plant under the current conditions, but she could not accept Zhujin's attitude anyway.

Does the things given by Brother Qiu Zhe deserve to be trampled on? The teacher and the ancestors of the Tang family have a grudge. This kind of hatred is not incomprehensible, but... Tang Xiaotang sighed and lay on the table.

I always feel that the teacher is right, but why is my heart flustered?

The weather at the end of October was still hot. She turned her head and put her cheeks on the table to cool down. Her eyes floated to the blue sky outside the window... Suddenly, she found a familiar white on the window sill.

Tang Xiaotang: "..."

I blinked in astonishment, but it was not an illusion.

The rabbit squatted on the window sill, stood up and patted the glass. Seeing her looking over, he motioned her to come out.

God! This is the fourth floor! How did it come up? Tang Xiaotang couldn't think about it carefully. She quickly pretended to have a stomachache and slipped out of the classroom and ran downstairs all the way.

Z campus is divided into the northern living area and the southern living area. The teaching area sandwiched in the middle is at class time. There is basically no one in the open space. Tang Xiaotang ran to the path facing the window. He couldn't see rabbits left and right, so he shouted: "Teacher? Where are you?"

"Top," the rabbit's response came from high, "I jumped down."

Tang Xiaotang looked up at the height and was almost scared. He rushed over to pick it up, but saw the rabbit opening a small flower umbrella and swinging down erraticly. Tang Xiaotang raised his arm and just hugged it.

"Let's go." The rabbit squatted on her shoulder as usual and watched her pick up a small umbrella to block the sun.

"Where are you going?" Tang Xiaotang is still a little puzzled.

"Moon Bridge."

X University has always been known as the "high school most suitable for dating". There are countless dating places. Although the Z campus is newly built, it is not as beautiful as the step by step of the headquarters, there are still one or two places. The Moon Bridge is one of them, which is naturally worse than Furong Lake, which has cool chairs and no street lights, but it is still a walk hand in hand. It's quite appropriate.

Tang Xiaotang walked along the path by the artificial river and saw a man in an ochre golden robe waiting on the bridge railing from afar.

X's Hanfu Club is not as prosperous as N, so it should not be COSPLAY, but a monster. Tang Xiaotang slowed down and the rabbit urged, "Come on, don't you see people waiting?"

"Who is that?" Tang Xiaotang asked in a low voice.

"The mountain god of Chaoge Mountain, one of my wine friends." The rabbit replied.

Tang Xiaotang walked on the bridge and greeted the man from a distance: "Hello, I've been waiting for a long time."

The moment the man turned around, Tang Xiaotang's breath stagnated, and his hilarious impulse almost blew his stomach.

A man with a straight posture and elegant hair, but a gray wolf mask on his face!

I don't know whether the mountain god saw that her face was red, or pretended not to see it, and greeted him leisurely: "The scenery here is good, and it's worth waiting for a while. - Are you Tang Xiaotang?"

"Yes, er..." Tang Xiaotang really couldn't speak seriously to the gray wolf's face and secretly glanced at the rabbit on his shoulder, "What are we doing here?" Come on, take this."

The mountain god handed over a bulging cloth bag: "This is the tear seed of the mermaid that Brother Zhu Jin asked me to pick. The season has passed and the number is not large, but it is better than nothing."