
035, Light Source Plan

In an hour, it seemed that a domineering and strong force caught Tang Xiaotang's mind, which made her unable to divert her eyes and was forced to look at the old man. Tang Xiaotang shouted that she couldn't do well and wanted to escape, but his body could not move. The old man in front of him also became a double shadow, one changed two, two changed four, more and more and finally rubbed. It was broken into a pile and turned into a chaotic and blurred gray.

What kind of evil art is this? I'll go! Tang Xiaotang complained sadly in the bottom of his heart. The intensive reading teacher just now said that he would eat grass. If he didn't go home after school, he would really be punished...

"The masters in the world are all short-protective, alas... Since you have been reincarnated, you shouldn't have suffered this again, but how can I be willing to do it?"

What I had experienced in the past began to appear in front of me. I retreated as fast as a video tape, and in the blink of an eye, I retreated back to my infancy, which Tang Xiaotang didn't remember very well, and then... it was dark.

Tang Xiaotang is full of question marks. What does it mean to be dark?

Suddenly, there was the sound of paper flying in the wind. The darkness in front of him suddenly dispersed, and the power that imprisoned his body and consciousness was lifted. Tang Xiaotang fell to the ground.

A series of paper charms painted with black patterns revolved around the old man. The old man did not expect to be disturbed. For a moment, he messed up his feet. He took two steps back and reached out to break the array, but the rune paper had left him and flew to the sports field opposite the drainage canal.

Tang Xiaotang looked over and saw Situ Yanyang, who was in sportswear and trousers in physical education class, grabbed the rune paper and shouted, "Run!"

The old man sighed: "Well, since the descendants of the Sui people intervened, I was probably nosy." Turn around and disappear.

Tang Xiaotang did not dare to stay longer and immediately turned around and ran back to the dormitory.

After sleeping, the rabbit seemed to be in a better mood. A pot of apples was eaten by it, and the fruit stone vomited all over the ground. Tang Xiaotang had to sweep it with a broom again.

"Teacher, I just met someone on the other side of the Moon Bridge."

"Well," the rabbit chewed the apple lazily and spit out another apple seed. "Who is it?"

Tang Xiaotang swept away again with regret: "An old man, so tall, with a walking stick, called me a little girl, asked me where the pattern in my hand came from, and said that all the masters in the world are short-protective."

The rabbit is still not taken seriously: "What else? Is there anything else?"

Tang Xiaotang squatted down and stared at it: "He also said that I had been reincarnated and should not suffer again, but he was unwilling. Later, Xiaoyan saved me with rune paper. He said that he didn't mind his own business and left."

The rabbit's ears stood up: "Have you met a monster?"

Tang Xiaotang blinked: "Yes."

"Then why don't you just say that you met an old monster!" The rabbit exploded in an instant, "You idiot girl, what did he do to you, huh? Did I hit you, bite you, or sexually harass you?

Tang Xiaotang smiled and said, "Come on, teacher, he is old enough to be my grandfather and sexually harass him. He doesn't have the ability to harass him."

said again, "He seems to have peeked at my memory and has seen it all since I was a child. I don't think the teacher and the sealed space can be hidden."

The rabbit blew up more: "What are you talking about! Can he read minds? He, he..." But he didn't have a reason for a long time. Tang Xiaotang asked inexplicably, "What is mind reading? Is it very powerful? Teacher, do you know him?

After the initial shock disappeared, the rabbit slowly calmed down and jumped out of the nest: "It's a long story. Go in and talk about it."

After the two entered the sealed space, Tang Xiaotang was surprised to find that Zhujin had two circles of black at present.

"Teacher, did you have insomnia last night?" What trouble can make him, who can eat and sleep, get into insomnia?

Zhu Jin sat down after flirting with his clothes and said impatiently, "Don't ask nonsense. Sit down and tell him what happened before and after you met him."

Tang Xiaotang did not dare to be careless. He hurriedly sat down as ordered and repeated the whole process of stopping to see the flowers until the old man disappeared, including what the two said.

After listening to her words, Zhujin was silent for a long time, finally licking her lips and said in an astringent voice, "You should meet my master."

Tang Xiaotang: "!!!!" After a few seconds of stunned, he quickly asked, "Your master? Where is that sacred? Teacher, you are a monster in the beginning of Shang, and your master is at least from the Hemudu period. Why don't you wear a grass skirt? Was there mind reading at that time? Is mind reading difficult to learn, teacher, can you do it?

"...you can shut up."

Zhujin sighed and grabbed his scalp and said, "He's still alive. I thought he had died a long time ago. Their group of people were almost dead... Forget it, it's useless to tell you this. I listened to what you just said. He should have mistaken you for another person, so he went to read your memory and wanted to know you. What have you done in your life?

Tang Xiaotang looked confused: "The last life? All I know is that the tape in this life will be dark after it is poured down. Can't I see what happened in the last life?

"It's not that you can't see it, it's not," Zhu Jin's eyebrows are deeply locked, as if it's annoying. "People are the end of reincarnation. If God dies, they will be reincarnated as demons or people. If demons die, they will also be reincarnated as adults, but if people die, they will be gone. You are an ordinary person. There is no previous life or next life. He has found the wrong person."

Tang Xiaotang said "Oh" and asked again, "Who is he looking for?" Is your sister or sister?"

Zhujin replied with a wooden face, "Neither. He should be looking for the first apprentice I received, Qianqian."

Tang Xiaotang's face was so excited that the corners of his mouth twitched, so he didn't have to talk about what happened in those years.

It turned out that more than 2,000 years ago, Zhu Jin, who had begun to become a fairy, practiced alone in Shouyang Mountain and was so idle that she was about to bask out salt. In line with the concept of "children and grandchildren, grandchildren, and endless generations of descendants, so that peaches and plums can come all over the world", she ran to the next mountain to stroll, intending to take an apprentice to raise and play.

The mountain god of Qingqiu Mountain next door had a good relationship with him, so he collected a group of well-qualified cubs and asked him to pick them by himself. However, Zhu Jinxian's eyes were higher than the top, and he didn't like any of them. Qingqiu Mountain God was not happy. He casually said that you could pick them up when you went out for a thousand steps. A precious apprentice.

Then he went and wandered all over the mountains. Suddenly, he found a trap in the trees on the mountain and caught a nine-tailed fox.

"So you accepted it as an apprentice?" Tang Xiaotang listened with relish.

"She's dead. Don't fart," Zhu Qin said angrily. "Don't stop if you want to hear it." Tang Xiaotang hurriedly zipped his mouth and motioned him to continue.

Out of pity for the same kind, Zhujin went forward to break the trap, but the female fox was stopped by her waist and her blood turned black. She had been dead and stiff for a long time. Even if he was proficient in herbs, she could not save her.

Just as he thought that his old friend of the mountain god would not want to use this to tell him that "you can't receive a satisfactory apprentice", a little fox emerged from under the female fox and blinked a pair of small amber eyes and looked at him anxiously and pitifully.

"I thought she was of the same kind. It's pitiful that she didn't have a mother, so I took her back," Zhujin scratched her hair and grinned. "Damn it, the one-month-old little fox is really fucking difficult to serve. It doesn't eat this or that. When I'm hungry, I can only cry. I almost couldn't help chew her several times at that time."

Tang Xiaotang didn't cry or laugh, and muttered, "What can you expect from a one-month-old baby? Didn't you come from a baby back then?" Immediately, he understood and said, "But yes, animals in nature are mothers taking care of the cubs. Teacher, you are a male, and it's difficult for you."

It's better not to say this. Zhujin's face turned black and said, "At that time, I really felt bored, but every time I comforted myself like this. I put up with it again and again. It'll be fine when I grow up. It looks good. It's good not to be an apprentice as a companion."

Tang Xiaotang suddenly realized: "Oh~~ Guangyuan's plan, child daughter-in-law, I know, and then what happened to the mother?"

Zhujin suddenly scolded, "Mother, your sister! She is just a troublemaker. I just went out to drink. When I came back, she ran away and ran to the world. When I saw a beauty, I directly ate the human soul and robbed my body. For this, I was chased 3,000 miles by Jiang Ziya, and I almost died!"

Tang Xiaotang's eyebrows moved and seemed to want to say something. Seeing that he was angry and didn't dare to say it.

Zhujin's face was cloudy: "What do you want to say, say it."

Tang Xiaotang was vaccinated first: "I'll tell you if you don't get angry."

"It's not your fault not to get angry. Say what you want to say."

If it is a coincidence that it is a soul-eating and robbing people's bodies, then when it comes to Jiang Ziya, the identity of these thousands of little foxes is confirmed. Tang Xiaotang blinked and asked, "My daughter-in-law who was raised by one hand was finally slept by others and killed by others. You..."

Zhujin took a breath and frowned and pointed to her head: "I was really insurable when she was killed. I couldn't save her, but even if I could save her, I wouldn't save her. Do you think I'm a cold-blooded and ruthless person?

Tang Xiaotang shook his head: "Teacher, you choose not to save. There must be a reason for you. What's more, if you make trouble, you should take responsibility. As a master, you don't have to wipe your buttocks with your apprentice all your life."

Zhujin nodded sadly: "You're right, but my master... He didn't think so. I was chased out at that time, so I went to his old man for asylum. It was inevitable to explain what happened. As a result, after listening to me, Master lost his temper on the spot and said that he would teach Qianqian in person, and He was tired of saying that he dared to bully his apprentice, but in the end he couldn't catch up. Qianqian was killed by Ji.

Oh, it turned out that this is what the master meant to protect his shortcomings. Tang Xiaotang thought amusedly that the old man protected his shortcomings so that he didn't even let go of his little apprentice grandson, which was really enough. Oh, wait, the problem doesn't seem to be here. Maybe it's not because of Daji... No, Qianqian has caused the disaster of killing her master, but that she betrayed Zhujin emotionally, so she can't swallow this evil anger. After thousands of years, she still has come to trouble with herself.

When Tang Xiaotang said his idea, Zhujin's face turned blacker and scolded, "That's not the case!" Qianqian... When she was just one year old, I didn't care about any of her. She fell into the charcoal basin, and many skins on her face were damaged. She had never been well. I felt ashamed, so I wanted to teach her all the skills she had learned, make up for her, and no matter whether her qualifications were good or bad. I accepted this apprentice, but who knew that she fell into In the obsession, I can't climb out."