
037, flower explanation (comment update)

Well, it was really a mistake. Tang Xiaotang simply had the impulse to roll his eyes, but he had to worry about the order of the young and the young. He couldn't be too rude, so he took a deep breath and waved his hand and said, "Who did you mistake me for? Isn't it Su Daji?"

The old fairy was once again: "Su Daji...who is it?"

Tang Xiaotang felt that three black lines appeared on his head: "That must be a mistake. In fact, Master, I'm not Su Daji's reincarnation, nor the person you are looking for. I'm me. I'm the teacher's new, er... follower."

The old fairy looked up and down in disbelief and said, "Are you sting me? Zhujin was sealed by Tang Youxin in a place where I can't even find it. How can I accept you as an apprentice? Although I'm old, my heart is not confused. You can't deceive me.

"It's true," Tang Xiaotang's tone was full of weakness. "The teacher was released by me. After the Christmas event begins, he will come to eat cake. If you don't believe it, come with me. I will lie to you. He won't lie to you, will he?"

The old man was a little shaken by her. He touched his beard and thought for a while and nodded, "Well, I'll go with you to see how to celebrate Jesus' birthday." Just as he was about to walk, Tang Xiaotang bent down to unlock the lock and patted the back seat of the bicycle: "Master, please give you a ride?"

The old fairy couldn't help but look at the bicycle and other cars passing by. He picked up his clothes and sat down on the back seat without a teacher. He smiled and said, "Well, this thing is strange. I'll sit down."

Hearing that his tone eased a lot, Tang Xiaotang was much more relieved. He got on the bike and rushed down the ramp.

The wind blew on the winter night, which was refreshing and cool. The old fairy said slowly, "It's more comfortable than riding a horse, but it still can't catch up with my Kowloon car."

Tang Xiaotang is ironic. He thinks that it is just a bicycle that can be compared with a fairy car. It has been a blessing for tens of millions of years of ore cultivation, and he still expects to be compared with a famous one.

"Zhu Jin... When your master was still a little fox, in order to worship under my door, he bravely took a lot of difficulties to pick up a blooming Zhu Jinhua from the cliff, took it in front of me, shook his head and waved his tail, and kept paying attention. That little appearance is really cute." The old fairy caged his hands, narrowed his eyes, and casually talked about what happened in those years.

Tang Xiaotang laughed: "There is also this kind of thing. The teacher is usually fierce, but I didn't expect to be cute when I was a child."

She didn't dare to look back and carefully avoided the surrounding vehicles. It was enough for her to ride alone. In case the master overturned or crashed the car, Jesus' birthday would become her death day.

The old fairy breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Later, I planted the flower in front of the door. It looked very well. When your master left, I cut a branch and brought it to him. Shouyang Mountain did not grow grass, so I could only plant it with a tile pot. However, I survived. Later, the apprentices had to get one each when he came out of the teacher, but I couldn't feed it. Some even just took it casually. After going down the mountain, they didn't know which corner they left and ignored it.

"Later, the branch in front of my door withered overnight, and we knew that your master was betrayed and imprisoned in a place where the sun could not be seen," the old fairy sighed. "The flower branch here should have been given to her by your master in those years. I don't know how many twists and turns you have experienced, but it can still survive. It's a fate to be seen by you."

Tang Xiaotang was silent for a while and couldn't help asking, "Since the person you mentioned is not Su Daji, who is it?"

There is no response behind.

When the car went downstairs, Situ Yan waited early with a rabbit in her arms. Although she was on holiday, she could not go home, so she followed Tang Xiaotang's class for the festival.

"Why did you arrive so late! I didn't answer the text message or answer the phone, which made us wait here!" As soon as the rabbit saw her coming, he waved his front paws and began to curse.

"Is there any delay?" Tang Xiaotang stopped the car and complained dissatisfiedly, "I met the master in front of the canteen and stood and chatted for a few words." He took out his mobile phone and took a look. "I'm not a few minutes late. Don't care so much."

The rabbit stood up and his ears, and the white hair exploded: "Have you met him again? Where is it?

Tang Xiaotang turned his head back: "This is not in the back..." Looking back, there was not even a ghost in the back seat.

The rabbit broke away from Situ Yan's arms and came to the bicycle to sniff. She didn't say anything for a long time. Situ Yan saw that she was out of place and immediately took the initiative to avoid it: "The classroom is on several floors. I'll go up to find Mengmeng first." After asking clearly, the classroom left.

"Teacher?" Tang Xiaotang locked the car, picked it up and put it on his shoulder and touched its little head. "The master told me about you being cute and begging for a teacher when you were a child. Did you call Zhujin because of that flower?"

The rabbit has always didn't like to be teased by her as a pet, but today she didn't even avoid it. She put her head on her front paw and closed her eyes to answer the question: "God can't enter the world without authorization... It's hard for him to think about me. I'm really unfilial. I've always thought that he has passed away and haven't seen him for many years."

Tang Xiaotang comforted him, "It's not too late to know. It's good to visit him often in the future."

The rabbit raised his eyelids lazily and said, "He doesn't want to see me. He must have had no choice but to suffer. The mountain has completely collapsed. I don't even know where he lives now. Where can I go to see it? Forget it, let's go upstairs. The girl named Qin Mengmeng said that tonight's cake is nectarine strawberry with papaya, and your share is mine.

"What I have is not yours, and there is no need to emphasize it." Tang Xiaotang said something funny and took it upstairs.

A group of non-Christians gathered together for the festival, nothing more than eating, drinking and performing two programs. The new ones are gone. Tang Xiaotang's locust-like five-tones are still forced to sing. Without singing a few words, the whole classroom laughed.

"If you say you can't sing, you have to let me sing," Tang Xiaotang blushed and threw away the microphone. "Forget it, I'll tell you a joke and let me go."

"A girl was stuck in a corner by a boy who secretly loved her. The boy asked: I like you. Do you like me? The girl said: Guess what? The boy immediately said: I guess you like me too. The girl said quickly, "Can you guess again?"

The students sitting around the classroom laughed even more, and Tang Xiaotang took the opportunity to escape.

The rabbit ate all the cakes of her and Situ Yan, licked three mouths and whispered, "I don't hear anything funny."

Tang Xiaotang picked it up and put it on his lap and whispered, "It's a cold joke. Don't talk here. Are you full? Go back first when you are full, or go to the seal. After a while, the classroom will be messy and step on you.

Rabbit looked at a man and a woman singing in the center of the classroom with no interest and said, "If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Will you die?" After saying that, he jumped off the ground and jumped to the door.

Tang Xiaotang was stunned and thought about it. He still chased him out with his bag on his back.

As soon as the door closed, the noise in the classroom seemed to be the joy of another world. The rabbit squatted quietly at the door, holding its ears and thinking about something.

Tang Xiaotang stretched out his hand to it. He didn't look at it and asked coldly, "What are you doing?"

"Go back together?"

The rabbit glanced at her and said, "Don't you celebrate the holiday with your classmates?"

Tang Xiaotang smiled and said, "The teacher is in a bad mood. Of course I'm going with you. Will you go?"

The rabbit held back for a moment, but still climbed up along her arm and hung it on her shoulder. Tang Xiaotang went downstairs to pick up the car, but the rabbit said, "Go back."

"Well," Tang Xiaotang guessed that it had something to say, so he nodded, put it in the basket, and pushed the car forward. "It's windy at night, and it may get sick if it blows."

One person and a rabbit slowly walked back along the campus road. There were thousands of stars in the clear night sky, like decorative lights on the Christmas tree, decorated the silent canopy, and the sound of whistles from the fishing port in the distance, which was thick and long.

The rabbit has been silent, and Tang Xiaotang had to walk to the Moon Bridge. Tang Xiaotang stopped the car, looked around sneakily, and then quickly pinched a blooming jinx.

"...what are you doing?" The rabbit looked at her, although it was a question, but there was no unexpected tone.

"This is also an heirloom." Tang Xiaotang shook the branches with a smile and threw them into the car basket.

The rabbit arched the flowers with his nose and said silently. Tang Xiaotang took the opportunity to say, "The master didn't look for thousands of people." I know." Then did you lie to me on purpose? The rabbit didn't say anything again.

Tang Xiaotang had to push the car and continue to walk back.

It's almost downstairs of the dormitory. In the past, only a few lights were lit in the brightly lit dormitory building because of the festival. The rabbit looked up for a moment and suddenly said, "Master is right. Anyone who is a master in the world is more or less protective."

"Do you protect your shortcomings? I didn't see it," Tang Xiaotang locked the car with a smile. "You will bully me."

The rabbit trembled and jumped on her back: "You are not my apprentice, and I don't want to accept any more apprentices."

Tang Xiaotang's locked hand stiffened, and then pulled out the key as if it was okay: "Well, I see."

The rabbit rubbed her ear with his nose and said, "But don't worry, I will protect you when you study these years."

Tang Xiaotang smiled and said, "Then what?"

The rabbit asked doubtfully, "What then?"

"Nothing, I'm doing coolies for you. Of course, you have to protect me, or no one will plant fairy grass for you." Tang Xiaotang pretended to make a joke easily. The cold wind blew over and she sneezed.

The rabbit hummed indifferently. Tang Xiaotang listened to it and suddenly felt that his chest was like a sponge with water. He was so depressed that his feet almost stopped in mid-air.

However, she finally stepped down, even jumped up the steps a little briskly and swiped the card into the door.

The rabbit didn't see the corners of her mouth with disappointment and dim eyes, but it didn't say anything and lay on Tang Xiaotang's shoulder as if she were asleep.

After returning to the dormitory, Tang Xiaotang gently put the rabbit back into the nest, picked the flowers he stole into the seal, found a conspicuous position to insert the flowers into the soil, poured half a ladle of water, and then stared at the bright red flowers.

The little sunlight bird had fallen asleep. She was stunned for a while, couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then spit it out heavily.

"Didn't you go for the holiday? Why did you come back so early? Are you still not picky?" Si Nanyou asked.