
039, ghost warning

Tang Xiaotang rolled his eyes and thought that how could he blame me if you spoke too much? Normal people couldn't understand! He said, "I was a sprint champion when I was in middle school. It's not a problem to run for my life. If you really want to teach, you'd better teach me some skills to defeat the enemy, such as rakes."

Zhujin's face did not change her face and said lightly, "Learn the ability to escape first, and then talk about the rest slowly."

There seemed to be some meaning in that word. Tang Xiaotang was a little flattered, but he was not sure if he meant that, so he asked tentatively, "Is it too late for me to learn now?"

"It's not too late," Zhu Jin said with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth. "I was 27 years old when I entered the teacher's door. I'm not afraid of being late, but I'm afraid not doing it."

For this reason, the meaning was already obvious. Tang Xiaotang's nose was sore, suppressed the excitement of unknown origin, and whispered, "Teacher..." He didn't know what to say, so he could only look down at his feet.

Zhujin patted her on the head and nodded, "Just call it that. Listen, thirty-six tricks are the top plan. Escape is a technical job, fast, accurate and ruthless. I'll show you."

Oh, oh, oh, is the teacher going to make a big move? Tang Xiaotang looked up at him expectantly and was ready to listen to the teachings.

"Why is there money on the ground?"

Almost reflexively, Tang Xiaotang looked down at the ground. When he was deceived, the people in front of him had already gone.

"..." Tang Xiaotang didn't know whether to cry or laugh. When she picked up the water and went to go to the morning irrigation, she found that almost all the transplanted fairy grasses had been strangled off a few leaves to varying degrees. They were in a half-dead state, and some of them were eaten left in the ground and laughed angrily. "I'm going to your uncle's cheap teacher. Father!"

Fortunately, the flower folded back last night was not poisoned. It absorbed the demonic power in the soil and was blooming energetically. Tang Xiaotang was a little relieved.

After Christmas, it will soon be New Year's Day, followed by winter vacation, but before that, like all freshmen, Tang Xiaotang faced a terrible threshold - the high mathematics exam!

Once upon a time, there was a tree, and the tree was very high, and there were many people hanging on it. The ancients said that they didn't know it, but they hung the southeast branch, talking about this "high tree".

"Ah, ah, I don't understand, I don't read it--!"

Tang Xiaotang threw the textbook on the table crazily and fell down.

Beth, Situ Yan was soaking her feet in a large bucket of hot water. Hearing the words, she smiled and said, "Isn't it just a continuation of high school mathematics? How can it be so terrible? X University has been admitted, and you are you afraid of a high math?" As soon as the words came out, the three girls in the dormitory who were well prepared for the exam turned their heads and looked at her with two horizontal lines.

Given that the roommates' eyes were too wolf-like, Situ Yan quickly changed her words: "Well, I have a high-level brainless strategy..." "Please share!!"

Situ Yan, who came from science, now incarnated as the Guanyin Bodhisattva who saved the suffering. She took over the draft book and wrote and drew like this. She said, "In fact, calculus is not like that. If you don't engage in scientific research, it's useless to learn. Look, when you encounter the problem of solving calculus, you will take off a layer of brackets..."

Qin Mengmeng poked her cheek: "Is that a bracket?"

"You just think it's a parenthesis."

"Uh-huh, and then what?"

"Then all the numbers here are reduced by one."


"Then sauce, and then brew it... So, understand?"

The three mathematical idiots suddenly became enlightened, shouting their kindness, and ran back to the table to verify the truth with practice.

Staying up and fighting hard to turn off the lights, the girls climbed into bed one after another. Situ Yan has no exam tomorrow and continues to watch American dramas. While brushing, she suddenly took off her headphones and asked gloomily, "Have you heard of the legend of high mathematics in Building 4?"

Tang Xiaotang shivered: "You, you... Don't talk in this tone in the middle of the night, okay?"

Wen Ting, a girl who has always been diligent and hard-working in the dormitory, suddenly answered: "Is it the legend of the ghost wandering in the corridor with a high-level textbook?"

Tang Xiaotang and Qin Mengmeng shouted crazily at the same time: "Don't say it!"

Situ Yan was happy and said, "It's okay if you are cute. Are you afraid of ghosts, Xiaotang? This is illogical." People who can see monsters are afraid of ghosts, which is a little unreasonable.

"I'm most afraid of these messy things." Tang Xiaotang wrapped himself in a ball with a quilt and trembled.

Wen Ting said with a long voice and said, "Then go to bed, let's not talk about it."

The room is quiet.

After a few minutes, Qin Mengmeng called tremblingly: "Xiaotang, Xiaotang, are you asleep?"

Tang Xiaotang replied quietly, "No, I can't sleep."

Situ Yan burst out laughing: "Are you so scared that you can't sleep? Oh, we haven't said anything yet.

"It's scary if you don't make it clear!" The two ghost- feared girls complained together, with a loud voice, and Wen Ting, who had already fallen asleep, was also woken up.

Situ Yan made a cup of coffee, stirred the spoon in the cup, and said with a smile, "In fact, it's not a big deal. Every year, there are always so many people who fail in public classes, and the high number of failure rate is at the top of the list all year round. Many seniors have moved back to the headquarters and have to take a boat to repair it, and some people even come. I didn't pass until graduation. That's terrible! Tut."

Wen Ting yawned and took over: "Yes, where there is resentment, there are resentment. It is said that people often see the ghost of a girl floating in the corridor of Building 4, saying that she jumped off the building and committed suicide by no matter how she failed the high number textbook."

Tang Xiaotang and Qin Mengmeng shivered together and wrapped the quilt tighter.

"But that must be nonsense. How can anyone jump off a building for such a big thing? And even if you want to jump, Building 4 is not high enough. It's not terrible to fall to death. It's terrible to fall into a plant. If you want to jump, you can jump to Lingyun Building, ah~~~~!" Situ Yan prolonged her tone and imitated the faller, which made the two girls trembling with fear.

Being teased by her, Tang Xiaotang felt much more at ease and fell asleep after arching the quilt.

The next day's advanced mathematics exam was dangerous, but he finally passed it safely. When he handed in the half of the blank test paper, Tang Xiaotang had only one idea in his mind - if the calculation is correct, he should answer exactly 60 points.

The corridor was full of first-year students who had finished the high school entrance examination and were resurrected with blood in place. Tang Xiaotang rubbed his shoulders to prepare for the upstairs terrace to prepare for the conversation test. When he went up to the last few steps, he suddenly caught a faint sobs.

Someone is crying on the terrace? Tang Xiaotang paused and listened attentively. It was indeed crying, not a cat called Wind Blowing Leaves. It was a girl crying, crying restrainedly, as if she was afraid of being discovered.

Would you like to go up and have a look?

In her personality, the nosy side prevailed. She gently stepped up to the terrace and leaned half of her head against the wall to find the source of her crying.

There are several round tables on the terrace for students to read, but the crying girl shrank in the corner, buried her face in her knees, put her hands on her legs, and looked at it from afar, which was particularly pitiful.

"Nah." A piece of paper towel is handed over.

The girl looked up, revealing a crying face and looking at Tang Xiaotang with red eyes.

Tang Xiaotang smiled kindly and friendlyly: "Don't cry, are you in a bad mood? Isn't it just an exam? It'll be better if you fail to retry next year. Come on, don't sit on the ground and be careful not to catch a cold.

The girl hesitated to take the tissue, wiped her face, and asked, "Can you see me?"


A cloud of gray fog rose in front of her. Tang Xiaotang couldn't avoid it and was choked with tears. When the smoke finally dissipated, there was no crying red-eyed girl in front of her. In the empty corner, the paper towels she handed over were kneaded into a ball, and a group of pigeons outside the terrace flew by in groups.

Tang Xiaotang was stunned for a second, and then let out an earth-shaking scream: "Oh my God--!!"


In the sealed space, Zhujin laughed to tears and almost rolled on the ground. Tang Xiaotang's face turned red and said angrily, "Don't laugh! Is it funny? What's so funny, teacher!"

Zhujin wiped her tears and said breathlessly, "What's good about you? Born in the Republic and grew up under the red flag, are you afraid of ghosts?"

"It has nothing to do with where I grew up! I've been afraid of the dark since I was a child, and it's not that you don't know, teacher!" Tang Xiaotang was really angry and ran far away from him and sat sulking.

After laughing enough, Zhujin came over with a straw and arched her back: "Ok, don't be angry. What a big deal. Get up. I want to eat spicy hot pot. Get up quickly."

Tang Xiaotang grinded his teeth hatefully: "Teacher, are your nerves made of reinforced concrete? I don't want to talk to you now. Go away!"

Zhujin raised her eyebrows and said, "Yo, it's still blown up. Come on, the teacher will comfort you. It's okay to be afraid of ghosts. You'll get used to it when you're afraid, huh?" As he spoke, he sat cross-legged in front of her, and the old god patted her on the head.

Tang Xiaotang glanced at him angrily and didn't say anything.

"Are you really going to ignore me?" Zhu Jintian shamelessly leaned over and poked her bulging cheeks. "I'll count to three. I won't be polite if I don't say anything."

Tang Xiaotang's middle finger in his heart - have you been polite? Can you write the word "honest"?

Seeing that she was still angry, Zhujin laughed for a while: "One."


Nani, what about two? Before Tang Xiaotang could react, the back of his neck was pinched, so that he hurriedly shrank his neck, and then covered a large shadow in front of his eyes.

Tang Xiaotang: "..."

The tip of his nose cooled down and was licked from the bridge of his nose.

"What are you doing!" Tang Xiaotang screamed, covered her nose and crawled back, "Teacher, you--"

Zhujin squatted in place, with his hands on his knees, like a brazen hooligan, and said with a smile, "What are you calling? The little fox is disobedient. The big fox licks its hair like this. If you lick it, you will be good."

Tang Xiaotang felt that his blood vessels were about to explode: "Nonsense!"

Zhujin looked serious: "Really, because if you lick it a few times and are still disobedient, then the big fox will eat the little fox, otherwise the screams will attract tigers, wolves and so on, and all of them will die." Then waved, "Come here."

Tang Xiaotang looked at him furryly for fear of being licked again.

"Come here, I won't tease you," Zhujin said righteously, "You should meet the ground-bound spirit. Why don't you get rid of it and follow you every day in the future?"