
042, hallucination dinner

Tang Xiaotang's nerves were tight all night. After seeing it appear, they were completely broken, and tears fell down: "Teacher, why have you been ignored me?"

The rabbit said angrily, "Master is sleeping!"

"You said you would come to save me!"

...Damn it! You still have reason to wake me up in the middle of the night!

Although she wanted to curse like this, the little girl in front of her really didn't seem to be able to withstand the bombardment. The rabbit scratched her face with her claws and tried to calm down: "What's going on? Don't cry! Did you wake me up to see you cry? Tell me what's going on!"

Tang Xiaotang sobbed and wiped her tears: "Tingting pulled us to catch ghosts, but the ghosts were not caught, and all three of them disappeared."

When the rabbit heard this, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood: "Catch the ghost?! Do you all have brains? Where is the ghost? Ah? You don't look at the ten halls of hell too much. How can there be ghosts in the world! Even if there is, it is also a matter of black and white impermanence. What are you little girl messing around with?

Tang Xiaotang lowered his head and said nothing.

"...Forget it, I knew that something was going to happen as soon as I didn't follow you, and my brain was arched by the pig," the rabbit looked at her pitiful look and climbed up along her legs. "Let's go, I'll accompany you to find them."

Climbing on her shoulder, the rabbit immediately noticed the curtains flying opposite - there was nothing he could do, it was too obvious. The golden pupil was cold: "What a strong demonic power, not like the realm that monsters in the world can achieve."

Tang Xiaotang took out a tissue and wiped his nose and asked in a low voice, "Is it a monster, not a ghost?"

"Your mother!" The rabbit got up angry and waved his paws on her face. "Go and see which rabbit dares to be wild on my master's territory and doesn't want to fool around."

Batch... Tang Xiaotang couldn't help peeking at it.

Since it is not a ghost, there is nothing to be afraid of. Tang Xiaotang suddenly cheered up, walked quickly with the rabbit on his back, reached out to grab the oncoming curtain, pressed it on the wall, and looked into the classroom.

The classroom is empty. As Situ Yan said before, the opposite window is tightly closed, and there will be no wind.

"There is a boundary," the rabbit commanded, "Come closer, come on! These claws are too short!" Tang Xiaotang was about to jump into the window, but the rabbit still couldn't reach the so-called boundary. In anger, he rolled back and jumped to the ground and became a human form.

Zhu Jin raised his arm and pointed a finger, and the two fingertips of the bone-like food were a little in the void. In the open window, the picture broke a hole enough for one person to enter and exit, casting a dim yellow firelight.

Tang Xiaotang was stunned: "Teacher, you... can become a human?"

Zhujin raised his eyebrows and said, "I've eaten a lot of jade pillow grass recently, and it's okay to barely hold it for an hour or two, but don't think that this is done, before these stupid ears disappear," he pointed to the swaying rabbit ears on his head and poked her on the forehead. "You have to work hard for me, okay? ?"

Tang Xiaotang laughed for a while and tiptoed to touch his ear: "I know."

Zhujin waved her ear angrily and patted the back of her hand and said crisply, "Don't hit me with a snake, go in!" With that, he picked up Tang Xiaotang and threw it into the hole.

"Wow!" Tang Xiaotang rolled and fell in. Before she got up, Zhujin also got in and almost stepped on her foot. The two fell together again.

Zhu Jin's blue veins burst out: "Are you a pig!"

Tang Xiaotang replied angrily, "You are the pig!"

"Ah, that's great. It's all here."

The quarrel had to be suspended, and the two looked at the owner of the strange voice together.

The space in the boundary is still the classroom, but the tables and chairs fixed on the ground are missing. Instead, a European banquet long table is placed, covered with white tablecloths, seven sets of tableware, and a row of thin white candles are lit on the candlestick, so that the flowers and meals are decorated with an oil painting-like beauty.

Situ Yan, Wen Ting and Qin Mengmeng sat on the three chairs on the right side of the long table with their heads down. They should all faint. In one of the three chairs opposite them, there was a young man who had never seen before - looking at the sportswear, he should also be a student of X University. Of course, he was also in a coma.

The only sober person on the dining table, that is, the girl who had just talked to them, sat in the chair at the end of the long table. Although the light was not good, it was still recognizable as the girl who cried on the terrace on the top floor last time, but she was dressed in a wine-red dress with lace tied to her hair.

Tang Xiaotang looked at her without blinking and whispered to Zhu Yu, "Teacher, is there such a fashionable variety in the monster?"

Zhujin's face was gloomy: "No, I'm afraid you're right this time. This guy is not a living thing."

Tang Xiaotang's heart suddenly raised her throat. Just as she wanted to say something, the girl in a dress smiled, and a beautiful voice like a violin came: "It's time for dinner, Dad, Mom."


The two people by the window were petrified on the spot.

Tang Xiaotang touched his face and said to himself, "Do I look that old?" Zhujin pushed her behind with a black line: "You found the wrong point! Take a step back. I want to teach this little son of a bitch who belittles my aesthetics." ...You just found the wrong point."

The girl sat in the chair, looking meek and elegant, as if she were a well-educated daughter. She smiled and said, "Come and sit down. Everyone is waiting for you." Directly ignored Zhujin's murderous atmosphere.

"Teacher, don't be impulsive. She has four hostages in her hand. I can't carry so many at a time. Tang Xiaotang grabbed Zhujin's sleeve and whispered.

Zhujin grinded her back teeth and said impatiently, "I'm not in the mood to follow her slowly. These bold fools deserve it."

Tang Xiaotang turned his eyes and provoked, "Are you incompetuous, teacher? Don't you have enough head? Why don't you change it for me?

Zhujin was immediately excited and said, "Get out! I'm the best at wisdom, look!" He strode to the ground, dragged an empty chair and sat down. Looking back at Tang Xiaotang, he still wanted to stand there with a smile, and shouted, "What the hell is the child doing?"

Tang Xiaotang: "..." He compared his thumb and obediently moved over and sat down.

The seven chairs were full of people. The dress girl took the lead in picking up the knife and fork, began to cut the steak in front of her, and said with a smile, "My sister also eats. Grandma's hands and feet are not convenient. Sister-in-law can help her."

The red wine that Tang Xiaotang just drank into his mouth sprayed out instantly.

Sister? Grandma? Sister-in-law? If the three people on the opposite side heard such a big description, they would definitely cry.

"Woman, do you know the dew of the ocean?" Zhujin asked while poking the hot steak with one hand absent-mindedly.

Tang Xiaotang shook his head: "I don't know, it's also a fairy grass?" Most of her knowledge of fairy grass comes from several introductory textbooks at home, which she bought for her father when she just came up with the idea of being an alchemist. Because the whole social environment is breaking feudal superstitions, fairy grass merchants dare not write too clearly in the book - and they don't want to write too clearly. This is not eating with themselves. The bowl can't pass, so no matter how seriously she is, she knows very little about it.

Zhu Jin forked up the chopped steak and stuffed it into her mouth to chew: "It also has some names called rosemary."

Rosemary, the name is familiar, but it is not familiar in the category of fairy grass, but in the romantic field that some little girls will like. This word is widely known. Although Tang Xiaotang has been very close to her classmates since she was a child, she still has a good relationship on the surface. When she was in middle school, all kinds of spices were popular in the class, and she heard more or less.

Rosemary originates from Europe, along the Mediterranean Sea. It is a well-known spice, flower tea ingredients and antioxidant. It is said that it can enhance memory, but if you use it too much, it will also be poisoned and unconscious. There is also a beautiful flower language called recalling love.

"Ocean dew is not difficult to grow, but there is a variant that is said to grow at the seaside. I guess 80% of it needs salt water irrigation or is more demanding on soil calcium content."

Tang Xiaotang nodded with admiration and remembered the words of the Dragon King of the East China Sea before. The teacher should have a very deep understanding of fairy grass. Is it due to personal interest, or was it taught by his master?

Zhujin didn't know what she was thinking and said, "When I was in the seal, I learned through meditation that this mutant plant had spread to China, but because of a certain degree of hallucinogenic effect, it could not be widely planted, and the person who came with seeds seemed to have been killed."

Before the words fell, the knife and fork in the girl's hand fell back to the plate, and her face turned pale.

"What we see now is just hallucinations," he said, still eating happily. Zhujin raised his glass and motioned to the girl, "If I guess correctly, you have some connections with the Spaniard who brought the ocean to southern Fujian."

The girl returned to her normal look and still smiled: "What is Dad talking about? If you don't eat vegetables, it will be cold, huh? Mom?"

Tang Xiaotang couldn't wait to get under the table: "Don't look at me and it's none of my business!"

Zhujin's face did not change, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly and smiled strangely: "Although you think you are their family, you are not actually a member of this family. Let me guess that you are theirs..."

The sudden change suddenly occurred at this moment. The young man sitting in the farthest, Tang Xiaotang's right hand, who should have been unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes, wiped his hand on the table, picked up the knife to cut the steak and throwing it at the girl at the end of the long table.

His speed was so fast that Tang Xiaotang only heard a bang, and the silver knife inserted into the girl's throat, and blood splashed out in an instant.

Zhujin was the first to react. A blue thorny soft whip flew out of his sleeve and rolled up several knives and forks he then threw. Seeing that he couldn't hit it, the young man immediately swept back and opened the distance. Zhujin's soft whip shook, and the knife and fork flew back to him, forcing him straight to the corner of the wall.

The girl's blood fell on the tablecloth and fainted the bright red of the beach.

"Hang!" The silver fork entered the tiles on the ground with a strong force, only a minute away from the tip of the young man's shoes. The debris flew away. The young man gasped and leaned back against the wall with a little surprise in his eyes.

Zhujin held the back of the chair in one hand, threw the stunned Tang Xiaotang behind him, and took a step in the direction of the youth.