
044, knowingly

"Even if you don't see them, don't you want to go to their hometown?"

The shadow is motionless.

Tang Xiaotang run over the ground with one foot and said, "Go to the other side of the mainland and see where they once lived. Maybe... Can you meet their descendants? Maybe only my father was killed and my mother took everyone back? Even if there is only a line of possibility, don't you want to go?

The shadow has no mouth and can't answer her words.

"Go and have a look. Xiaoxi must have had this idea - if you can't wait for them to come back, go to them!"

After saying this, Tang Xiaotang squeezed his lips and looked directly at the dark shadow.

"Even people who have nothing to do with themselves, or even those who have tried to hurt themselves, always want to lend a helping hand," Zhu Jinbai yawned boredly. "Yanru fell in love with you that she threw the hot potato with a flat head to you. Oh, seriously, it seems to have been calculated by her. Ah."

Tang Xiaotang glanced at him: "Teacher, you have no position to say such a thing at all." I don't know who wanted to rob her body as soon as she got out.

The shadow floated back from the window, holding the doll's broken head in both hands, and the doll thanked softly: "Thank you, little human girl. I want to go. Can you help me?

"...isn't it necessary to write small words?" Tang Xiaotang wants to cry. Although she is younger than her, no one likes to be treated as a child.

The doll laughed twice and asked teasingly, "So, call me your mother?" It's still a little girl, thank you!"

It took a lot of effort to move three unconscious roommates back to the dormitory**. Tang Xiaotang sweated all over, but she still couldn't take a shower and rest, because according to Xiaoyue, Xiaoxi's body should be sinking at the bottom of Furong Lake. She must salvage it before dawn and find a place where no one burns. In this way, Xiaoyue can get out of the bondage and leave this coast.

Just as every school will have precautions for new students, X is at the seaside, and the two major precautions are related to water.

"Teacher, you must have a good wind. If you are caught, I will die." Tang Xiaotang took off her clothes in the pavilion by the lake, revealing the swimsuit she had changed earlier in the dormitory. While warming up, she slapped her limbs with the cold lake water.

Zhujin looked unimparted and sat with his back against the pillar: "Who can drown in such a shallow lake? He also especially emphasizes that swimming is not allowed. Why is swimming not a compulsory course in seaside schools?"

X iron law, one of which is not allowed to swim in Furong Lake, and second, it is not allowed to stay on the reefs of White City Beach. Why is the water so terrible that the blood of predecessors stained it red! Drunk swimming drowning, taking photos and being trapped on the reef... There are too many repeated cases that have occurred over the years. They all use iron facts to prove that people will commit two crimes when it rains, and they can't stop them.

When Tang Xiaotang was in middle school, he was good at sports. He won the championship in long and sprints. Naturally, swimming is not a problem. The only risk is that the weather is too cold. Even if he warms up, it is difficult to guarantee that his legs will not cramp.

"Teacher is very abnormal today." Before going into the water, Tang Xiaotang turned around and said.

"What?" Zhujin grabbed a handful of dried cuttlefish and ate it, and her tone was calm.

Tang Xiaotang tilted her head and thought for a moment and said, "The teacher didn't stop me from meddling. I didn't always talk about cock or something before."

Zhujin snorted, "As long as it doesn't harm my interests, you can do whatever you like. I still care so much."

Tang Xiaotang smiled and went into the water along the mossy lake.

Si Nan has pointed out the exact location. Xiaoyue attached to the doll with her head and swam in front of him to open the road. Tang Xiaotang only needs to close his eyes and be led by it. After finding it, he will fish up the body. Theoretically, it is easy and simple.

Theoretically, that is, it is proved that it is not.

It didn't take much time to find Xiaoxi's body, but Tang Xiaotang didn't expect it to be so big and heavy, and it was still stuck in the mud. Her feet did not fall down and she couldn't use it. She held the ribs of the double-sided eagle in her hands and almost lost her breath.

It's too heavy. Tang Xiaotang closed her eyes, held her breath, and floated hard to the surface of the water. While thinking, what kind of curiosity did the foreign daughter of that foreigner have? Shouldn't she be killed because she raised a large raptor?

Thinking wildly, he stepped on a hard plane, and the heavy body was finally pulled out of the mud and rushed up with a large amount of biogas and mud. Tang Xiaotang was almost choked. He quickly kicked the bottom of the pool, identified the direction of the shore, and dragged it over there.

She closed her breath underwater for a long time. After dragging a few steps, she had to float up to breathe. After diving again, she found that the body slipped back!

-Why don't you let everyone go swimming? Because the bottom of the lake of Furong Lake is bowl-shaped and has a lot of moss. Once you go down, you can't get up. Everyone wants to swim and go to the school hospital to apply for a health certificate. Although X University is at the seaside, there are still swimming pools.

The counselor's words were still in his ears. Tang Xiaotang realized that the task was much more difficult than expected. Many people drowned in the water with empty hands, not to mention dragging a body weighing more than ten pounds.

After dragging, ventilating, swimming back and dragging again three times, Tang Xiaotang obviously felt exhausted, and the shore of the lake is still far away. If it goes on like this, he may not be able to salvage the body ashore even at dawn.

"Wow--" surfaced again. Tang Xiaotang wiped his face and began to think about whether there was any quick way to drag the body ashore as soon as possible.

His eyes suddenly fell on the back of his hand.

"Ah, I'm such a fool!" Tang Xiaotang beat his head with regret and dragged the body into the seal. Oh, I'm really scared and stupid tonight.

With less heavy corpses dragging, it became easier to swim back. Tang Xiaotang rowed the water and approached the pavilion. His body had been frozen stiff and almost reached the limit.

But at this moment, a beam of light suddenly swept from the lake: "Who is over there?"

Tang Xiaotang was shocked - security patrol! Shit, I will definitely be caught when I go ashore now... No, even my head will be found out of the water!

She quickly took a deep breath and dived to avoid this time. However, the security guard walked at night all year round and had excellent night vision. Although she immediately dived underwater, the security guard still confirmed that there was someone in the water and immediately took out the walkie-talkie and summoned colleagues who were patrolling elsewhere to check together. Tang Xiaotang listened to him underwater. The voice became more and more afraid, and this panic just made a big taboo.

The already frozen and stiff legs really began to cramp under nervousness!

Everyone has experienced more or less about leg cramps, and the taste is unspeakable. Some people would rather be stabbed than be tortured by cramps.

Tang Xiaotang held her cramped calf in her hands and spit out a string of bubbles in pain. She drowned.

There is still a distance from the pavilion, and she can't loudly ask Zhujin for help. The underwater stirring in the dark night can't be clearly captured by the people on the shore. She knows that the teacher can't come to save herself, so she can only grit her teeth and try to climb to the shore with her moss.

Hypoxia, choking, leg cramps, coupled with previous shock, fatigue and hunger, Tang Xiaotang never felt that death was so close to him. He was almost choked by death and was slowly closing his mouth.

"Teacher, save..." The last breath also lost as the unfinished words turned into bubbles, and Tang Xiaotang closed his eyelids.

The next second, a powerful arm caught her waist and burst out of water.

The security guard on the shore was scared and shouted by the red light that suddenly rushed out of the lake. The flashlight in his hand fell to the ground and went out. He saw the red light rushing straight to the sky and then disappeared out of thin air.

"There is a ghost!!!"

In the seal, the drowning Tang Xiaotang lay on her back on the ground, and Zhu Jin herself was also soaked. The orange hair was glued to her pale cheeks, and the dripping water flowed into her mouth, but she didn't care about wiping it.

He folded his hands and pressed Tang Xiaotang's chest hard, then bent down and did artificial respiration mouth to mouth. After repeated several times, Tang Xiaotang finally choked out a mouthful of water and resumed breathing.

"Wo girl!" Zhujin reached out and patted her on the cheek, "Wake up, girl!"

Tang Xiaotang opened his eyes confusedly, and it took him a long time to focus and said in a hoarse voice, "Teacher..."

Seeing her wake up, Zhujin was greatly relieved and sat back on the ground: "You scared me to death."

Tang Xiaotang moved his frozen arm, sat up, vomited the dirty water in his stomach, and asked almost weakly, "Teacher, you saved me. How do you know I drowned?"

As soon as the worried mood receded, full of anger surged up. Zhujin suddenly changed his face and slapped her on the back of the head: "Idiot! Is there tofu in your head? Won't the security guard hide in the seal first? Ah? You have to hold your breath underwater. You are reincarnated as a pig, right?

Tang Xiaotang almost patted him into a concussion and quickly climbed to the side: "Teacher, don't be so irritable. I, I just didn't remember..."

"You are always like this. Your slow reaction makes people angry. Usually, you don't care. When your life is at stake, you also drop the chain. Don't you really think your life is long?" Instead of calming down, Zhujin dragged her back and twisted her ears fiercely. "If I hadn't counted the time when you closed your breath in advance and didn't see you in the seal, you-you would be with the double-faced xiao at the bottom of the lake in the future!"

Tang Xiaotang felt that his ears were about to be torn off and quickly apologized: "Yes, yes, I'm wrong. I'm too stupid and slow to react. Teacher, let go of my ears, my ears are innocent..."

It was the most tossed for a long time. Zhujin scolded Tang Xiaotang worthless with a few truck words before she managed to take a good breath.

"Teacher," Tang Xiaotang raked his wet hair and whispered, "I'm sorry to worry you. I will definitely think about it before I do it in the future."

Zhujin's face is still ugly, but she still shows due tolerance: "Forget it, it's okay."

The moment God knew that he had fished the man out of the water and found that he had not breathed, his heart almost stopped, and now he was still afraid.

Although Tang Xiaotang's reflection arc is slightly longer, his ability to observe words and colors is still not weak. It can be seen that in addition to the hatred of her misdeed actions, there was also some lingering palpitations, and a burst of warmth surged in her heart, and she decided to express her gratitude.

So she blinked and said attentively, "Teacher, don't be angry. Can I get some water to bathe you?"