
048, uninvited guest

The Tibetan mastiff and the rabbit were stunned together, and then exchanged glances--

The Tibetan mastiff thought: It's really difficult for the little human girl to persuade me and let the god persuade her.

The rabbit thought: The dead girl just finished talking to this guy for a long time. She must have been ridiculed for being nosy, so she took her anger on her. Shit!



The rabbit was furious: "Listen to me first!"

The Tibetan Mastiff closed his mouth meekly and listened attentively. The rabbit hugged his front paw and said angrily, "That girl doesn't do business all day long, so he can't mind his own business and ignore her!" Take care of yourself, I'm leaving!" After saying that, he jumped back and planned to go back and teach Tang Xiaotang, a dead girl who doesn't respect her teacher.

"...you didn't want to mind your own business just now." The Tibetan mastiff was innocently sprayed, not angry, wagged his tail and continued to sit at the intersection and wait.

The outsiders come and go of the community, the traffic is full of traffic, and the countless hurried or leisurely figures are all strange.

It has been four days, and there is still no owner.

She doesn't want me anymore? The cool wind blew on his face, and the Tibetan mastiff sneezed. Sure enough, even the body of the plateau long hairy dog could not stand this kind of hunger and cold waiting.

-Wow, what a small dog, so cute~

When the body was weaned, it was put into a small carton, and the carriages and horses were sent out of the plateau. When they saw the sun again, they saw the bright smile of the girl. The girl wore a rustic middle school uniform, but her nails were neatly trimmed and carefully applied nail polish. She reached out and took the little Tibetan mastiff out of the cotton-covered cardboard box and rubbed it happily.

For him, this body is just a station in reincarnation. After more than ten years, it will be abandoned, so it doesn't matter where and who it is around.

The girl took it home as if she had won the treasure. There are doghouses and various toys prepared early, as small as tooth grinding dog biscuits, and so large that it will take several years to use Frisbees. He was very satisfied with this kind of welcome. After all, his situation was not what it used to be, and he had never expected such a grand preparation, so when the girl bent down to rub it again, he raised his head and licked her cheeks with goodwill.

- Although its appearance is ordinary, it is a Tibetan mastiff with noble bloodlines. Its ancestors once opened up territory with Tubo Zanpu and made great achievements. When it grows up, it will definitely be a small warrior.

The girl's father, the person who bought it, affectionately touched his daughter's head and said.

They probably didn't expect that he was the Zanpu. He thought to himself that in order to practice, he was constantly reincarnated. In this life, he was reincarnated as a descendant of the Tibetan mastiff around him in a certain life, which was probably a kind of fate.

The kennel was in the girl's room. For a long time, the girl spent almost half of her time on her every day, feeding her milk, smoothing her hair with her fingers, and telling her this and that... It was not until the end of the holiday that she had to go back to school, and the girl reluctantly handed over the responsibility of taking care of it. The nanny at home.

However, every day when she comes home from school, the girl still throws her schoolbag and runs to the kennel to see if it has gained some weight.

The girl's hands are white and soft, warm and comfortable. He lay peacefully in her arms and enjoys the pleasant touch.

Then the experience of this life is to protect this little master.

One leg suddenly began to cramp, and the Tibetan mastiff returned to reality from distant reverie and moved his numb leg with difficulty.

It's been too long since she had no activity. If she doesn't come back, she will petrify herself.

——Come to Danzhu and follow me!

- Go and pick up the fringbee! Oh, good Danzhu, my little Tubo warrior, you are so awesome!

-Hahaha, I told you to grab people's bags under Danzhu's skin. It's cheaper for you not to bite your hand.

-Wow~ I can't hold you anymore, Danzhu, you little fat pig, you need to exercise more, you know?


Seven years later, the girl saw that she also went to college. Although she was still in the city, she went home less and less, and every time... she took a different boy with her.

The blame of her parents is completely in and out of her ears, and the boyfriends brought back are all cowards who don't even have the courage to get close to the Tibetan mastiff.

Of course, he doesn't like these cream students either. Whenever they tremble and stretch out their hands to touch his hair, he will shout and scare them away. No one will blame him for this, because the Tibetan mastiff is originally an animal that is affectionate to its master and vicious to others.

Until one day, the girl brought back was obviously different from before.

-Danzhu, don't follow me.

- just wait here, you know? Don't go anywhere, just wait here for me to come back.

Then it will be gone forever.

The Tibetan mastiff moved its stiff waist and back, and finally decided to lie down and wait.

"Wo girl! Open the window!"

The rabbit jumped back to the yard and found that Tang Xiaotang had closed the kitchen window. It couldn't get in. Suddenly, it was furious. It waved its front paws and slapped the glass window hard and shouted loudly.

After shooting for a while, I still didn't hear an answer. Looking at the boiling water by the pot in the kitchen, the rabbit suddenly had a bad feeling. Has the girl been kidnapped by the gangster?

It previously told Tang Xiaotang that as long as it calls itself in danger, it will save her. In fact, it is not exaggerated at all, because no matter how far away it is, it can freely enter the space, and the place to go out the next moment will be Tang Xiaotang's side. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is teleportation.

However, when it rushed into the seal in a hurry, he saw Tang Xiaotang standing in the seal, holding the watering pot in his hand, and the water had flowed without notice.

Zhujin rushed to the ground and slapped her on the back of the head: "What's wrong? There is still boiling water in the kitchen. Do you want to burn the house?"

Tang Xiaotang was slapped by him, and the watering pot in his hand also fell to the ground, but he still didn't say anything and still looked at the nursery in front of him.

"What's wrong?" Zhujin looked down her line of sight and suddenly burst into thunder, "What's going on! Who did it?"

The small wooden fences in the nursery have been stepped on pieces. More than a dozen fairy grass can be eaten clean, and the food that can't be eaten are also trampled to pieces. The flower rack around the fingers is pushed down, and even the logo on the opposite side is crushed to the ground. The whole visible area is in a mess, and the sadness is terrible.

Zhujin's eyes are about to fall out: "What's going on!" Except for the two of them, only Xiaoyue who flew to Spain knew the existence of the sealed space, and even if others knew that they should not be able to get in, how could it be destroyed into this shape?

He looked back at Tang Xiaotang in disbelief: "You did it? You--

Tang Xiaotang's eyes were already full of tears. When he said this again, his tear glands suddenly got out of control and roared hoarsely: "Did I do it? You did almost the same! I'm not good at it, but I've been working hard! You ruined my heart so much, what are you! What are you!"

Zhujin's pupils shrank and became furious: "What are you talking about? How could I do such a stupid thing? I'm waiting for them to recover their demonic power to reshape their bodies. How can I destroy them!? Obviously, you did it! You lose your temper as soon as I say I want to leave, right? I know I can't leave if I destroy the nursery, right? Tang Xiaotang, you are so bold!"

Tang Xiaotang was so sad that she squatted down and hugged her knees and cried.

Zhujin continued to shout angrily, "Do you know what you are doing?" Do you think this will keep me? What do you think of me, your god? Do you think you will treat the people of the Tang family who have left me with you for the rest of your life? Can it be worthy of Tang Qiuzhe's little white face?

"Shut up!!!" Tang Xiaotang lost his mind angrily, grabbed the watering pot and smashed him.

Zhujin could avoid the iron pot that could smash his head and blood, and his eyes were even more angry. He rushed up with an arrow step, pinched Tang Xiaotang's neck, and lifted his feet off the ground.

"The apprentice of the church starved to death," Zhujin roared uncontrollably, "I'm really kind to you to be ridden around your neck and be wild!"

Tang Xiaotang's face turned red, and his feet kicked randomly. He broke his hand hard, but he couldn't move it. Under the pain, he couldn't even whimper. Only tears continued to flow down the corners of his eyes, soaking Zhu Jin's fingers.

At this moment, a strange man looked up and laughed loudly in the seal: "Hahahaha--!"

Zhu Jinxin was shocked and let go. Tang Xiaotang fell into the mud on the ground, coughing and vomiting, and couldn't get up for a day.

"What kind of sneaky person, come out!" Zhujin took a bite of white teeth and shouted harshly.

"Zhujin, Zhujin, I've been looking for you for thousands of years. I'm so happy to see you fall into the field today, I'm so happy!" The sound came from nowhere, and a third person could not be seen in the area illuminated by the sunbird.

A third party appeared in the sealed space that only belonged to the two of them. Not only Zhujin's eyes widened, but Tang Xiaotang also raised his head incredulously and followed the trace of the man everywhere.

"Such the body has been destroyed. No wonder you have to huddle in such a small place and raise a little daughter-in-law. It's really not as good as a chicken."

Zhu Jin's eyes were cracking and he roared, "Fart! Who are you? What's your ability to hide? Get out if you have the ability! I have to beat you so much that you can't tell the difference between your head and buttocks!"

But the man just laughed and didn't show up: "You can't even find me anywhere, and you still want to beat me? It's too naive, too naive." The voice gradually faded away, and finally returned to tranquility.

"Hey! Coward, don't go if you have the guts. Get out and fight with me!"

Zhu Jin shouted loudly, but there was no reply. There was only two of them and a dilapisive nursery in the seal, as quiet as a grave.

Tang Xiaotang still choked and got up from the muddy water. Zhu Jin looked at her and stopped talking. Seeing her leave, he grabbed her scalp and followed her out.

The water on the stove was almost dry. Tang Xiaotang didn't want to cook, so she threw it away and went into the bathroom. Zhujin reached out to turn off the gas and followed. The bathroom door was closed, and intermittent crying came from the sound of water.

Zhujin took a small bench and sat down outside the door, scratching her hair upsetly, and squeezed out a sentence for a long time: "Don't cry, girl. I misunderstood you. I didn't expect anyone else to break in..."

The sound of water in the bathroom weakened, and Tang Xiaotang choked and asked, "Am I such a person in your eyes?"