
050, serial murder (click to update)

Tang Xiaotang forgot that it slept by the door, pushed the door panel and almost flew it out. He was shocked, and then cried and laughed: "What will happen if you move it."

The rabbit not only did not move, but also pretended to be drunk and opened its mouth: "Ah~"

"..." Tang Xiaotang was completely speechless and had to squat down and feed it.

After serving the rabbit ancestors, and it was almost time to go to bed, Tang Xiaotang left his diary behind and climbed to bed.

The rabbit lay half drunk and half awake in the nest, wandering for nine days, and then suddenly thought of a question--

The girl compares herself in her diary, and it seems vaguely... not just because of her own sentence, "You will meet more people in the future"? Her so-called troubles refer to...

A spiritual light crossed his mind, and the rabbit was suddenly drunk. The white hair all over his body got up and listened for a while. After confirming that Tang Xiaotang had fallen asleep, he gently jumped out of the nest and jumped out of the half-open window.

In the middle of the winter night, the red fox stepped on the void and flew towards the east.

The next morning, Tang Xiaotang still went out to buy breakfast. Passing by the side door of the community guarded by the Tibetan mastiff, he found that three fat young people were holding steel sticks to surround the Tibetan mastiff in the middle, as if they were ready to kill him. The Tibetan mastiff waited in place for five days and had nothing but a Shandong pancake. He had no strength to fight with them. They only barely put on a horrible look, which made them dare not act rashly.

The security guard of the community ran over from the guard box: "What are you guys doing? It's a fine to hurt animals!"

One of the young hooligans with earrings sprayed a puff of smoke at the security guard and said with a smile, "It's not outsiders's turn to take care of my dog even if it's killed."

The security guard had never seen the owner of the Tibetan mastiff. Hearing what he said, he was indeed a little hesitant and took a few steps back.

The other two young men held steel sticks and carefully tested them. The Tibetan mastiff barked angrily, but unfortunately they knew it was just a bluff.

Tang Xiaotang nervously looked out more than ten steps away, and the eight-foot-tall Tibetan mastiff was besieged. Although the other party had not taken any advantage for the time being, he definitely fell down first when he really fought. Are these hooligans really his masters? It doesn't look like it.

"Damn it, why didn't you say it was just a Tibetan mastiff earlier? It's still so big that the three of us may not be his opponent together!" A young man with hair dyed blue spat a spit and said dissatisfiedly.

The young man with earrings scolded, "How could I know it was a Tibetan mastiff, and there was no name on its face."

Sure enough, he was not the owner. Tang Xiaotang saw the blue-haired young man rubbing his hands, waving a steel stick and was about to hit him down. He hurriedly shouted, "Shout!" Run a few steps forward.

When the three young men saw another Cheng Yaojin, who was still a little girl, they showed a fierce expression one after another. The young man with earrings raised his chin high and came over with a steel stick: "What are you doing? Do you want to mind your own business? Get out of here!"

Tang Xiaotang is a little nervous. If the steel pipe hits her body, it will be 100% fractured, but fortunately, there are security guards watching it not far away. As long as you are careful to avoid fighting, it should be all right?

"You want to beat my dog. Is this nosy?" She summoned up her courage and stared back loudly, "I've heard that many people in the city have lost their dogs recently. Are you doing good deeds? Do you want to stay in the police station in the light of day?

She shouted loudly, and the security guard opposite heard it clearly and came over with an electric baton: "What's going on? Whose dog is it?"

The young man who hit the earrings snorted viciously and pointed back to the Tibetan mastiff: "Your dog? Don't lie with your eyes open. Will she care about you if you call it?

"Of course I will!" Tang Xiaotang answered bravely.

The young man took the steel stick in his hand as if he saw something interesting: "Then you call it. It's yours yours to agree. Don't blame me for asking you to squat at the police station."

Tang Xiaotang wink at the Tibetan mastiff, and the Tibetan mastiff shook his head silently, signaling her not to intervene.

"Why don't you bark? Isn't it your dog?" The three hooligans coaxed together and laughed.

If you want to call it, you should also know the name. Tang Xiaotang is a little annoyed. This Tibetan mastiff is too brainy.

[This is a feud between me and them. Please don't interfere. I don't want to involve you.]

The voice of the Tibetan mastiff sounded in consciousness, which is the same way of communication as Si Nan, but it seems to be more powerful. Si Nan can speak at will within the seal, but out of the seal, he needs to have physical contact with people to talk with consciousness. The Tibetan Mastiff looks young, but his cultivation is still above Si Nan?

Tang Xiaotang's forehead sweated, and the expressions of the three hooligans were not going to let go, so he replied intensively, "I can't watch you being killed by them."

The young man who hit the earrings took a few steps closer and smiled with a mean smile: "It's quite brave. What's your name? Go play with your brothers?"

Tang Xiaotang took a step back and refused righteously: "Don't think about it!" The other two young people laughed together and complained about their partners with a strong local accent.

The young man with earrings stretched out a hand tattooed with skeletons and crosses, and there was a faint red dot on his arm in the sleeve.

"Do you know what will be the end of rejecting me, beauty?" He tried to reach out his hand to touch Tang Xiaotang's face.

The Tibetan Mastiff barked in place. The young man looked back with disgust and put away his joking expression: "I won't play with you anymore." He turned his head and waved a steel stick to approach the Tibetan mastiff.

[Please get out of here.]

Tang Xiaotang almost jumped: "Don't you want to wait for your master to come back? It's better to live than to die. Tell me your name!"

[She won't come back. Thank you. You go.]

The young man raised the steel pipe and was about to hit it on the head. Tang Xiaotang's eyes turned red and picked up an egg-sized stone from the roadside and threw it over, hitting it fiercely on the back of the young man's head. The young man screamed and turned his head angrily and rushed towards her.

"Wow--!" The Tibetan Mastiff jumped closely, threw the young man who hit the earrings to the ground and bit him on the shoulder fiercely. The young man let out a terrible scream. The two companions woke up as if they were waking up from a dream and hurriedly waved a steel stick and hit him on the back of the Tibetan mastiff.

The security guard was scared by the scene in front of him and shouted, "Shh!"

At the same time, two police cars stopped outside the door of the community. The blue-haired young man and the other one heard the siren. Suddenly, they saw a cat and threw the steel pipe and ran away. The only one with the earrings was pressed on the ground by the Tibetan mastiff and tore off a piece of meat on his shoulder, which was so painful.

The police rushed into the car and rushed towards a unit. Hearing someone screaming, they quickly took out their guns and surrounded them.

Tang Xiaotang was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot and blurted out, "Come here quickly!" Do you want to be arrested?

The Tibetan Mastiff loosened his mouth, raised his bloody face and said, "My name in this life is Danzhu."

Then the police encircled him, and the Tibetan mastiff was dragged away from the young man without any resistance. He watched them beat 120 to send the young man for first aid, and then called the trainer of the police dog team to lock himself up in a cage.

After the wounded and the vicious dogs were sent away, some police noticed Tang Xiaotang, who had been standing beside them, so they came to inquire about the situation. Tang Xiaotang told what he saw and finally asked worriedly, "You won't kill the Tibetan mastiff, will you?" Those three people inexplicably wanted to kill it. It's just self-defense!"

The little policeman smiled and said, "The animal has no legitimate defense. It hurts people, that is, it is a dangerous animal. Even if it is not executed, it will be locked up. It depends on whether the young man's life is in danger." She also told her a few words to pay attention to safety, and then she followed other colleagues into a unit building opposite.

The rabbit didn't show up all day. Tang Xiaotang only thought it was to track down the destructive person and didn't care too much about it. As for the Tibetan mastiff, he repeatedly extended a helping hand, but he refused and was willing to be arrested by the police. Even if Tang Xiaotang wanted to mind his own business, he was willing but not enough. He thought that's all. It's over.

I don't know that as soon as she came back from the vegetable market the next morning, she saw the policemen wandering around the community garden again yesterday. She was surprised that what had happened and was stopped by the little policeman who recorded a confession yesterday: "Ah! I found you. Can you come over?

Tang Xiaotang was inexplicably. Looking around, no one pointed to his nose. The little policeman nodded repeatedly and had to go over with doubt: "What's the matter?"

"A little question about the deceased in the opposite unit building," the little policeman pressed the ballpoint pen, "Do you know a person named Cao Zhenzhen?"

Tang Xiaotang was shocked by the word "dead" first: "Someone died on the opposite side?"

The little policeman quickly explained, "It's not in the opposite unit building, but on the mountain behind the Golden Hall. We traced her from the supermarket receipt in the deceased's wallet that she lived near here. Yesterday, we came to her house to find clues."

Tang Xiaotang was still confused and nodded: "Well... I don't remember the name you just said. How could you think of asking me?"

The little policeman sighed loudly and opened the conversation helplessly: "This is really a coincidence. Here's the thing..."

In the following explanation, Tang Xiaotang found that the complexity of the matter was far beyond her imagination.

"The deceased Cao Zhenzhen is not actually from this city, and the house is also rented. Five days ago, the Jindian police station received a report that a female body was found. There was a criminal case that was about the Spring Festival. The superiors paid special attention to it and sent us to assist. Who knew that the deceased was found to be a long-term drug addict after the forensic autopsy. The severity of the matter suddenly escalated, not only the problem of the dead, but also may also involve drug trafficking, so the anti-drug team also came to set up a task force with us to investigate.

The little policeman was very talkative and generally said a lot without reservation. Tang Xiaotang became more and more confused: "But what does this have to do with me?"

"It doesn't matter, but it happened so coincidentally," the little policeman waved his hand and motioned her not to worry. "We found a large amount of frozen meat and pet cleaners in the deceased's house yesterday, as well as animal hair, which were also taken back for testing. It was confirmed that the deceased had a Tibetan mastiff during his lifetime. "