
062, Hetu Luoshu (red ticket plus update)

The eight red circles are particularly distinct on the light map and strangely arranged neatly. Tang Xiaotang hid the background layer and scratched his fingers on the screen.

If you connect the dots with lines, it looks like a rice grid when practicing a brush, but what does this mean? Did these flower monsters think of X City as a calligraphy paper? This is too bullshit.

Tang Xiaotang thought about it and marked the chronological order of the discovery of each place on the map, but still found nothing.

"Damn it, what the hell is this mess!" Tang Xiaotang scratched his scalp crazily.

"What's wrong?" A white light appeared on the window sill, and the rabbit, who had enough to eat and drink, came back and asked when he saw her fried hair.

Tang Xiaotang held the cow in the computer and said, "Sure enough, I still can't guess what this monster wants to do. Why am I so useless?"

The rabbit sneered, "People are precious and self-aknowledgeable", jumped up to her bed, and stood up to look at the computer screen.

"Has the teacher seen anything?" Tang Xiaotang asked expectantly.

"Well, this shape is a little familiar," the rabbit held its chin with one of its front paws and said thoughtfully. "Are those numbers dates?"

Tang Xiaotang nodded: "Well, it's the date of discovery. What?"

The rabbit shook his head with a deep expression: "It's very similar... and not very similar. No, if so, this position should not be... Girl, replace all the dates into numbers in order. The earliest label found is one, and the latest mark eight."


"Ah, what, just do it if you ask you to do it!"

After replacing all the dates with numbers, the feeling on the picture immediately became different. From one to eight, eight numbers were neatly distributed everywhere on the map. Tang Xiaotang was stunned and asked, "What is this, the code?"

"No, there should be something wrong," the rabbit stared at the computer screen. "If that's the case, it's wrong."

In the upper left corner of the

area are the numbers five and four respectively, which are translated down, and the three numbers side by side are two, three and seven, and then translated down and equal distances, eight, one and six.

...Although it's obvious that it's not, do I think it's too complicated or...?

The rabbit suddenly turned his head and asked, " girl, is the time of these discoveries accurate?"

Tang Xiaotang suddenly asked, "Huh? No, I don't know. What's wrong?" Do you have any photos? Let me see the photos."

The pictures of the first seven incident locations switched in front of his eyes. The rabbit stared at the screen and meditated for a few seconds, and then ordered Tang Xiaotang to switch the pictures upside down. Finally, he found a clue: "I know what's going on!"

"What's going on?" Tang Xiaotang was overjoyed and asked quickly.

The rabbit pointed to the photo on the screen and said, "Look at the second to fifth, obviously in the wrong order."

Tang Xiaotang said "ha" and looked at the four photos several times, but still didn't find any problems. He had to ask with a bitter face and asked, "What's so obvious? Why can't I see it at all?"

The rabbit shook her eyes with hatred and explained patiently: "Look at yourself, the third photo is in front, but the flowers on the photo are far less than the fourth one, which proves that the fourth one should actually happen before the third one, and then look at the fourth and the second one, although the coverage of the flowers is not different. Large, but considering that the shooting time is delayed by a few days, in fact, the flowering time in the fourth photo should be earlier than the third and second photos.

Tang Xiaotang's eyes turned like mosquito incense: "Teacher, what on earth are you trying to say? The more I hear it, the more I can't understand it."

"Stupid! That is to say, what should be marked on the map is not the shooting time but the flowering time. Do you understand? Some places bloom in front, but it is found to be late, you pig!"

Tang Xiaotang was sprayed with saliva, quickly pulled a piece of paper and wiped it clean, and suddenly realized, "That is to say, I should infer the correct flowering order of these places according to the number of flowers in the photo, and then I can know the purpose of this monster?"

The rabbit nodded: "Yes, in fact, if I guess correctly... No, it's better to verify it carefully and start."


Once there was a capable person, Tang Xiaotang immediately became full of energy. He took out a notepad and listed a table, arranged the photos according to the order of shooting, and then fully considered the comparison of time factors, drew symbols greater or less in the crossed grid, and finally successfully counted the correct order of flowers.

"Five should be four, and four should be... Oh, two, then one or one, three is five..." Tang Xiaotang compared the table and changed the numbers on the map again, presenting a new pattern:

Four empty two

three five seven


With such an obvious answer, even Tang Xiaotang understood in an instant: "Huh? This is not..."

"...It's Luo Shu," the rabbit said in a low voice, "as I thought, the dragon horse dedicated to the river map, and the god turtle carried Luo Shu. This is the earliest seal in the period of the Three Emperors, and the flower belongs to wood. The seal to be solved by wood should be the earth attribute. Luo Shu... the earth seal... Is it Hou Ji?"

Tang Xiaotang didn't have time to listen to its follow-up analysis. He was only busy looking for the vacant number "nine" on the 3D map, which is the last place the monster to go——

"There is!" The map magnified several times clearly shows the correct location.

When they were in X City, Situ Yan and Huang Qi returned. Because the vines were wildly long and the flowers were full, all the traffic was blocked, and even bicycles could not pass. The two could only follow the direction of the flowers and branches spreading and do their best to curb the crazy momentum along the way, but although the flowers and branches were soft, they were extremely tough. Even Situ Yan's golden blade charm is completely cut.

The shops along the street were blocked by dense branches, and the people trapped in the house shouted for help. The children squatted on the roadside and cried. The police held loudspeakers to try to control the situation, but no one could hear what they were saying.

"It can't go on like this!" Huang Qi was so tired that she was sweating and her hair was dripping. They had been chasing for nearly an hour. They didn't know how many times they tripped along the way, stumbled, and were injured all over.

Not to mention Situ Yan, the charmer was originally static braking and not so strong physical training. In addition, she was a girl. At this time, she was almost about to fall off. She was tripped by a thick vine and collapsed directly on the ground and couldn't get up.

At this time, the mobile phone in her pocket rang, and she picked it up breathlessly: "Hey."

"Xiaoyan! I know what's going on with these flowers!" Tang Xiaotang shouted excitedly at the other end of the phone.

"Say..." Situ Yan didn't even have the strength to be happy.

"The teacher said that this was the ancient seal of Luoshu. Some people wanted to lift the seal, so they tamped at eight acupuncture points. Now all the flowers and branches should go to the last place!"

Huang Qi also heard a sound from afar. She raised her ears and came to grab her mobile phone: "Say directly where they are going!"

"Zhongshan Hospital!"

The sudden and crazy flowers of the four seasons plunged the whole island into a serious panic. The ground traffic was paralyzed. Local troops sent helicopters and flew overhead. One of the helicopters passed over their heads, circled back and dropped the rope ladder.

Huang Qihui was inexplicably. She didn't know whether she should go up or not. Situ Yan said weakly, "It should be Lord Changqin. Let's go up too. We really can't run."

The two got on the helicopter and saw Situ Changqin in a crimson cheongsam. Although Huang Qihui was used to being careless, she was also polite at this time. She bowed to her and greeted the younger generation. Situ Changqin nodded and said something. The spiral wings were too loud and could not be heard clearly, and the driver motioned them to close the door.

"Go to Zhongshan Hospital!" Situ Yan said in a hoarse voice.

Situ Changqin nodded slightly and asked, "Why are you here? Who is this boy?"

Huang Qi quickly reported to her home, stating the process, and finally pleaded: "There is a senior Changqin sitting in X City. Of course, these flowers and plants are petty. I shouldn't interfere, but tomorrow is the deadline for handing in the papers. It's too late to find other ghost monsters. Please raise your hand and make this out of the stream. Give it to me!"

"The little demon who doesn't enter the stream?" Situ Changqin smiled, put her shoulders up and looked at him, "Do you think so many flowers and plants can grow wildly by ordinary demons? No matter where the demonic power that supports them comes from, if you can see through Luo Shu alone, this demon is not as old as me. Even if I have the intention to give it to you, you can't deal with it.

The two descendants were stunned, and Situ Yan asked in surprise, "Luo Shu? That's the ancient seal of God, isn't it? How can there be Luo Shu in X City?

Situ Changqin lightly squeezed her lips and did not answer. The helicopter arrived over Zhongshan Hospital. Looking out from the window, she saw a wave of green leaves and red flowers generally converged, and the southwest corner of X City had become a sea of flowers.

"It looks beautiful from here." Situ Changqin said, opened the cabin door, and his green forefinger pointed in the air, fainted a thick black ink, and the first magician in Kyushu began to seal.

Huang Qi did not dare to disturb her, so she touched Situ Yan's shoulder, pointed to the rope ladder, and made a gesture to climb down. Situ Yan looked embarrassed and obviously did not dare to walk away from Situ Changqin without authorization. Huang Qi had to go down by herself.

The high wind was strong, and the rope ladder called over. Huang Qi climbed back very hard. Halfway down, a red came from the distance. He stopped and fixed his eyes and saw that it was Tang Xiaotang riding on the back of the red fox.

"Why did you run out of the hospital!" Huang Qi almost couldn't grab the rope and fell down.

Tang Xiaotang pointed to his left leg in plaster: "There is a panacea from Mr. First Wu, but now the bones have grown, but they can't walk yet."

Huang Qi raised her eyebrows and combined her words with the information revealed in her friend's text message. Got it.

"Where's Xiaoyan?"

"It's on it."

"Come here and I'll give you a ride," Tang Xiaotang patted a little space on the back of the red fox behind him. "The teacher said that this monster is very powerful. You can't handle it alone, so let's help you together."

Huang Qi was overjoyed in an instant: "Little Sugar, I knew you were the best~" When the red fox approached, she stretched out her legs and rode on its back.

In the helicopter, Situ Changqin asked loudly with a smile, "Lord Zhujin really went back more and more, actually as a mount for mortals?"

The red fox grinded its fangs and scolded rudely, "It's none of your business!" He turned around and flew away and almost threw the two mortals on his back.