
066, what the hell is this (collection and update)

"Don't move things!"

The female secretary suddenly shouted angrily, which made Tang Xiaotang's hand trembling. The sugar jar in her hand came out of her hand, and hurriedly fished for it, and captured it thrillingly.

At this time, Tang Qiuzhe pushed the door and came in, and the female secretary immediately said, "Oh, Miss Xiaotang is really good. Don't touch it. Be careful not to break the cut hand."

Tang Xiaotang: "..."

Rabbit: "..."

Tang Qiuzhe had a question mark and didn't understand why the two expressions on the sofa were so strange.

"Brother Qiu, Qiu Zhe, hahahaha..." Tang Xiaotang quickly put the sugar can back on the table, touched his head and smiled dryly. He peeked at the female secretary at the corners of his eyes, and his face was as ugly as eggplant.

Tang Qiuzhe nodded to the sofa. Just as he was about to sit down, he suddenly found her crutch and her left leg in plaster. He couldn't help but be surprised: "What's wrong with your leg?"

Tang Xiaotang waved his hand: "I accidentally fell down. It's almost done. It's okay. Let's get to business. What do you want to ask? I'll try my best to answer you.

The female secretary brought the brewed tea, put a cup in front of one person, and then stood by the sofa to stand by. Tang Qiuzhe said politely, "Xiaoling, go out first. I'll just chat with Xiaotang. There's no need to record it." The female secretary's face suddenly lengthen, but the boss had an order to listen, and she still retreated respectfully.

"Chat? Don't you want to ask about Luo Shu?" Tang Xiaotang felt that the female secretary's hatred was about to eat herself, shrank her neck and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, there are two elders who haven't come back," Tang Qiuzhe smiled and took a teacup and took a sip. "You just got off the plane. Do you need a break? When the two elders arrive for dinner, they will ask Luo Shu in detail. Isn't it okay to gossip before that?

Tang Xiaotang nodded, relaxed and leaned on the sofa: "Well, that's okay."

Tang Qiuzhe is still the same as in the past, with a suit and leather shoes and a friendly smile, but somehow Tang Xiaotang saw him this time with a different feeling from the past, as if there was some unspeakable purpose behind his so-called gossip.

She must have thought too much. Brother Qiu Zhe is different from the rest of the Tang family, she thought.

"I heard the woman say what happened at the door just now," Tang Qiuzhe separated his knees casually and said a little apologetically, "Sorry, this matter is very important. Except for me and several elders, the rest of my family don't know it. When I explained to Xiaoling, I didn't make it clear that you can't come down in front of so many people. I'm so sorry."

Tang Xiaotang is not a vengeful person, so he smiled and said, "I'm fine. Anyway, I've always been blinded and scolded when I came to my family. I've been used to it for a long time. It's just that it's not me who wants to come today, but the guests of other big families. Their behavior is enough to offend people."

Tang Qiuzhe nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it is true. After I took over the position of head of the family, I also found that it was very different from the Tang family I knew in the past. Now the whole family is measured by each other by ability and power, and there is no humanity at all. It is more indifferent than an ordinary company than a family."

The rabbit lay on the armrest of the sofa and scratched his ears. Hearing this, he interrupted: "Frozen feet is not a day's cold. It's a fair good thing for those who can live on it. It's you human beings who are too good at exploit loopholes and accumulate over time, which leads to improper family traditions."

Tang Qiuzhe sighed helplessly, turned away from this heavy topic, and asked Tang Xiaotang some words about planting fairy grass. Time passed quickly. At 3:30, the female secretary Xiaoling knocked on the door and said that an elder had returned. Although Tang Qiuzhe was the head of the family, after all, It was the younger generation, so he had to stop chatting and go to greet him. Before leaving, he ordered his secretary to greet Tang Xiaotang.

"Give me the matter of greeting Miss Xiaotang. Don't worry, Mr. Tang!" The female secretary's smile was so sweet that she sent Tang Qiuzhe out of the reception room. As soon as the door was closed, Tang Xiaotang's heart also thumped.

As a matter of course, as soon as Tang Qiuzhe left, the smile on the female secretary's face disappeared. She looked over with disgust and asked rationally, "Why don't you leave? What else do you want?"

She changed her face and became too professional. Instead, Tang Xiaotang was not angry and just felt funny, so she replied with a smile, "Sister Xiaoling, can you prepare some tea for me? Drinking tea alone is bad for the stomach.

The female secretary frowned impatiently: "Aren't you full on the plane?"

Can I eat enough on the plane? Tang Xiaotang really wants to ask back.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoling," the door suddenly opened again, and Tang Qiuzhe went back. "Xiaotang probably didn't have enough to eat on the plane at noon. He asked the kitchen to cook something for her, remember."

The female secretary's smile bloomed like a flower in an instant: "Oh, Mr. Tang, how can I not even do this little thing? Am I going? I'll greet Miss Xiaotang. Don't worry about it." Tang Qiuzhe didn't doubt that he was there, nodded, and then he really left.

"Hahahaha..." Tang Xiaotang almost rolled to the ground with laughter.

The female secretary's face was cold and she asked, "Is it funny?"

Tang Xiaotang immediately stopped laughing.

"Wait here." The female secretary threw away this sentence fiercely and stepped out of the reception room in her patent high heels.

Tang Xiaotang immediately threw himself on the armrest of the sofa and laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha--!"

The rabbit looked up speechlessly at her with a smile and couldn't help asking, "Is it so funny? People regard you as flat as an ant. Fortunately, you can still laugh. What are your nerves made of?

"Didn't the teacher find it funny?" Tang Xiaotang laughed with tears in the corners of her eyes and got up and wiped it with a tissue. "Changing her face is like turning over a book. Do you think if Brother Qiu Zhe comes back twice, her face will cramp?"

The rabbit still didn't smile. Looking at her for a long time, he suddenly asked, "Every time you came to the Tang family before, you were treated so coldly by them?"

Tang Xiaotang rubbed his stomach and nodded with a smile: "Yes, the former owner said the most common sentence to me is 'I don't want waste'. Since I'm a waste, there is no need to give a good look. It's okay if you don't kick me out without a broom."

The rabbit burst his hair: "Abandoned his grandfather's legs! Is it their turn to dictate their hands and feet? Not to mention Tang Qiuzhe's little white face, the whole Tang family was twisted together, and I farted and blew them away. Tang Youxin is a bastard, and he was born with a nest of bastards! I know that bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, I don't have any real ability!"

Tang Xiaotang lay innocently: "Teacher, are you scolding me around the corner?"

The rabbit jumped on her shoulder, stretched out his paw and pressed it on her head. He patted his chest and said, " girl, don't worry, this time there is a master to support you, although he will compete with them in the end, isn't it based on his ability? This makes them give up the position of the head of the family and roll as far as they should go!"

Tang Xiaotang was really ironic, but she felt infinitely warm in her heart. She couldn't help turning her head and kissing it hard on her face: "Teacher, you are so kind."

"..." The rabbit was stunned, and then suddenly bounced off her shoulder and rushed out of the window.

"Teacher! Where are you going!" Tang Xiaotang's legs and feet were inconvenient. It took him a long time to stand up with a crutch and asked hurriedly.

The rabbit's angry voice came back from afar: "Look for water to wash your face!"

Tang Xiaotang opened the door and chased out. There was no shadow of it, and he couldn't laugh or cry. He stood in the corridor and shook his head.

"Ah, that's great, finally there's someone." Suddenly, a man's overjoyed words came from the corridor on the right. Tang Xiaotang subconsciously turned his head and saw a man with a single-gle at the end of the corridor, touching the back of his head shyly and slowly walking this way.

When the man approached, Tang Xiaotang found that the man's outfit was quite curious. The stone cyan robe coat, a cardigan sweater, and a pair of shiny leather shoes under his feet. If you look carefully, it turned out to be a pair of rain shoes!

What kind of strange aesthetic can you dress yourself like this?

The man didn't feel that she was surprised to stare at himself and see anything rude. He still came forward with a smile and asked politely, "Which direction should the guest room go?"

Tang Xiaotang quickly withdrew his eyes and pointed to the direction he came: "The guest room is over there. Are you lost?"

The man nodded with great distress: "Yes, I just had two drinks with A Zhe and wanted to go out to the bathroom, but I couldn't find my way back. Fortunately, I met you - I'm sorry, could you please take me back?" Then I noticed Tang Xiaotang on crutches and hurriedly apologized, "Oh, I'm really sorry. If your legs and feet are inconvenient, forget it. I'd better walk back by myself."

Tang Xiaotang quickly stopped him: "Wait! You said you just came out to the bathroom and got lost here?

The man nodded in pain.

Isn't it? When she was a child, she came to our house so many times and never got lost. The man in more than 30s in front of her could get lost when he went out to the bathroom. He only turned a corner less than 100 meters away, okay? And... And he can get lost from the west courtyard to the south courtyard. How crazy is this?

"I'll take you back," Tang Xiaotang said sympathetically. "After a while, you don't know where you have lost."

The man was obviously relieved and smiled happily: "That's great. Sorry to trouble you."

Tang Xiaotang was about to lead the way with a crutch, and suddenly a Hedong lion roared behind him: "Don't you run around and don't understand people's words!" I almost stapped onto the floor.

"Don't think that if Mr. Tang has a good temper, you can kick your nose and treat this place as your own home, right?" Xiaoling, the female secretary who returned, took a bowl of shoulder noodles in her hand and strode over angrily.

Tang Xiaotang's shoulder collapsed and lamented that it was difficult to be a good man, so he had to go back to eat noodles, but the man beside him mistakenly thought that the female secretary was talking to him, and quickly nodded and apologized: "Ah! I'm really sorry. I just came out to the bathroom. I didn't expect to cause you so much trouble. I'm so sorry!"

The female secretary seemed to have just noticed him standing beside Tang Xiaotang. She was stunned first. After seeing the man's face clearly, she turned pale on the spot and screamed: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu! Sorry, sorry! Look at what I said. I'm really not talking about you. You and Mr. Tang have been friends for many years. It's a great honor for you to come to the Tang family. Don't say anything troublesome. You're too polite!"

Mr. Wu was even more frightened by what she said and bowed repeatedly: "No, no, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Please accept my apology, otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight!"

"Don't say that!"

"I'm so sorry!"

The two bowed to me, and Tang Xiaotang's eyes were dazzled by you. They quickly waved and stopped: "Stop! Stop! Don't bow, don't you feel dizzy? Well... I'll bring the noodles by myself. How about Sister Xiaoling send Mr. Wu back to the guest room?"