
069, surprise attack on a rainy night (click to update)

Tang Xiaotang said softly, "um" and said in a small voice, "I also think there is something wrong with Brother Qiu Zhe."

The rabbit hummed mockingly: "I thought you were going to be furious to justify the little white face. It seems that although your reflection arc is long, it is not short-circuited. After so many years, you finally found it."

Do you talk like this? Tang Xiaotang unhappily locked the door and sat down by the bed.

"Today's meeting in the Golden Pavilion is a drama arranged by the boy," the rabbit jumped off her shoulder, lay on the soft quilt, and said solemnly, "He has good ability and can be a man, but he is too young to convince the public at all. What if you can summon a female? The female spirit is the god of drought. With his courage, she dare not launch a drought and do something harmful. What's more, there is no market for the summoner now. No matter how powerful the Shishen is, it is useless.

Tang Xiaotang nodded happily and sincerely: "Indeed, I can also feel it from Brother Qiu Zhe's own tone. Although he is now the head of the family, everyone is against him, not to mention the elders. They probably don't listen to him at all."

The rabbit whistled and seemed to be very happy: "So he must give these people a power. The heroine can't help him, so he came to me. From the perspective of human beings, Tang Youxin is a hero, but from the perspective of the Tang family alone, Tang Youxin has offended very terrible people and gave it to future generations. The children and grandchildren buried the disaster. Imagine that I suddenly appeared, who hated Tang Youxin and the Tang family, and got angry because of the words of those old men. At this time, the little white face came out to mediation. As long as I give him a little good color, what will others think of him?

"...I understand." Tang Xiaotang finally understood where the subtle sense of discord came from. Tang Qiuzhe succeeded as the head of the family two years ago and could not convince the public. Later, he found that Zhu Jin was free again. Presumably from then on, he was waiting to use him to intimidate the elders of the Tang family. His previous kindness to himself and his courtesy to rabbits were all In preparation for today, the layout is the same as the real thing. When it is time to close the line, it will naturally expose the purpose and make people uncomfortable.

Zhujin is full of disdain and hatred for the Tang family, but only gives face to Tang Qiuzhe, which represents not only a recognition of ability, but also an invisible threat - if you don't obey me, I may unite with this ancient monster to sanction you in the future.

From this perspective, Tang Qiuzhe is indeed a resourceful man.

In the face of Zhu Jin, who has a deep hatred with the Tang family, on the one hand, there are six elders who are farting, and on the other hand, there are calm young family owners. Which is better or worse. At a glance, I'm afraid that today's event will be known by the elders, and it is also deliberately arranged by him. From now on, it will be difficult for the elders to look up at home.

After figured it out, Tang Xiaotang not only did not feel relaxed, but was even more depressed. Brother Qiu Zhe was good to himself in order to take advantage of the teacher? So before the teacher appeared, was there anything else worth taking advantage of?

I don't like to be regarded as useless people, but I don't like to be used as people.

Lying in ** and thinking about a lot of things. Tang Xiaotang felt sleepy, so he took out his washing tools and went to the bathroom. When he passed the corridor, he saw it raining outside the window. It was already past the Spring Equinox. It was almost Tomb-sweeping Day. The rainy season should have come early.

A good dream, Tang Xiaotang slept so deeply in the rustling rain that she didn't hear the knock on the door. Finally, the rabbit woke up and jumped into bed to wake her up.

"Is it dawn?" Tang Xiaotang turned over and got out of bed in a daze, put on his coat and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, a black man outside scared her to wake up. It was the captain who took the lead, staring at a pair of cow eyes and rushed up and grabbed Tang Xiaotang's coat collar without saying a word: "You can't run away!"

Tang Xiaotang's second monk was confused: "Run...where are you going?" Look at the sky outside. It's cloudy and raining. It's just dawn. It's not this kind of weather to run in the morning.

The head of the Tang family, six elders, the head of the family, Tang Qiuzhe, and countless disciples and long workers who were shocked to watch the bustle, crowded a small yard in front of the door.

"She must have done it! It can't be wrong!" The elder who peed his pants yesterday shook his head, looked like an old scholar, and shook his index finger and pointed to Tang Xiaotang.

What did you do? Tang Xiaotang was puzzled and didn't know why at all. He didn't sleep early in the morning and came to watch himself. Are these people full?

The rabbit also didn't understand what had happened, but when he saw the guard holding Tang Xiaotang's collar, he blew up on the spot: "Take your dirty hands away!" A rabbit-headed cannon was fired and hit his left eye fiercely. The uncle shouted in pain and let go.

"Xiaotang, can you come over?" Tang Qiuzhe stood in the courtyard with an umbrella, with a serious expression and no emotion.

Tang Xiaotang stepped forward two steps and blinked puzzled: "What's wrong? What time is it? Why didn't you go to bed and come to the West Courtyard?

Another elder immediately snorted and sneered: "What, what's wrong with you? You think that everyone is sleeping in the room, and you can do whatever you want. No one knows?

Tang Xiaotang was even more puzzled: "What the hell are you talking about? I'm also sleeping."

Tang Qiuzhe waved his hand to the eager elders not to speak again and slowly said with his hands behind his back, "Xiaotang, do you remember when Xiaoling sent you back to the guest room?"

Tang Xiaotang immediately shook his head and said, "She didn't send me back. We had a discord. She left the key and left by myself."

The guard asked, "Can anyone prove it?"

"Why should people prove this kind of thing?" Tang Xiaotang was completely confused and looked at Tang Qiuzhe in front of him, hoping that he could give an explanation, but Tang Qiuzhe frowned deeply and didn't say a word. Looking at the people around him, he seemed to convey some kind of news in his whisper, and his eyes became alert.

Although Tang Xiaotang reacted slowly and normally, she gradually smelled a little under this situation and took the initiative to ask, "What's wrong with Sister Xiaoling?"

"You still asked her what's wrong. It's clear that you did it!" The captain of the guard rudely clasped her wrist, "Follow me to the police station!"

The three words of the police station seemed to explode with a thunder in his ear. Tang Xiaotang suddenly threw him away and returned to the door with a crutch. His eyes were incredible: "What do you mean? What's wrong with her? Why did she take me to the police station?

The people in the courtyard looked at her in silence, either afraid, surprised, sympathized, or curious, but no one answered.

"Speak!" Tang Xiaotang was angry and shouted, "Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Tang Qiuzhe coughed and broke the quiet atmosphere: "I couldn't find her when I got up in the morning, so I asked the woman to search the whole old house, and found that Xiaoling fell in front of your door."

Tang Xiaotang suddenly lost his ability to think and act as if he had been frozen, and looked at him like a wooden chicken.

"When I came here with several elders, as you can see, it was still raining, but there was no water stains on the corridor, and there was no trace of stepping on the soil nearby," Tang Qiuzhe said this, his eyebrows moved slightly and sighed, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Tang Xiaotang was completely dumbfounded. Not only she, but also the rabbits around her seemed to be out of touch, and she opened her mouth and didn't say anything for a long time.

"She, is she dead?"

"Not yet. I have been hit hard in the back of the head and have been sent to the urban hospital for rescue, but there is little hope of survival."

The hope of surviving is very slim... Tang Xiaotang's breath trembled with fear. Although she knew that she had done nothing, under such circumstances, everyone would think that she was the murderer.

The five guest rooms she lived in are arranged in an L-shaped arrangement, located in the deepest part of the west courtyard. Behind them are a high courtyard wall, surrounded by flat mud, not far away are piled with bricks and tiles, and a basin of triangular plums. It seems that she is preparing to repair the flower bed and transplant them, but there is no time to start construction for the time being. Her door is facing the steps in front of the corridor. You have to go through at least five meters of mud to get to the opposite guest room cloister.

There was a murder in front of the isolated house in the heavy rain, and there was no trace of the murderer leaving.

Killing people in secret rooms that can't get in!

Once thought that strange things that only appeared in the animation had happened to him. Tang Xiaotang wanted to shout that I didn't do it, but reason told her that this powerless defense was worthless. What was important was evidence - evidence that she was not the murderer.

Is there any such evidence? She closed her eyes and tried to recall the bits and pieces before going to bed, and let the memory go back. She went back to saying goodbye to the female secretary in the North Courtyard, but she got nothing. No one could prove that she came back alone.

Is it the same as the siren that time that he inadvertently missed any important clues?

Thinking hard, the sound of opening suddenly came from the end of the corridor, and almost everyone couldn't help shaking and looking in that direction neatly.

The door of the guest room at the end of the corridor opened from the inside, and a man in his hair and pajamas came out sleepily.

"You..." The man was Mr. Wu who lost his way to the South Courtyard during the day and looked at Tang Xiaotang. He blinked at this side in surprise, "What are you doing?"

The mountains and rivers are exhausted, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright! Tang Xiaotang was so excited that he almost burst into tears as if he saw the shipwreck of the lifeboat - after returning here, he stood at the door and talked to the teacher for a while. At that time, it was not raining and the surroundings were very quiet. Mr. Wu must be able to hear them! Even if this can't be used as evidence, the murderer must have made an abnormal noise when he stunned the female secretary. As long as he is awake, there is no reason not to notice it!

Few people would have thought that he also lived in this row of guest rooms, and Tang Qiuzhe seemed to be the most surprised of all people. He stared at his friend for a long time before asking, "Why do you live here?"

Mr. Wu came over with a scratch and laughed: "This... I got lost when I came out to the bathroom yesterday. In order not to cause you trouble again, when Miss Xiaoling sent me back, I specifically asked if there were any other guests in the guest room of the West Courtyard. She Yes, I asked her to change my room near someone's guest room, so that if I get lost, as long as I call for help, someone should send me back and I won't run around again.

There was an unresultied row of black lines on the head of everyone present, leaving only a little bit in their hearts.

And Tang Xiaotang was so happy that he wanted to jump up - the road idiot saved the world! If you move back to the headquarters in the future, you must patiently show everyone the way to repay the society!

"So, what's going on?" Mr. Wu continued to ask curiously.