
073, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop (red ticket plus update)

"Well, I know."

The driver called from the airport and said that he had sent someone. Tang Qiuzhe symbolically said that he had worked hard, and then closed his mobile phone and thought about something.

The female died quietly standing behind her. The secretary was no longer around, and many things had to be done. Therefore, Tang Qiuzhe did not order her to retreat, and she was waiting for her order.

"Do you think I'm really wrong?" After a long silence, Tang Qiuzhe asked thoughtfully.

"There is no absolute right or wrong in the world. The Lord just regrets it." The female replied calmly. Tang Qiuzhe smiled and nodded and admitted, "You're right. I really regret that Xiaotang is a good boy, but I... still did it."

He took out a pack of sealed cigarettes from the drawer and lit one, but the strong damp and choking smell made him immediately throw the smoke into the clean ashtray.

How long has it been since the last smoking? About two or three months, the humidity in City C is not like an inland city, and it's the rainy season again. No wonder the smoke is also useless.

"You know, when Brother Wu saw through my tricks, I actually felt relief rather than fear," Tang Qiuzhe leaned against the office chair and stared at the rising smoke. "Actually, from the bottom of my heart, I don't want to hurt Xiaotang, but I have no choice."

The female hero was silent. Tang Qiuzhe sat for a while, and then stood up from the chair as if he had made a decision. The female hero immediately raised her head: "The Lord is going to confess to the first martial arts?"

Tang Qiuzhe smiled and said, "In fact, I don't need to confess at all. He is so smart and has known it for a long time. To be honest, he can interpret so many things from the photos alone, which really impresses me. Whether in the past or now, there are not many people I really admire."

"But if the Lord confesses, according to the laws of mankind, you will be sentenced." Although the female moth reminded him so, she did not mean to stop him, although she could block the exit of the room as long as she took a step.

Tang Qiuzhe sighed: "If I don't confess, Brother Wu will tell the truth to the police, and then I will be sentenced. - Anyway, I have been friends with him for many years in this life, and Xiaoling is not dead. As long as I promise to stop and compensate Xiaoling, Brother Wu will definitely not send me to prison. ."

The woman was silent for a few seconds and asked, "Does the Lord intend to stop here?"

Tang Qiuzhe gently raised the corners of his mouth: "There is no such thing, it's just... it's just that you need to hide your glory and keep a low profile for a period of time."

"...I see. Then I'll invite Mr. First Wu over."

"Is it better for me to go in person?"

"He has been lost in the North Courtyard since just now. Please come here for convenience."

Tang Qiuzhe couldn't help laughing and nodded: "Then go and invite him back."

The female hero slowly disappeared. Soon, the first Wu opened the door with an embarrassed face and walked into the owner's office and said, "Oh, I wanted to go back to the West Courtyard to sleep in a cage, but I didn't expect that I didn't even go out of the North Courtyard after walking for a long time. It's really distressed that Ahui was not around."

Tang Qiuzhe sat on the small sofa and made a gesture to ask him to sit opposite. The first martial arts was not polite. He stroked his hair and sat down: "Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it," Tang Qiuzhe, although he wanted to turn himself in frankly, did not show dejection to win sympathy. Instead, he smiled with a little inquiry. "But before I explain the reason, I want to hear how Brother Wu cracked the blizzard Villa."

The first martial arts said "hey" and laughed shyly: "Actually, this is not difficult. Whether it's heavy rain or heavy snow, there is always a beginning and an end. Yesterday, you claimed to have something to do. After asking Miss Xiaotang to Miss Xiaoling, you left. If I guess correctly, you should have gone directly to the West Courtyard, and you are not empty. Let's go."

Tang Qiuzhe looked at him meaningfully: "What did I bring, a murder weapon?"

The first Wu shook his head with a smile: "No, the flower scissors should be made from the local materials. What you hold in your hand should be a pair of high heels, that is, the pair of high heels that leave footprints in the yard."

"You rushed to the West Courtyard before Miss Xiaotang and hid in the empty room. Originally, according to the plan, Miss Xiaoling should have come to the West Courtyard with Miss Xiaotang, but she didn't, so you managed to call her to the West Courtyard. The call record of her mobile phone should also be deleted by you, right? It didn't rain when Miss Xiaoling arrived at the West Courtyard, so there was no trace of her coming on the ground. She entered your hiding room according to your instructions - that is, the first scene of the crime. Then you stunned her and waited patiently until midnight. She felt that Miss Xiaotang must have fallen asleep. Lord Zhu Jin also relaxed his vigilance and fainted. The confused Xiaoling girl dragged her to the corridor and hurt the back of her head with a flower scissors.

"With your careful friendship with us for so many years, I like reasoning, and you also know the importance of forging the first scene, so even if we return to the West Courtyard now, we will definitely find splashing blood stains in the corridor."

"It's not enough to have blood. You wet the soles of Miss Xiaoling's shoes in order to cover up the footprints you stepped on when you left - high heels are not easy to wear, right?" First Wu said, looking over the coffee table and glanced at his feet. "Although the footprints have been stepped on in a mess and indistinguishable - this is also what you expect, if you take off your shoes and socks, you may find some traces of wearing high heels. After all, the foot sizes of men and women are much different, and you are Go back."

At this point, the outline of the case is basically clear, and the specific details are probably only known by the murderer himself. The first martial arts point will stop, and the rest will be left to him to supplement.

After listening to his story, Tang Qiuzhe also showed an admiring smile and said, "Brother Wu is indeed the only person I admire in my life. As an easy chair detective, I can guess it."

"Ah, is there still something wrong with guessing?" The first Wu asked regretfully.

"What's wrong is not particularly important, but it's just the reason why I did it."

Tang Qiuzhe took out his wallet from his pocket, then took out a neatly folded piece of paper from the mezzanine of the wallet and handed it over: "You will understand after reading this."

The first Wu probe took it over, turned it over and unfolded it. It was a printed letter. Naturally, the recipient was Tang Qiuzhe, but the writer was Xiaoling, the female secretary.

The content of the letter is very short, and there is only one central idea - I am pregnant with your child, and you must be responsible for me.

"Hey! This..." First Wu blinked in surprise and shook the piece of paper in his hand.

Tang Qiuzhe explained calmly: "Daw, I took her to Gansu to talk about a business during the Spring Festival. The people in the northwest were so hospitable and drank a lot of wine. I was so drunk that I woke up and saw her lying next to me."

First Wu looked at him very sympathetically: "Drinking is chaotic. Hey, no wonder Ahui beat me with a feather duster as soon as she saw me drinking."

The corners of Tang Qiuzhe's mouth twitched slightly, thinking that he actually said calmly about this kind of ugliness. Aren't he afraid of going back and being pumped harder? But the explanation still needs to be explained: "It's not that I'm drunk and messy. It's not that she took the opportunity to climb into my bed and take advantage of me. After getting up in the morning, she admitted it to me in person, saying that she had been secretly in love with me for so many years and didn't expect anything, so she wanted to leave a memory."

"Anyway, it has happened. I can't be as angry as a woman. I just want to forget that I don't care about her. Unexpectedly, she took retreat as progress and step by step. She secretly put this note in the document for me last week. After that, I asked her out to talk. She said that if I didn't agree to her request, she would report me. It is an illegal association that is engaged in anti-party and anti-people sabotage activities.

The first martial arts was ironic in an instant: "Anti-party and anti-people? This hat is really big."

Tang Qiuzhe sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose: "I didn't see her true face at the beginning, but it led the wolf into the room. Obviously, she forced me, and I was not angry and promised to pay. She still didn't stop. It's really unpopular. In fact, I also knew what she looked behind my back, but nothing It's just a trick."

Yiwu also sighed with understanding: "In today's era, it's not easy for everyone to get along. I opened a private clinic in Hanzhong, and I have to be reviewed every now and then. It's not bad. Xiao Rang and the young master of the Huang family got close. I heard that the Huang family was almost destroyed more than 30 years ago, and now they are engaged in music training classes. Only then can we fool the people on the table.

The two looked at each other, obviously only 20 or 30 years old, but they had a sense of sadness over time.

"If Ji Fa did not divide the world from the fantasy world, the current land of China should still coexist and do not reject each other," First Wu said. "It's a pity that it was useless to say what happened thousands of years ago."

Tang Qiuzhe's eyes flashed a strange light, paused and asked, "Do you think Ji Fa's approach is wrong?"

The first Wu Guaner shook his head: "No, if I were him, I would definitely do that, but his knife, the merit is in the contemporary era, and the disaster is in thousands of years, but it is also true. Later generations, countless immortals like us, have cut off their way of life because of what he has done. Even if there are some complaints, it is nothing wrong. "

Tang Qiuzhe lowered his eyes silently: "You're right."

"Well, let's not talk about it. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since I got up in the morning. I'm about to float." The first martial arts topic turned and touched his stomach with a painful expression.

"I'm sorry! I'm not thoughtful, so let's eat together!"

In City X, thousands of miles away from C city, Tang Xiaotang dragged his tired body out of the airport, and then alternately tossing between land, sea and land. When he returned to the door of Z campus, he was as tired as a dog that could lie on the ground at any time.

Naturally, the luggage is placed in the space without heavy lifting, but people have returned to the school gate and can't go in empty-handed. If they meet their classmates, they will definitely be suspected, so Tang Xiaotang found an empty corner to get into the space and planned to take the box out and drag them away.

Who knew that when he entered the space, it was dark in front of him.

What's the situation? Tang Xiaotang was puzzled. Since there was a little sunlight bird in the seal, there has never been a situation of reaching out in broad daylight. Is it sick? Or...

Because I broke my leg last time, the hole in the seal still couldn't be filled. Did any other monster break in this time and hurt the little sunlight bird or even... take it away?!

Tang Xiaotang was shocked by his speculation, but then felt that something was wrong. If that's the case, the teacher should find out immediately when he got into the seal before getting on the plane, and with him, who dares to come!

There was no time to think. She quickly ran forward, surrounded by thick ink-like darkness. Tang Xiaotang shouted at the teacher. Zhujin did not squeak, but Si Nan immediately responded: "Xiaotang? Come here, something big has happened!"

Tang Xiaotang's heart skipped and asked, "What's the matter? Where are you?"

"Wait where you are. I'll ask the daylight bird to pick you up."

The little sunlight bird is fine. Tang Xiaotang just breathed a sigh of relief and immediately realized the other side of the problem - the little sunlight bird is fine, and Si Nan is also fine. Doesn't that mean that Zhujin is the accident?!

In the chirping cry, the little sunlight bird arrived with light, and a few meters was immediately illuminated. No wonder it flew high in the dark space. Tang Xiaotang followed it all the way back to the fairy grass nursery, and then saw Zhu Jin lying by the fence at a glance.
