
117, nameless

The words were fierce, but after the arrival of the brazen attitude was obviously more relaxed. The underage brother crawled around on the two brothers, and even kissed him on the back, making his face drool, making the unangry and arrogant face no longer look as stiff and cold as before.

Is it true that cute things are a must-have for iceberg men?

Senior Hani led a group of pink rabbits by.


He wiped his face with a handkerchief in confusion. Seeing Tang Xiaotang coming, he immediately put on an expression of strangers.

With the support of the prisoner, Tang Xiaotang was not afraid that he would do something to himself, so he sat down cross-legged opposite him: "Let me tell you a story?"

He refused coldly: "I'm not interested."

"Then tell me a story? The story of blood tofu?


In the distance, the prisoner Niu is talking with the family, and Xiaoyue and Huang Qihui also walked away knowingly. Their conversation will not be heard by anyone. This is exactly the effect Tang Xiaotang wants.

"Say, I know you must have something hidden in your heart. I don't want to tell your eldest brother, and I don't want to tell my brothers," Tang Xiaotang looked at him on his knees. "Is the person who gave you blood tofu a young girl in her twenties?"

The corners of his mouth curled: "Forget it."

Tang Xiaotang said, "Forget? I forgot how to make you go everywhere to find the food. You want to find the origin of blood tofu and then find the person who will give you blood tofu. Am I guess right?

He stopped talking again, and the handkerchief was held in his palm and kneaded into a ball.

"How did you become friends? When she gave you something to eat, did you turn upside down?

"How can it be!"

He was a little agrily and stared at Tang Xiaotang, but Tang Xiaotang was not afraid. He took out a blood tofu and seduced him and said, "Oh, I will also eat this for you, and I will show you the person you miss."

After struggling for a long time, he finally gave up his stubborn resistance and said weakly, "Thirteen years ago, it rained heavily here. I came out to look for food. When I saw a man floating in the river, I fished her up and planned to eat her. Unexpectedly, this man was not only not afraid of me, but also dared to hit me. I was curious and didn't eat her. I asked her. A mortal, what should I do if I don't come to Zhoushan?

As soon as Huang's sixth aunt graduated, she dared to rush to the other end of the motherland to chase the man. It can be seen that she is also a hot and unrestrained girl. Tang Xiaotang felt that it was too normal for such a person to beat him in self-defense without knowing his identity.

"She said that she came and walked with her man, but she encountered a flash flood and was washed away. I thought it was mostly dead, but she said it was impossible. She wanted to find it and asked me to go with her. I said no, so she seduced me with food."

Tang Xiaotang smiled and said, "That's still what I said. You can't walk when you see the food. Is it promising?"

He was so angry: "Don't you listen?"

"Listen and keep talking."

Then she said, "She took out a hard thing and lit a fire in the cave. The smell of the meat immediately came out. I have lived for thousands of years and have never smelled such delicious meat. I'm a little... a little greedy."

Tang Xiaotang deeply understood: "Yes, there are more than a dozen spices in Yunnan pickles. When I first saw it, I was also drooling. What's more, you still stay in this place where birds don't shit, and your mouth will fade out."

nodded: "The woman said it's okay to eat for me. After eating, I have to take her to find her man, because her leg was broken and she couldn't walk. Our brothers have never been used as mounts. I didn't want to agree, but I thought that no one saw it in Zhoushan anyway. The camel would be a camel, so I agreed.

"There were only three pieces of meat in her backpack. She gave me a piece to eat. I looked for her for a day. When the meat was gone on the fourth day and no one had found it, I said that I didn't do it. I was looking for it with her for food, and I couldn't find it for three days. I said it was probably dead. Don't look for it."

"Then she suddenly cried."

Looking at the sky indifferently, the purple-black clouds were as dull as if they were pressing on people's hearts.

"A person was lost and didn't cry, broke her leg and didn't cry, escaped from death and didn't cry, and was yelled by me and didn't cry. I just told the truth casually, and she cried so much that she said that she and her man had agreed to be together for a lifetime and die together. She also said that since I didn't accompany her to find her, she Go find it yourself, and just... drag your broken leg out of the cave."

Tang Xiaotang whispered, "If you live, you will be the same, and if you die, you will be the same cave."

He hummed and said, "I never believe in these loving things. I just think she is a fool. There are many good men in the world. Why don't you take yourself seriously for a life to die? So... I didn't care about her. If she wanted to leave, she let her go. I continued with mine.

"Two days later, when I went to take a bath, I found that she fell on the beach and was still angry. She fainted and held a bag in her hand and had been torn. When I picked her up, two meat [vertical] balls rolled out of the bag. At that time, I thought that her man was probably really dead. This bag should be that man. Yes, she must have seen things and fainted sadly.

There was a sudden thunder in the sky, and then the bean-sized raindrops crackled down and evolved into a torrential rain in less than three seconds, and the defenseless people became drowned in an instant.

The month-long rainy season in V Zhoushan began.

It rained heavily, and everything in heaven and earth was eclipsed in this vastness. The rain curtain oscillated with the strong wind, eroding the cliffs and cliffs mania. The mud and sand mixed with rain converged into a torrent to destroy the momentum of death. When encountering mountains, pushing mountains, filling ravens, roaring and roaring to the distance.

The thunder explodes, like in the ear, and the electric light passes through, like day.

The huge waves surged up one after another, and even the splashing water hit the face as powerful as a projectile, which made life painful.

Several people huddled in a narrow cave and shuddered as they looked at the surging flood outside.

"It's too exaggerated... In those years, Gonggong knocked down not Zhoushan, and the flood was nothing more than that, right?" Huang Qi replied with her tongue.

"It's far away. At that time, the whole mountain sank into the water." The prisoner said lightly.

Three late descendants who had never seen the prehistoric flood couldn't help but be glad that they were not born in that tragic era.

leaned against the mouth of the cave and looked at the pouring rain outside, and his thoughts drifted with the tide, as if they were out of the control of time and returned to the past.

It's the same weather. The rain is like the sky leaking, and the thunder is rolling in, and a flash of lightning shines on the night and day.

The woman woke up from the nightmare and sat up with cold sweat on her back.

"Finally woke up? Come and have some hot soup." He was neither surprised nor happy, and took a spoonful of broth from the pot and handed it over.

The woman gasped at him and asked warily, "Who are you?" Looking around, "Where am I?"

He was too lazy to answer, just asked, "Don't drink? If you don't drink, you will be hungry." The woman took a look at the soup bowl in his hand, thought about it, and took it over. Her hungry stomach for two days had no resistance in front of this delicious broth, and she drank it all.

After drinking the hot soup, his body warmed up and his brain resumed working. The woman looked at him a few times and asked, "Are you the mythical beast I picked up last time?" Did you save me again this time?

He nodded with an indifferent attitude and answered the question, "Your man is dead, right?"

The woman trembled and denied: "No."

"Don't pack it. You have found his bag. How many days can a mortal live without food? Besides, the weather outside is still so bad.

When he said this, he simply wanted the woman to recognize the reality, give up the boring search, find a way to raise her legs and go home, but the good intentions always do bad things. Despite the serious injury and illness, the woman clenched her fists and shouted at him loudly: "He is not dead!" I only saw the backpack and didn't see the body. He may not be dead! I'm going to find him..."

The subsequent dizziness and nausea made her unable to continue to be irritable. Her body tilted, fell to the ground and gasped with difficulty.

Looking for an almost dead person with a seriously injured body in such bad weather, even an iron body can't stand it, let alone a woman.

Is she a different woman, or can the so-called power of love make a mortal extremely powerful?

That night, the woman had a high fever and kept putting on posing. He made a bonfire in the hole and pulled her in her arms. The woman began to be very resistant, but he said, "I have a cleanliness fetish and won't touch such a dirty person as you."

The woman laughed and her cheeks burned red. She rolled in the mud for three days in the rain, but none of her body was clean.

She said, "Since you have a cleanliness fetish, isn't it disgusting to hold a clay figurine like me?"

It's not disgusting. It's strange that women are mud from head to to toe, and the bandages with broken legs are still the ones he tied up at the beginning. They have been stained with blood and mud and are indescribably dirty. But he just didn't feel that the person in his arms was disgusting, and there was no sense of rejection in holding her, as if the sentence "I have a cleanliness fetish" was just an excuse to calm her heart, and he had no cleanliness fetish.

The rainy season is still going on, and the woman stays in the cave to recuperate from her illness and injury. Every day, he braves the heavy rain to go outside to find food and take the bandages to the water to wash. Obviously, he is the son of the dragon. The bad-tempered man who has to take a detour when others see him, he is willing to do some low-down things. The object he serves doesn't seem to serve. What a great person.

He has asked himself more than once, what on earth am I doing? Didn't you fish her up to eat? How did it become like this? I was like a slave to others.

However, such questions are always unanswered. Day by, the woman's severe cold slowly recovered, but the leg injury lacks treatment, and it still gets better very slowly. Occasionally, he takes the woman to the waterside to wash her face and take a shower when the rain is young, but he has never had the idea of peeking at her **, so this is What kind of feeling is it?

"Maybe you are right." During dinner that day, the woman suddenly put down the bowl in her hand and said.

"What?" He heard such a sentence without thinking and was completely puzzled.

The woman smiled with a faint sense of desolation and said, "Xiaowen probably really died. To tell you the truth, Xiaowen was not in harmony with his family. He moved out alone early, and his parents didn't care about him. As for me, there were many children in the family. Six or seven sisters had only one younger brother. The family was short of money to raise his son, so he sold me 2,000 yuan to a widow. Later, when my adoptive mother died, no one cared about me. After all, Xiaowen and I are both the kind of people who are cold and doomed to help each other.

He didn't say anything. I don't know why the woman suddenly remembered to say this.

"Xiaowen is good to me. I also want to be with him all my life, but there are unpredictable times. People have misfortunes and blessings. Even if they die, they die. If they don't admit it, they are dead."

The woman sucked her nose and her eyes were a little red, but she forced herself to smile and said, "He is dead, but I'm still alive and I have to live."

He plucked the dust with a tree stick, dug out a baked sweet potato, patted the dust, and handed it over: "Don't be sad, eat something."

The woman took it and held it in her hand, but she didn't eat it. Instead, she said, "Except for Xiaowen, you are the only one in the world who treats me well and takes care of me like this for no reason. I really don't know how to repay you."

"You live alone in such a place, and you must be lonely without a talking partner, right? Why don't we go down the mountain together when my legs are ready? Find a village with someone to live in. I don't know much about your world. We can slowly learn to integrate into them. What do you think...?

He was stunned.

What this means is that she gave up the uncertain man and wanted to accompany her?

An unprecedented joy surged into his heart. He couldn't even say what kind of mood it was. He just felt that there was nothing happier in the world.

Then, shall we be together?