
123, paradise

Is it a rumor spread by Nuwa to appease the hearts of the people?

Although from the standpoint of the superior, it is not impossible to understand the intention of Nuwa to do so, this kind of behavior is actually not very meaningful, is it? The Yellow Emperor fell asleep and Shennong died suddenly. Shaohao gradually lost his five senses, followed by the divine punishment that came to Zhuan and the emperor. If the coming of the divine punishment cannot be stopped, the five emperors will still die one after another.

What's more, this method of "treating the symptoms" does not seem to be very effective. The environment of Biya Mountain is not as good as rumored. After a while, there will be sandstorms, ice caves, and I don't know what will happen next.

The first Wu thought and said, "I guess Nuwashi must be in the mountains. Wind, sand and ice are to stop people's exploration. Otherwise, everyone could enter, and Nuwashi would have been dug away long ago. Maybe the graves of their ancestors... Well, let's not talk about it."

Although his reasoning is a little far-fetched and there is not enough evidence to support it for the time being, it is the most reliable speculation at this stage. After discussing, the three decided to walk into the depths of Biya Mountain tomorrow to find the crux of the problem.

That night, after the three fell asleep separately, a white halo fluttered from the darkness.

The little sunlight bird woke up alertly and cooed twice. The white light suddenly turned into a human figure, wearing a wreath on its head and a white skirt. It was Nuwa.

Nuwa raised her index finger and made a gentle gesture, and the little sunlight bird buried its head under its wings to sleep.

"I actually found it here. It's really worthy of being selected by Kuntong."

Nuwa took out the Kunlun mirror, gently put it in front of Tang Xiaotang's tent, put her hands together, and said with a smile, "Please!" It turned into white light and drifted away.

The next morning, Tang Xiaotang yawned and got out of the tent and almost stepped on the Kunlun mirror.

"Why is this thing here?" She looked over and over in surprise, holding the Kunlun mirror, "Have you ever been here? When did you come? Ah, ah, I missed it!"

First Wu held a toothbrush and smiled, "If she wants to see you, she will come again. What is that in her hand?"

Tang Xiaotang turned over and showed him: "Kunlun Mirror."

First Wu almost swallowed it with his toothbrush and quickly washed it. He came to take over the Kunlun mirror and looked at it. He was amazed: "When did the Kunlun mirror get into Nuwa's hands? It was rumored that she had a quarrel with Fuxi about borrowing the Kunlun mirror. Nuwa was so angry that she turned against her on the spot and finally didn't get it.

Tang Xiaotang and Xiaoyue are both people who have seen the Kunlun mirror. They have no sense of freshness for a long time. Only the first Wu held it and looked at it rarely. They only saw that the mirror was bright and white and could not reflect people's reflection. Instead, they could see that Xiaoyue was a bird-shaped smoke, and Tang Xiaotang next to her also did not reflect it. Instead, it was a Fang Baiyuyin.

It seems that the Kunlun mirror can show the whereabouts of the fragments of the Kunlun seal. The first Wu suddenly realized something, but when he thinks about it, he feels strange. If Nuwa had known that it would be much more convenient for Kunlun mirror to find the seal in his hand, why didn't she give it to Tang Xiaotang at the beginning?

"Nvwa specially left the Kunlun mirror. Is it that the monster in the Biya Mountain is very powerful?" Xiaoyue asked without worry.

"It's very likely, so we must act carefully." The first general Kunlun mirror was put into his backpack and still took the lead. The three came out of the seal and continued to walk to the depths of the cave.

After one night, the cave began to frost and freeze again, but the amount was far less than yesterday. After walking for nearly two hours, a corner, and a light finally appeared in front of him.

"The great Shennong will always bless us! The wind and rain are smooth, and the grain is abundant!" An old voice shouted.

"The wind and rain are smooth! Five grains are abundant!" Countless voices were echoed and the crowd was excited.

Hearing the noise from outside the cave, the three people inside stopped together.

Is there anyone living in Biya Mountain? This is really unexpected. Even the first Wu, a descendant of Shennong, did not expect that there would be a village near the mausoleum of his ancestors.

There is endless noise outside the cave. In addition to people's shouting, there is also the sound of gongs and drumming suona, which seems to be celebrating or sacrificing.

Tang Xiaotang asked in a low voice, "Will we be regarded as gods if we go out at this time?"

First Wu shook his head and said, "If they live here for a long time, they must be conservative and extremely xenophobic. If we go out like this, most of them will be treated as monsters. It's not good to argue. It's better to wait for them to leave before going out quietly."

So Tang Xiaotang went back to the seal and took the small bench and juice, and the Gulangyu meat was loose. The three of them sat in the cave and had a picnic with a flashlight.

It didn't calm down until noon. When Tang Xiaotang poked his head out of the mouth of the cave, there was only a girl with a bun to sweep the ground. At the corners of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of three people crawling out of the cave and almost jumped up in horror.


Tang Xiaotang hurriedly motioned her not to make a sound, then raised his hands above his head and walked towards her: "Don't be afraid, we are not bad people."

The girl's face was pale, and she threw the broom and was about to kneel down. Tang Xiaotang had to help her again: "No, no, no, we are not good people... Forget it's not clear, in short... Don't talk about what happened to us, okay?"

The girl stared at her face and nodded in panic. Xiaoyue picked up the broom and returned it to her. As soon as she took it, she fled.

"This is really a paradise," Yiwu took a deep breath. There is no industrial impurities in the air here. It is all the simplest taste of nature, such as the fragrance of flowers, grass, and the sweet fragrance of melons and fruits. "I don't know how the ancestors of those people found here."

The ice cave runs through the left wing of Biya Mountain. Their current position is already in the arms of Biya Mountain. Layers of terraces and rows of neat willows are full of verdant green, which is refreshing.

Countless houses are hidden in green trees, like hundreds of families.

The nearest family has a black tile and yellow wall. There is a wooden fence in front of the door. The white-haired old man sits in the yard, surrounded by a group of children listening to stories. There are more fluffy chickens running around the yard. Although the sun is hot at noon, the temperature in the mountain is not high, which is quite comfortable.

Just now, the girl in a bun ran away along the path by the terrace. Tang Xiaotang looked at the mud under her feet and guessed that the water flow yesterday should have been mistaken for a miracle by the residents here, so she came to sacrifice today.

At this time, a child noticed the three of them, quickly pulled the old man's sleeve, pointed to the door and said, "Agong, there are people outside who don't recognize."

Since he was found and always wanted to say hello, Tang Xiaotang politely stepped forward and bowed: "Hello, I'm from outside, please..."

The white-haired old man looked over 80 years old, his bronze face was full of folds, and his turbid eyes narrowed and rudely drove away: "Go back! Where we come from and where we go, we don't need your mercy.

"We're not here..." "Go back! Go back all! We have our own destiny, and you outsiders don't need to interfere!"

When the communication failed, Tang Xiaotang shrugged his shoulders and walked away. The old man's dry mouth moved and said to the children around him, "Go home. I won't tell stories today. Come back another day." The children showed an endless expression and withdrew from the courtyard door with their fingers.

The first martial arts said, "I'll try it." With that, he walked to the old man: "Old man, I am the first martial arts of the descendants of Shennong. I am specially here to find the ancestral mausoleum. Do you know the location of the Shennong Mausoleum?"

Unexpectedly, the end of saying this was even worse. The old man stared, grabbed the broom beside him and pulled over: "Let your eyes be red, I will make you red! I have to kill you sinister guys today!" The first Wu was hit on his leg and suddenly cried for pain. He retreated repeatedly. The old man chased him all the way. The first Wu was not familiar with the terrain and dared not fight back to an old man. He only staggered all the way and looked embarrassed.

"Three Grandpas! Please stop!" A young girl's voice came from the hillside. The old man stopped and looked back. First Wu immediately took the opportunity to hide behind the tree.

The girl who walked down the hillside looks almost exactly like the one who was scared away just now, and she also wore a double bun, but the one wearing a red dress just now, this one wearing a green skirt.

She said that she was walking, maybe a little reluctantly. She had crutches on both sides of her armpits, and she couldn't see the tip of her shoes under the skirt. It seemed that her legs were disabled.

The disabled girl came to them with two crutches. First, she said a few words quickly to the old man. The old man reluctantly left, and then she apologized to the first martial arts and others who came out of her hiding place, "I'm really sorry. Third Grandpa, his temper is like this. He is very irritable. Are you from outside, right? Come on, please follow me."

This unsurprise attitude proves that people have come in before them, and it seems that they still come often. If people often come to bring rare things outside and tell new stories outside, don't they want to leave here? Tang Xiaotang had a doubt in his heart.

"Do you want to help you?" Xiao Yue asked.

The girl shook her head with a cheerful smile: "No, I've been walking like this since I was a child. I can't fall back and forth thousands of times on the same road."

"Please forgive me, girl, your legs..." The first martial arts doctor instinctively couldn't help asking questions.

"I was born useless. It's nothing. I've thought about it for a long time." The girl took this topic lightly and didn't seem to want to say more. It was related to other people's privacy, and the first martial arts did not continue to ask.

The girl led them into a hut. The room was small but clean. The simple tables and chairs had been used for many years, and the edges were particularly smooth. A wall divided the house in half, and the back of the curtain should be her bedroom.

The girl greeted them to sit down and said, "Drink your own water. You're welcome. The old people in the village reject people from outside. Don't take it to heart."

The three naturally said that they would not. Tang Xiaotang asked, "Do you know about the Shennong Mausoleum?"

The girl's face suddenly changed and asked vigilantly, "Why are you asking about this?"