
142, alternative reincarnation

It took more than half a month later than expected to arrive at the women's mountain. The villagers at the foot of the mountain said that he had come back once and left before waiting for her.

"He won't suspect that I'm repudiate, will he...?" Tang Xiaotang thanked the little shepherd boy who was herding cattle and said to himself without worry.

"He is the master and defender of fairness and justice in the world. He is willing to return the fragments to you in advance, but he believes that you will not repudiate the debt. Just wait." Say goodbye to frost.

The trip to the East China Sea was quite fruitful. When Ao Guang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, heard that she was going to find someone in the fantasy world, he called Ao Ye back from the South China Sea without saying a word, and sent Shuang to accompany hundreds of shrimp soldiers and crabs. Tang Xiaotang never had such a big trip and hurriedly refused.

Push left and right, and finally the two sides gave up a step. They led a team of 20 to escort her along the road, and packed two large boxes of seafood. Ao Ye also brought a box of pearls from the mother Miaocheng from the South China Sea, saying that she would wear it when she would marry in the future, which made Tang Xiaotang ashamed and embarrassed. Finally, she had to I took it and left two bags of Fuxian Lake sour bamboo shoots for them to taste and express my gratitude.

After arriving at the women's mountain, the shrimp soldiers and crabs were scattered and separated to fight the whereabouts of the an.

Unlike the eldest brother's prisoner, he focuses on Daze for 3,000 years. Everyone knows that he is here today and tomorrow, looking for blood tofu for a while, and then to study the head of the dragonfly. He only stayed for a short time in the female mountains. The shrimp soldiers and crabs asked each other, and finally found a shepherd boy on a river beach before asking. Out of the whereabouts of the bi.

The shepherd boy rode on the big green cow and chewed the dried shrimp given by Ao Ye, shook his head and said, "He will come back soon, not more than three months."

"Three months is still fast?" A soldier asked in surprise.

"It's very fast--" the shepherd boy said in a long tone, "He will come back here after finishing one thing. I have known him for three years. Really, I won't lie to you."

Tang Xiaotang smiled, shaded his hand, raised his head and asked, "So you have a good relationship with him?"

The shepherd boy nodded proudly: "Yes."

No wonder the way of speaking sounds a little similar. Tang Xiaotang's impression is that he is a cute and tiger-headed tiger-headed. He looks about the same age as this little shepherd boy. He should be a playmate, so he said, "Do you know where he went? He has an older brother named Yi. Has he ever told you about it?

The shepherd boy shook his head: "No, he never mentioned his family. When I asked before, he said that his roots were here, so no matter how far he went, he would definitely come back to have a look. I guess everyone in his family is dead."

The shepherd's child's words made everyone laugh. Ao Ye noticed a detail in his words: "His roots are here, maybe not necessarily that his family is buried here, or there is something here that makes him feel very attached to. Where do you usually play?"

"There is a lake over there. The lake is colorful and beautiful," the shepherd boy pointed to the west. "We love to go there most. He often sits by the lake for most of the day. I know him by the lake."

The sun has gradually set in the west, and the little shepherd boy is going home, so everyone has to say goodbye to him and go to the lake he said to camp.

Tang Xiaotang deeply agreed: "Me too."

Cishuang had to smile and say nothing. The shrimp soldiers and crabs cooked the fire, and the three returned to the camp to eat and rest.

After dark, Tang Xiaotang got into his tent to sleep. Ci Shuang arranged a vigil and told Ao Ye: "Go to bed early." Ao Ye responded absent-mindedly.

The lakeside on a summer night was very cool. Tang Xiaotang lay in the tent, listening to the crisp sound of cicadas outside, and soon fell asleep.

There was also the sound of cicadas like sand and rain in the dream, swinging in the wind, as if they could soak people's spleen. The bright sunlight shone through the dense branches and leaves, reflecting dazzling crosses.

A young girl laughed like a bell, as if she was running in the mountains, running, shouting to someone unknown: "Come on, come after me, come on!"

The picture in front of him gradually changed. Tang Xiaotang saw a little girl with a blue turban and black braids playing by the lake. Her white and fat hands picked up a handful of water and poured it on the person beside her.

The man was just a white shadow. It could be roughly seen that he was a young man, also wrapped in a thick turban, with short hair, and long hands and feet. The little girl splashed water at him. He raised his arm to block it and called the girl's name.

"...Peach! Don't splash, I admit defeat, I admit defeat! Oh, stop it and fall into the lake later.

The girl's name is Moutao, but the previous word Tang Xiaotang can't be heard clearly. The man's voice is clear, but the pronunciation of these two words is vague.

One big and one small splashed water by the lake, and then you chased me and ran everywhere. The man deliberately slowed down and pretended not to catch up with her. The little girl ran three steps and turned around and shouted unheardly to come and catch me. It was fun.

Tang Xiaotang smiled unconsciously and thought that when he first met Zhu Jin, he was about the same age as the little girl and loved to play and like to be accompanied by someone. If Zhu Jin was not trapped in the crystal cluster at that time, he could also play with him like this...

Huh? Can you think in your dreams? This feeling seems to have passed for a long time. The last time it should have been... in Miaocheng's dream.

As soon as the picture in front of me was closed, there was only darkness left, and a white spot flies.

"Brother Liheng, will be your bride when I grow up in the future?"

"Brother Li, be careful all the way, go early and come back early."

"Qilang, do you know that I have been waiting for this day for ten years?"

"Children's father, you see, my father and I picked you up here at the beginning. You were covered in mud, and you were like a mud monkey."

"I'm not ashamed to say that in the next life, as soon as Meng Po soup is drunk, who will remember who? It's a blessing that I can marry you in my life. Even if I want to be a cow and a horse in the next few lifetimes, I will be willing."

The light spots gradually faded, and the voice of the speaker became older and older.

"Old man, wait for me later. Lao Wu also got married last year. My daughter-in-law is about to give birth. I have to hug this little grandson with my own hands to be willing to leave."

In a world, only in a flick of her fingers, the young girl turned into a late old woman. Her husband had taken a step ahead, leaving her children and grandchildren full of her. When she was alone, endless loneliness turned into a muttering to herself and echoed in the dark for a long time.

Qilang, Qilang... The old and choked voice kept calling repeatedly, making the sleeping Tang Xiaotang wet the corners of his eyes.

"Miss Xiaotang!"

The shadow of Ci Shuang was reflected on the tent. Tang Xiaotang suddenly opened his eyes and found that it was already dawn.

"Miss Xiaotang, what did you hear last night?" Ci Shuang's voice was full of anxiety.

Tang Xiaotang yawned and replied, "I had a dream all night and didn't hear anything. What's wrong?"

Cishuang was annoyed and said, "Your Highness is gone!"