
145, life and death (red ticket plus update)

Fortunately, the aquatic grandmother accidentally knocked down the oil lamp next to her when she reached out and grabbed the water bowl at the head of the bed. There was no oil in the lampstand, which did not cause any disaster.

"If you want to drink water, just call me. What if you fall again?" Shuisheng changed a bowl of warm water for his grandmother and brought it to the bedside. Tang Xiaotang carefully fed the old man to drink.

The old man wiped her mouth with her left hand full of cocoons and said with a smile, "Silly child, I'm not enough to drink water to be served."

Shuisheng curled his lips and said, "Is it just to be served, ouch!" I got another slap on the back of the head.

Fang said angrily, "How can I talk to grandma!"

Shuisheng touched the back of his head and apologized guilty: "I'm sorry, grandma." The old girl smiled, and he looked at the brat with lingering heart and muttered, "Brother Hu, why did you become fierce when you came back this time? My father hasn't hit me. You hit me twice."

"What's wrong with you, you just need to be beaten," he stared and stretched out a finger and poked his forehead hard. "You are ten years old this year. You are a man. You should help grandma do more. How can you herd cattle every day? Who picks water at home, firewood, who cooks, and clothes? Are you still waiting for your grandma to serve you?

Shuisheng was poked by him and shouted dissatisfiedly, "Why are you still energetic? You are not my father!" He said that he looked at his grandmother for help.

Unexpectedly, the old man smiled like eating honey and said, "It's time!" Xiaohu is right. A man will carry the burden of the whole family in the future. How can he just herd cattle? I can only herd cattle, and I won't even get my daughter-in-law in the future.

Shuisheng snorted, pouted so much that he could hang an oil bottle, and said, "Well, grandpa can't do anything, and he still married you to enter the door."

He said slowly, "Your grandfather is a son-in-law, as long as he doesn't dislike it. How about you? Do you also want to be a son-in-in-law and eat your daughter-in-law's soft rice all your life?

The aquatic life was silent. The old woman fondly touched her grandson's little face and said, "Although your grandfather can't farm or hunt, he is a good person. Who has difficulties and needs help? He never hesitates to help. I have had three sons in my life, and your father is like your grandfather. He doesn't have great ability, just that kind of heart, right? Let his father."

The old woman took Shuisheng's hand and said, "Shui baby, grandma doesn't expect you to be very promising. Like your uncle and others make a lot of money in business. Grandma doesn't want this, she wants you to be like your father and your grandfather, don't forget to help the people around you at any time, huh?"

Shuisheng bit his lips and nodded hard, and the old man smiled comfortably.

Tang Xiaotang inserted flowers at the head of the bed and put them in a small row, with colorful fragrance. The old wife smiled and said, "When I was young, my wife loved to put flowers at the head of the bed."

"...isn't it?" Tang Xiaotang couldn't help looking at the bi behind her, "bi... Xiaohu let me insert like this."

The old woman looked at her, and the inner room suddenly fell into a strange silence.

The old man pleaded, "Can you take off your hat and let me have a look?"

He answered the question: "Have a good rest. I'm leaving."

Tang Xiaotang: "???"

When he returned to the lake, Tang Xiaotang's question had reached the peak, and his heart was like a cat, chasing him and asking questions.

"bian! Wait, what's wrong with you and his grandmother? Why do you have to wear a hat to see her? She asked you to take off your hat. What do you want to see? Haven't you known Shuisheng for only three years? Why do you even know that his grandfather is a live-in son-in-law? And that day you said that grandma will be 80 next month - do you know too much, ferocious?

Tang Xiaotang asked a lot of questions but didn't reply. He was angry and directly took out the killer mace: "I'm going to sue your big brother!"

He turned his head helplessly: "Sister Xiaotang..."

Tang Xiaotang immediately made a stop gesture: "No, I'm only 19 this year, and I don't even have enough for you."

said sincerely, "My fraction is thirteen. You are still a little older than me. If I don't call you sister, the eldest brother will spank me."

Cishuang once said that his life is nirvana every hundred years, and he is really smaller than himself. Tang Xiaotang is completely convinced.

"Don't ask," bi took off his ski cap and covered his sweaty hair and stood upside down. He brushed it casually and looked a little sad. "There are some things that are too bad. Let's go on the road tomorrow."

Tang Xiaotang was stunned: "Where are you going?"

Xing looked at her strangely: "Go to the fifth brother, aren't you collecting fragments?"

Tang Xiaotang patted her forehead and almost forgot the serious matter, but she quickly asked, "Can we leave like this?" Shuisheng is still young, and his grandmother also needs someone to take care of him.

"I saw that she was much better just now. I went back quickly and didn't take much time." As he said this, the expression on his face was clear. Tang Xiaotang caught something hazyly and said it was not real, so he had to press it temporarily and go back to the lakeside camp to sleep.

But this night, it was destined not to sleep soundly. As soon as Tang Xiaotang fell asleep, there was a noisy voice outside the tent, and the noise was getting louder and louder. It had reached the point that it could not be ignored, so he had to rub his eyes and get up and leaned out his head: "What are you doing..."

Ci Shuang was talking to a villager at the foot of the mountain. The man seemed to have rushed up the mountain. In addition, he was anxious and couldn't speak clearly. The shrimp soldiers and crabs gathered around him again. Ci Shuang was simply one or two big.

"Shut up and listen to him!" Ao Ye was also woken up, tidyed up his clothes and got out of the tent. Ci Shuang unnaturally turned half of his body and didn't look at him.

The villager finally said a complete sentence: "Grandma Shuisheng doesn't seem to be able to do it. She wants to see the little tiger..."

Sitting by the lake in a daze, he jumped up in an instant and rushed down the mountain like a gust of wind, and the people around him could not react.

Tang Xiaotang and others also followed the villager down the mountain, and the journey was not as fast as that. When they arrived outside the courtyard door, the sad cry of Shuisheng came with a "wow" sound, and everyone's hearts were pulled up.

Ao Ye took a deep breath, lowered his head and pinched the bridge of his nose with his hand. Ci Shuang put his big hand on his shoulder and shook it hard. He said in a low voice, "It is normal in the world to live, old age, illness and death. Don't be too sad."

Tang Xiaotang walked into the inner room, and the aquatic students were crying on their grandmother. The bi was sitting at the head of the bed, holding the old man's life-lost hand and pressing hard on his forehead.

"Water life..." Although he has seen a lot of life and death, Tang Xiaotang still can't get used to such things. He suppressed the tears in his eyes and helped the aquatic life up. The aquatic life had support and immediately threw himself into her arms and cried harder.

Overnight, the sadness of death spread to the whole village. All the people who had been helped by aquatic grandfather and aquatic father spontaneously gathered to help with the afterlife. Hundreds of people came back and forth, and the path in front of the courtyard was blocked.

The old man died and was supposed to be parked for seven days to be buried, but the aquatic life insisted on sending his grandmother to the lake for cremation on the same day, which is said to be the old man's last wish.

Ao Ye asked strangely, "Isn't your grandfather buried on the hillside behind the house? Isn't your grandmother buried with him?"

Shuisheng cried until his eyes were red and swollen, and his words were vague and hoarse: "No... I don't know, grandma... Before going, let me take her to the lake, burn it, and sprinkle it there..." Tears began to flow out again.

Tang Xiaotang took out a tissue and wiped it for him: "Don't cry, good boy, crying hurts your eyes too much. Did your grandma say anything else before she left?

Shuisheng choked and said, "Grandma... took Brother Hu's hand and said, I knew it was you, Qilang, and then... it was gone."

Tang Xiaotang trembled all over and remembered the dream he had the night he had just arrived at Nji Mountain. Is that the dream of an aquatic grandmother? The Qilang in her mouth, the big brother named Liheng, and her later husband are...

There is a reasonable explanation for all the unreasonableness. After his death, he became a child. Because he was worried about his elderly wife, he could not bear to stay away from the women's mountains. Even if he ran around for the affairs of his brothers, he always had to come back to have a look every once in a while.

He didn't want to get close to his aquatic grandmother for fear of being recognized by her. Last night, the old man was in a hurry. He rushed down the mountain and didn't have time to put on his ski cap. As soon as his distinctive hair was revealed, he was immediately seen by the old man.

Obviously, he is not a few years older than Shuisheng, but he looks like an elder. For nothing else, because he is the grandfather of aquatic life!

The villagers set up a firewood pile by the lake, and Ci Shuang put the old man on it and covered her face with a red cloth, like a red cover covered when the young girl got married.

Shuisheng put the torch over with red eyes, and the firewood sprinkled with rosin immediately burned, burning the peaceful and satisfied old man into dust and ashes, which was blown into the lake by the mountain wind.

Hundreds of thousands of people came to the village where the aquatic students were located and several nearby villages, including old and young, with their children and daughters, standing quietly by the lake to see the old man leave.

On that night, a heavy rain fell on the women's mountain, and countless water flows gathered and sank into the lake. The water layer of the lake did not pass the old water line, and the coastal soil was washed into the lake. The content of various metal ions increased rapidly. The lake water showed a palette-like beautiful colors in different areas, deep and shallow, layer by layer by layer, each other Flooding and integration.

The people of Fuling have left, and the people are still standing by the lake. The heavy rain poured him all over, but he didn't realize it and looked at the lake in the heavy rain.

Ao Ye walked behind him with an umbrella and said, "The cooking cake she made is delicious. She also said that she learned the craft of cooking cakes from you, saying that her craft was not as good as you.

"I also learned it from the fifth brother," he smiled silently and reached out to rake his wet hair. "In the past, the fifth brother made cooking cakes and didn't eat them. I was responsible for eating them. He squatted by the stove and smelled it."

"The words in that room..."

"Xiao Ba sent me, and only he knows about me among the brothers."

Looking at the other side of the lake, it seems that he could still see that he was accidentally injured and fell into the lake, being caught ashore by his future father-in-law who passed by, and later came here to play with his young wife who had not yet written a word at that time.