
153, Willow Dark Flowers

When the housekeeper heard that they regarded Princess Yingyang as the real murderer of the son-in-law, he was so panicked that his forehead was still bleeding, so he knelt down and staggered to defend: "Isn't the son-in-law himself the same for those who have never left the father-law and princess's mansion in hundreds of years?"

Ci Shuang is like hearing a joke: "You mean the son-in-law tied himself up and beat him?"

The housekeeper lay on the ground and trembled slightly, but still said, "The little one didn't say that. The little one just thinks that your judgment is too hasty. If the person who has been in the princess's house for hundreds of years is the real murderer, the son-in-law can also be the real murderer who hurt himself."

Ci Shuang asked again, "Even so, what's the reason for the son-in-law to self-harm?"

Princess Yingyang smiled and said, "In your opinion, what reason do I have to persecute my own husband?"

"There are as many motives as you want," bi��u sat on the rockery, bent his leg and dangled in mid-air. "For example, you don't want people to think that you are ungrateful, so you decide to slowly force the fifth brother to death, or the fifth brother prevents you from accepting male pets. You hate him because of love, or the fifth brother has a new one behind his back. Huan, you can't stand it——"

Princess Yingyang has an expression that she doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Fang jumped off the rockery and walked to the pavilion: "You can also think that I poisoned the fifth brother's meal every time I came to break up the fifth brother and sister-in-law."

"But no matter what it is, it is impossible for the qiang� to carry herself in the wall, and there is no reason to do so, right?" Tang Xiaotang asked back.

He lowered his eyes: "There is no absolute affirmation in the world."

Du Yue was beaten out of the princess's mansion and became a bereaved dog with no mercy. This act of killing chickens and warning undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the remaining two male pets in the house - the princess was serious this time, and those who broke into the Shufeng Pavilion died!

So the senior one obediently shrank up, and the new tea master asked the maid in the room to send some real fragrance. It is said that he could calm down, even if he had come to visit the disease.

The next day, the weather was fine. Princess Yingyang asked someone to prepare the carriage early. When the two woke up, they had breakfast together and then went shopping.

"The fifth sister-in-law took the fifth brother out to avoid suspicion." After sleeping, she was much calmer. Even if Princess Yingyang was not in front of her, she still obediently called her fifth sister-in-law. From this point of view, Tang Xiaotang was still relieved. At least he would no longer be overwhelmed by his subjective feelings. "Sister Xiaotang, can Is there anything bothering you?"

Tang Xiaotang readily accepted the commission: "What's the matter? Tell me, I thought I couldn't help this time."

biqiu frowned and smiled and said, "I want to gather the servants of Shufeng Pavilion to ask questions, but before that, I have to go somewhere. Can you watch them for a while?"

This busyness is really not a big deal. Tang Xiaotang agreed. As soon as he left, he immediately separated with Cishuang to inform all the servants of Shufeng Pavilion, from the lady in charge to the burning girl, all of whom were called to the hall of Shufeng Pavilion. Men and women stood in rows and waited for questions.

Wait, wait. The maids have never been here. The maids began to apply to go back to work. Tang Xiaotang can't agree, and it's not good to do anything. He has to ask some simple questions on behalf of the son-in-law, such as who has a good relationship with and who has a bad relationship with him? Have you heard of who can't get along with the son-in-law in private? In the final analysis, It's a matter of motivation, but the gain is very little. Except for the M Mother, these subordinates came after the Spring Festival last year and didn't know much.

A maid said, "I think the son-in-law is good. She never beats and scolds us servants. She always speaks softly. Sometimes when we make mistakes, he doesn't punish them. How can such a good person be hated?"

A young man said, "The son-in-law is the benefactor of the small family. Last year, a local bully in the city wanted to tie my sister to be a child and seriously injured my father. Fortunately, the son-in-law passed by and saved us. If it is found out who is disrespectful to the son-in-law, I will be the first one with him!"

The tone of these people when they spoke did not seem to be fake. Tang Xiaotang heard nothing and got nothing. When he was worried, he came.

The face is full of spring breeze: "Is everyone here? Sit down when you come, and I'll ask briefly.

There were not enough stools and chairs in the room, so the men stood and let the girls sit down. The son-in-law asked, "How much does the son-in-law usually eat? How much does he eat at a meal?"

The maid in charge of food replied, "Not necessarily. You can eat three bowls when you have a good appetite, but sometimes you don't eat all day."

"So does he eat more than three bowls, or when he doesn't eat?" bian asked again.

The maid thought about it and couldn't answer. She still served the mother for a long time, so she replied, "When the maidservant first came, she ate a bowl most of the time, but she couldn't finish it. Later, somehow she was in high spirits for a few days. She could eat three or five bowls at a meal, but most of the time she still ate a bowl, but she didn't eat it for more than half a year. There are too many."

Yan nodded slowly: "Thank you for your hard work. That's all. Let's go back to work."

The youngest maid asked timidly, "Will the son-in-law get better?"

smiled at her and showed two small tiger teeth: "Yes, don't worry." The little maid left at ease.

"What do you want to know about your appetite?" When the people dispersed, Tang Xiaotang asked curiously.

bi grabbed their hair, hooked their hands to let them both approach, and then whispered, "Actually, I didn't intend to ask. I just wanted to find a reason to call them all together to watch, and then search the Shufeng Pavilion up and down to see if I could find some clues. I didn't expect that I really found them."

Tang Xiaotang and Ci Shuang said with one voice: "What did you find?"

Bian quickly raised a finger: "Shh - come with me."

There is a small two-story building next to the main box of Shufeng Pavilion, which is a fragrant pavilion where spices are stored. The bram took out a wire from his arms, poked it into the lock, pried it a few times, and opened it.

Tang Xiaotang was speechless: "Why don't you ask them to get the keys?"

"That will startle the snake. Let's whisper and follow me." He pushed the door and entered, hooked his hand, and signaled them to follow quickly.

The light in the incense pavilion is not very good, because many spices need to be kept away from light, and dark paper is pasted on the windows. Obviously, it is morning, but it is as dark as dusk. There are large and small cabinet boxes piled up in the pavilion, and the gap in the middle is barely enough for a person to pass sideways. The bian slipped over like a small loach, but Tang Xiaotang and Ci Shuang bent over and followed behind them, and they would touch their heads inattention.

"What are the clues in this place?" Tang Xiaotang rubbed the bag that hit the back of his head and asked in a low voice with grin.

The bian has walked to a more spacious place, crossed his waist, and stepped on the ground with one foot: "That's this thing."

At his feet is a three-foot square wooden cover, which was originally locked, but it has been violently cracked and thrown aside. It must have been made when the ferocious came before.

Ci Shuang tried to lift the cover and found that it was easy to lift, so she asked, "What's underneath?"

After a moment of silence, he said, "You will know when you go down and have a look. Don't worry, there is no danger.

Ci Shuang nodded, lifted the cover plate, and then let Tang Xiaotang wait now and climb down the wooden ladder.

The Xiangge was already very dark, and the underground secret room was even darker. Tang Xiaotang probed on it and couldn't see any specific content. He only heard a squeal, and the fire lit up, and Ci Shuang wiped the flint to light up the lighting.

"Oh, my God!" There was an out-of-control scream.

"What's wrong?" Tang Xiaotang asked nervously loudly, but Ci Shuang did not answer. He didn't know whether he was stunned or something. He pouted and said, "Go down and have a look, my back." Tang Xiaotang hummed and climbed down the ladder.

The ladder was only more than three meters high and soon came to an end. Tang Xiaotang turned around and instantly felt that the blood all over his body had stopped flowing.

The secret room is only less than ten square meters in size. On the front wall, a male corpse, which has been dead for a long time, was handcuffed by a large font. His face has been beaten with a blunt device to make it difficult to recognize. His abdomen has been cut a huge opening by extremely cruel means, and his intestines are dragged to the edge of the wound. It is dry, smelly and crawling full. The maggot.

"Goo..." Tang Xiaotang suddenly covered his mouth and turned around to hold the wall and spit.

bian also climbed down and stood silently behind Ci Shuang.

Ci Shuang took a deep breath and asked in disbelief, "This...is this?

"No," he pointed to a birthmark on the left waist of the body. "The fifth brother doesn't have a birthmark. Did you see it in his dream that day?"

Ci Shuang was a little relieved - at least it did not turn into a terrorist incident on the dead body of the Lord, but who is the body on the wall? In the memory of the you ni, it was himself who was cuffed to rape the wall. Now that the place of the torture has been found, the person who was tortured is not the suan�qi. What's going on?

"You...you are so unkind!" Tang Xiaotang also vomited the meal the next day and turned around without tears, "You should remind me!"

The bian asked, "Who do you think this is?"

Tang Xiaotang glanced at the completely unsident corpse and almost spit it out again. He covered his mouth with one hand: "I don't know, it's not a ferocious."

an was silent again. Ci Shuang took out a handkerchief and covered his nose. He went forward to check the body, then returned and twisted his eyebrows and said, "The body has been completely hard. It has been dead for at least three or five days. There are marks on the wrist. The wound in his abdomen is very serious. It should have been hung up and opened when he was alive. He died of too much blood.

"Although this man is not the fifth brother, it is very likely that he was killed by the fifth brother," he sighed, grabbed his hand into his hair and looked at the unrecognizable body. "The time of death... Considering the temperature and corpse spots comprehensively, it should be the early morning four days ago, that is, the time when the fifth brother began his hunger strike. "

Tang Xiaotang didn't dare to look at the body again, so he could only climb the ladder, looked at the brambs in surprise, and asked, "Kill him? Why did you kill him? Isn't he a well-known good person? He has a good temper and a kind heart. How can he be so cruel..."

Before she finished speaking, there was a click on her head, and someone covered the cover!

"Who is it!" Yao and Ci Shuang immediately became alert. Ci Shuang climbed the ladder to open the cover, but the people outside had pushed down the cabinet next to him and pressed the cover with a bang. Then the metal sounded and the cover was locked.

Cishuang lifted it hard several times without lifting it, and broke a ladder. Suddenly, he didn't dare to take any more risks. He could only slap the cover with his hand and asked angrily, "Who is outside?" Why did you trap us? Move the things away!"

The people outside didn't say anything, and brought a few more boxes, covering the only exit with a tight seam and pressing it firmly.

He pulled him away, climbed up the ladder by himself, and coughed in the falling dust, "Five Brother! Cough... Fifth brother, I know it's you, answer me!"

The movement outside stopped, and the three waited breathlessly for a few seconds. The person outside finally said, "Your fifth brother is no longer there. The cowardly and incompetent waste has completely disappeared from the world."