
166, brainstorming in the ward

The negative landed on the rooftop of the hospital under the cover of the night, and Tang Xiaotang's distance [achievement! Ride all the dragons] one step closer.

"This way!" The prisoner Niu sat and waited at the door of the stairwell early. Seeing them coming, he quickly waved.

The two walked towards him and asked, "How's the third brother?"

The prison cow greeted them and walked into the stairwell and said, "The doctor said it's okay. It's good to wake up. After so long, the injury has healed early, but the gastrointestinal dysfunction is a little, and you need to pay more attention to diet. - Didn't you cause trouble to Miss Xiaotang?"

He looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer. Tang Xiaotang waved his hand understandingly: "No, the elevator is coming! Hurry up and see the mocking wind. Which floor do you live on now?

"Fourth floor." The prison cow pressed the button, and the elevator slowly lowered the three people.

In the general ward on the fourth floor, there was a big gathering of relatives and friends. In front of the mocking bed were sitting around the domineering, bi an and... and Xiyan. When the prisoner took the lead in entering the door, Xiyan was cutting apples. She looked up and immediately got up: "Miss Xiaotang has arrived. This is..."

The mocking wind of the disease** is still the appearance of Su Zhishui, probably because he doesn't want to change the suspicion of doctors and nurses. He said, "It's Lao Ba."

Xiyan immediately nodded and asked, "It turned out to be Uncle Eight."

I didn't see her last time. Now I was also confused. My eyes were round. The prisoner introduced with a smile: "That's your third sister-in-law. Why don't you say hello quickly." He exclaimed and nodded and bowed: "Hello, third sister-in-law, third sister-in-law! This... came too suddenly and didn't prepare a meeting gift..."

He waved his hand happily: "What kind of gift should my family bring? Sit down, can you eat oranges?"

The mocking wind also smiled and said, "Yes, sit down and eat. I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. It's a waste if you can't finish a lot of fruit. Come and eat together. Miss Xiaotang is also coming. Do you want to take photos?

"Let's take a picture as a souvenir." Tang Xiaotang held her mobile phone and retreated to the corner. It's not easy to gather five people. Do you have to take pictures?

So the five brothers gathered around the hospital bed, and Tang Xiaotang took an unprecedented photo.

Everyone sat around eating apples and oranges to eat, and a lot of nutrients could only be moved away. Some were sent by Su Zhishui, and some were bought by Xiyan as a part-time job outside. The cabinet could not be stuffed, and the corner was also full.

While the baby was there, Tang Xiaotang talked about the encounter with the bearded girl, and there were some things that he didn't understand.

He asked doubtfully, "He said that you were reincarnated by Kuntong? But isn't the Kuntong seal completely broken when Buzhou Mountain collapsed? How can it be reincarnated?

"It's just the body that is broken," the orange peel was squeezed and rubbed around. "The artifacts have souls. Doesn't Sister Xiaotang have a Sinan? Even the sub-magic artifacts in the Spring and Autumn Period have been cultivated into souls, and the Kuntong seal is an ancient artifact, and it is not surprising that the soul has been transformed. Ouch!"

He suddenly screamed, and everyone was nervous and busy asking what was wrong. He looked at Tang Xiaotang sincerely: "In this way, Xiaotang is much better than us. Should we call her aunt, aunt or grandma or something?"

Tang Xiaotang almost fainted: "Don't!"

Everyone laughed and rubbed his little head: "It's nonsense."

"There is another point that I have never figured out. Why did the bearded girl commit suicide?" After laughing enough, Tang Xiaotang asked seriously.

Nian said, "Changqin and I also don't think that Master will commit suicide, so we didn't expect that the Suiren is dead. Master is a veritable three emperor. Why do we have to commit suicide? If we just want to separate us, we can use other ways. What's the meaning of breaking us apart?"

This aroused everyone's meditation. Xiyan asked carefully, "Could it be that the old man's life is not long ago, that's why he used such a fierce method?"

The mocking wind shook his head slightly: "People who eat Nuwa grass will not die of old age or die of illness."

"That's not necessarily," Tang Xiaotang immediately corrected, "Shennong died of illness."

He mocked the wind and pouted his mouth to the window. He immediately understood and jumped off the stool to close the curtains.

The wind bent down and lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "This is a secret, but since Miss Xiaotang is entrusted by the god Pangu, it doesn't matter if she knows. Everyone else should keep your mouth shut, especially don't tell A Wu."

Everyone nodded nervously waiting for his announcement.

"Actually... Shennong is not dead." The mocking wind said.

The room was suddenly full of gassing, and he reached out and pulled out his ears: "What are you talking about? Shennong is not dead? Didn't you build his tomb? Why did you build it if he didn't die?

The wind frowned slightly: "It is because he is not dead that I have to build a tomb to lock him up. Miss Xiaotang, A Wu took you to Boshan. Do you remember the situation in the tomb?"

Tang Xiaotang nodded hesitantly: "Remember..., it's too dark. Although there is a flashlight, I still can't see it clearly. What's wrong?"

"What do you think the underground palace looks like?"

Like... Tang Xiaotang suddenly realized: "Labyzen! It's still the maze of the sound wall!"

The mocking wind "um" made a sound, and the bi an said, "Oh, that's the wall that will be scared away."

"Yes, at the beginning, I was entrusted by Nvwa to build a mausoleum for Shennong. The Empress especially requested to build a maze around the underground palace to prevent Shennong from escaping." He said seriously with a mocking look.

"Why did you lock him up?" Tang Xiaotang had an expression of expression, "Did he do anything wrong?"

The prisoner Niu interrupted and said, "Shaohao said that Shennong may have lost his memory. Maybe it has something to do with this?"

He shrugged his shoulders ambiguably: "I don't know. After the mausoleum was repaired, the person was sent in by the Empress Nuwa. At that time, although I was watching, I didn't see Shennong resist. He was just dragged in like this," he said and made a zombie move. "It's not like amnesia, no If it's just amnesia, it won't hurt others, and you can't be imprisoned in the tomb, right?

Baxia quickly licked his thick lips and said, "Do you think it will be like this? Although this Shennong is not dead, it is no different from death. Nuwa feels that it is better to let everyone think that Shennong has become a fool than to let everyone think that he is dead. Isn't this god always loves face?"

His words also have some truth. In order to maintain Shennong's dignity, Nuwa even left Nuwa stone on the thin mountain. It may be light for the sake of face, but more to stabilize the hearts of the people, right?

He thought about it and said, "In this way, Master may also have foresaw that he will become unsightly in the future, so he would rather choose to die. But neither I nor Changqin found anything wrong!"

No one can answer this question. Everything that happened to the three emperors and five emperors is shrouded in mystery, and even they themselves may not be able to answer it.

Tang Xiaotang grabbed his scalp regretfully: "I just asked at that time. Alas, he must be dizzy."

He joked, "Yes, you didn't ask about the whereabouts of Shennong Ding. Everything is just a 'know the beginning'."

Tang Xiaotang held his head and was crazy and shrank into the corner of the wall.

The next day, the mock wind was discharged from the hospital, and Su came to the underwater mountain to see him off. The blue and purple marks on the young master's face had not faded, but it had roughly returned to his original appearance, and he stood face to face with the mocking wind and looked in the mirror.

Su Zhishui asked, "What are your plans in the future?"

Mocking Feng smiled and rakeed his hair, looking like a prodigal son, and said, "I have no plan. Let's walk around."

Su Zhishui took out a card from his arms and handed it over: "This... is not much. It's better than nothing. You can't live without a penniless life, can you?"

The mocking wind pushed the card back: "No, I got it, but I can't take the money. I've occupied your young master's position for so many years, and I can't pay you back before I leave."

Su Zhishui insisted on giving and mocked: "You insist on me to accept it, but you don't plan to be friends with me anymore, so it's okay for me to accept it." Su Zhishui took back the card and asked anxiously, "However, it costs money on food, clothing, housing and transportation in this world. You can't even take out the money to rent a house now, can you?"

Xiyan said hesitantly, "I helped people... knit sweaters, embroidered cross-stitches, or... saved a little."

patted Su Zhishui's shoulder cheerfully: "Don't worry about us. You went out empty-handed and came here for so many years. Will I still be as good as you? Don't worry."

After saying goodbye to Su Zhishui, Tang Xiaotang is also going back to attend the opening ceremony and invited him by the way: "Anyway, you don't have any plans now. Do you want to go to X City? Free food and accommodation."

"That's so sorry!" Xiyan waved her hand quickly, "Let's wait until we settle down and go there to see you when we have time."

Tang Xiaotang shook his head and shook his head: "There is nothing to be embarrassed about. In the final analysis, it's because my senior sister wants to kill me. Just give me a chance to apologize." The bi an laughed with his head on the side.

The mocking wind also refused: "But the expenses of two people are not a small amount. Tickets alone... I'm really sorry to make you spend so much."

bi an began to coax: "Sister Xiaotang sometimes shuttles through the air, swish! Come and go without a trace! There is also a private farm, which is so big!"

Mocking Feng's head was questioned, and he also said, "There is still the last sunbird in the world on the farm, as well as a beautiful and kind gardener girl."

"Yo~ I have to pass on this to Xiaoyue," Tang Xiaotang smiled maliciously. "I haven't found Shennong Ding. You still owe me a month of hard work. Shall we go together? Just make up a table of mahjong.

Two strange little blush appeared on his face. He did not accept or refuse. Tang Xiaotang acquiesced that they had accepted the invitation and packed them all into the seal.

In the seal.

Mocking the wind, his eyes were straight, his mouth was slightly open, and he looked at the endless flat fertile soil and few fairy grasses in front of him.

He asked with tears and laughter, "Is this the so-called farm?"

"It's still under development. I haven't finished it much since the teacher died," Tang Xiaotang took out the small bench for them and gave them instructions. "This is the living room and dining room. This tent is mine. There are still two that haven't been supported by Brother Niu and Huang Qi before. You can use them. The sheets are washed clean. On the other side of the spring is the kitchen and bathroom. The one surrounded by a curtain is the toilet. There is a toilet inside. If you take a shower, you have to boil water in a kettle. Generally speaking, that's all. If you don't know anything else, you can ask Xiaoyue.

Both the mocking wind couple looked at her with admiring eyes. Xiyan pulled the mocking wind's sleeve and whispered in his ear, "You are not your favorite..." The mocking wind nodded as she listened, and then turned to the negative, who also nodded.

Tang Xiaotang crossed his waist with both hands and said, "What are you whispering?"

The three said in unison, "No, no, praise this place for being beautiful."

Tang Xiaotang looked at them suspiciously, mocked and pushed the negative. He got up and went to the nursery to find Xiaoyue. I don't know what she had said to her. Xiaoyue covered her mouth and smiled and nodded repeatedly.

suspicious, really suspicious.