
170, you may not be useful

Since the prior investigation was not expected, Tang Xiaotang had to act directly. At this time, if she were a psychologically darker person, she might use this secret to blackmail Su Xinyi, but Tang Xiaotang was born without such a stubbornness, which was a tragedy for her, but it was even more tragic for Su Xinyi.

Because this means that she will lose face sooner or later when she is more open, more onlookers and more popular.

Tang Xiaotang will go to City to avenge Qianqian. Her combat effectiveness is not enough. Xiaoyue said that she could lend her little for her. Anyway, "I still owe you half a month of hard work" and "He promised to do three things for me." He was pushed around by the two girls as slaves, and there was no place to shed bitter tears. He squatted in the corner to grow mushrooms.

Wherever the CP went, Tang Xiaotang felt that he was more like a member of the dead group than Zhuan. Although he felt sorry for them, he still patted his shoulder and borrowed him away.

Tang Xiaotang is familiar with the structure of Tang Ben's house in C City. He specially chose the house in the last life case as his first foothold. At a good time in the middle of the night, he sneaked into the Tang family's old house with negatives.

"Why is there no street light here?" After the negative came out of the seal, he couldn't adapt to the dark light and rubbed his eyes.

"It's safe because there are no street lights. Shh, come with me." Tang Xiaotang walked in front of her with her waist, hooked her hands, and learned to trot all the way with her hunchback.

This row of guest rooms is L-shaped. Turning around is where the first Wu lived at that time. At the corner is the steps, and the mud has not been repaired. However, in the past two days, C city is sunny and dry, and people will not leave footprints when they walk up.

Tang Xiaotang took a few steps and looked back at the wall at the corner. He didn't know what he was looking at, so he learned to bark and urged him to hurry up.

The negative palm raised her to silence and pointed to the end of the corner. Tang Xiaotang inexplicably walked a few steps aside, stretched out his head to look, and was surprised to find that there was light under the crack of the door of the room where Yiwu lived.

Is there anyone living in such a remote place? Tang Xiaotang smelled something wrong, quickly returned, pulled the burden, and asked him to go back to the seal first and scout by himself.

The negative shape was made: "I can hear it." Tang Xiaotang held his breath and squatted aside and waited nervously.

After two minutes, the door of the guest room creaked open. Tang Xiaotang immediately threw the negative into the seal, and he hid in the guest room, leaned his back against the door panel, and did not dare to breathe.

"Don't worry, she can't escape with me."

This voice is Su Xinyi! Tang Xiaotang was so nervous that he was stiff all over. Who is "she"?

The other speaker is also a woman, and her voice is also familiar: "Let me know when you find her."

Su Xinyi smiled and said, "Don't forget what you promised me."

The other party said indifferently, "Shennongding is equally important to me. It's just easy to help you and I won't forget it."

Tang Xiaotang is still thinking about who the familiar voice is. Su Xinyi said again, "Oh, by the way, I'm going back to Anyang tomorrow. Mr. Tang gave me a week's wedding leave, and he will also attend at that time. Come with him."

Marriage leave!!!!

Tang Xiaotang stood still as if she had received a thunderbolt. In addition, the woman promised that she could not hear at all without her.

Su Xinyi is getting married? Who do you marry? First concession? No way! She has only been away from X City for a day and she successfully went to base? What about Tingting? A series of questions ran through his head like a horse. Tang Xiaotang was stunned for a long time. When he came to his senses, there was no sound outside the door.

Back in the seal, Nian was sitting on the ground, using a small blackboard as a table, silently writing what she had just heard. Xiaoyue tilted her head and read: "She has an artifact in her hand. Don't act rashly..."

Negative put down the pen and handed over the loose-leaf book: "This is part of what they talked about in the room just now. Take a look at it yourself."

Tang Xiaotang took it over.

Could she find something

It's impossible to use the curse of bones. I've used it hundreds of times. I've never missed it. There must be other changes that you and I expected

With the lesson of the wolf demon's front car, she should not let the amulet leave again. Did she see through it to anyone this time?

The curse of bone attachment is a spell that Nuwa personally gave me. Who do you think can see through it?

Maybe it's the Empress Nuwa. Didn't you also say that the Empress Nuwa especially protects her?

Hmm, she still thinks it's a proud thing to get the favor of the God. Soon I won't be able to make her proud

Well, didn't you work for Empress Nuwa before? Why didn't you care about it later?

You have too many questions tonight. I'm going to take a break

Well, then I'll go back and have an artifact in her hand. Don't act lightly

You need to remind me that I have my own moderation

The negative handwriting is very beautiful, but there is no punctuation, and it is written vertically, which is very difficult to read. After reading through it, Tang Xiaotang confirmed: "The one who talked to Su Xinyi is Qianqian. Now I can be sure that she has changed another body, and I have seen this body before. Her voice is very familiar, but I can't remember it for a moment."

"What should I do now? Rush out and kill her and grab the fragments back?" Xiao Yue asked.

Tang Xiaotang took a look and felt that his advantage was not as obvious as hegemony. In case he had thousands of words, he said, "You can't work hard, you have to be wise, and you have to hurry up. After taking her, I have to figure out who Su Xinyi wants to marry."

The negative touched his chin and said, "If you want to be smart and fast, the best way is to poison it."

Tang Xiaotang's mind flashed and snapped his fingers: "Yes, there is a way. Come and discuss the specific action."

A few minutes later, Xiaoyue went on the road with a little ocean left in her arms.

When she came out of the seal, she turned into a dark shadow. She carefully climbed into the room through the cracks of the window, ambushed in the shadow of various items in the room along the road, and slowly climbed behind the Dobaoge.

Tang Xiaotang and Nian guard the door and the window one by one, and beware of being seen through by Qianqian at any time.

Tang Xiaotang closed one eye and came to the curtain that was not tight. She could just see Duobaoge. Xiaoyue has successfully sneaked in, found an incense burner as a decoration, and shook a little of the ocean to get in.

She was about to light spices with a lighter when there was a sudden thud under the Dobaoge. The woman who was taking off her clothes and going to bed to bed immediately turned back alertly. Xiaoyue instantly withdrew her hand and hid in the mottled shadow.

The woman looked up and down suspiciously, then put on her clothes, grabbed the fruit knife on the table, and slowly walked over.

Outside the door, he clenched a pen with his right hand, and his body was as tense as a bow full of strings. As long as there was something wrong, he immediately rushed in to save people.

The woman approached Duobaoge step by step, and Xiao Yue hid in the shadow and did not dare to move.

"Squeak, squeak~" A mouse rushed out from behind Dobaoge and ran away as soon as it saw someone.

The woman raised her hand and throwing out a fruit knife and pierced the mouse. The mouse screamed in pain and fled desperately with the knife. The woman hummed and smiled: "Can the midnight snack sent to the door make you escape?" With that, I'm going to chase it.

Xiaoyue after Duobaoge breathed a sigh of relief, but Tang Xiaotang outside the window was like a big enemy. When the woman turned around and threw a knife, she saw it clearly. Although half of her face was covered by pothole burns, the face did belong to a person she knew - female secretary Xiaoling!

Thousands are attached to her? Was it arranged by Tang Qiuzhe?

Before she could think about it, the mouse had rushed to the window. Tang Xiaotang dodged reflexively. Qianqian immediately noticed a shadow flashing outside the window and shouted, "Who is outside?" Suddenly opened the window.

There is only the back wall of the yard outside the window.

Tang Xiaotang has already hidden in the seal and pinched his nose: "Meow..."

Xiaoyue: "..."

Qianqian stretched out his head and went out to look around. He didn't find any figure. When he heard the cat barking, he thought that the cat had run away from the window sill and no longer suspected it. After closing the window, the mouse didn't know where it had gone, so he turned back to bedside to sleep.

Xiaoyue took the opportunity to ignite the ocean, and the illusory fragrance suddenly filled the whole room.

After a few minutes, the ** people did not move at all. Xiaoyue deliberately knocked over a porcelain bottle and made a loud noise in silence. Qianqian did not wake up, so she opened the door safely.

Wrap thousands of people into a mummy with sheets, carry them up and leave.

Unexpectedly, when I walked to the front of the steps, I saw a bald woman standing in the empty space of the courtyard, with her hands folded in the wide sleeves, expressionless, as if she had been waiting there for a long time.

"Female"?" Negative is a little surprised.

The female spirit looked faint: "Put the person down, and I can't investigate it."

The negative right foot retreated half a step: "Do you know who she is?"

The female mangao still stood with her hands so slowly: "I know that the master ordered me to protect her, and I have to protect her, and it has nothing to do with who she is."

Tang Xiaotang ran out of the back of the house and was shocked to see the female ghost: "You... Brother Qiu Zhe asked you to come?"

The woman put her right hand in her heart and bowed to her: "Miss Xiaotang is all right."

"I'm fine. Are you here to stop us?" Tang Xiaotang walked to them and said, "I know this will embarrass you, but I must take her away today, so please get out of the way."

The female asked indifferently, "What if I say I'm not sure?"

Tang Xiaotang smiled and showed the Kunlun mirror: "It's useless. There is a debt. I must avenge her and Sister Fuxiang who killed the teacher. Whoever dares to stop me, I will kill him."

The burden standing behind her and Xiaoyue hidden in her shadow heard this, and their hearts were amazed.

Tang Xiaotang, who is always pleasant in front of people and is willing to spare no effort to help even if the first person they meet is in trouble. He always thinks about others first, can say murder so easily, which is really beyond their understanding. If he is negative, he just heard about her from his eldest brother. So Xiaoyue, who accompanied Tang Xiaotang all the way, really heard that she was resolute in her words.

You are allowed or not, the hatred is there, and you must repay. Those who stop me have only one way to die.

The female looked at her silently and suddenly remembered the scene in the Nuwa Temple thousands of years ago.

At that time, Fuxi personally accompanied her and Xing Tian to beg Nuwa, begged her to forgive the joint work, and opened the Haotian Tower to allow him to be reincarnation. At that time, Nuwa was sitting on the throne of Jiufeng Chaoyun. Her childish little face smiled as if it was painted with a pen stained with ice water, which made people feel cold. She said--

"I have always been easy to talk and willing to be convenient with others, but I will never forgive the sins that have killed the people I love. Whether you are sure or not, I have left the soul of co-workers. No matter what punishment I punish him, it is his fault!"

The female muttered in a low voice: "No wonder she chose you. You are the same person as her..."

She bowed deeply again: "I see. Take her away."