
174, like a dream

Purple auspicious cloud, fairy sound god bell.

Taihao Palace is as quiet and peaceful as in the past. Xianji held vanilla flowers and walked through the high bridge and low corridor with a long skirt. The heroic general was dressed in dragon scales and armor and guarded outside Donghua Gate. Three or five black-necked cranes crowed over their heads and landed in the pool full of tender yellow lotus flowers.

A red sandalwood collapsed in the carved perfume, and a piano rose from the flying crane.

Two men sat on both sides of the coffee table. The purple-haired ochre on the left is rich and handsome, and there is a noble emperor's atmosphere between the eyebrows. Even if it lazily leans on the pillow of the peacock feather pattern, the momentum has not weakened at all; the black-haired white robe on the right, with beautiful eyebrows and elegant temperament as a Zhilan jade tree, which makes people can't help but like it.

Baoqin lay on the knee of the man in white robe. His fingers were clean and slender, stroked the strings, and made a clear and more sound, which was extraordinary.

At the end of the song, the man in ochre nodded slowly with his eyes closed and praised, "Yes, Xuanxiao, I haven't seen you for a few days, and your piano skills have improved a lot."

The man in white robe smiled and said, "Teacher Linglun teaches well, but the teacher has not been in good physical well over the years, and I dare not disturb him often."

The man in ochre nodded again and asked, "How are you? How have you been recently?"

The man in white robe arched his hand: "Your Majesty, everything is fine."


"... Xuan Hao doesn't understand what your majesty means."

The man in ochre lifted his right hand and skipped the topic and said, "That's all. A few days ago, I was worried about the death of Bingyi. It's rare that you are free today. Let's play another song for me as a pastime.

The man in white robe naturally took the order and repeated the elegant music written by Linglun. The sound of the piano was like gold and jade, which was pleasant to the ear.

"Your Majesty has something on his mind," the man in white robe said while brushing the piano. "Although Bingyi is a river god, he has not eaten Nuwa grass, and he will still die. He only needs to wait for the Haotian Tower to throw it into reincarnation and rebirth, and then he can return to the divine world after a lifetime of cultivation. What else is there bother your majesty?"

The man in ochre made a "huh" and opened his eyes and stared at the painting beam of Shuixie: "What I'm worried about is not Bingyi, but Nuwa."

The man in white smiled and asked jokingly, "After so many years, your majesty still can't let her go?"

The man in ochre waved his hand with some embarrassment and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Whether you let it go or not, it's all in the past. A few days ago, I accompanied Xing Tian and Nu Xiao to beg her to open the Haotian Tower, do you know?"

The man in white robe nodded. Everyone knows about this in the divine world. Xing Tiannu went to plead for the common work. Before the joint worker was killed in Buzhou Mountain, Fuxi and Nuwa had to work together to open the reincarnation in the Haotian Tower. However, Nuwa's sweetheart died in the Tianhong disaster. Nuwa hated Gonggong and detained him for this reason. The soul was not allowed to be reincarnated, and even Fuxi personally pleaded with her.

Whether it's Fuxi or Nuwa, it's all about his elders and elders. Just listen to it. It's impossible to interrupt.

"Xing Tian and the co-workers are as close as brothers. In order to make him willing to die and re-enter the reincarnation experience," the man in ochre touched his slightly chin and said with emotion, "Even I admire such friendship, but she can have such a hard heart. Not only is she not moved, but... Alas!"

The man in white robe keenly caught the part where he wanted to speak and stopped and asked, "The Gonggong has died once. Isn't Nuwa still looking for revenge on his reincarnated person?"

The man in ochre smiled bitterly: "That's right. She and I are both people from the Honghuang era. I am too familiar with her. Her eyes and expression have changed slightly, and I know what she is thinking and what she wants to do. It's a pity... In the end, the bamboo basket is still empty. It's a pity."

"I heard that Nuwa sent them to reincarnation at the same time. I don't know what kind of family she will be reincarnator?"


The man in ochre smiled and said, "Both of them are from the divine world. Naturally, they will not be born in the mountains and villages. They will suffer hardships and delay their practice. I said that because of their brotherhood is deep affection, I let them be born together in the emperor's house and become brothers for the rest of life. Nuwa did not object, but I'm afraid that I can't see her expression. It goes well."

The man in white took it and stopped talking and focused on playing the piano.

At this time, the sound of dragons suddenly came from outside the waterside, and a scarlet line shadow shuttled through the clouds on the pool, keeping a certain distance from the waterside and watching anxiously.

"Oh, I almost forgot this little thing," the man in ochre looked at the sound, and the look on his face was much gentler. He hooked his fingers, "Come here, let me introduce it to you."

The thin red shadow flew into the pavilion. The man in the white robe stopped his movements and looked carefully, but it was a hornless dragon, scarlet scales, golden mane, only a pair of thin front claws, but as long as a man's forearm, thinner than a rolling pin, wrapped around the man's wrist in ochre, delicately dripping The appearance is very pleasing.

Xiaolong shrank his head timidly and looked curiously at the white-robed man opposite him with a pair of big eyes.

The man in ochre smiled and said, "This is what I found on the roadside a few days ago. I named it Xiaohong, Xiaohong. This is my great grandson, Xuanhao, say hello?"

Xiaolong opened his mouth: "Ga~"

The man in white robe couldn't help laughing: "Can't you turn into a human form? It also looks like a divine object. How can you choose such a name?

The man in ochre waved his hand carelessly: "The name is just a title. What's the important thing? Although he is small, he can swallow fire and spit fire. It's powerful. When it grows up and is more than a foot, I can ride it out when I'm free, so that I don't have to spend money every time I go out. Longyuan, how can you make a private visit?

The man in white wanted to say that Your Majesty, riding a rare red dragon without a corner is still not like a private visit, but after thinking about it, he swallowed his words and reached out and touched Xiaolong's head. Xiaolong affectionately rubbed his fingers and belly, pulled his little claws to climb over, and his tail was pinched by the man in ochre clothes.

"Looking at his youth, he has changed his thoughts, hasn't he?" The man in ochre lifted it upside down and dumped it.

The man in white robe was ironic. Seeing that the little dragon waved his paws in panic and screamed, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Your Majesty is not old yet. Why should you say such a thing?"

The man in ochre put Xiaolong on his arm and sighed: "I'm old, old, I don't know how many years to live."

The smile on the white-robed man's face gradually faded, and his eyebrows frowned, as if he had thought of something.

"Ga..." Xiaolong lay quietly on his arm, and his clear eyes reflected the opposite figure.

He is the only emperor in heaven and earth, the commander of all things. He calls for wind and rain, moves mountains and fills the sea, and can do everything - but such a person also has moments of worry, and he will also worry about the death of mortals.

Did he realize something at that time? That's why I introduced myself to Shaohao and deliberately arranged for me to go to Daze?

If he had followed Shaohao at that time and left, what would he be like now?

Maybe... he will die, disappear completely like mortals.


A strange movement came from the sky, and he suddenly opened his eyes and returned to reality from his dream.

Someone broke in!

He got up immediately, picked up the machete beside the pillow and rushed out.

After so many years of guard, they will still come. Anyway, we must stop them!

"Oh, my God, it's all fallen into bean curd!"

The girl's voice, he quickly hid behind a collapsed wall and listened breathlessly.

Another cold man's voice: "How magnificent the Fuxi Temple used to be, but now... That's all. Let's look for it separately. This place has been closed for more than 2,000 years, and there should be no danger."

The girl said, "I'm not afraid of danger. I escaped quickly."

A sound of footsteps gradually faded away. He quietly poked out half of his head from his hiding place and saw the girl standing in the ruins.

It's not tall, and the short hair is shoulder-to-shoulder. It's very strange to wear. The skirt is so short, and the legs are exposed. It's a little similar to the singer dancing in front of the hall, but not very similar. Are the shoes under your feet? Why didn't you follow?

After a random thought, the light in front of her was dim, and the girl was already standing in front of her.

"Hello, my name is Tang Xiaotang. You look very kind, shouldn't you..."

It's a familiar feeling that this power and something in your body reflect each other, as if the two parts that have been separated for a long time are attracted to each other, and the power in the girl is several times stronger than herself. Is this...

Girl: "Are you a kiss?"

He said, "Mom?"



Zhen was struggling to search for the swinner in the ruins. Suddenly, he heard Tang Xiaotang's scream and hurried back along the same road. He found her in front of a wall, er, a teenager hanging on her body like an octopus.

The teenager hugged her and cried with joy: "Mom! I finally saw you! You don't know how much I miss you. You are exactly the same as I dreamed! You finally came to see me. I thought you didn't want me..."

Tang Xiaotang's height was almost crushed to the ground by his nearly 1.8 meter body. The teenager wrapped his hands and feet around her, and she was covered with snot and tears. She was really messy from inside to outside and screamed without image: "Let go of me! I'm not your mother! Don't blow your nose..."

Jiao was almost enchanted by this scene. He hurried forward to separate them and asked eagerly, "What's going on? Who is he? How can I call you mother?"

"How could I know!" Tang Xiaotang blew up like never before, "I'll take a shower first!" That's enough!"

Tang Xiaotang rushed into the seal, leaving only a strange teenager and a strange teenager in the ruins.

The teenager sniffed and asked unplealy, "Uncle, who are you?" Why are you with my mother? You are not my father. My father died a long time ago. Are you the man my mother remarried? Isn't that my second father? Are you my second father? Second father, why don't you talk, second father? Why did you faint, second father!"