
177, he is not dead

Nuwa used both hands and feet and climbed to the ball-shaped body of the red dragon. The clown rolled forward twice like stepping on the ball, rolled back twice, and played happily. The poor red dragon almost died several times, and the hair on his tail exploded.

"Nvwa, please show mercy!" Zhuo hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Nuwa ignored him and waved to Tang Xiaotang: "Do you want to come up and play together?"

Tang Xiaotang was ironic: "If you don't play, you will be trampled to death. Can you come down?" Nuwa jumped to the ground. The red dragon could take a breath and curled up on the ground like a poor snail.

Nuwa jumped to Tang Xiaotang and said with a smile, "You are so fast. This is the last piece. Let me cut it open its belly and take it out?"

Zhan, who was helping the red dragon relieve his pimples, trembled when he heard this.

"No, no! Tell him that he will give it to me." Tang Xiaotang didn't expect Nuwa to make such a violent suggestion, so he quickly waved his hand and declined. "Why did you come here?"

Nuwa blinked her big eyes: "I often come here to find Xuanyuan Sword. Do you know this thing?"

Tang Xiaotang nodded: "I know that the sharpest weapon in the world is invincible."

Nuwa smiled and said, "Yes, it's awesome, just as powerful as you, and I tell you, the power of Xuanyuan Sword is determined by the strength of the user's willpower. If your will is strong enough, even God can be killed!"

As soon as the pimples on the red dragon's body were untied, he couldn't wait to turn back into a human appearance, stood up crookedly, pointed to Nuwa angrily and shouted and scolded, "Sure enough, you are the thief! I said why there is a place that seems to have been searched every three or five times, and I won't finish with you!" He was about to jump on it and desperately, and quickly dragged him to prevent Nuwa from rubbing him to death in anger.

However, Nuwa seemed to be in a good mood. Seeing that Xiaohong couldn't get through, she pulled her eyelids with one hand and spit out her tongue at him: "Oh~~~~ I can't fight."

Xiaohong seemed to really not know who the man was in front of him. He kindly pulled him to let him die. He was not happy and shouted while struggling, "Let go of me. Why are you pulling me? I'm going to deal with her!" He made four big heads, and he didn't know who would clean it up! Even if you are the son of an ancient dragon, it is not enough for Nuwa to close her teeth.

"I won't play with you. I'm going to find something." Nuwa teased him enough, patted his buttocks and left.

"I bet you won't find it in your life! Humph!" Xiao Hong couldn't move, so she could only say that she was fierce and stretched out her neck and shouted.

Nvwa immediately turned around and smiled: "Really? It seems that Xuanyuan Sword has been hidden by you, so let's make a bet. If I find it, you can kneel on the ground three times to learn how to bark.

Xiao Hong immediately raised her head and looked confident: "What if you can't find it?"

Nuwa's smile did not change, her head was tilted, and her fingers poked on her cheek: "Do you think I won't find it?"

Tang Xiaotang hurriedly looked for an opportunity to interrupt, so that the two of them would not quarrel again: "What do you want to do with Xuanyuan Jian? Shall I help you find it together?" Nuwa waved her hand and said, "No, Xuanyuan sword is very picky. Whoever touches it first will recognize it as the master until this person dies. I waited for many years until Fuxi died. Don't come to help!"

"Your Majesty is not dead!" Xiaohong shook off Zhuan's hand and rushed to the two of them aggressively. "Your Majesty is just too tired to fall asleep. One day he will wake up!"

Nuwa's eyes were cold and she said, "Really? If he wakes up, I will cut off his head with my own hands.

In an instant, her petite body radiated with compelling divine power, like an invisible mountain and swept in like a huge wave. Even she couldn't help feeling the hard work, not to mention Xiaohong. The previous momentum was gone in front of this domineering divine power. Obviously, she finally realized that it was not simple. .

After saying that, she waved her hand and turned around and jumped away indifferently: "So you'd better pray that he will never wake up."

Nuwa went far away, and Xiaohong sat on the ground cross-legged silently.

"Little Red?" Tang Xiaotang hugged his knees and squatted down in front of him, "You're just kissing, don't you know? Who gave you the name Xiaohong, Your Majesty?

Xiaohong pouted sullenly and ignored her. Tang Xiaotang couldn't help but feel funny when he saw his boss showing such a childish expression. He reached out and touched his red hair and coaxed him like a child, "Good boy, such a powerful person as Nuwa can't beat you for two lifetimes. Don't be angry. Do you want to see your brothers? I'll take you out of here? Seeing that you don't even know who you are, you probably haven't seen them?

Little red mouth spleated: "Mom..."

Tang Xiaotang answered helplessly: "Oh."

Xiaohong said aggrievedly, "Your Majesty is not dead, don't you believe it? Everyone will die, but he will not die. He swore to me that he would never die and would never leave me. How can I leave him here alone?

"The problem is not whether we believe it or not, but the facts are in front of us," said. "It doesn't matter if your body turns into a stone. If Your Majesty is still conscious and knows that I'm here, you will definitely not be indifferent. At least you should tell me what to do now. As soon as the temple collapses, all the people's hearts are scattered, and Nuwa doesn't care... ..."

Thinking that Nuwa was still nearby, she whispered modestly: "With what I know about your majesty, the fantasy world is in chaos, and the god's death and disability, he will never let go of his burden like this, unless... he really dies and there is nothing he can do about it."

Xiaohong still stubbornly insisted: "Your Majesty is not dead!"

"Where is the evidence?" Zhuan looked at him.

Xiao Hong wiled again and said aggressively, "Isn't she a lot of babbling? How did she become a stuffy gourd when asked the key questions? You said that your majesty is still alive, so you have to show evidence.

Tang Xiaotang kept winking at him - don't stimulate him. He was spoiled by Fuxi and hasn't grown up.

But Zhuan seemed to take revenge with his heart, completely ignoring Tang Xiaotang, and his words rolled out like a cannon: "If your majesty is not dead, will he really not die? The three emperors and five emperors suffered one after another, and even the Pangu gods were incapable. What's the use of blindly escaping from reality? If your majesty knows how to spoil you without distinguishing between right and wrong, you will not be at ease even if you die!"

"Stop talking!" Tang Xiaotang interrupted him unbearably, "He is willing to believe that your majesty is not dead, so let him believe it. What's the big deal? If your important person is gone, would you like to hear others always whisper in your ear that he is dead?

Zhen's face was gloomy and he said harshly, "It's just an indisputable fact that he is allowed to indulge in fantasy. His Majesty is dead."

Tang Xiaotang has nothing to say. Today, he is like a rooster who has to fight. I don't know what will happen if he continues to fight with him.

Both of them were silent. One of them couldn't clap, and Zhuan Yu could only follow the armistice. With a unhappy face of the boss, he left the sentence "I'll go there for a walk" and walked away.

Little Red sat on the ground with a hunchback and scratched his fingers on the ground like a bullied child. Tang Xiaotang comforted him, "Lord Zhuan is not malicious. He is just used to being calm and used to it. He is not as sentimental as you. He speaks a little unpleasant. Don't pay attention to it."

"Your Majesty is really not dead," Xiaohong muttered in a low voice. "Although he won't move or talk to me, I feel that he is still by my side. No matter where I go, he is looking at me behind me. It's true."

He didn't say it's okay. As soon as he said it, Tang Xiaotang inexplicably felt that someone seemed to be spying on them nearby, and suddenly got goosebumps: "You'd better stop saying this. I'm timid and dare not sleep at night."

Un until the evening, everyone was in peace. Nuwa did not come back, and Zhuanqi did not come back. However, with their ability, Tang Xiaotang did not need to worry, so she watered the vegetable nursery in turn and went to bed by herself.

I was still dreaming all night. The vague voice of the first night appeared again, which seemed to be clearer, but I still couldn't hear it. It was far and close, big and small. Tang Xiaotang woke up anxiously.

The room was dark, but there seemed to be fireflies shining outside the window. Tang Xiaotang hesitated and got up and ran to the window to see.

It doesn't matter. There is a shining person walking outside the yard!

The man's body was translucent, surrounded by purple smoke, and the light emitted was also light purple. He had been invaded by Fuxiang before, but it was not difficult to see that he was a ghost, but what surprised Tang Xiaotang most was not how he came in, but his dress - black clothes, embroidered with sun, moon and stars, and there was a cover in front of him. There is a big silk behind his knees, white jade hanging on his waist, and his feet are red. Although the style is different from what I saw on TV in the book in the past, that 10,000 percent is the emperor's court uniform.

There is only one shortcoming. This man is not wearing a crown, with hair that has just crossed his shoulders, and he looks very casual.

Tang Xiaotang's mouth opened into an O word, and there were only three words left in her head: No way.

The ghost walked around the yard again and again, showing a confused expression from time to time - why can't he get in?

Tang Xiaotang quickly ran out dressed neatly. The ghost was relieved when he saw her come out and smiled: "It's time to wake you up, Kuntongyin."

His voice is thick and low, giving people a sense of being reliable, and his eyes are calm and gentle, not arrogant, like a cup of warm water, which makes people feel comfortable.

No matter how dull Tang Xiaotang was, he would not recognize who he was. He was about to kneel down. The man reached out to help him, but was blocked by an invisible wall and made a thump. Tang Xiaotang remembered that there was also a negative when planning the villa before. He must have set up a defense mechanism to prevent it from happening again. Foreign invaders do sabotage.

"I'll open the door." Stop the fence, you can't stop the door.

The man waved his hand: "No, I just came to talk to you and left."

Tang Xiaotang then stood still in front of him. The man said, "Please take Xiaohong out of here. Although I am not dead, I can't be considered alive. I don't want to be able to protect him one day. I can only watch him starve to death. He is the only person in the world who believes that I am still alive. If not, I can't survive to this day. I will never forget his sincerity and loyalty, but I don't want him to be trapped here for a long time. Please send him away, so that even if he is discouraged in the future, I will die without worries.