
199, it's hard to find a single person

The prisoner Niu was very happy about holding a blind date conference for Zhuan Yu - finally there is no need to look at his face! However, Shaohao somehow seemed to be a little absent-minded and frowned slightly, as if he was worried about something. Tang Xiaotang asked, but he just shook his head and said nothing.

Early the next morning, the blind date meeting was held as scheduled, and all kinds of female demons came in an endless stream. The scene was simply more grand than the monthly pilgrimage. The bird officials were busy receiving guests, arranging the order, and being very busy.

Tang Xiaotang thought that Zhuo would choose in batches, just like a draft girl, but unexpectedly, he just asked the bird officer to group the girls into a group of twelve and arrange them into a room. He disguised himself as a handyman, served them with tea and tea, and secretly observed them.

"... Are you choosing a concubine or an agent?" Tang Xiaotang looked at the Zhuanqi with a thick cloth and a tray in his hand, and he didn't know what he was good about.

Jian specially dyed his face and hands bronze with some kind of tree juice, looking like a farmer who works under the scorching sun all year round. He pulled the cloth towel wrapped in his hair and said calmly, "If I see them directly, they will show the best side, and what I want to see is their most real side."

Tang Xiaotang had no choice but to say, "Whatever you want, but even if you dress like this, you will be recognized, right?"

Yanqi shook his head indifferently: "What if you recognize it? The reaction after recognizing it is more intriguing.

Tang Xiaotang stopped talking. She vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Zhuo, but Zhuo had always been a moody and picky person. She insisted on saying something wrong, as if she could not say it, as if it was no different from usual.

Zanqi went to assess the "interviewer" with tea and fruit products. Tang Xiaotang followed him with three or five bird officials, recorded the results of his assessment, and looked in from the window by the way.

In the first room, twelve girls sat or stood, all of whom were worried and did not talk to each other. After they went in with tea, they immediately rushed up and asked him if they knew when they would receive them. They did not answer at all. They put down the tray and stood by the door.

A girl tasted a sip of tea, showed a disgusted expression, and muttered, "It is said that Daze is the richest place. It's really contempt for treating guests with this inferior tea in the golden god tree."

Someone immediately sneered: "If it's nothing, just choose four. If you become an imperial concubine, why don't you go to heaven?"

The one in front of him was unconvinced and came back ironically. All the people in the room quarreled and pushed each other, cursing more and worse. He retreated silently.

In the second room, the girls may know each other and talk in a low voice. When they saw someone sending tea, a girl scolded them very rudely: "I'm almost thirsty to die. When I see Lord Zhuan, I will definitely let him punish you useless servants." The conceited feelings in the tone seemed to have already determined that the position of the imperial concubine was his own.

"Look at her..." The two well-known girls gathered together to whisper, and their faces were contemptuous.

In the third room, after Zhuanqi entered the door, a girl came up enthusiastically and gently to ask. Perhaps she had a good attitude. Zhuanqi replied that she just didn't know the details of pouring tea. The girl smiled and touched a silver ingot from her purse and stuffed it: "Little Thank you for your hard work. It's a little bit. I hope if you see Lord Zhuan, please say a few words for me.

Zhao neither agreed nor refused and took it over. The other girls looked at it and were not convinced. They scrambled to give him gold and silver jewelry one by one, and finally walked out with a large plate full of treasures.

In the fourth room, when she entered the door, she saw a beautiful fairy arrogantly copying her arms, raising her chin high, and looking contemptuously at another fairy who was slapped and fell to the ground by her.

"With your beauty and cultivation, how dare you come here to make a fool of yourself? Do you also deserve to share a room with me?" The fairy sitting on the ground did not look good. In the mocking words of the arrogant fairy, she covered half of her red face and sobbed in a low voice. Everyone else around her was either afraid or indignant or numb, and no one came forward to dissuade or comfort her.

In the fifth room, when a banshee saw the tea, she took the initiative to laugh and said, "There is something to drink. Sisters and sisters are thirsty, right?" Smiling, he took the tray in his hand, brought it to the table, and personally picked up the teapot to fill each cup with hot tea.

Her ten fingers are slender, and her nails are painted bright red with dan. With a slight bounce, the almost invisible powder falls into the cup from her nails, colorless and tasteless.

The sixth room...

The seventh room...

Looking at it one by one, even Tang Xiaotang can't help sighing. No wonder people say that it is easy to get priceless treasures and difficult to find a person. His status is noble, and there are indeed countless people who want to be his wife, but how many of them are really good, gentle and virtuous? Jealousy, arrogance, unscrupulous... All kinds of ugly faces of women were exposed in this blind date meeting. She felt very sad just by eavesdropping outside. She was in it, and I really don't know what it would be like.

By noon, Zhuan has successively assessed nearly 1,000 female demons, but none of them qualified. More than 3,000 people registered on the name book actually reached 2,711. By noon, nearly 100 people had died in fighting, and more than 300 people had been injured to varying degrees, and as many as 800 people had voluntarily abstained.

When the bird official came to report the situation, Shaohao, prisoner Niu, Zhuan was having dinner with Tang Xiaotang and his party. There was no joy or anger on his face, and the silence was terrible. Shaohao sighed slightly: "Ok, go down."

"I'm sorry... I didn't get things done..." Tang Xiaotang pulled the rice in the bowl guiltily.

A good blind date meeting turned into finding anger. I saw so many people in the morning, 90% of them were dark and had bad conduct. Fortunately, he was accidentally injured. Fortunately, he did not cause any serious consequences. Tang Xiaotang has helped so many people. For the first time, he tasted the bitter fruit of doing bad things with good intentions. Thinking of many photos of himself before, he couldn't say regret.

Shaohao smiled and comforted, "Miss Xiaotang is also kind-hearted. Who would have thought that they are all such people? Don't worry about it."

Zhujin poked her scalp with her chopsticks: "Isn't there still a thousand people? Maybe the good ones are all in the back. Those crooked melons and dates don't need to pay attention to them. They deserve to marry all their lives."

"Humans invented cans in 1810, but they didn't invent the can opener until 1858," Huang Qi held a bowl of fish soup and said slowly and leisurely, "Sometimes important things come late, and love is no exception."

The people at the dinner table were stunned when they heard this. They stopped their chopsticks and repeated in a low voice: "Important things will also come late..." "That's right! It doesn't matter if you are a bachelor. As long as the feelings are true and you eliminate the short and stupid, there will be latecomers!"

Tang Xiaotang almost choked into the trachea, and the prisoner asked doubtfully, "What is short and stupid?"

Whether it was a simple encouragement or pity for the same illness, after listening to his nonsense, he seemed to cheer up a little. After eating, he continued to be a tea brother and auditioned his future wife, and the others would do their own things.

The golden god tree in the afternoon is still lively. After lunch, the girls who have not yet received the assessment took their own number plates to the square to wait for admission. At this time, an unexpected woman came to the Golden Sky Tree and hid in a corner to peep carefully.

"How can there be so many people?" She looked at the crowd on the square with surprise, and there were many new dead ghosts, strangled by the soul and struggled and roared in mid-air.

What's going on in the golden god tree? So many banshee fairies and female ghosts gathered together. Shaohao chose the concubine?

"Hey!" She was slapped on the shoulder. She was shocked. Looking back, she saw a bird official holding a steel gun in his hand and shouting at herself, "What are you doing here? Hurry up and queue up!"

She hurriedly said, "No, I'm here..." "Don't talk nonsense and go over quickly."

Involutedly, he was chased to the end of a team of missing people, led by another bird officer, bypassing the complex tree corridor and sent to a room.

She counted a total of 11 women, three fairies, six banshees, and two who seemed to be mortals.

What on earth is this for? She was full of doubts and tried to talk to them to ask, but what she got was an impatient frown. Finally, she gave up and sat down in a chair and waited for the bird officer to let them go.

Wait, the girls in the room are getting more and more irritable. She is the only one who is restless, holding her hands and doting with her eyes closed.

"Isn't this girl so calm?" Suddenly heard someone asking, she raised her eyelids slightly, glanced at the woman in front of her absent-mindedly, and didn't say anything - there was nothing to say.

The fairy was ignored by her, and a flame burst from the bottom of her heart. Because there were too many people around her to look at it, it was inconvenient to show it, so she snorted coldly, looked at her, and said slowly, "I heard that Lord Zhuanyu chose a concubine, and her appearance is second. The most important thing is to be dignified and generous, like a girl. The clothes are exposed, and I don't like it. It doesn't look like the imperial concubine. Let's go back and pick it up neatly.

It turned out that it was not Shaohao's choice of concubine, but Zhuanqi. She had a clear understanding that the bird official probably regarded herself as a candidate, so she was chased here.

"Thank you for your kindness. My sister is afraid of the heat and always dresses coolly. She doesn't bother my sister." She bounced back lightly.

The fairy's eyes were cold and snorted: "I am a magnificent mountain god, thousands of miles under my jurisdiction. I am deeply valued by the three emperors and five emperors. I don't know what kind of master you are. How old are you? How old you are, how high you dare to call yourself a sister?"

Are these women in the Yangjian like this man? It's not in vain for me to come here once, but I have learned a lot. Thinking so, she was too lazy to open her eyes and said lightly, "I'm afraid it will scare you."

"You!" The fairy who claimed to be the god of Ziwei Mountain was so attacked by her and felt that she had no face. "How dare you talk to me like this!"