
201, make me die (red ticket plus update)

Zhan stood on the trestle beside the falling cloud platform and looked down at the chaos below.

His face and body were blood-stained, and his right hand was still slightly **, and his heart seemed to be empty to pour into the wind, and it seemed to be full of anger, burning little reason left.

I really took action.

At that moment, all they were thinking about "kill them" and "kill them", but they couldn't tolerate any other thoughts. Seeing them, they seemed to be ridiculed. Their eyes, expressions and every action seemed to convey a meaning - how close we are, how happy and sweet we are, and You...

You are just a humble poor man!

You are so humble that no one will pay attention to you. You are so humble that you have nothing but the title of five emperors. You are so humble that no one will love you and cares about you. You are so humble that you don't deserve love!

-But Gao Yang, you are different. You are different from everyone else.

In the long talk with my uncle a month ago, every word Shaohao said at that time seemed to still echo in my ear

- Your pain will always haunt you, and you can't be free. Although Pangu God handed over the heavy responsibility to Miss Xiaotang, it is a step late after all. She may be able to save me, your majesty, Xi and Wangshu, but she can't save you.

Yes, although she is the savior appointed by the Pangu god, she can resolve the kindness and hatred between the upper bodies, let Nuwa let go of the co-workers who have been chasing and killed for more than 3,000 years, let Fuxi safely entrust the kiss, let the bearded woman smile and close her eyes, let the sons of the dragon get rid of their nightmares and regain their laughter; even died. Zhujin can be snatched back by him from the hands of the ten halls of the king of Yan!

But... she can't save herself after all.

- I have never dared to tell you, but I'm afraid that you will lose hope and become more painful.

Shaohao's sad look when he said this made him feel so sad. His uncle and His Majesty Fuxi, they all knew the truth, but they always... refused to tell themselves!

- Thousands of years ago, when your majesty and I were tasting the piano in Taihao Palace, your majesty predicted the disaster of each of us. Over the next thousand years, what your majesty said have come true one by one. Xuanyuan is asleep, Yiqi is lost, the Fuxi temple collapsed, and your majesty himself has become a stone.

-Gaoyang, you are arrogant and empty-sighted. At the beginning, the disharmony with the work was the evil result you planted yourself. With your temperament, not to mention monsters and mortals, gods, and few of them can enter your eyes.

- Your disaster is a lonely life!

"Why...for what?" He muttered confusedly, "There are all evil and unscrupulous people in the world, and some people are willing to love them. Why..."

Why don't I deserve this sweet feeling? Why!

If heaven wants to sin against God, why not first sin against those unforgivable people?! They are the people who don't deserve to be loved and loved, aren't they?!

What if he is arrogant and arrogant? He has that capital! He is a descendant of Fuxi and one of the five emperors! In terms of appearance and ability, he is not inferior to anyone! He is qualified to look down on those mediocre ants on the ground, isn't he?

Why - why should he be deprived of the right to love!

The people in the square have been dispersed by the bird officials. After a good selection of concubines, they finally died without illness. They were all unsightly women. The only ones who could get into his eyes did not come to find him at all! Wheel Wang Youci... What she likes is actually that mortal boy!

Sad, ridiculous and angry! He is so proud that he can't compare with a smelly yellow-haired boy. Such a shame is enough to make this eyeless woman die 10,000 times!

"Ga!" The sound of the big eagle was approaching, and the airflow rolled up a gust of wind and rushed to his face. He was slightly distracted and saw the prisoner Niu and Shaohao sitting on the back of the white eagle and flying towards this side.

It's another pair of lovers who can't understand no matter how they look at it. One is deaf and blind, and the other can't do anything but play the piano and sing. They can be happy. Why can't they?

The change in my heart was shown on my face at all. It was an expression of almost hatred, madness and collapse. The more the prisoner Niu looked at it, the more frightened he became. He didn't know what had happened that could make Zhuan Yu look like this.

"Lord Ying! Why is there blood on you? What happened? The prisoner asked loudly.

Zhan raised his head arrogantly and was unwilling to answer.

The eagle fell on the trestle, and the prisoner cow helped Shaohao down to the ground. The action of holding hands once again stimulated him.

Every flawed, incomplete and even dirty person in the world can be happy, only by himself...

Thinking of this, anger is uncontrollable!


The opposite clapped his palm without warning, wrapped in a sharp palm wind, and cut the leaves on both sides to dance wildly all over the sky. The prisoner cow was shocked and was about to push Shaohao away, but he was stopped behind by his cross arms.

Shaohao raised his right hand and wiped it in the air, forming a golden spherical wall around him and the prisoner's cow. He slapped it fiercely and hit it. Instead, he was bounced off a few feet. His back hit the doorpost of Riyao Palace, spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

"Gao Yang, you are so disappointing to me!" Shaohao easily resolved the strength of his palm, and even a hairline was not damaged. His lightless eyes reflected the hard-to-holding ground climbing up. He said angrily, "At first, I was just worried, but now it seems that you have completely gone crazy!"

The prisoner Niu looked at the scene in front of him in consters. Zhuanqi's heart was shaken by the power of Shaohao's golden bell shield rebounding back. Every time he moved, the corners of his mouth kept overflowing out, dyeing the upper, skirt and floor red. But even if he suffered such a injury, there was no pain on his face, only crazy and crazy as if he wanted to put Shaohao, a close relative, to death.

Zang staggered to his feet, covered his heart with one hand, and sneered: "Are you crazy? Just because I'm different from you, I'm going crazy? I just did what I wanted to do, from your pride to disappointment?

When he saw the prisoner Niu reach out to hold Shaohao, he intended to convey these words to him, but even this little intimacy, in his eyes, was infinitely enlarged and turned into an unbearable thing.

"You can't feel my pain. You can only say some useless words. In fact, you don't know that you have laughed at me hundreds of times in your heart, do you?" Zhuo's expression was almost crazy. When he looked up and laughed, his voice was also particularly harsh. "You are all jealous of me, jealous of my excellence, and then pity me and pity me for my loneliness. You people are disgustingly hypocritical!"

Shaohao shouted, "Why don't you wake up!" Do you really want to be willing to degenerate?"

He laughed, half laughing and coughed with blood in his mouth. The prisoner cow couldn't bear to look at it and wanted to help him, but he was held tightly in the palm of Shaohao and couldn't pull it out.

"What if I'm willing to fall? Anyway, my pain will never end," he coughed up a mouthful of bloody phlegm, rolled his sleeve and wiped his mouth. He said coldly, "God abandons me, and I'd rather become a demon!" Then he raised his hair and laughed wildly. The real energy surged, and the sound spread for hundreds of miles, making the whole crown rustle.


"Lord Zhuo!"

In the shouts of Shaohao's prisoner cattle, Zhuan resolutely jumped down from the falling cloud platform, and the cloak of the king's robe unfolded against the wind and disappeared out of sight like eagle wings.

Shao sighed deeply: "The disaster is hard to escape..."

In the guest room, Zhujin and the four people who came to hear the news later worked together to save Youci's life. However, Zhu's palm used ten percent of the strength to take her life. Although she was lucky enough not to die, it was hard to say whether she could wake up or not.

Tang Xiaotang went to Hanzhong, and the first Wu couple went back to Ahui's hometown. The housekeeper gave her a bunch of healing drugs, which were used on people on the verge of death, but it had no effect.

"I didn't expect that the king of death would be in protection, alas..." The mocking wind was so tired that he sat in the chair and didn't remember it.

Negative took a sip of the tea handed over by the bird official and asked, "Although I have never seen the king of hell, I expect that their cultivation will not be too bad. Otherwise, how can I control those fierce ghosts in hell? Who will hurt her so seriously?"

Several people in the room are silent. Although Huang Qihui has not said a word since she entered the door, everyone can guess a little mystery - it is by no means an ordinary person who can seriously wound the king of the way. In this golden god tree, there are also Shaohao and Zhuanqi who can do it; and when Shaohao was with the prisoner cow at the time of the incident, the only suspicion fell on the head.

But why did Zhuanqi hurt Youci? No one knows the answer, and even Huang Qihui, who witnessed the incident, is difficult to say.

Tang Xiaotang attentively pounded Zhujin's back for a while, then took the shocking soup from the kitchen and came to Huang Qi: "Drink some hot soup and sleep for a while. Youci should be fine."

Huang Qi turned around and shook her head expressionlessly, holding Danfeng Chaoyang flute tightly in her hand.

Xiaoyue curled her lips and said, "Last time I came here, I saw Lord Zhuo strangely. When I saw others flirting with me, I couldn't wait to kill people. I think I couldn't help it this time. I regarded Master Huang and the Wheel King as little lovers who showed their love, and I was so angry that I started to kill them."

Tang Xiaotang quickly touched her and motioned her to stop saying anything stimulating Huang Qi's reply. Xiaoyue sighed.

"Mom, second father! Brother, they are coming!" The kiss ran in from outside the door.

Zhujin almost exploded his lungs: "Call your second father to chop you again!" He kissed and spit out his tongue, with a childish expression, and hid behind Tang Xiaotang.

Shaohao came in with the help of the prisoner cow. Everyone in the room hurriedly saluted. Shaohao waved his hand: "Don't be polite. How is that girl's injury?" Tang Xiaotang then told him about the situation, and the prisoner was shocked: "Is it the king of the same as the king who injured? What's this?

All three younger brothers looked at him with the expression of "You are not the first person to think so" and kissed him, "What if the people below know and rush up to ask for an explanation? How to explain it? Will they give up? If we have a better chance of winning against them, which side will we win? Lord Zhuo wooed..." Before he finished nagging, Tang Xiaotang had covered his mouth and pushed him aside.

Shaohao sat by the bed, with two fingers of Youci. He frowned and said, "Gao Yang couldn't think of such a big disaster for a moment. If the people in hell really want to go to the golden god tree to ask for an explanation, I really don't know what to do."

"What about others?" Zhujin stepped on the armrest of the chair and asked unhistfully.

Shaohao shook his head gently, and the prisoner Niu replied, "Lord Zhuan tried to attack us on the falling cloud platform, and then escaped."

Xiaoyue pouted and said, "I hope he won't run to do anything stupid again..." Before the words fell, the earthquake under her feet shook like an earthquake, screamed with fear, and hurriedly held her shoulder.

"What's going on!"

The tables and chairs in the room creaked, and the tea in the cup swayed left and right, spilling all over the table. Some of the bottles and cans on the Duobaoge were unstable and fell into pieces with a roar.

Mocking wind and kiss rushed out of the door to have a look, and saw a snow-white thing rushing out of a tree crown in the east, flying in the sky, and then a brown-red figure also flew out of the crown. The two disappeared in the air for a while.

The shock stopped, and the people in the room were shocked. The mocking wind came in with a ugly face and announced a worse news: "He let Su Daji go."