
TM: full of memories

Track05, full of memories

TV Animation [Beautiful Snow]TM

Lyrics: Amu Yizi

Composer: Suzukiギサブロー

Arranger: Mitsuo Ogita

Singing: H2O

cover:xia chuanみくに


[Open the old album, which is full of memories]

wu xie qiなxiao yanのxiaのri fuは、yaoかなメモリー

[The date marked under the innocent smile is already a distant memory]

shiはwu xianのつながりで、zhongわりをsiいもしないね

[The long river of time is endless, but I never thought that there would be an end]

shouにjieくyu zhouはxianりなくchengんで、junをbaoんでいた

[The boundless sky is clear at your fingertips, watching you]

da renの stageshengる、junはまだシンデレラさ

[Even if you step on the ladder of growth, Cinderella's dream in your heart will never go out]


[Still looking forward to one day in the future, someone will bring happiness to you]

shao nvだったといつのriかsiうshiがlaiるのさ

[The girl's feelings at that time will one day be infinitely missed]

キラリmu louれriのようなxuanしい、siいchuがいっぱい

[The shining brilliance that penetrates the treetops, and there are countless dazzling memories]

yi renだけheng xiangくji nian xie zhenだね、lianをmeng jianるころ

[Only you turned your head to commemorate the photo, recording the time when you were still looking forward to love]

xiao ziのjie duan jiangりる`xiao ziのxueシンデレラさ

[Even if you walk down the glass steps, you still leave Cinderella's crystal shoes fondly]

yongりchangでzuをzhiめて`shijiのyin qiにしている

[Please stop the dancing steps on the dance floor, the bell has rang at midnight]

shao nvだったとhuaiかしくzhenりxiangくriがあるのさ

[The girl's feelings at that time, one day you will also fall in love]

da renのjie duanshengる`junはまだシンデレラさ

[Even if you step on the ladder of growth, Cinderella's dream in your heart will never go out]


[Still looking forward to one day in the future, someone will bring happiness to you]

shao nvだったといつのriかsiうshiがlaiるのさ

[The girl's feelings at that time will one day be infinitely missed]

shao nvだったとhuaiかしくzhenりxiangくriがあるのさ

[The girl's feelings at that time, one day you will also fall in love]