Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 53: Mercenary Union (continued 4)

is still a few strokes. The word Yun Feiyang is very concise, but it is very clear.

The old man glanced at the clouds and saw the young man who wrote so fast and did not hesitate, then there are only two: First, he has a lot of planning and consideration for the establishment of the trade union, so that he can fill in the union information so quickly. Second, I have no idea, just have a fun mentality.

Seeing Yun Feiyang's first feeling, the old man felt that Yun Feiyang was not a simple person, and although Yun Feiyang's answer to whether to establish a union was unusually plain, he was unquestionable and firm.

So the old man believes that Yun Feiyang should be the first kind of person! However, when the old man received Yun Feiyang's union application form and saw the name of the union, he not only looked at Yun Feiyang meaningfully, but then he was stunned and looked at Yun Feiyang speechlessly.

Seeing the old man's gaffe, Lu Xiaodie took the union application form in the old man's hand and read it out gently.

"Trade Union Name: King of Fighters

Chairman of the trade union: Yun Feiyang

Trade union nationality: Heaven

The nature of the union: no

Trade union member: Yun Feiyang


The remaining options have no two words, as if they run through the whole application form from beginning to end. Lu Xiaodie understood what the old man was thinking, because she was also a little speechless.

Lu Xiaoyan didn't know anything. When she heard her sister read the name of the union, her eyes were already shining. Because she knows what it means.

"King of Fighters, King of Fighters, King of Fighters!" Although Lu Xiaodie was speechless about the information filled in by Yun Feiyang, as for the name of the union, let her know that at least one union belonging to the light attribute warrior has appeared! Although compared with other attributes, it is very different, but one day, the King of Fighters Union will also be named with rovers, dancers, diviners, clergy, and Asura!

Although it does not belong to the first category in medical treatment, Yun Feiyang's ambition can be seen from the name of the union. The old man looked at Yun Feiyang, but before he could speak, Yun Feiyang had handed over 50 gold coins.

The old man took over Yun Feiyang's coins, but still said with a smile, "50 gold coins are for the establishment of a union, and if you want to have the exclusive badge of the union, you have to pay 10 gold coins, and if you want to add members in the future, the badge is also 10 gold coins."

"So black!" Yun Feiyang was shocked and couldn't get his words back. I can figure out this mercenary union. It turns out that 50 gold coins are just a name, and the badge is one-fifth. No wonder the threshold for creating a union is so low!

"Brother Feiyang, can we join your union?" Lu Xiaoyan didn't dare to say anything without her sister. The little girl dared to say anything since she was a child, so of course she said what she thought directly.

Yun Feiyang's heart twitched, but he still said with a smile on the surface, "Of course it's okay. Brother Feiyang will invite you to be the vice president in the future!" Reaching out and taking out 30 gold coins from his arms again, and at this time, there were only 20 pieces left in the 100 gold coins given by Qin Yun, which had shrunk as much before Tianyun City came out!

The old man was not polite and took over the 30 gold coins in Yun Feiyang's hand again.

Yun Feiyang looked at the old man playing with the small instrument, like a magic array, with many special lines.

In a short time, three badges representing the King of Fighters Union took shape, similar to the mercenary badge, but there was a pair of punches flashing in the shining light.

"These are three badges of your union. This is your president's badge. Have you seen the word president above? And the information has also been entered into your badge. The old man explained the union badge for the three, and even the sisters did not know the use.

Because it is a light-attribute union, the whole badge is also all white as if it is transparent, and the magic is the same as the mercenary badge. Information is completely presented in your own mind, which can only be used by yourself, but others can't.

"The union badge can sense the position of union members. Look, the three points shown above are yours. The green dot represents yourself, the yellow dot indicates the union member, and the higher your status in the union, the greater the light will be.

The two sisters who heard the old man's explanation fiddled with the badge like playing with toys. Looking at one of the light, the light was the most shining, that is, the flying, that is, the president of the union. And my green dot is as big as my sister's yellow dot, and it is also extremely dim. This is the lowest-level union member.

"The lowest level of the trade union is D, so the sensitivity of the trade union badge is self-centered, and the 200 meters can be perceived. Level C can explore the position of 500 meters and belong to the members of their own union. Level B can find a radius of 1,000 meters, which belongs to the position of its own union members. Level A can find a radius of 2,000 meters, which belongs to the members of their own union. S-level can find a radius of 5,000 meters, which belongs to the position of its own union members.

So good, and this function! These 10 gold coins are really worth it. Now it is a D-level union, which can explore the range of 200 meters. Although it is a little small, it is still good. Yun Feiyang grasped it in his heart, and this wonderful use was not bad.

"Ye, thank you, Grandpa Hu."

"If there is anything else you don't understand, you can go to the lobby to have a look. There are not only the introduction of mercenaries and unions, but also the introduction and release information of the task. If there is anything else you don't understand, just ask me the old man."

"Okay, let's go there first. If there is anything you don't understand, ask Grandpa Liu." Yun Feiyang said goodbye to the old man and took the two sisters and the three of the union to the task release column to see what tasks can be taken over.

Yun Feiyang also thought that if there is a mission to go to the city of Tianlang County in the center of Tianlang County, he can go next and upgrade!

The task release column is made of water attribute combat skills, just like the water curtain, with many tasks on it, which is dazzling. For the introduction of the task and the mercenaries, Yun Feiyang doesn't want to see the introduction of the union upgrade, because the two sisters have basically made it clear, so there is no need to waste more time and spend more time on receiving the task, otherwise there will be no good tasks to pick up if they go late.

The task release column is also a sea of people. Many people look at the task and want to think about whether their strength can take over this task and how the reward of this task is.

"Lao San, I think this task is good,' Go to the outskirts of the Death Forest to catch the green cloud beast, a 1 gold coin. D-level task, unlimited level, unlimited time.

"You think it's easy to go to the forest of death. At the low level of our generals, if we meet a second-level or third-level warcraft and are ready to die, you don't know who will eat whom!"

As soon as you look at this task, you will know that it was released by the restaurant in Tianyun City. This kind of task is directly excluded and continue to check another task.

"Brother, look at this task. It has just been released, and the reward of the C-level mission has reached tens of thousands!" Take the head of the three villages of Qingyunzhai and get a bounty of 10,000 gold coins. C-level tasks, unlimited level, unlimited time!" A thief-browed guy nodded to the middle-aged man who looked like a big brother next to him.

"Ergouzi, do you want me to die!" The middle-aged man slapped him directly and scolded fiercely, "The three-zhai masters themselves are low-level warriors, and the two-zhai owners and bigzhai masters are both high-level warriors, and there are thousands of people below! This must be the task given by the owner of the three villages of Qingyunzhai.

The middle-aged man is also a shrewd man. He can see the specialness of this task at a glance and tell who released the task. As soon as this came out, it attracted many people's whispers, which also scared several fighters who didn't know Qingyunzhai. They almost picked up the people who had just picked up this task!

The task is good, and there are so many bonuses! Yun Feiyang looks very greedy, his hands are itchy, and it's time to be short of money in his trouser pockets, and he is even more short of money to buy those materials! However, time does not allow itself to do this. If you don't waste time, you will go straight to Qingyunzhai, but you are not afraid of the commander-level fighters, and you can't stand thousands of people. It is a waste of time to carefully explore the traces of these three village owners to see if there is any opportunity. At this time, Yun Feiyang is the most time short.

This task is also not good. Let it go. In despertable, I had no choice but to give up.