Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 57: Mercenary Union (Continued 8)

With his bloodthirsty eyes, he licked his dry lips, but the movements of his hands did not slow down a little, and his dry lips made words like death, trying to bring more complete despair to Yun Feiyang.

"Lianhua in the Wind" drank out like a thunderbolt like God's punishment, and was rotated by the big axe of the five snakes at a faster speed. Originally, it was still dense. At this time, even a trace of wind could not penetrate. Even the elements in the space here were full of earthy elements, and other elements were blindly arranged. Squeeze away.

The aura in the field is stronger, as if the volcano has completely erupted, uncontrollable, and the strong wind seems to tear the whole world apart.

The closer fighters with relatively low strength were directly pressured by this aura and flew out. When everyone saw such a scene, they quickly stepped back a few steps to avoid becoming the tragic person!

Lu Xiaoyan had already burst into tears and stood there completely weakly motionless. Instead of standing, she leaned against Feiya, otherwise she would have been soft to the ground long ago.

Although Lu Xiaodie is not unstable, her godless eyes show that she is already heartbroken, although she has only known Yun Feiyang for a few hours. But in Lu Xiaodie's heart, he has long regarded Yun Feiyang as a big brother and a person to follow all his life.

However, when he saw Yun Feiyang in deep danger, he was about to die, but he couldn't help at all. He was so useless. Lu Xiaodie fell into a deep self-reproach, as if Yun Feiyang's death was caused by her.

"If it weren't for me, and it weren't for me to save myself from the uncle of the first group of the Wild Wolf Union, then Feiyang would not have offended them, and he would not have encountered this situation and would not have died. It's all my fault... It's all my fault... Everything is my fault... Whoo..."

Lu Xiaodie, who is strong in appearance but extremely fragile in heart, had a little dependence on Yun Feiyang, so when Yun Feiyang established a trade union, he was extremely eager to join and join the union established by Yun Feiyang. When Yun Feiyang gave Lu Xiaoyang the only 20 gold coins for safekeeping, he was very moved and could get Yun Feiyang's trust, so he made a decision in his heart that he must take care of this union into the best union in the mainland. Lu Xiaodie was very sure of this in his heart. But now, the people I vowed to follow have encountered a crisis of life and death, but I don't have the ability to remedy it and have no ability to remedy it. Lu Xiaodie hates why she is not a combat fighter. If she has the opportunity to exchange her life for Yun Feiyang's life, then she can answer it directly without blinking her eyes or even having to go through the consideration of her brain. She can!

My heart is so gray, as if the whole world is collapsing, as if the sky is no longer there. At such a moment, Lu Xiaodie's heart is confused and regretful, as if all beliefs have completely collapsed and collapsed at this moment.

Like a helpless child who can't find the direction of home, he can only feel the cold and piercing feeling in the cold wind. The sky is so gray that the earth seems to have disappeared, and the soul can't find its home. It is lost in this space like a ghost.

"Flying is not dead yet, and he is still waiting for me to save him!"

"Yes, he's not dead yet. He's waiting for me to save him!"

"Wait for me to save him!"

"Go and save him!"

"Save him!"

It seems that the drowning man grabbed the last straw, the lost soul found its own world, the boat in the sea found a shelter from the wind, and the helpless child found his mother's embrace...

Lu Xiaodie found the only thing she could do at this time, which was to save Yun Feiyang's life at any cost, and did not hesitate to let herself fall into hell.

"But no power can't help the flying at all, can't help the flying!" Lu Xiaodie cried deeply in her heart, thinking that she did not have the strength to save Yun Feiyang, as if the hope of the previous moment had become a mirror, but it was fleeting and completely foam.

"No! No! Flying can't die! Can't die!" Lu Xiaodie shouted in his heart. No one knew what impression Yun Feiyang had left on Lu Xiaodie within a few hours, and even Lu Xiaodie himself did not know.

But when he saw Yun Feiyang facing the moment between life and death, and there was no hope of survival, this was the feeling of every mercenary, because even Lu Xiaodie also recognized this answer in his heart, although there seemed to be a belief in his heart that Yun Feiyang would not die and would not die.

"But this is just an extravagant hope, maybe..." After the madness, it was not terrible. The terrible was completely calm. Although the words were very light, there was still a trace of crying from the voice.

The inner struggle can't help Yun Feiyang at all. Lu Xiaodie, who is struggling in the hazy world of consciousness, is shouting, but in reality, her eyes are still empty. If you look carefully, you will see that the empty intention is wandering in the clarity and silence, ups and downs.

This is obviously Lu Xiaodie's inner struggle, getting hope and just a mirror of the ending, sometimes confused, sometimes clear.

"I want strength! I want strength!" A hazy and gray country, as lifeless as hell, full of emptiness. A crazy voice resounded through the sky, as if all the beliefs were in these words, and the country was broken...

is no longer hazy and gray, as if it has gone from hell to heaven. Countless light elves dance in the air, naughty and serious, and the opposite personality is reflected in these countless light elves, but they do not make anyone feel strange, but take it for granted.

Full of ancient atmosphere, as if the ancient horn has sounded, and countless light elves have sacrificed their lives and rushed into the bottomless and dark atmosphere in front of them, as if it were the most evil thing of time.

The first light element rushed in and disappeared in the world without even a flashing time, like a small and insignificant dust falling into the boundless sea, leaving the sea with no feeling at all.

The first light element is not enough for the bottomless abyss and is completely useless. But the second light element completely ignored this situation, as if the ancient horn was the general, and the light element was the soldier. The general's order was to be executed knowing that he would die!

The second light element also rushed into the abyss without any movement, as if ten thousand years of black ice could not be shaken.

The third light element...

The fourth light element.....

The fifth light element.....


Endless and countless light elements followed without stopping, continuing the instructions of the ancient horn, and countless light elements poured into the bottomless abyss, like a tide.

The light elements that can hover in the air not only decrease, but also become more and more, and the speed of influx is getting faster and faster...

Time seems to have become useless. At this moment, it seems that the Creator has stopped time and space, so I don't know how long this move has been.

It seems that it has been hundreds of years, but I feel that it is more than just, as if thousands of years are just passing clouds, and tens of thousands of years are just flowers in the moon mirror in the water...

Silent, as if the soul trembled at this moment, the root of the soul trembling is the bottomless abyss.

At this time, the abyss is no longer full of the most evil thing in the world, but the purest and purest substance, like a newborn baby.

is no longer a dark abyss, as if the brightest place in the world should be here.

The whole space was shaking, and Lu Xiaodie, who was shouting like a heartbreaking heart, also obviously felt the change and looked at the abyss with some doubts.

It glitters, and the root of the vibration is there. There is no need for Lu Xiaodie to enter, and the abyss is close at hand.


There was a muffled sound, and a huge book with countless lights flew up.

Lu Xiaodie stared at the huge heavenly book suspended in the air, and the proportion seemed to cover the whole space, as if it were the sky of this space.

The shining book of heaven can be seen from the huge two-character golden characters.
