Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 61: Who Wakes Up for Who

There are many shops on both sides of the street, and the afterglow sunset is lightly sprinkled on the red bricks and green tiles or the brightly-eyed pavilions, adding a little hazy and poetic to the prosperous evening scene of Tianyun City in front of you. Walking, there are Tang people's faces that are either pale, elegant, fresh, or sophisticated. The carriages and horses are sparkling and full of people. There are quite penetrating shouts from vendors not far away. Occasionally, there is a long hiss of horses. Yun Feiyang feels like being in a colorful and rich picture scroll. I can't help it. He stopped and looked at the blood-red remnant sun, and his complicated eyes wanted to see through this world.

The scenery is still the same, but people are alone, without the elf-like girl. Walking alone in Tianyun City, he looked at the city he first arrived in. Although it was only more than ten days, people were so special. It is always unforgettable for the first time. Maybe this is the last time I visit Tianyun City, so I look at the houses sadly and want to imprint them in my mind forever, hoping to have a chance to remember them when I get old.

Unconsciously, I passed through the noisy night market and came to the center of Tianyun City. The lights in a building are bright, but only the rough sound and the heroic clinker are only a day's rest, and the mercenaries who are about to go on a mission have already refreshed at home or spend more than a warm moment with their loved ones, so although the building is also brightly lit, there is only one less. A guest.

Beyond the curtain, there are singers playing the elegant and pleasant guqin. The sandalwood is soft, and the sound of the piano echoes in the hall. A group of brewers either knelt on the stool or simply sat directly on the floor, holding gorgeous wine in their hands and closing their eyes to listen to the sound of the piano. The people of Elvina mainland are so elegant that even these winemakers are no strangers. However, no one knows whether this elegant style is pretended to be.

Wandering and wandering leisurely, Yun Feiyang walked alone in the noisy Tianyun City and looked at the busy Tianyun people in front of him. He couldn't help but feel like a different world: as if he returned to the day when he had just arrived in Tianyun City and put down all the burdens and wandered with Qin Yun. Son, but those days may be gone forever.

From the other end of Tianyun Bridge to Qin Yun's house, there is more than half of Tianyun City. The more you go in the direction of the Qin family, the noise becomes smaller and quieter. Yun Feiyang stopped and unconsciously walked here as before.

Looking at the high wall, it is extremely cold and dim, without any light.

Yun Feiyang has a long-expected result, but he is still a little disappointed. Tomorrow is the day of the city owner's war. No matter who wins, it must be a bloody storm, so Qin Yun must have left Tianyun City early under the arrangement of Qin Tianzheng.

Yesterday's day cannot be left...

Yun Feiyang, who stood for a while, turned around and left the Qin Mansion and wandered alone in Tianyun City under the night light. Looking at the passers-by in a hurry, he was busy with a day's livelihood and couldn't stop at night. Yun Feiyang looked at the people in front of him, just like the lonely self in those years, running all day to fill his stomachs.

ruly on the busy street, and your feet are light. The cold moonlight sprinkled between the green tiles and red walls all over the eyes, the sudden flying eaves, the high flying shop signboard flag, the sparkling carriages and horses, the endless pedestrians, and the calm and comfortable smiling faces all reflect the mainland people's happiness in the prosperous times.

Whether it is the bustling city or the manor with high mountains and flowing water outside the city, they all have a dream-like brilliance, the lingering fragrance of dragons and snakes with poets, and the lingering laughter of drinkers.

The tired figures, but their faces are full of smiles. Maybe these are happiness for them. Satisfaction can lead to happiness. Although they are all the lowest people on the Elvina continent and can't even practice magic, they are the easiest people to be satisfied.

As long as a family can fill their stomachs, they will feel happy and happy. Although those high-ranking fighters and those with supreme power are the most difficult to satisfy, so they have never even felt happiness. They only know how to move towards the goal, but they don't know where the goal is.

A faint smile appeared on Yun Feiyang's face. In the past, like these people, as long as they could be satisfied with these things, they felt extremely happy. Even in the death forest, their greatest wish was just to be a small rich man.

But the reality does not allow itself to do so. My small wish is destined to be unattainable, and it is a delusion that can never be touched.

One by one, the shackles-like fans locked themselves and waited for themselves to unveil their mystery one by one. One after another, I have ambition to complete it. I am no longer myself, but I am more and more myself.

Yun Feiyang casually walked into a restaurant by the roadside and looked a little cool in the hotel. Without the usual mercenaries, the business was a little difficult to do. As Yun Feiyang walked in, a man dressed as a shopkeeper came over and warmly entertained Yun Feiyang.

Although he is only a 15-year-old teenager, that temperament is not what this ordinary sophomore can afford. So I didn't worry that I was actually older than Yun Feiyang, and I treated him warmly while calling my eldest brother.

Pick up this strong ale wine and taste it. For Yun Feiyang, this strong ale wine does not feel high concentration. For the warriors, these good wines are like the light boiled water. As long as they carry magic, they can completely untie the anesthetic caused by the alcohol.

So for higher warriors, these wines are lighter than boiled water. Therefore, for high-level warriors, it is more difficult to get drunk than to ascend to the sky.

Withdrawn these things, Yun Feiyang's idea turned back. The spicy feeling flowed through his throat, stimulating the stomach and making Yun Feiyang a little addicted to this feeling. No wonder these mercenaries who lick blood on the knife like to drink and eat beef. Those feelings can really make people feel different and relaxed.

The hazy night light shone on the cyan stone, and the reflected light made people a little hazy. He grabbed the beef in his hand and bit it with a big mouth. Then poured with the hot ale wine, and that kind of pleasure fascinated Yun Feiyang, who remembered the past.

I drank wheat wine by myself one night, and the first time I drank alone on the continent of Elvina, I was actually here.

The feeling of drinking is different from the stomach.

In a short time, the sky was already dawn, maybe...

As time flies, Yun Feiyang did not feel it. I don't know how much he has poured into his stomach, but Yun Feiyang has felt a hazy feeling.

"Maybe it's good to be drunk..." Yun Feiyang said confusedly and played drunk like a drunken man in a trance.

At this time, everything on the street was shrouded in the soft morning light, and the willow trees beside the road hung their heads and softly received the morning light; the straight poplar trees were like the stretched arms of a strong young man; the grass showed some faint green from the humidity. What a beautiful summer morning.

In the morning, the street is quiet. When the first ray of morning light shines through the mist, the street ushered in a warm morning.

In the morning, the street is quiet. When the first ray of morning light shined through the mist, the street ushered in a warm morning. At this time, everything in the street was shrouded in the soft morning light. The willow trees beside the road lowered their heads and gently accepted the morning light to take a shower.

The morning sun is quiet and elegant, without that kind of noise, which makes people feel calm and relaxed, and they feel that artistic conception.

The wet black soil seems to have the remnants of rose-colored morning light, and the lark's song falls all over the sky like a sudden rain.

The sun has just emerged from behind the top of the green mountain, and the warmth of its first few rays of light communicates with the coolness of the fading night, making people feel a sweet tiredness.

A new day, a new journey is about to begin...