Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 68: War (continued)

Like the silence before the storm, two meteorite warriors stood on the platform without any movement, just looking at their opponents from afar.

It is not that there is no attack, but that all parties are uniting their last blow to end this final battle.

The scene did not last long. Li Cang moved forward, and Li Cang's speed suddenly increased. In an instant, he reached Qin Tianzheng's side. Two big knives shining with flames waved down and stopped Qin Tianzheng and cut him.

The speed of Li Cang among the people was extremely fast, and he had disappeared in the blink of an eye. When he appeared again, Qin Tianzheng had been killed.

Before the stunned people recovered from this shock, they saw that Qin Tianzheng's body was gradually blurred. It turned out that it was just the shadow left by Li Cang who hit Qin Tianzheng.

Li Cang did not feel surprised by this phenomenon. If this is the real Qin Tianzheng, then Li Cang will feel surprised. With a knife, Li Cang moved under his feet, and his figure flashed 10 meters away from the ground. Just at the moment when Li Cang left, a head-sized copper bell hit Li Cang's original position fiercely, and the roar of the collision was endless, and a large hole 1 meter deep and 3 meters wide was left there, all showing the horror of this blow.

Li Cang's eyes condensed and immediately rose into the air. At the same time, Li Cang's feet, which rose into the air, exerted force and passed sideways.

Just in the moment when Li Cang completed this action, one of Li Cang's original positions also left horrible traces on the ground. When Li Cang turned sideways, a man's brain-sized copper bell told to rotate, with countless wind blades, even causing a roar in the air, along Li Cang's body flew over.

frowned. Although it passed Qin Tianzheng's attack, the wind blade brought by the high-speed rotation of the copper bell also stung Li Cang's skin, and his clothes were also ragged and looked extremely embarrassing.

Before Li Cang had any movement, the copper bell passing by Li Cang hit a spin behind Li Cang and slowly turned around, turning around at a faster speed and rushing to Li Cang.


Li Cang, who was stunned by Qin Tianzheng, was also annoyed. He hummed secretly and said fiercely in his hand. "Fireworks" Li Cang shouted loudly, and two big knives slashed quickly in the void.

In Li Cang's shouting, countless flame fireballs condensed from the tip of the knife, not one, but two, but countless flame fireballs rushed to the ushering copper bell. Countless flame bullets hit the copper bell. Although they only began to bounce away by the high-speed rotating copper bell, the closer it was, the closer it was to Li Cang. The speed and number of the flames are more, and the force hitting the copper bell is getting stronger and stronger.

"bang bang"

Like falling rain on the ground, the speed of the copper bell has been seriously affected, and the high-speed rotating copper bell has become motionless as if the power has been cut off. Under the impact of the last few hundred flame bombs, the copper bell was blown upside down by the flame bombs and crossed the sky.

After using this yellow-level middle-level combat skill, my magic has been reduced a lot, and there are less than one-third left, but Qin Tianzheng didn't even appear a shadow and wanted to consume my magic by this tactic. He is a wind warrior, and his speed is much faster than me, so it is impossible to chase him, which will only make my magic consume faster. It seems that he can only use a thunderbolt after forcing him to come out!

Seeing that Qin Tianzheng only commanded the bronze bell to fight without revealing his body, he quickly changed the direction in this platform, so that Li Cang could not find a position, so Li Cang only wanted to force Qin Tianzheng's figure first to kill him in one fell swoop. Li Cang thought of it.

Looking at Li Cang in the field, he couldn't find a direction at all, and everyone was talking about it...

"It seems that Li Cang has made a mistake. Now he has fallen into the wind. He hasn't even found Qin Tianzheng for a long time, and Qin Tianzheng, who is almost full of magic, consumes Li Cang's magic by consuming magic to maintain the speed of high-speed operation. It seems that this is a consumption battle.

And this is absolutely unfavorable for Li Cang! If Li Cang doesn't have a way to change such an ending, then it will definitely be Li Cang who will be defeated in the end!" The head of the Mo family looked at Li Cang, who was constantly avoiding the attack of Qin Tianzheng's weapon copper bell. He was extremely embarrassed, and sometimes he had to use his combat skills to fight against the bronze bell.

And Qin Tianzheng's purpose is to put Li Cang in a mess, and he is constantly forced to use combat skills to compete, and constantly consume magic, then Li Cang, who has no magic power, must be at an absolute disadvantage, that is, a sheep!

"Li Cang will definitely not admit defeat so easily. Even if he finally exhausts all his magic, he will take the opportunity to pull Qin Tianzheng, so Qin Tianzheng did not force Li Cang to be too tight, but just exhaust his magic step by step. In the end, Li Cang wants to die together, which is much less threatening." The head of the Wang family did not agree with the words of the head of the Mo family. Seeing that although Li Cang was still fighting at this time, in fact, Li Cang would not give up, so the head of the Wang family still looked solemnly at every change in the field.

"Well, any of you already understand Li Cang's nature, so according to Li Cang's nature. It's very difficult for him to be trapped in such a dilemma. It's easier to let the sun come out from the west. The head of the Huang family expressed his support for the words of the head of the Wang family and said a fact that everyone knew.

Hearing the Huang family head say this, the patriarch of each family stopped talking, because they really wanted to see how Li Cang would use to find this uncertain trace of Qin Tianzheng, which may appear in every corner of the platform.

"Haha, look at Li Cang, who was teased by Brother Qin and didn't know the direction at all. It seems that Brother Qin must win in the end. We should celebrate that Brother Qin can become the lord of Tianyun City, and with the leadership of Brother Qin, then Tianyun City must be bigger and bigger and will definitely recover. The prosperous situation of that year!" Zhao Wu, who saw Li Cang's embarrassed appearance, was extremely happy, as if he had seen Li Cang, who fell to beg for mercy, but was smashed into a meat pie by Qin Tianzheng's two copper bells. Zhao Wu, who was honest and straightforward, laughed and kept laughing at the embarrassed Li Cang.

However, Zhao Wen was not as optimistic as Zhao Wu. Zhao Wen, who knew the horror of meteorite warriors, knew that the death-ending compensation was the most terrible, so Qin Tianzheng adopted such a strategy to consume Li Cang's magic.

is that when he did not enter the meteorite realm before, Zhao Wendu has seen a variety of horrors describing meteorite warriors in the family's collection of books. It is easy to defeat warriors above the meteorite realm in the same class, but it is countless times more difficult to kill!

And since Zhao Wen entered the meteorite realm, he has become more aware of the horrors of the strong in the meteorite realm. Although he has read many books in the future, it is not as real as he experienced it himself, so Zhao Wen knows that such a battle can't end so quickly, and it can't be so soon. You can make that final conclusion.

Every battle that does not develop to the final result has the eternal variable rate, because everything is possible, and there is no chance of change at the end of the battle. Therefore, for Qin Tianzheng, the victory is not firmly in his hands at this time, so with careful thinking, Qin Tianzheng will adopt such a tactic against Li Cang to prevent him from fighting back before his death.

Almost every warrior in the same realm understands this truth, but for the warriors who are not in the meteorite realm, but the immersive warriors in a lower realm, such a battle is a little confused, but these warriors can still stand their own mood. After all, the warriors who are higher than their own realm is heaven. It is different from the earth, so these warriors can only watch carefully.

For ordinary people who are not warriors, this scene is doomed to Li Cang's defeat, so the boos come one after another. Although Li Cang in the scene can't hear it, he can completely feel the atmosphere when he looks outside the field.