Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 72: Changes

"I sit quietly in a white world, so I like a realm. Maybe it's like thousands of mountains and birds, and there are no trace of people. But there is a lonely boat in the bottom of his heart, fishing for the melancholy of the cold river snow alone! In fact, it is a mistake, and the mistake is lost in the paranoia of oneself! Wandering in a lonely island wilderness for a long time, alone welcoming the drifting of winter snow! I don't feel sad. Maybe I just like it!

Melancholy - never exists! I don't like it either! This is my true self!

Optimism - always so!

Calm - maybe it can be such a simple way to express the mood!

I like the style, so everything I express is different from it! Although it is not so absolute, you should definitely like it! Confident, never like to say it! Absolutely hypocritical, I can only say feeling! Therefore, it creates a kind of silent silence and makes it easier to express your simplicity and wisdom. Everything may only be in a smile. If you can see it, the only dimple is the answer, and the wrinkles on the forehead are deep thinking, right and wrong, without saying a word, but you have to understand! So I often sigh, the time goes by so fast, and I'm old, but everything has not changed anything in myself. The so-called change may also be just the cause of experience!

I am regarded as a kind of melancholy in a seemingly inexplicable realm! Some people have said that I am an actor on the stage and fantasize about touching beyond my reach. However, during the period when I was long, the artist's hat was always worn on my head. Perhaps at some moment, I am an old friend I have known, but I continue to look back frequently inexplicably. Perhaps, I know very well what I belong to. Sometimes it's like a wall that resists all the sunlight, and sometimes it's like a transparent and useless place to be seen through. Everything is absolutely so past, so I always like to choose to forget and even choose self-deflection, so that my thoughts can be simpler and create a calm mentality. Maybe I only like this!" It seems that the late hero is suing for the last battle song, and it seems that the person who suddenly wakes up is lost.

I completely ignored the enemy on the opposite side. Qin Tian was muttering to himself, sometimes like a light wind, and sometimes like a piercing cold wind.

It seems to sink into nature, although it is only close in front of you and can be seen at a glance. But Qin Tianzheng gives people the feeling that it is close to the end of the world, but it is close to the world, as if it is not in a space.

"The wind can make people feel light and calm people's hearts and comfort people's hearts; and the wind can also hurt people, and the cold wind makes people feel cold and piercing from the bottom of their hearts like a sword."

It seems that Qin Tianzheng, who was in a determined situation, completely ignored Li Cang in front of him and slowly closed his eyes, as if he had given up this decisive battle. Li Cang on the opposite saw that Qin Tianzheng had completely given up his defensive posture. He didn't know what Qin Tianzheng was thinking about or tempt him to go.

Li Cang, who didn't understand the situation, did not act rashly and kept his original posture tightly. What's more, Li Cang's magic core has no superfluous magic at all, so he saw that Qin Tianzheng did not attack and integrate his intention, so Li Cang seized the time to restore the magic in the magic core and then gave Qin Tianzheng a final blow.

Don't talk about what strange people outside the venue felt when they saw such a scene. At this time, Qin Tianzheng only felt that the wind elements were around him, and countless wind elements surrounded him like an ocean, surrounding him as the center.

As if I were part of the wind element, I felt their closeness to him, as if I were a family.

The body seems to be washed by the wind element, feeling extremely comfortable, and I used to feel that the existence of the wind element in the air has become clearer, as if I could touch it without any obstacles.

Seeing the cold and piercing wind blowing wildly, he became extremely gentle as soon as he touched it, but in the eyes of others, Qin Tianzheng seemed to be blown in the eye of the wind and ruthlessly destroyed.

However, Qin Tianzheng's feeling was completely different. He only felt that the gale he had encountered before felt a little tingling, but at this moment, he felt unusually gentle, as if he had become a family of wind elements.

The whole body became light. Just now, I felt the burning of the tinging fire element in my whole body, but at this time, I was swallowed up by the wind element, and there was no possibility of any remnant. Li Cang's fire attribute, which was tightly left in Qin Tianzheng's body, had been finished without any obstacles. All eliminated.

The magic in the magic core is getting purer and purer, and it feels like a green lotus that has come out of the mud. It is spotless and can't receive secular infection at all.

Qin Tianzheng, who originally used combat skills, has almost drained the magic in the magic core by that move. At this time, he felt that the wind element poured in and kept pouring in. Without any obstacles, he had reached the previous magic total. At this time, the wind element did not stagnate, but was faster. Influx in...