Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 76: Leaving

When you embark on a journey and walk alone, you know that I am so worried. Even if there are thousands of words in my heart, I can only stare deeply on you; I am so sad but won't say it.

Wave goodbye and set sail. What you can't forget is the rope of friendship you threw, which is invisibly firmly tied to my heart.

I am about to part. I sincerely wish you always be naive, innocent, happy and upward.

I said goodbye to you with a smile today, and I hope I will greet you with a smile.

Separation can weaken shallow feelings, but make deep feelings deeper. Just as the wind can blow out the candlelight, it will fan the fire more vigorously.

When you leave, I hope you can remember me. Don't ask whether the fickle world will remain the same tomorrow.

Farewell tomorrow morning, I hope the clouds and the sun will always accompany you to the distant world; flowers and green grass will follow your far future.

You are going on a long voyage tomorrow. Please remember that there is someone missing. Please put your thoughts on your chest. It will turn into your faith and strength and inspire you to overcome the storms.

You leave the image of the flowers, you leave the fragrance of the flowers, and you leave the hope of watering us together. Thinking of you, my years will always be bright and beautiful.

Life is a long way, and you and I meet and separate. Gathering is always short-lived, but separation is long-lasting. I only hope that each other's hearts can follow each other closely.

If I can, I would like to put everything in my heart into today's separation. But I can't! So, let's break up in silence! This is the silence of a volcano, which is better than saying goodbye!

I can't bear you leaving. "Goodbye" I wish you all the best, good health and happiness forever!

I don't know the taste of parting is so bleak. I don't know that saying goodbye is so strong. Only separation, let time forget this tacit understanding.

We had to separate and say goodbye softly. Thank you for giving me a deep friendship.

We hurriedly said goodbye and went to our respective distances. There were no words, let alone tears, only eternal thoughts and blessings, and made a deep resonance in each other's hearts

Looking at this letter, the thousand words in it made Yun Feiyang's heart unable to let go for a long time.

Walking on the streets of Tianyun City, passers-by can be said to have no, and Yun Feiyang had expected this result for a long time. People who have been in a coma for a long time may still be asleep at this time. They don't know what the final result will be. Maybe they don't care about the process. That kind of scene is better to see the result.

The past is as if it happened yesterday, and I have not forgotten it in my heart.

When you close your eyes, you can still imagine that you seem to have just come out of the death forest yesterday. After all the fantasy reaches Tianyun City, it is just some fantasy. You can't find the meaning of yourself on this continent or the slightest familiarity.

It seems that everything in the world is rejecting me. At that time, my confusion and ignorance have lost my way home like a child.

However, at that time, a pair of soft hands accompanied her through the dark and confused days, and it was her who spent it together.

And the world has changed. Now Yun Feiyang doesn't know where she has gone. The jumping girl is like the jumping little fish, but his heart can't stop here. So after this, I don't know how many years it is possible to meet... Maybe not...

Although it has passed through it, it has changed its meaning in Yun Feiyang's eyes because of the letter in his hand.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, and the afterglow sunset is lightly sprinkled on the red bricks and green tiles or the brightly-eyed pavilions, adding a little hazy and poetic to the prosperous evening scene of Tianyun City in front of you. Walking, there were Tang people's faces behind him, which were either pale, elegant, fresh, or sophisticated. The carriages and horses were sparkling and full of people. There was a penetrating shout not far away, and occasionally a long horse roar.

But it is just like an illusion. At this time, the shops on both sides have closed the door tightly, and the street is quiet and extremely lonely.

Unconsciously, I wandered through a journey under my feet, and a vivid scene appeared in my eyes like the prologue of a movie.

The eyes were a little hazy, and Yun Feiyang seemed to see himself and her here that day...

Yun Feiyang and Qin Yun casually walked into a restaurant by the roadside, drank a few pots of light wine, ate a plate of sauced beef that Tianyun people would never get tired of eating for a long time, silently knelt on the stool, and listened to the flirtation of some market ** of the winekeepers in the restaurant, and the vulgar singing of the inferior singers sitting on the table. , looking at the leisurely pedestrians outside the open door of the wine shop.

The mood gradually relaxed. In this strange and familiar continent of Elvina, in such an unknown winery, Yun Feiyang, the traveler, finally completed the "psychological transformation of crossing". He understands that he knows that he is helpless and excited. Whether he wants to or not, he has become a person in the continent of Elvina in a completely different time and space, just like the rude drinkers in this restaurant and the pedestrians walking on the street.

asked Xiao 2 to come with two bottles of ale wine. Qin Yun looked at it and just pouted to say that she would not drink it, but in the end, she couldn't help clinking glasses with Yun Feiyang. Come and drink, and change to listen to the gossip of people in the restaurant.

Yun Feiyang, who had been standing for a long time, shook his head helplessly and looked at the empty hotel, with a sign hanging in front of the door. Yun Feiyang knew that it had become a thing of the past, and it was just a memory in his heart.

Looking at this small shop, Yun Feiyang still remembers hearing a mercenary talking about what they had experienced when he was here that day. It can be said that Yun Feiyang was the most comfortable time in the world. He didn't need to think about anything at all. He was completely relieved by the burden of his whole body, all the ideals, just a pleasant feeling. Bits and pieces of these lives.

Maybe tomorrow today, I am in a corner far away from Tianyun City, and the scenery here may be the last time I can watch it.

Yun Feiyang muttered in his heart, where the person he first met was far away, and where his home was. Yun Feiyang didn't know and didn't want to know. Maybe I will spend my whole life running around.

What's more, I still have a lot of things to do, whether my parents are alive or dead, they have to find their news; and there are also the goals they want to achieve and the union they have established by themselves; there is also, that is, what they and Liu Feixue It doesn't matter!

Like riddles, you have to solve them by yourself, but these mysteries require strength to uncover them with your own hands!

Strength, only strength is the foundation of all problems!

Yun Feiyang is eager to improve his strength, but he also knows that he has only been promoted to the general level a few days ago, and there is no chance to make a breakthrough again soon! Therefore, we can only save again, and the battle between life and death is the foundation of the breakthrough.

Not only did he make a breakthrough between his previous life and death, but this time Yun Feiyang also saw that Qin Tianzheng had been trapped in the high level of the war king for 10 years, but also made a breakthrough in this life-and-death battle.

Let Yun Feiyang understand that only at the time of life and death can they experience that kind of sublimation, so the training of life and death is the fastest way to advance!

Yun Feiyang is looking forward to tomorrow's trip and whether he can make another breakthrough when he arrives at the City of Heaven this time.

For his own strength, Yun Feiyang still feels extremely weak. The national heroic war brings together all kinds of young heroes from all over the country. These people are not weak! If you want to stand out from these people and occupy a place, your strength is far from enough at this time!

The last time I visited Tianyun City, that inch of place brought me different feelings. When I arrived in human society, the first country was the Kingdom of Heaven, but I didn't have much feeling about it and had no sense of belonging. Everything was because I had never understood it.

The first city I arrived in was Tianyun City, which brought me a little familiar at this time, as if I was about to leave. It was a little sad to see this situation...