Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 78: Out of the City

Too many words also say that they don't know the mood at this time. Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, a strange feeling arises as if they are always telling themselves that this is unprecedented.

I thought that when I arrived at the gate, I could see many mercenaries gathering here to make a sea of people, but I didn't expect to see anyone at the gate except two or three people.

And most of them are people who enter the city rather than those who leave the city. When they leave the city, Yun Feiyang has heard the news of Qin Tianzheng on the road. When Qin Tianzheng, who was seriously injured, was about to call, the appearance of an old man changed Qin Tianzheng's fate.

This is the original words that Yun Feiyang heard, and who this mysterious old man suddenly appeared will not wait for Yun Feiyang to understand.

The first is that there is not enough time, and the second is that this mysterious old man's original intention is to be kind, so it is useless to investigate this problem now.

And Yun Feiyang also guessed the origin of this mysterious old man, but whether it is or not, Yun Feiyang actually doesn't know. Maybe it's just his speculation.

Therefore, the phenomenon of leaving the city less and entering the city more has been fully understood. The soldiers guarding the gate are all happy, and there is an endless stream of people coming. Everyone is a big bag, and some people and a carriage of things have been transported to Tianyun City.

Yun Feiyang has learned a little about this kind of business experience before. For a city that has been blocked for many years, it is just like an open city, and at this time, a big push of fresh things are transported to Tianyun City.

In such a large market, no businessman does not seize the time to make a big fortune, and Yun Feiyang firmly believes that this is the beginning, because there are many items and people far away from Tianyun City.

For this only city close to the Death Forest, not only the medicines and props needed by mercenaries, but also all kinds of adventurous fighters will come here.

After all, the Death Forest in the first area is not only a great wealth for mercenaries, but also a good opportunity to exercise between life and death.

When he saw so many people at that time, Yun Feiyang could imagine the grand scene of Tianyun City described by the old man at that time.

When he arrived at the gate, Yun Feiyang thought that he had misremembered the time and that the task had started or not yet arrived. However, when Yun Feiyang asked the soldier who was guarding the gate, unfortunately, the soldier gave Yun Feiyang an affirmative answer.

"Have they already set off? No way! What about Xiaodie and Xiaoyan? What a terrible thing it is that the president of a trade union has not arrived!" Yun Feiyang muttered to himself that he was almost crazy. He was late for the time he had agreed with his two sisters!

A young man, dressed like a domestic servant, saw Yun Feiyang scratching the long silver hair crazily there, and heard Yun Feiyang muttering to himself, his eyes lit up and hurried up.

"Senior, have you taken over the task of going to the City of Heaven?" After the young man dressed as a servant came up, he asked Yun Feiyang with great respect.

Although Yun Feiyang is younger than him, he is only a soldier-level middle-level man who has felt a little pressure from Yun Feiyang. Although he did not release his own aura, the magic occasionally leaked is not only a soldier-level fighter that can ignore.

When Yun Feiyang, who was still quite depressed, was thinking about how to remedy it, he was stunned when he heard this question and looked at a man who was as tall as himself but obviously more mature than himself two or three years old called himself a senior.

"Well... Yes, I was the mercenary who took on that task." After a glance, I instantly understood why this young man called himself a senior. For the Elvina continent, the strong are respected, no matter young or old, as long as you are strong enough, then you are a senior, a respectful title at this time.

After hearing Yun Feiyang affirm his reply, the servant-like young man continued, "Senior, I'm really sorry. My master is temporarily, so he has rushed to the city of Tianyu in advance, but the goods can't be taken, so this time the goods are in Tianyu City, 100 miles away from Tianyun City, and The mercenaries who took the task here had to rush there.

Before, many mercenaries have rushed to Tianyu City, and some can give up this task, but our master has ordered the mercenaries who don't want to go to give up the task and give 10 silver coins, so I'm sorry.

Then may I ask if the senior still accepts this task? If you still want to accept this task, you have to arrive at Tianyu City within three days, because we will leave on time in the morning of the fourth day.

If you accept this task, you can also accept a gold coin. If you don't accept it, you can receive the ten silver coins.

The young man told Yun Feiyang why it should be a crowded gate but without a man. Hearing this change, Yun Feiyang frowned and did not expect that he would take over the first task with so many dashes.

And his destination is the city of Tianyu, and Tianyu City is on its own way, so of course this task must be accepted.

"I accept this task." Yun Feiyang took out his mercenary badge and handed it to the young man, followed by the union president's badge.

The young man returned the two badges to Yun Feiyang after sensing one that was also a badge-like thing.

"Senior, I have deposited that gold coin in your mercenary badge. Please reach Tianyu City within three days. If you don't arrive, it will be a mission failure." He respectfully handed back the badge to Yun Feiyang and told Yun Feiyang the rules to follow.

"Well, I know." After listening to the young man's warning, Yun Feiyang prepared to rush to Tianyu City, which is a hundred miles away, the closest city to Tianyun City. And this unexpected change will not delay any trip of Yun Feiyang, which has been delayed for a long time in Tianyun City, so if it goes on like this, it will be too late.

Yun Feiyang, who was about to go, suddenly remembered something. After turning around and asking, "Have you just seen two girls come here to pick up the task? They are two sisters.

"Oh? The senior said that the little doctor fairy and her sister. They had already set out an hour before the senior came and rushed to the day language city. The young man who suddenly realized immediately told Yun Feiyang the whereabouts of the two sisters. As soon as he raised his head, he could not find Yun Feiyang's shadow at all.

Some blinking young man looked around. At this time, no one wanted to enter the gate, and there was only him and four soldiers guarding the gate.

"What about him?" Looking at the soldiers next to him, the young man asked blankly.

"The senior just now has left. Maybe he has gone to Tianyu City." Some uncertain soldiers also said that their strength was lower than that of young people, just the low-level strength of soldiers, so they were also a little dazzling just now. Although they had seen it, the speed like a phantom was completely in their eyes.

The young man looked at the distance, the path full of jungle, and there was no trace of clouds at all.

"It's worthy of being a senior. When will I have such strength?" After the young man didn't see anyone coming, he fixedly looked at the direction of Yun Feiyang and was full of longing.

In July, the blue sky, the sun hung like a fireball, and the clouds seemed to be burned by the sun and disappeared without a trace.

Spring has gone with the fallen flowers, and summer is full of green leaves jumping in the warm wind.

The early summer sun shines through the dense layers of branches and leaves, and the ground is covered with sparkling spots the size of copper coins.

The wind is blowing with slight warmth, sending the call of the buckoo from time to time, which tells us: "Spring has returned."

Green grass, reeds and red, white and purple wild flowers are steamed by a hot sun hanging high in the sky, and the air is full of sweet and drunken breath.

In early summer, all kinds of wild flowers bloom, red, purple, pink and yellow, like brilliant spots embroidered on a large green carpet; flocks of bees are busy among the flowers, sucking the stamens and flying around diligently.

In midsummer, it was so hot that even dragonflies only dared to fly against the shade of trees, as if they were afraid that the sun would hurt their wings.

There was no cloud or wind in the sky. There was a scorching sun overhead, and all the trees stood there sluggly and lazily.

The sun is like a big boss's fireball. The light is burning, the road is hot by the scorching sun, and the feet step down with a string of white smoke.

The weather is so sultry, and there is no thick air that seems to have condensed.

The whole city is like a burnt brick kiln, which makes people breathless. The dog lay on the ground and spit out its bright red tongue, and the mule horse's nostrils were particularly large.

The hot umbrella was high in the air, so hot that the fish in the river dared not come out of the water, and the birds did not dare to fly out of the mountains and forests. Even the dogs in the village just stretched out their tongues and gasped.

That day, it was so hot that I went crazy. As soon as the sun came out, the ground was already on fire, and some cloud-like and fog-like ash floated low in the air, making people feel suffoating.

It was a long-drought summer without rain. The hot sun made the old loach in the field turn white. The stream beside the village and the stream were lowered by a few inches, and the stones exposed on the surface of the water suddenly became bigger.

The birds don't know where they have hidden; the vegetation is drooping, as if they are dying; only those who know, they can't help screaming in the branches; they are really breaking gongs and drums cheering for the scorching sun!

The willow trees on the street seem to be sick, the leaves are dusty and rolling on the branches, and the branches do not move. There was a white light on the road, and the vendors did not dare to shout, and the plexiglass signboard in front of the store also seemed to have been sunburned.


The autumn rain hit them in the face. A pile of dark gray clouds pressed the earth low. It's late autumn, and the endless trees in the forest are bare. The old tree stands gloomyly, letting the brown moss cover the wrinkles on its body. The ruthless autumn stripped off their beautiful clothes, and they had to stand there bald.

Autumn comes with the sound of fallen leaves, and the morning is as fresh as dew. The sky emits a soft glow, clear and bleak, making people want to hear the singing of a high-flying lark, just like looking at the blue sea and thinking about seeing a white sail. The sunset is the wing of time, and when it escapes, it unfolds extremely gorgeously for a moment. So dusk.

What a bright autumn, here is no longer scorched earth and ashes. This is a prosperous land with tens of millions of mountain winds covering the red carpet. The red pine full of elastic skin is still alive, standing proudly on the high rocks. The sirens are jubilant in the valley and flying slowly in the rice fields.

When the sharp west wind brushes the sky higher and farther; when the hopeful child breaks the last southern flying geese; when the vast and boundless grass is shaken to wither yellow - at this time, it is autumn, which is the season of trees and leaves.

Looking at this scene, Yun Feiyang wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked at the distance. There seemed to be two blurred figures there. He took a breath and flew over again...