Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 106: When the ratio is in progress

Ye Ruoyun's little face turned red, and he couldn't wait to kick the two Feng Wen were saying that they were alive. They had won or lost on the court. Yun Feiyang had been paying attention to the field and saw that the disciple who made the knife split Huashan directly took off the sword of the sword disciple with a force, and then turned the knife horizontally and said, "Cheng concession..." But he directly believed that he had won.

In fact, it's almost the same. The weapon of the disciple of the sword is gone. Do you use a pair of flesh palms to fight with people? Now I have to hold my fist and salute" and then go down in frustration.

The knife disciple who passed the first level was very complaed and held his head high to talk with his familiar friends.

"How dare you use a long sword to set up a long knife? I don't know what this disciple thinks!" It was Yun Feiyang who shook his head and sighed. He originally wanted to find another apprentice to teach. At this time, when he saw this, he said to himself, "If it's all at this level, I'm afraid I'm going to die..."

Thinking of this, I suddenly turned my eyes to Long Meng, who was standing aside, and found that this man actually posed a horse step. His right hand seemed to be holding something flat. He learned that he practiced calligraphy with the clouds these days, and gradually made progress. At this time, he practiced these basic skills. In addition, the fight on the field can't lift his nature, so he simply practiced by himself.

Yun Feiyang saw that although he felt that this dragon dream was different from his own routine, his talent and perseverance were extraordinary: "If you don't want to be an apprentice under the door..."

While thinking about Ning Ruxue's chatty next to him, he attracted everyone's attention. Then he turned his head and saw that Feng Wenhan came on the stage.

"Ask Han, don't lose face!"

Ning Ruxue didn't pay much attention to Feng Wenhan. Ye Wen just glanced at the matter. The only ones who really paid attention to this fight were Yun Feiyang and Ye Ruoyun.

Ye Ruoyun is because this person was sent by her to Shushan. If her performance is too bad, it would be really humiliating. Later, others rose together: "How did this waste come to the Shushan School?" The man replied, "It was brought by Ye Ruoyun..." Isn't she also ashamed?

So she hopes that Feng Wenhan can compete more, not to mention that she can get the first place or something. She just wants to go through a round, which can also explain that she will be very satisfied if she can wander in the past.

Yun Feiyang always feels that although this boy is dull, he is simple-minded and quite well-in-behed. This kind of person may not be the best, but he will definitely achieve something. Because this kind of people are single-minded in practicing, they don't have so many twists and turns in their hearts. Even if they enter slowly at the beginning, their achievements are far greater than ordinary people because of the accumulation of time.

Thinking about whether Feng Wenhan would come up to surprise him, he saw Feng Wenhan's opponent salute him directly. Feng Wenhan was shocked when he saw the situation, and flashed in panic, and then rolled over with a very common but not very beautiful donkey.

This was unexpected by everyone, because although the Shushan School did not teach these foreign disciples any exquisite body skills, when practicing, this flashing kung fu would have the content of almost every set of martial arts, but there was very few kung fu to arrange this donkey, and there was no martial arts of the Shushan School.

The most fundamental reason is that this move is too shameful for ordinary people to use it. After all, martial arts practitioners have the best reputation. Who has seen a master who is good at making Lai Lv roll?

Feng Wenhan actually used it casually in a hurry, but he was simple-minded, but he didn't think how shameful this move was. He just felt that it would be good to flash that knife. Even the disciples around him laughed when they were stunned, and he didn't care at all.

Only the disciple who fought with Feng Wenhan smiled and said, "Brother Feng is really skilled!" He mocked Feng Wenhan for often using this shameful trick, but he didn't expect Feng Wenhan to smile: "Is that right? I just suddenly thought of this trick, which made my brother laugh!"

Most of the disciples of Shushan School are introduced at the same time, so it is difficult to distinguish who is the senior brother and who is the younger brother. Therefore, in addition to the entry, they usually determine the ranking of a brother by good or bad kung fu.

Although Feng Wenhan entered the entry early, it was not too late, several months earlier than the 50 disciples that followed, so as to occupy the name of this brother. However, the later disciples were used to the ranking of martial arts competition and didn't care, so they arrogantly felt that Feng Wenhan, the senior brother, did not live up to his name.

If Feng Wenhan calls himself a younger brother, they will not do anything else. How can Feng Wenhan know so many twists and turns? The man said to his brother, and he accepted it calmly. On the contrary, he made the disciple dissatisfied. His eyes flashed sharply and said in his heart, "I will definitely let you know the power of this stupid cow!"

The basic knife method of the Shushan School in his hand came out, and it was fierce. Although he did not greet the fatal place, even if he kept breaking his hands and feet, he would inevitably lie on the moon.

He found that all these movements were in the basic boxing style of the Shushan School, and there was no change at all. Yun Feiyang can't make the basic boxing method of the Shushan School so original, let alone fight with others?

But Feng Wenhan actually relied on this extremely original basic boxing method to dodge the other party's basic knife method, and even after adapting to the other party's knife moves, he still had enough strength to fight back.

"Brother, be careful, brother has made a move!"

In his spare time, this reminder made the audience change their faces. These people all know how fierce the five tigers' broken door knives are. If they are called to fight against them, it is already the limit to be able to barely fight. How can they take time to talk?

What's more, Feng Wenhan actually reminded the other party to fight back "...

"Is he really an idiot?"

Originally, Feng Wenhan was a kind reminder, but he didn't want to scare the opposite person. When the knife disciple saw that he tried his best, he still couldn't help this stupid cow. He even took time to say that he was going to fight back. At this moment, he was shocked, and his knife method was also messy. It seemed fierce, but it was full of flaws. Out.

Feng Wenhan wanted to make a move, but suddenly saw that his younger brother actually made a mess. He didn't know why. He immediately jumped back and jumped out of the other party's long knife, and then said, "Why did you panic? I'll wait for you. Let's continue to compare when you get better...


This time is even more deadly, and all the disciples around are talking about it, but the most is still one sentence: "It's really a stupid cow!"

Even Ye Ruoyun couldn't sit aside and jumped and scolded: "Are you an idiot? He messed up just now. Why don't you just beat him down? Where did you get so much nonsense?"

Feng Wenhan was puzzled and asked, "Isn't it a comparison? Naturally, you have to fight with dignity!"

He was cold, but he stood in the ring, and it was really outrageous to rush in. The key was that Yun Feiyang sat aside and suffered several losses. She really didn't dare to come around.

In addition, what Feng Wenhan said was indeed reasonable, and she could not say anything to refute for a moment. After such a delay, the disciple of the knife has calmed down and no longer despised him. He said to Feng Wenhan, "Thank you for your modesty. This time, I will ask you to make a move first!" Shushan School's most important thing to recruit disciples this time. Some of them will be thrown out of the mountain gate immediately as soon as they run up the mountain. Only some modest and polite talents I was able to worship the entry school.

Therefore, although the disciples are ranked by martial arts competition, they are not as chaotic as the stars in a novel. Previously, Feng Wenhan was looked down on because the young people were too arrogant. It's not that they had any bad thoughts, as long as they had a little guidance. This is also the reason why Yun Feiyang did not directly stop the test, because although the disciple took a fierce action, most of it was because of this knife method. In addition, he deliberately avoided the key points during his moves, which showed that he was still a little measured. He just didn't make a sound and watched quietly.

Now that I have calmed down and heard Feng Wenhan's words, I have understood what I have done wrong. This modesty is a little to compensate Feng Wenhan.

Feng Wenhan was also a straightforward person. He was not humble when he heard the words. He just nodded: "Then I'm coming, brother, be careful!" The man also raised his long knife and said, "Please give me some advice..."