Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 121: The Road to the Peak

Yu Wendi knew how to seize the power, but Li Ming had no guidance, but he could figure it out more or less. He glanced at Yu Wendi and said, "Are you sure you want to fight with me? Just the two of us?"

"What, are you afraid?" Yu Wendi snorted coldly, "If you know you are afraid, bow your head and apologize to me. I can consider forgiving you."

"You don't deserve me to bow my head." Li Ming walked to his horn, pulled out his double-edged axe from the burden on his back, carried a person, and secretly threw the last tiger pill into his mouth and swallowed it. Then he took the axe and walked to the empty place, "Come on."

Yu Wendi stretched out his hand and his servants handed over his sword. The long sword came out of its sheath and the cold light flashed. This was a magic soldier with short hair. It was purchased by the Yuwen family who deliberately spent a lot of money for him in order to make Yu Wendi could be successfully selected as a member of the Wuwei faction.

Yu Wendi shook the long sword in his hand and stabbed at Li Ming's chest. Li Ming dodged to the left. Yu Wendi was originally a false move. When Li Ming shook, he quickly judged the direction of Li Ming's dodging, and the long sword took the opportunity to cut towards Li Ming.

Li Ming took his feet as the axis, turned around and approached Yu Wendi in the direction of the long sword. Yu Wendi jumped back with his feet and opened the distance between him and Li Ming.

Seeing that he could not bully Yu Wendi, Li Ming had to wied the double-edged axe in his hand. The double-edged axe that cost Li Ming 500 taels of silver was really miserable. Yu Wendi almost laughed when he saw it. Even if the broken double-edged axe was given to him for nothing, he would be embarrassed. With a trace of disdain, Yu Wendi shook his wrist, brushed his long sword, and touched the axe blade of the double-edged axe, which suddenly added a thick finger gap on Li Ming's double-edged axe.

Li Ming's double-edged axe is a failed work, that is, its sharpness can be compared with ordinary magic soldiers, but there is no way to compare with the real magic sword in Yu Wendi's hand.

Li Ming almost died of distress. This was bought by him, and he was still a great hero who killed the peony fairy. He still wants to use it for another three or five years. How long will it take? Another heavy scar has been added.

Yu Wendi is not powerful, and his sword is like a flower. Every move is not far from the weakness of the double-edged axe. If Li Ming changes his move, he will greet Li Ming's wrist. If he really pierces Li Ming's wrist, he will break Li Ming's wrist.

"Brother Yuwen, maybe it's not me taking care of Yu Wenxian's nephew in the future, but Yu Wenxian's nephew wants to take care of me." Xu Boda laughed.

"From the perspective of Brother Xu, who can laugh to the end of my nephew's competition with Brother Li?" Yu Wenxin also wanted to listen to two words of flattery. In his opinion, with the benefits of divine soldiers, Yu Wendi has been instructed by famous teachers. It is really easy to win the unknown Li Ming.

Before Fang Zixin finished speaking, the situation on the field suddenly changed greatly. Li Ming seized an opportunity and slapped the axe of the double-edged axe on the sword in Yu Wendi's hand. The long sword has the advantage of a divine soldier and suddenly pierced the double-edged axe. At this time, the double-edged axe was put on the long sword. Li Ming wanted this effect. He used his hand and swished the double-edged axe out.

Li Ming's own strength was strong, and he swallowed another Huli pill, and his strength soared. In addition, Yu Wendi was unprepared in advance. He didn't expect Li Ming to come to this hand and immediately said. He couldn't hold the sword in his hand. Under his hand, the sword flew out with the double-edged axe.

"My sword..." Yu Wendi exclaimed. His inexperience was vividly reflected in this exclamation. His comparison with Li Ming was not over, and the sword was robbed. His attention should be focused on Li Ming.

At this time, the role was changed, and Li Ming rushed forward, waved his sand bowl fist and punched Yu Wendi's nose...

All of a sudden, the audience was silent, and everyone did not expect that Yu Wendi, as the chief disciple of the inaction faction, would be defeated by an unknown inner disciple.

"Good! Brother Li's white hand is good!" Others have nothing to say and dare not dare to speak, but it does not mean that as the second disciple of the inaction faction, Meng is speechless and dares not speak.

The sharp blade of the magic soldier in his hand had not been taken. Li Ming heard the sound of Meng Wuyu, and the magic soldier in his hand almost fell to the ground. He smiled bitterly and thought that if he hadn't eaten a Huli pill first, it would have increased his strength and internal strength. And although he is a big brother, he doesn't win with his own strength and the magic soldiers in his hand. Today, he happened to take away his magic soldiers, so Yu Wendi is a toothless tiger!

Although Li Ming is just a first-class martial artist, his eyesight is still good. The second sister in the sect is the real chief disciple, but she has a light nature and did not compete with Yu Wendi for this position. Otherwise, Yu Wendi will definitely not be able to do three moves in Meng Wuyu's hand!

So at this time, Li Ming felt a little ashamed when he heard Meng's speechless cry.

And this is just an episode of one of the sects going to Tianjue Peak. Tianjue Sword not only depends on the quality of the disciples of a sect, but also an important moment in the ranking of a sect, because he is competing for the top strength.

People have three souls and seven souls.

The three souls are the soul of heaven, the soul of life, and the soul of earth. The two souls of heaven and earth are outside, and only the soul lives alone.

After the death of mortals, not all souls are dissipated, but the first thing to lose is the soul for life. The soul of life is the name of a life, the life of the master. Seven days later, another soul will be lost. After seven or forty-nine days, the soul and seven souls have disappeared.

If the person is less than one year after death, that is to say, the soul of heaven and earth are still there. And some Taoist ghosts have learned the art of ghosts and immortals, and can also protect their souls.

If all three souls and seven souls disappear, those in the underworld will enter the place of reincarnation, and those in the Yang world will never be born.

I don't know why these fierce ghosts only know how to fight to the death. Long Haotian was very surprised. People all want to survive in the world. Do they want to live forever?

You should know that the spirit in Longhao's celestial body is the nemesis of the ghost clan. As long as Long Haotian pours the spirit of clear spirit on them, these fierce ghosts may turn into floating clouds in the sky, which will never be born.

"Humph, little miscellaneous hair, kill if you want, and still pretend to benevolence in it."

The female ghost in white has a pale face and no trace of blood. Although he was injured by the "questioning sword", he still held on.

"This little Taoist priest, all this is because of me. I asked Sister Cher to avenge me. If you want to kill me, kill me."

Shortly after the death of the female ghost in red, although she was a fierce ghost, she was only more powerful than ordinary ghosts. After all, there is not much practice, and the skill is the worst. Seeing that all the sisters were injured because of her, and now because of her, she may be refined by the pather, so that she will not be born. My heart is sore, that's all. Just think that my life is suffering. What a big revenge, I won't repay it.


What kind of revenge? Long Haotian doesn't know that these fierce ghosts are here to revenge.

"This is how it is..."

The female ghost in red saw that the Taoist priest obviously did not know what had happened, and that he was not a ghost-catching person, and there might be some turning point. I was overjoyed, so I gave the story to Long Haotian one by one.

"I didn't expect that the boy of the Jiao family was so lawless."

Long Haotian sighed that such a tragedy happened in the world. Although Long Haotian has been reading for many years, some human sufferings are also recorded in the book. However, Xiaolong Haotian was born in Chang'an Village. When he entered the Shinxiao Road, he had not experienced a human disaster. Although the whole village was killed by the snake demon, this was a natural disaster, not **, and Long Haotian did not hate others.

"Yes, all the sisters also see that I am weak and helpless. Little Taoist priest, just let us go."

"It's not impossible to let you go, but my Shenxiao Taoist school is entrusted by the Jiao family, and I can't believe it without words. You must make a vow not to embarrass your family again. People have humanity, ghosts have ghosts, and they can't reverse yin and yang. As for the little man of the Jiao family who does all kinds of evil, he has his own law. As for him, you should never come to the world again.

These fierce ghosts are not all evil people, and Long Haotian doesn't want to kill them.